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tv   France 24  LINKTV  November 17, 2017 2:30pm-3:01pm PST

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and developing countries. at the cop twenty three .
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all eyes are on paris is an bet lebanon's a former prime minister is expected to land saud who really has accepted an invitation from president emmanuel michael. hariri left lebanon a country in shock after he announced his resignation while on a visit to saudi arabia when many believe he was being held against his will. saddam shanti has a super. lebanon's prime minister in limbo breaking his so called silence once again. early on friday saud hariri took to twitter. to dismiss one more time reports that he has been held in saudi arabia against his well. he also said he traveled to riyadh for discussions. on the future of the situation in lebanon and its relations with the surrounding arab region. also on friday at
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confirmation from the country's interior minister that career we will fly to paris. in a bid to diffuse political turmoil spawned by his short resignation he in saudi arabia. this following an invitation from the menu and let cool. you all know prime minister hariri has a meeting tomorrow at the elysee with the french president. and hopefully lebanon will have overcome this big obstacle. the door will open to more stability and we will be able to face all the challenges that have come u. if the robert on a visit to gothenburg and michael confound the bilateral meeting with hariri as lebanon's prime minister. adding that he is expected to return to beirut in the coming days and weeks. the news was welcomed by lebanon's president michelle only. has gone on like who would refuse to accept the resignation n from approved. hariri's reason the crushing
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of the growing threat posed by hezbollah and by extension iran. this was also addressed by phones is michael on friday. who called for in the last aggressive iranian presence in the region? nesting the story next and we can go across to beirut and speak to our correspondent chloe dumas. good evening chlorate what's the climate like way you are and what our people there in lebanon hoping to get out of saud to release meeting with president emmanuel not call tomorrow. well good the first thing that so people expect here and and that's probably the most important are the most. pressing in urgent. feeding is that. people nt prime minister had you need to leave it saudii. tererritory since hee announced h h resesignationn saudi televisionn. about two weeks ago of the prime minister hasn'tt been back. to l lebanon and. there are l lots of rumors
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that arere circulating i'm here in beirut j just talkig to the people they're asking thememselves of whether this resignation was of forced on her pririme ministeter had eighties. i if he is being held capae in sauaudi arabiaa or even t when thehere are any off his wowords can be trusted w whe speaeaks from saudi arabia . his arrival to frfrance will hehelp in to answer some of these queststions. thee lebanesese expectt.. fututure so i'd today the lebanese have. one hope eight states and theyey will underststand t e sisituation a litittle bit . and there is a secocond thig a lot of ththe lebanese our hopepe that friends. can pl. sort a mediaiating rolee between saudi arabiaa and ad iraqaq to help in reading
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these some of the pressure and that so has been now put on lebananon. these last few days now thihis. deles a palace says t that this will be a friendly visit. with the to re read if shot stopped s short of calling t an officiaial one. out whato you make of that. well earlier t today and. emmanuel micrcrosd that thy it's lebanese it's you hsisien and lebanas ininstitutions. t that we have to remember that. . this is very importantnt as. side heading. so how do you h hasn't been back at suu i lebanon yet. and that. since his rignation on e fourth of novembmber the president o of thehe republc michelle down. so that he would notot accept thahat ts resignation. u until heading he comemesk to be rude to clarifyy his
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situatation a and hanands i. h has noticed so personally so ass far as lebanon is concerned aside had he is still officially the president's are abe yeah prime minister of lebanon. fluid among thank you very much for the u update from beirut. to syria next with thee islamic state groupup contrs roughly one quarter of the oil rich and deir al zour province but is battling for survival on two fronts. one offensive against isisis is by thehe syrian o of chet regime forces backed by russian and power. while the second is by a a u. s. backd kurdrdish and ara c coaliti. islamic state group fighthts of deir ezzor province one t the front year with iraq. andd many civilians have ben trying to feed the affecectd area. there was a double car bomb attack at thiss friday and for more on the situation. of a for more on the situation of from the ground here's a france24 was a james andre reporting from northeast syria.
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there has been a double c cr bomb attack t today in the thirds off from us here. and in syria nine he could vehicle attack. that killed twenty peoplple and injured thirty or more and the tech that was squarely t targeted at a. of refugee. fleeing p presencee which we at war and then n there was another attack on this side of the r river the northern side of the u. front this inindeed it was possible too the public. much too dangerous where the syrian democratic forces that control the area that is why the e condition a and thatte militia which is backed by the united states. with telling us that they do not. troll at that of parts that area where this attack took place now. abuse the the islamic state group is targeting of civilians quite squarerely but their aim i s alsoso made s suu ass spread terror amongst the fights is on both sides. of a visit riverr and we were being tod just a couple o of days agos we were driving along and seeing these refugees
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fleeing in trucks. and being stopped at checkpoints we were asking one of these had been fighthters mananning te checkpoints in n he was setting us well. you know it's a luxury we have no idea we see these vehicles coming to us obviously we do not shoot at them the full of civilians but if that were to be a bomb on board one of t these vehicles. we cocould not to do anything well that's what happens twice today. france24 is james andre putting their from northeast syria. in other news aleppo's old city was once a u. nasco world heritage sites in after years on the front lines of serious a civil wa. much of it mister into dust although much of a level still remains in ruins. its citizens have now begun the process of rebuilding the city starting with its markets. what was once the largest covered market in the world reduced to ruins? one of the many victims of seriouous brutal civivil wa. now local officials are hoping to bring aleppo's old city market back to life.
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the algebra carrie of the market was re inaugurated on thursday. where traditional dances christmas trees and holiday lights offered a stark contrast to the devastation of the war? two of those a lot. indeed there to trade is a back now edition those who had not intended to return came and saw me as the first one to come back. i cleaned up and r renovated my shop. and yesterday when a trader came and sold i opened the store he told me brother you have really inspired me to return and do the same work as you. love to let has show up soon. markrket stalllls weree fild with h handcrafted jewelry. textileses and even the famous aleppo soap. the old city market was once home to four thousand shops. contributing to aleppo's reputation as serious commercial nerve center. but the civil war reduce much of the market's fame stalls to rubble. forcing hundreds of thousands of people to flee. aleppo was liberated inn earlrly twenty sevenenteen.
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allowing its residents to slowly start rebuilding their city. who has been on since two thousand eleven we had stopped working and someone thankfully safety has returnrned t to the c cf aleppo into its old neighborhoods and old markets and of being so we wanted to come back and wor? in our neighghborhoods and revive it on who are coming from a high in the house on the. dedespite the markets progressivee return to normalcy. armemed soldierss ststl p patrol the cityty l. and while cololor h has retn to the isle jimmy caravans muchch of the c city is stin ruins. the u. s. sexiest is calling for return of civilian rule in as in bob way. the comments from rex tyler said come on the same day robert mugabe was seen out in public for the first time since he was placed under house arrest. the president attended a graduation ceremony at a university in the capital harare this friday. the military meanwhile announced significant progress in talks calling for his departure know best second reports.
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pressure continues to mount on robert mugabe. zimbabwe's veterans association issued a call for mass demonstrations against the president's to be held on saturday. there's no way back aborting the god. do you. and that's what we're seeeeg that's way we have beeeen me ththe population was a abou. more know to. we we only have indicated in one death supports to moral. friday robert mugabe made a defined first public appearance since his detention by the army earlier this. the ninety three year old attended a graduation ceremony in harari. a day after former vice president emerson manning gaga flew back to zimbabwe's. it was his sacking that triggered the country's current political crisis which culminated in a military takeover. the paparent coup had stunnd the p population and trigged fears it could stabilizing bob way. but s. continues to rain. many now say they welcome the army's intervention.
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i don't of the lebanese or thoughts that i'm is going to take over. and things are going to be hiked in because those guys we know them. when they're doing their jo. but. rightht now we have seen t. everyone is at peace. we have all key and everyone the see if and i can see it run is a happy. easter dot bob engine to log in for long back. i and. we we expect. good things to improve economically socially and politically. the army has repeatedly said it didn't want to remove mugabe. but simply criminals and his entourage. namely supporters of his wife grara who appear to be in prime position to succeed him. yet a premature exits now seems increasingly likely. for the world's oldest head of state. at least five people have been killed by mobs for looting in kenya this during unauthorized recessions to welcome back opposition leader raila odinga. he'd been on trips in the united states and britain where he spoke about the political climate in his
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country. weigh loading got boycotted a new presidential vote in october saying electoral reforms hadad not beenen sufcient. president uhuru kenyatta does win meanwhile is being challenged at the supreme court by activists and a politician amid claims of irregularities. now two weeks of climatologist up in a bonn in germany the u. n. negotiations are aimed at figuring out how to implement the paris agreement clinched in twenty fifteen. divisions between developed and developing nations have emerged as well as disagreements over how to share responsibilities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. according to observers the u. s. president's decision to pull out of the paris climate change agreement did not hamper the role played. by the u. s. a delegation small island nations meanwhile use the talks as an opportunity to flag the growing risk of climate changed to their land. and people. right now developing
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countries want more certainty year by year what they can count on in terms of support for the actions they take. developed countries are saying they don't can't provide that certainty because they do their budgets on a year by year basis. they're now trying to work out a compromise on that issue and i think that's kind of the lynch pin. are to closing out this conference of the parties and going home hopefully not too late tonight. animal rights groups have been hitting out at the latest decision of from the trump administration. this softer the import of zimbabwe an elephant hunting trophies were authorized. the move came on the same day the u. s. state department said in a report to congress that wildlife trafficking remains a serious trans national crim. the center for biological diversity say the new ruling will allow the importation of elephant heads. feet and tails and legalizes the killing of an endangere. now nearly four years off to going on an armed a rampage
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against prominent french media outlets and a bank. fifty two year old abdul hakeem decker had his first day in court he told judges and that what he did was ever parable. but what he but he did it out of desperation because he had been a forgotten for fifteen years. he's accused of attempted murder kidnapping and abduction and if convicted risks life in prison arrogant case report. it's just seven in the morning novemember twenty thirteteen. abdelhak indicar storms into the paris headquarters of b. fm tv. one of francnce's most t wah news channelels he b briefly p points his gt one of the journalists before fleeing the building minutes later. three days later a similarar chain of evenents but in a different location. this time in the car targets the headquarters of the brass still a left leaning newspaper. he opens fire twice critically wounding a photographer. an hour and a half later the paris shooter fired three
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shots. outside the bank and financial district near paris. has he flees he takes a motorist hostage. ordering him to take him to the songs of the day. and on november twentieth french police officers find a semi conscious abdullah kim dae car in a paris parking lot. where he reportedly attempted suicid? the car was no stranger to french authorities. in nineteen eighty eight he was sentenced to four years in prison for providing a french couple with a gun. they would later use to kill for people in central paris. his former lawyer described a defendant that was difficult to work with a cheap i did usual all. that he was an intelligent guy secretive suspicious on someone who hundred docksid. and he never really reveal to anyone was a difficult possum for julia to defend. for another got in a non dated letter to car had accused journalists of being paid to spread lies. he also said he wanted to bring attention to the quot. difficult conditions of
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minority communities in france. and he was sicily's most powerful mafia boss on on thursday salvatori gene not died of cancer at the age of eighty seven. while serving out twenty six life sentences at a jail in parma italy. he was known as the boss of all bosses and during his time as the head of the feared because on nostra. he's believed to have ordered over a hundred and fifty murders. known to many as the beast salvatore toto rina one of the most violent and fit godfathers in the history of the sicilian mafia. the farmer's son from the town of corleone and took control of the because industry in the nineteen seventies on ruled with an iron fist for almost two decades. during this time he is the author of ordered the killings of over one hundred and fifty people. green i had been in prison from nineteen ninety three until his death serving twenty six life sentences. most notorious amongst his
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crimes with the assassinations of judges giovanni falcone and paolo borsellino. could lead to crackdown on the mafia during the nineteen eightie. after saving many is a foot soldier for infamous mob boss luciano leggio reno took over the position at the end of the nineteen seventies. marino alluded the police for almost a quarter of a century. remaining on the island of sicily from where he controlled the mafia's business. after being rented out by his rivals reno was arrested in palermo in nineteen eighty three. green is arrest a new anti mafia laws that put him in isolation let's of a campaign of revenge by the cosa nostra with bombings carried out in rome milan and florence killing ten. people. in two thousand and nine arena broke the mafia code of a mac set by admitting his links to the more. courts on why itself in early two thousand and seven scene reno made clear his reflections o on a life of crime. saying he regretted
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nothing because he thought he. time to get your mind off the top stories young live from paris lebanon's formemr prime minister is expected in paris this friday evenin. sorry we do in the for. little n nearly two weeks after he shock resignation saudi i arabia. robert mugabe heads to university graduation in zimbabwe's capital a public appearance for the president just days after he was placed under house arrest. by the army. and two weeks of climate discussions are yet to wrap up in bonn germany divisions emerging between developed and developing countries at the cop. twenty three. time now for business use on the program and i'm joined by brian's queen good evening brian. you're starting out with some big announcements from tesla one that was expected and one that wasn't ceo in on moscow unveiling the long awaited tesla semi friday that's th. long haul heavy truck with the company's been teasing for months now along with that announcement of the review of the new tax law
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roadster that mosque says will be the fastest production car ever made. the question is can the company deliver production delays are already plaguing the rollout of tesla's mass market model three sedan. leading to concerns that the company is over stretching itself he won a scuttle reports. it's been a big day for tesla which has unveiled its fast electric semi trailer truck. the long anticipated tesla semi is designed to challenge diesel trucks on the road. or biggest questionons we've been aske. about. collector trucks is well how hard can they go and buy was funded miles. at maximumm weights at highway speed as a presentation in california the company cp i surprised industry watchers by also unexpectedly revealaling a new session. f the roads to sports car. the launch of two new vehicles is a bold move and could be seen ass an expensive destruction from the produduction ofts mainstream model three sedan
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car. tessler has been struggling to meet demand for the affordable model juta factory delays and has recently pushed back its targets by about three months. and some think that this might affect truck sales. the trouble there tussles having producing the model three is. challenge for them in terms of convincing. peopople who own truck flees truck drivers. that they can actually do this truck so i think they were telling me to focus on the model three right now and get that out and get it out perfectly. the company is currently burning cast but it has come up with an ambitious plan to increase funds with the first a thousand sales of the new roadster costing two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. to be paid in full up front this would raise two hundred and fifty million. then you electric trucks are also likely to open up new growth for the companyny. ththey're expected to go ino production in two thousand and nineteen within you write stuff in twenty twent.
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turning now to gothenburg sweden where european leaders met today for a summit on jobs and social welfare. but it's on the sidelines of that event that some of the biggest action took place. british prime minister theresa may look for a diplomatic breakthrough to speed up brexit negotiation. but european leaders have been warning me that it looks increasingly unlikely that those talks will be able to move on to their next phase. the working out of future trade relations and the terms of a transition period. president of the e. u. council donald tryst made clear that the so called divorce bill is still a major sticking point. here's to us. why are good progress on citizens rights is being made? we need to see much more progress. on the islands. and the omen financial settlement. i know there to avoid and the ambiguities about how a calendar. i madee it very clear that prime minister may.
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that this progress n needs o happen at the beginning of of the samba. at the latest. california's napa valley is a world famous tourist destination known as the u. s. is main wine country. a devastating wildfires in october put a serious dent in areas tourist industry. now vineyards are working hard to lure tourists back to the region. many of whom postponed orr canceledd totowards in the wake of the fires and fact the fires largely spared the regioions wineries. many of which even acted as fire breaks due to their high moisture content. napa valley area brought in three point seven billion tourist dollars in twenty sixteen it wants people to know that it is once again open for business. no warranties loss really very much wife was vintage it was really more the the. impact that that fires had on people's psyche defense we thought that app i was burning so they cancelled their trips and actually been the most impact force. time now for a check of the day's trading action european indexes closing
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down to and out the week the utilities sector struggling with united utilities group in the uk following over five percent. when it's wha. it's closing down nearly te. germany's political wrangling over a new coalition government weighing on mark it's there. dax closing down over four tenths of a percent the cat carol here in paris down just over three tenths of a percent. wall street also mostly lower as investors remain concerned about the prospects for republican tax cut bill there. walmart shares losing big after hitting an all time high on thursday the dow currently off by of four tenths of a percent. tech stocks weighing on both the snp five hundred and the nasdaq with amazon if netflix and alphabet. all down in friday trading. let's take a look at some more of today's top business headlines. panama and china have agreed to study the possibility of a free trade deal. the two nations signed a memorandum of understanding has panama's president visited beijing for wide ranging talks. animal established relations with china in june after
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cutting diplomatitic ties wh taiwan. china considers a renegade province. siemens employees protest it in several german cities friday against proposed job cuts. the industrial giant said thursday it plans to cut two percent of its global workforce nearly seven thousand employees. as it pairs back it's fossil energy department in the with the face of competition from renewable energy. roughly half those job cuts would come in germany siemens says it's open to modifying those plans after talking with unions. and portugal has made another early repayment to the international monetary fund. country's finance ministry said friday it had paid back in just under two point eight billion euros ahead of schedule. bringing to seventy six percent the amount it's returned out of a twenty six billion euro loan from the imf in twenty eleven. portugal's public that is projected to fall to one hundred twenty one percent of gdp by twenty nineteen. it's as the early repayment to the imf will continue. twenty eight. finally for business most of
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us have probably heard that it's not a good idea to gamble with your inheritanc. would hug gambling for your cultural inheritance. the government here in france is planning to use lottery games to pay for the upkeep of the patron j juan. is important monuments that make up the country's cultural heritage. the culture ministry announced friday a special numbers draw on the country's heritage days along with a new scratch off ticket to benefit cultural up keith. the state takes around thirty five percent of receipts for each lottery draw around ten million euros vertical the game. which is good since the budget for upkeep and restoration of the country's monuments is going up. by five percent. next year they haven't released the scratch off yet tomorrow but i think would be cool if they had three. hit three mona lisa's in a row you just get them on hi. upper wishful thinking that if you saw how much i united of inches that work when depressed yesterday separate little pricey thank you very much bryant quinn there with the day's business use. time for a short break here from on live from paris stay with
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us this morning scum out
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11/17/17 11/17/17 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from cop23, the u.n. climate summit, in bonn, germany, this is democracy now! >> keep it in the ground. we are respsponsible for this. amy: youth activists unfurl a massive banner at the bottom of the largest open-pit coal mine in europe. the banner reads, "it's up to us to keep it in the ground." then it's the final day of


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