tv France 24 LINKTV November 9, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PST
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weedkillertroversial glyphosate back in the headlines. stateste today, eu failed to agree on how to renew it. also coming up, barack obama gets called in for jury duty. more on the crazy scenes in chicago on the way. in business, an 18th-century capital is up for sale after decades of restoration by her admirer. that is coming up, but first, our top story live from paris. jeannie: donald trump is on day two of his china trip. he and the chinese president xi jinping have been focusing on the nuclclear crisis s from norh korea and trade.
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the business wraps up with a state dinner tonight. for more now, i am joined live.. it seems like president trump wanted to give the image that their leaders are on the same page. is that really what is happening there today? yes, in front of the cameras, the press, both leaders wanted to say they are ironed out there differences and had fruitful talks. hadident trump said he great chemistry and tweeted he had been very helpful. i'm sorry, go ahead. virgine: however, while washington wants china to be firmer on north korea, xi jinping said he would have
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talks. this is not what washington wants. washington wants beijing to cut commercial ties with pyongyang, and it is not clear what beijing is going to do in the next week or so on north korea. on trade, the same thing -- donald trump, very harsh words for china, the trade surplus, but it remains to be seen why china will do exactly in the following weeks to cut the trade surplus. so, not very many concrete actions out of beijing. has lookedi jinping to come out the stronger of the two from these talks, there were issueses that did not, on the table at all, like human rights, for example. genie: xi jinping really imposed his agagenda from beginning to d . he has been reinvested as party leader. he has amassed a tremendous amount of power, and he wants to show the world that yes, china
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is a world leader on par with the united states. no mention of human rights, no mention of press freedom, no mention of militarization on the china sea, and for the first time in decades, journalists were not allowed to ask donald trump any questions. this is the very first time the u.s. president is not taking instions from journalists china, and russia said this is because of pressure from china, so xi jinping really mastered the agenda from beginning to end. genie: thank you for that. overseas aid minister priti patel resigned wednesday. she stepped down after unauthorized meetings in israel, and is the second and latest cabinet members to before stop by scandals that have rocked the government of theresa may. it's go to benedict in london.
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this is the latest scandal. this one almost came -- became a national sport with thousands of people following what happened. >> yes, what you are referring to there is the 25,000 people that tracked by a particularar website, flights across the world -- the flights of priti patel, the ex-secretary who was in africa on official business, who had only gone there 24 hours before. she was summoned by her boss, theresa may for her second dressing down, and this time, effectively, although she thegned after 25 minutes, prprime minister was sacked, tod to quit the government. that is because priti patel was in israel on holiday, allegedly, but it turns out had 12 or more
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meetings with israeli officials, among whom, the prime minister, benjamin in yahoo!, and did not -- benjamin netanyahu, and did not tell her boss, giving her prior warning. it is serious because it means a british cabinet minister was there doing, effectively, official business in a freelance capacity with no civil servants to take notes and also advise her, and remind her, if need be, on british, u.k. policy. she apparently went to the -- heights which are not recognized by the united kingdom. this all transpired initially because of a journalist here who broke the story last friday and then evolved into the saga, and effectively a resignation, a priti patel.night
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lose one-- lose -- to minister in a week, but to lose two is very problematic, not to say very worrying. the previous one, you'll remember, was the secretary of state for defense. a lot of rumors swirling around. who will replace priti patel? important, loyalty to the prime minister, or competence and skill? genie: one thing that is clear, this certainly does not strengthen the position of prime minister theresa may at the moment, particularly in regards to the brexit negotiations. benedicte: indeed. the sixth round of negotiations very short at a crucial time when britain needs the green light at the december summit, which effectively means within the next two weeks, because there are 27 other people in
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that club, that european union, who are firmly in the union, as opposed to the united kingdom -- let's number, the first member of the eu who has chosen, because of an eu referendum to leave the european union. those talks need to really make quick progress as the top eu negotiator m made very c clear a twitter yesterday. there needs to be real progress for that green light to be given in order for the second phase, very much wanted and needed by the united kingdom, about future trade talks, and the eu very worried -- who is in charge of the u.k. government. how strong and stable? in june, shened failed to get the all right majority. who is in charge, and how long with -- will theresa may still be u.k. prime minister? genie: thank you.
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in other european news, eu states havave failed to o agreea new five-year license for the controversial weed killer glyphosate. it was reduced to five in the face of opposition from environmental advocates. france is one of glyphosate's main u users, but the french government has been one of its strongest critics. happened, let's bring in our correspondent. the licensnse for glyphosate rus out in december. tell us what would happen now. >> it does, indeed. that is the question everyone has been asking today -- ultimately a final decision could live with the european commission, but first and foremost an appeals commission would be set up at the end of november. they are set up within the european commission when eu member states fail to make a
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decision. it gives them a second form to have another discussion chaired by the european commission and made up by the eu member states. they will be looking at the same proposal. i spoke to officials that have an working close unclassified -- on glyphosate, and they believe it is likely to fail at the end of november. members that abstained today or rejected can be convinced, perhapaps. that is where we have seen the strength of john caught -- unker, but the thing is many eu governments are stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to ruling on glyphosate because i have such massive lobbies coming from the farm side and of course, the ngo side, but john caught -- shown junker did call for a
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total ban of advice 2022, something that has been welcomed by the greek political party here in brussels. genie: focus more through the reaction inn brussels s from ths decision or this non-decision, if you like. meabh: as you can imagine, people here in brussels are very familiar with this glyphosate debate, and time and time again that have been protesters in the eu corridor, mainly from the ngo 's, but we have seen from the farm lobby representation that they are deeply disappointed with today's decision or non-decision. they say today the eu has been turning its back on scientists, because they redirect -- reiterate two reports by the chemical agency and the medicines agency that both ruled they believe glyphosate was perfectly safe. they believe that farmers from
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stockholm to lisbon are reliant 100% on glyphosate and all this nondecision would do would be to create uncerertainty. greenpeace on the e other hand e worried. they have had a campaign held , and there were the final decision might be in the hands of the european commission, and they believe that means there will be some sort of renewal of some kind. , babacking total ban with the eururopean parliaiament called for, and they raised the european citizens commission with signatures that have been signed, calling and lobbying eu institutions for a full ban. genie: we are hearing that the french environment minister has said he is proud that fred stood strong against brussels in the
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glyphosate debate. the very last islamic state stronghold in syria and iraq has been recaptured. a syrian army commander says the army and its allies led by lebanon's hezbollah captured the town. that brings the caliphate close to complete downfall. forces meetd iraqi near the town, with the final stages of the fight against islamic state group. syrian state media is reporting that the town has been recaptured. the london-based monitoring group, the syrian observatory for human rights has stated that fighting p persists in the town. hezbollah forces are believed to have formed a large part of the offensive, along with pro-government syrian troops. also joining the fight were
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fighters. taking aboard a town would all and to the islamic state caliphate, but the group is poised to pose a threat with the use of targeted suicide bombings. mean annot necessarily end to conflict, including the volatile regions currently controlled by forces. vowed to regain control from the largely kurdish rebel fighters. genie: speaking earlier today from abu dhabi, the french president was more cautious. faceid the i.s. group does defeat within months, but warned
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the battle against militants would go on. , and have regained raqqa in the coming weeks and months, i firmly believe -- i firmly believe we can complete our three in iraq and syria. genie: next to chicago for something clearly different. barack obama might be a former u.s. president, but that does not keep him from getting called up for jury duty. he showed up only to hear the words most prospective jurors pray for -- you are dismissed. the 44th president did get a perspective jurors experience, sitting through a decades-old video where lester holt explains the ins and outs of jury duty. obama is not eligible to receive $17.20, the daily rate of pay for performing that civic duty. a spokesperson for the former president said he would donate
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it to the county. you're watching france 24. let's look at the headlines. current u.s. president donald trump in china for talks on trade and north korea. beijing said it would try to rein in pyongyang's nuclear ambitions through dialogue. british prime minister theresa may muses a second minister. overseas aid minister priti over quit in scandal visits to israel. glyphosate is back in the spotlight. its current license expires next month. but enable today, eu leaders fail to agree. time for our business update. you are going to start with our top story, which is donald trump, who has been talking business with his chinese counterpart. president trump has routinely slammed china's trade practices,
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calling them a currency manipulator, but this time he is taking home some lucratitive business deals worth one quarter of a trillion dollars. ryan quinn has the details. beijing -- bigin business in beijing. announced a deal potentially worth as much as 250 billion u.s. dollars. they -- mr. trump the knot estate is committed to providing a -- mr. trump: the united states is committed to providing a level playing field for our workforce, and looking at the tremendous job creating agreements signed by those major companies, we are off to a very, very good start. announcedar the deals include china investing 84 billion dollars into shell gas and chemical manufacturing in
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west virginia, and $43 billion for a gas pipeline that could create 12,000 american jobs. in addition, boeing inked commitments from the aviation industry for 300 jets. u.s. chipmaker qualcomm signed agreements to sell $12 billion of semi conductors to three chinese firms. the deals are helping to smooth over trump's frequent criticism of the trade deficit, valued at $350 billion per year. president xi says his company will continue to open up for foreign business. president xi: the investment environment for foreign companies, including those from the u.s., will be more open, more standardized, and more transparent. many of the deals -- ryan: many of the deals signed are non- binding with many in progress before the current visit. secretary of state rex tillerson
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called the traitor, schmidt pretty small, saying -- called the trade accomplishments pretty small, saying "there is still a lot of work to do." yuka: the trumpet ministration has hit cuba with new measures. itthe government has made tougher for u.s. citizens --yuka: the government has made it tougher for u.s. citizens to visit cuba and it includes a ban on businesses with cuban entities and hotels. the white house says the aim is to prevent the havana government from benefiting from u.s. money. the head of u.s. relations say the measures would hurt u.s. interests, too. >> these measures won't only the cubandamage economy, state and nonstate sectors. they will also have effect on
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u.s. companies that will lose interesting opportunities for business that exist in cuba on their own merit. genie: we have a talking about this -- in europe, the sixth round of brexit talks are getting underway. while negotiators are making little progress, the private sector seems like it could have some opportunities. yuka: some are gearing up for a postst right exit -- post brexit exit. the head of a banking lobby said he expects 25,000 financial jobs to disappear in london, and he wants to make sure at least half of them come to his city. jobs away, taking but those jobs are not remaining here. i think they will have to go anyway. it is not me taking them away. it is me directing them to frankfurt as they go away anyway. genie: let's check in on the
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stock markets not. a week trading day in. europe in london, shares of trenchcoat maker burglary plunged 10% after the company burberry plunged 10%. agree sales -- sales to for weed killer glyphosate. not too many people are driverless cars or u unmanned cars, ifif you li, and a new role that shut up --robot shot of off to a bumpy start. yuka: to self driving car had a minor crash two hours after it made its debut, but policece say the human behind the wheel of the truck was at fault. the sensors worked, and it did
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stop, but the truck did not. car is designed to carry 12 people and has a maximum speed of 45 kikilometers per hour. a is intended to be run it is -- at a lower speed. passenger say they enjoyed riding in the driverless car. take a listen. >> it is very smooth, interesting. pedestrian would walk out, it would stop on it on. pedestrians don't have too much to worry about. genie: just to wrap up, and lavish chateau here in france is going up for sale, but it is not just anyny castle. yuka: the 18th century castle madame last residence of to pompadour, the famous mistress of king louis the 15th. she was a patron of the arts, and was known for quotes such as "champagne is the only line that enhances a woman's beauty."
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they have spent over $100 million restoring the castle, but it is only expected to fetch about 20 million euros t to 30 million euros. genie: only. thank you. time for the press review. -- solange on the set with me. lots of coverage for president trtrump in china, and papers are full of praise. >> they are indeed. there is a picture of president ximp standing with president jinping standing in front of the palace of harmony. china is rolling out the royal treatment, calling it the state
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treatment plus, leveling -- levying high praise on the president. the korea times looks back at the visit yesterday to south korea and in an editorial it says trump's visit was his cinderella moment. during a speech before the assembly, trump was transformed to aan ill-mannered novice night in shining armor. genie: mainly with one of the talking points on the visit, the situation in north korea -- solange: the new york times says donald trump will use a trade quid pro quo in exchange for action on north korea. says trump wants beijing to cut off gas tanks to pyongyang, but the article explains xi jinping is not likely to do that. first the times explains china might not have as much influence over pyongyang as thought, that the country sort of have a "fake alliance."
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china, "the times" says may not want a regime change at all, which could happen if north korea stops getting its main source of power from the mainland. why does china not want a regime change? ofe times says getting rid kim jong-un could increase the likelihood of a united korea that is democratic and a nuclear power. china does not need the u.s. in an existential way that countries like japan and south korea do, and that means negotiators could be -- negotiations could be tougher than trump thought. genie: let's wrap up with something different for the dog lovers out there -- the world's largest doctor is being held in germany. solange: if you love peaches, you should go to leipsic this week. 25,000 dogs are on show in the german city for the world's largest dog show.
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there is an article that explains there are over 300 breeds of dogs from 73 countries, and most of the owners and presenters of the women, and thee events of her has been praised for being well organized an incredibly successful. 80% of leipsic's hotels have been booked, and that might be due to german affinity for dogs. a lot of dogs haven't created in germany. -- have been created in germany. genie: i did not know that. thank you. french connections is coming up. next half hour, the focus will be on france's love of literature. stay tuned.
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