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tv   France 24  LINKTV  November 21, 2017 2:30pm-3:01pm PST

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state group we have an exclusive report from our correspondent is embedded
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with the syrian defense forces. does troops go village to village looking for jihadists and that surprises. first he ruled zimbabwe for nearly four decades spots in the end his demise was. robert mugabe has resigned just a week after he was detained by the army. amid signs he was planning to hand power to his wife news of the ninety three year-old's decision to step down. was greeted with scenes of jubilation in the capital harare parliament had been in the process of impeaching the president when the speaker read out mugabe. okay. if that is all.
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objection. from all over the really condemnned. what i? did. not a few folders sedition. one of the. ferrari i. he sat it's going on right now celebrationsns still underw. wewell the celebration saw school in full swing on the streets of the capital harare. i'm told that the us integrations across the country people pouring out into the streets celebrating the resignation of president robert mugabe. now as we heard from next the speaker
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hahnemann can hardly mentioned barely mentions the word resignation. when members of parliament broke into song and dance and clapping hands and that was exactly what happened outside parliament. minutes people heard that prison drama makabe had resigned te celebration. had isis ice very much indeed i say smile at proposing that from. ferrari welcome to stay in the zimbabwe's capital f for the moment because i'm joined now by. since la and abe ladies not to based on the gen lace that in the at capitol thank you for being with us on of france24 tonight face apppp. describe
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for me your feelings tonight to someone who's lived and worked on the mojaveve for o many yearsrs. alall well if youou l like u independence misguided was supposed dononald plus white yayarn we're going out knowg that presidentnt robert m me is that you dot homes and double we admit she made any changes what they discipline yes hallway remember. is the bad thihis that r robert mugabe and zimbabwe's economy unemploymenent and everything that is up and his mobile so this is a moment of. excitement this is the moment our note where people feel like they can do about it it it just feels like rununning the country . tomorrow or the daday after tomorrow it would d save. yeah well done that's the fear that many we have but the admin probably you could get just a blaze that different views and. it was
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impossible not now because it has been. in line with other sites of the last that i future years will slow indians being with him so i can make as a cabinet minister. so we hope that many columns f faced repepog take respopoibility for what he did. and shy and move one we did nation talk a new park news does not include but you can google but my god at his chart sir of powr and that's when the army stepped in. at why wasn't it and the people who over three mugabe. what wilill you remember tht you seem i mean that is a problem that he's the one that has been keeping mugabe in power? summoned debating demonstrating what a long
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time and for the last fifteen years or so people been saying god must call. but he got the i'm liberals coming out to crush people you know that i'm a liberals complaining about having to doesn't communications in two thousand and. eight elections independent thinkingng elections we not all bubut mugabe lost its ae they. have been given an old debate about that. i just briefly are you hopeful for the future given that there are elections next year. well i mean one thing that we have to find out to little use our with a deduction that wouould c cat becauseveryone is talking about turns is not a thirty
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two. i don't think that after i mean we should realize that well douglas five poems and beauty. he's going through the big blow out are the on the page deir al bowes who did what you might call it at tells is nt indictments that will try to delay the election. probably for that he is als. for three years says at a land aboutut a thank you vey much indeed for joining us. waving at to the united states now whether trump administration has announced its ending a special visa program for people from haiti sixty thousand people were granted a special status following the devastating earthquake of twenty ten. but the government says conditions in haiti have now improved enough to send people back then the country remains one of the poorest countries unless it's custom vietnam fools.
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a blow for haitians living in the u. s. the government announced its ending their special protected status. the program was put in place after a devastating earthquake struck haiti in two thousand and ten. the loud haitians to live and work inn the u u. s. legally eveve aftfter their visas exexpired. now t the trump administratn says conditions in haiti have improved enough to begin sending its citizens home. but ngos in some elected officials have challenged this assertion and called the decision a disgrace. we have. almost sixty thousand haitians here who left haiti after the earthquake and. twenty five percent of them. own businesses you have twenty seven thousand. children who are now u. s. born who have been born to. patients who have t. p. s. it's in humane. it's unconscicionable. anticipating this decisioion many haitians living in the u. s. decided to try their
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luck further north. by crcrossing the border into canadada in the hopes of gaining asylum. they say problems in haiti are still to widesprpread fr themem to want to o return. activists are pushing for congress to step in. we are quite disappointed. however. we not gonna give up we have eighteen montnths till we. continue fighting and pressure members of congress on both sides of the aisle. to pass the deal to pass a law that will. fine a permanent sution for this to ps recipients. the move to and the temporary protected status for haitians follow similar steps by the government. since taking office trump has ended tps programs for sudan and nicaragua. well from our not so we can go to washington our correspondent delegates then wake at. gallica whiny has the administration chosen today this now at least sixty thousand haitians
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considered it a security risk what is the thinking behind this. no really video point made by this administration is that these tens of thousands of haitians were benefiting from to perform a program known as tps temporary protection status and. in essence as its name indicates is that it is meant to be temporary and absolutely not. a path to legal permanent residency now a calculation or rather an assessment was made by members of this administstration. and that s that conditions in hades he'd now allow for the return of these people in this is already been. in the works for quite some time general a kelley back when he was at the helm of homeland security some six months ago. had indicated that haitians should start preparing for their departure and get their travel documents. in order because according to his fingers in his information ninety six percent of those.
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who have been displaceded by the devastating earthquake in two thousand ten had now returned and left the camps that they had been launched in the? a administration in fact considers that at this point it's perfectly o. k. for these folks to return to their homeland and this despite. other figures coming from other sources such as the united nations so which a recently conducted a survey in haiti that to show that according to them. fifty per fifty thousand haitians still live in absolute dire povoverty well that's going to be up to the parents but no the children. if they can know they could
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very well stay in the u. s. it would obviously be a very complicated situation you also mentioned the other issues these people have. established lives who they've bought homes established businesses which they have been runnining for some time. so it's a really very calm. situation that will have to be untangled somehow and that is probably why the. elaine duke who took this decision dismembered this administration has g given them eighteen months which is a pretty long time until jan of july skis m me. of twenty nineteen basicallylyo prepare for this obviously a very very difficult move butts but on the other side of the aisle democrats are just saying that this is. one more way for a donald trump to pander to his a base a which obviously is a * a. a a very favorable
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to immigrants staying in the u. s. and again thank you very much gala the family that reporting from washington. was saying the u. s. reminded because there have been more allegations of sexual abuse in the media wy five rolls has apologized for his behavior. there's also questioned the accuracy of some of the allegations on getting the has the stor. workers charlie rose is one of the most recognizable faces on u. s. television. known for his engaging interview style the award winning journalist has grilled world leaders from barack obama to the charlotte side. but his career looks dead in the water. as he becomes the latest powerful media personality to be accused of sexual misconduct. on monday the washington post published in investigation and which eight women who worked or aspire to work for roses company. said he made unwanted sexual advances towards them. the offenses included groping lewd phone calls and even instances were rose walked around naked in their presence.
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the allegations dated from the nineties third twenty eleven. rose issued a statement apologizing for his behavior. though he question the accuracy of some of the allegations. he said he always thought he was pursuing shared feeling. since the report was published cbs bloomberg and pbs all said they were suspending rosa signature interview show from our networks. and that. to syria now wed the u. s. backed syrian democratic forces the stf a still boxing to retake villages from the islamic state grou. abu come out was that you. lost urban stronghold in syria will james on is that with scf troops on the frontline. you reports now on efforts to root out the vanquished jihadists from among the ordinary people. who suffered under that rule he's? hsien in the village was just we taken from the islamic state group. by the syrian. forces. but that. that jihadi fighters still
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is to this treats. it's not i've by. an old man is in rostock. by an stf pfize. yeah you say in all parts of the islamic state group. i swear i'm not within i'm sick i have diabetes just kill me now. let's just end this now. superunknown credit come down sir calm down i swear i'm not with him i have diabetes and about because he beat me why did he beat me that's not a good. look on trimboli why did you hit me i've done nothing to you. the fighters a weary . per my do you break your phone. indiana deal that is really. the stf such old buildings
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looking for i screwed fighters and weapons. yeah so. they came across a dos. five is other than without planeta we found twenty three millimeter anti aircraft rounds. twelve point seven millimeters bullets. and those are anti tank rockets. well nbcu this serves as an option. steel from house shelves. closing within. the most of. i don't no exactly what's missing we've been pillaged i was just in the yard i with keeping an eye out that it in see anything. in these mostly arab villages the stf is seen as a k kurdish force. on the other hand the fighters a weary they're afraid of a potential attack by the islamic state group. in these conditions it is difficult to build trust. aid workers say to major cities in yemen now lack clean water saudi led blockade on fuel supplies means at the pumping stations made a capital sanaa. and the town of al baida can no longer function
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the red cross says many lives will be lost. less a solution is found quick tailored about us has the story. nnova let's hope in the country suffering the world's worst humanitarian catastrophe. according to the international committee of the red cross. an estimated two in a home million yemenis a currently left without access to clean water. this includes residents of five cities. including the country's capital sana. it comes off to the saudi led coalition blockade closed up all and land and sea routes to yemen. since the sixth of november. riyadh says it made the decision to stem the flow of arms from iran to its who's the opponents. okay dissidents to pumping stations. down. the united nations is warning of the impact that the lack of fuel supplies will have on residents and water supplies depend on petrol for transportation. korean dissidents in saddam's he'd seventy percent of the population relies on gallon canisters.
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those are transported through trucks which cannot function without petrol. the un is appealing for the blockades to be lifted. it says it will spark the largest famine the world has seen in decades. some seven million people already on the brink of famine. their affairs for residents in water deprived areas being vulnerable to the risk of disease with alum to jet li and if there is no appeal of water the cholera will spread further. in recent weeks we have tried to control the outbreak which is the worst on record. since april we have seen at least nine hundred million cases of deaths related to the pan damning. confirmed island. the red cross says water and sanitation systems in tomorrow and i'm wrong. all currently providing just called of the usual supplie. he's also said dialysis patients in critical condition where an urgent need. while many had already died. juice the lack of resources available for treatment.
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rajoy us again updates on the situation and the wealth of a business you can roy is have rescued ca you cat and you're taking us but truck top story at to zimbabwe where. robert mugabe has now closed it down that he is being accused of grossly mismanaging and his country's economy just how bad is it. who's involve windows was once known as africa's breadbasket a because it was so rich in natural resources but decades of industrial mismanagement. rampant corruption coupled with droughts have left the compound the country's economy in tatters nine in ten people are to but that millions of people living extreme poverty. and games that takes a look at and the robot mugabe's economic legacy. it's a nation with a wealth of national resources yet zimbabwe is on the brink of economic c collapse. on top of the recent political crisis as extreme poverty and crippling national debt.
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where'd dredges of five selling things does too. and foods who of. fund those like i i have three kids and i'm a single mom. so i tried to sell anything goes to give me queues with. the latest estimate for twenty eleven suggests such as much as seventy two percent of the population live below the national poverty line. such levels are reflected in the country's gdp per capit. which suited only one thousand nine dollars in twenty sixteen. nnova. yeah. we have. zimbabwe's economy has struggled since land reforms were introduced. in two thousand mugabe's government will for isis sesia of many white farmers holdings. leading to food shortages and price hikes. during the hyper inflation crisis of two thousand seven to two thousand nine. he took billions of zimbabwean dollars to buy a loaf of bread. it was above twenty four thousand percent in two thousand and seven. and
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inflation continue to skyrocket. the economy mostly switch to using the u. s. dollar which prove to stabilize the monetary situation for awhile. but now there's a shortage of dollars and inflation is rising again. ninety three year old robert mugabe may have stepped down but his devastating economic lelegacy will live on after his departure. that's taking in the global financial markets and u. s. stock markets rates will strong corporate profits on optimism about global growt. next that hit another intraday record while the snp breakthrough the two thousand six hundred mark for the fast time this despite lingering concerns. about the prospects for us tax reform. in europe comic is has helped drive the gemini stocks higher despite the political turmoil that. bush is in paris and london also finished the day in the green. here in france lorry drivers blocked traffic at border crossings with spain italy
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and belgium this tuesday to protest at a recent easier agreement. they are angry that an agreement reached on the twenty third of december of october. to limit the lack of work hoursrs of say calld posted about this. doesn't cor the sector. they say they're b being priced out y workers from other e. u. member states especially east europe spain and portugal. the number of posts about this in france brands almost twenty four percent last year present in iran emmanuel macron promised to fight a to protest to to protect french workers. from unfair competition let's hear what at the truckers have to say. so if they take our jobs because they accept lower wages. eight hundred euros here you can't live on twelve hundred after you pay your rent gas water and electricity there's not enough for food. and i on a digital we have diplomas we bust our guts for three of four months to get permits. these people arrive without any permits work in our area and they know a standard
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strategic you bah. medical leave the. it's not rights that we have different salaries when that doing the same job it's a difficult job it's not logical that i should be a difference. did that he feels. turning now to some other business headlines at this hour. apples main supplier and china has been illegally making students stuff back at the time according to the financial times. several high school students take out saying they continue s. eleven h hrs a day assembled the iphone ex factory. both apple and supppply foxconn acknowledgd that they had discovered the cases but saidd that ththe . nation turns. back involuntarily. according how con has imposed of rectifying best fifty one million dollars. on the private banking unit of hsbc. about this punished over the sale of a financial products links to be my brothers between two thousand and three and two thousand and eight. the tribunal said that hpc. eades spc was culpable. i'm of material systematic
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failings in its marketing sale of terrific there riveted products. in that period. the kind felt from a record high after massive cyprus after. peta company that lets the clinics changes. as that which office gonna backs digital tokens set a hackers stole navy thirty one million dollars last. of crypto currency. it says it's trying to prevent the seven callings from being used the theft was news consent. about the security professional cleanings. and finally a controversial holiday game launched by amazon the online retailer is inviting employees at the site. is and it's site near the french city of lille. tripled manages he breaks safety protocols. the company says is just for fun but unions are up in arms. thomason's holiday game has angered french unions. management at this site in northern france decided to launch what they've cooled the safety fun game for employees during the
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holidays. stuff that report the superiors evicted respect safety protocols. those who follow the most reports when it price in the form of christmas presents. produced leader it's unacceptable. tell this game isn't funny it's like in forming on your colleagues which is inappropriate in the workplace. but time is in says this is a misinterpretation. the game was launched the site two years ago with no negative consequences according to management. it's a playful and good natured game. that has nothing to do with denunciation. the unions on site lost for a whole to the game which is supposed to go on until christmas. it is from the creepy isn't. it strange that one yeah christmas presents for denouncing you. colleagues alright you can thank you very much defeated you can avoid that with the business was taking a short break him frozen body stay with us when we come back. the everything the muslims in a band that have suffered
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decades of repression and aposs identical to the latest report by amnesty international. barcelona next
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11/21/17 11/21/17 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from papacifica, this is demomocracy now! me. can see the sky abobove minutes, i felt i was in a dream. i didn't realize what had happened. but then i looked left to my wife. i could not see her. all i saw was debris. some parts of t


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