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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  December 20, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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conflicts of interest or encumbrances. it is like nothing happened at that dinner.
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askedhe senate has just dr. jill stein, the 2016 green party presidential candidate, for documents as part of its probe of russian interference in that 2016 election. among the actions that attention drew their was stein's attendance at a 2015 dinner in moscow sponsored by russian state-run television network rt, where she sat at a table with russian president vladimir putin. also there, another american, general michael flynn. we'll get response from stein , who says she's the focus of a new mccarthyism. of reipt tayl. the "the ra of re taylor
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amy: we look at what happened in 1944 with a 24-year-old black mother and sharecropper was gave rate by six white teens in alabama. she refused to be silenced. she spoke up with the help of the naacp's chief rape investigator, none other than rosa parks, who rallied support for taylor, triggering a movement to seek justice 11 buss before the montgomery boycott. we will speak with the film's director nancy buirski and with yale historian crystal feimster . all that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. congress is on the cusp of approving a massive rewrite of the u.s. tax code that will overwhelmingly benefit corporations and the wealthiest
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americans, while ending a central pillar of president obama's signature healthcare law. just past midnight, the senate voted 51 to 48 along party lines on a final version of the tax bill as protests erupted in the gallery, with chants of "kill the bill, don't kill us" briefly interrupting proceedings. the senate vote came despite overwhelming public opposition to the measure. an nbc news/wall street journal poll found fewer than one-quarter of americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while two-thirds of those surveyed said it's designed mostly to help corporations and the wealthy. this is republican senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. this, if we can't sell this to the american people, we ought to go into another line of work. i think this is an important accomplishment for the country that people will value and appreciate.
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obviously, it requires us to continue the discussion with the american people. amy: all 48 members of the senate's democratic caucus voted against the bill. during debate, ohio democrat senator sherrod brown opened the doors to the senate chamber and pointed to lobbyists walking in and out of the offices of republican leader mitch mcconnell, saying they were responsible for a bill that will enrich millionaires and corporations while taking away healthcare from ordinary americans. >> i want my colleagues to think about this picture. this stream of lobbyists in and out of senator mcconnell's office, the stream from the largest and richest companies, tobacco companies, insurance companies, the companies that tend to run this government. i want you to think of that. are you on the side of the workers who are doing the heavy work who can't work until they are 70? or are you on the side of ceos and politicians who do the
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bidding of these ceos? amy: his comments to rebuke from an assistant to senator mitch mcconnell, who said they lacked decorum will stop the senate's passage of the tax bill came hours after the house of representatives voted 227-203 in favor of the measure, with zero democrats and 227 republicans voting yes. 191 democrats and 12 republicans voting against the tax bill. however, parliamentary procedures will require the house to vote again today after small technical changes were made to the legislation. this is georgia democratic congress member, civil rights leader john lewis. >> this is not fair. it is not just. and it is below the dignity of this body. mr. speaker has said on many occasions that you cannot get blood from a turnip. you cannot justify robbing poor peter to pay billionaire paul.
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, when the bill comes due, the chickens will come home to roost. colleagues tomy be on the right side of history and vote against this act. amy: an analysis by the tax policy institute found that by 2027, the tax bill would give the wealthiest 1% of americans 83% of the tax cut. the bill would also end of the federal health insurance mandate, endangering the affordable care act. it will open up drilling in arctic national wildlife refuge. president trump has called a 1:00 p.m. news conferee today where he is expected to celebrate his first major legislative victory. in yemen, the u.s.-backed saudi coalition said tuesday it had shot down a missile fired by houthi rebels aimed at the heart of the saudi kingdom. video posted by houthi militants showed the launch of the short-range ballistic missile, which the rebels said was aimed at the royal palace in riyadh.
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saudi officials immediately blamed iran for supplying the missile, a charge denied by both tehran and the houthi rebels. the escalating tensions came as the u.n.'s top human rights official said u.s.-backed, saudi-led coalition airstrikes have killed at least 136 civilians and non-combatants in the pa two weeks alone, including seven air strikes on a prison that killed 45 people, and an assault on a farmhouse that killed 14hildren d six adults. in the occupied palestinian territories, human rights groups are warning that israeli forces are increasingly arresting and detaining children -- sometimes holding them without trial -- as protests continue to rage over president trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital. on tuesday, israeli soldiers and border police raided the home of prominent 16-year-old palestinian activist nariman tamimi, a day after video showing her confronting israeli soldiers went viral.
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after ahed tamimi's arrest, the girl's mother, nariman tamimi, was detained at an israeli police station as she inquired about the status of her daughter. in another case, witnesses say 17-year-old abdul khalik burnat was arrested earlier this week when he went out for pizza with friends. burnat's father is iyad burnat, a leader of a non-violent palestinian resistance group whose work was highlighted in the oscar-nominated documentary "five broken cameras." the arrests came as the u.n.'s top human rights official condemned the killing of 29-year-old palestinian ibrahim abu thuraya, who was shot in the head by an israeli sniper last friday during a protest in the gaza strip. abu thuraya was a double-amputee who lost both legs and a kidney in 2008 during an israeli
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airstrike and uses a wheelchair. this is rupert colville, spokesperson for the u.n.'s office of the high commissioner for human rights. >> as far as we can see, there's nothing to suggest that he was ofing an imminent threat death or serious injury when he was killed. in the words of the high commissioner, given his severe disability, which must have been clearly visible to those who shot him, his killing is incomprensible and is truly shocking act. amy: in news from china, sounding the alarm after authorities in the southern guangdong province held a public trial for 12 accused drug dealers before sentencing 10 of them to death. thousas of residents of the city of lufeng looked on from a local sports stadiumuring saturday's spectacle, which saw prisoners paraded through the streetahead of t execution it was the third time that death sentences have been carried out publicly since june. in bournemouth, authorities have arrested a pair of reuters
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journalists who could face up to 14 years in prison for allegedly violating the country's official secrets act. wa lone and kyaw soe oo had been reporting on military-backed violence against minority rohingya muslims in rakhine state before their arrest on december 12.
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december 12. reuters' editor-in-chief called the arrests a blatant attack on press freedom and foreign ministers around the world, jewelry, and handcuffed of
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prisoner who was shocked five times for refusing to sit on a bench. a warning to listeners and viewers, the footage is disturbing. [screaming] amy: the videos prompted ohio's franklin county to settle a lawsuit that accused guards of sadistic and unconstitutional taser use beginning in 2008. but reuters reports neither turner nor any deputies were disciplined over the incidents, and that turner has since been promoted to the rank of major, and is now commander of the larger of the jail's two main facilities. among those demanding accountability is ohio democratic state senator charleta tavares. >> i think any time a stun gun is used inappropriate,
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particularly in the video where it looks as though it is just used over and over and it is more like a prod that people would use on an animal, that is criminal, in my opinion. amy: and in a major victory for environmentalists fighting climate change, new york governor andrew cuomo said tuesday he'll work with the state comptroller to divest new york's massive public pension fund from fossil fuel companies. the so-called de-carbonization roadmap seeks to phase out investments in companies that trade in coal, oil and gas, while investing in green technologies like solar and wind. new york's common fund manages over $200 billion in retirement savings for more than a million new yorkers. it currently holds shares of more than 50 oil and gas companies, with over than a -- with over invested in $1 billion exxon/mobil alone. and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. juan: and i'm juan gonzalez. welcome to all of our listeners
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and viewers from around the country and around the world. we begin today's show with the expansion of the senate intelligence investigation into the trump campaign's suspected russia ties to include another 2016 presidential candidate -- the green party's jill stein. the senate intelligence committee has asked stein for documents as part of its probe of russian interference in the 2016 election. committee chairman, republican richard burr of north carolina said monday they are looking for potential "collusion with the russians." amy: among the actions that reportedly drew the interest of investigators is dr. stein's attendance at a 2015 dinner in moscow that was sponsored by russian state-run television network rt, celebrating its 10th anniversary. a photo that was later widely shared shows stein sitting at a table with russian president vladimir putin during the dinner has been widely shared. sitting across the table from stein was another american, michael flynn, who went on to become president trump's
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national security advisor and has since entered into a plea agreement with special counsel robert mueller's investigation of russian election interference, pleading guilty to a single felony count of lying to the fbi about his conversations with russia's u.s. ambassador. to respond to these two developments, dr. jill stein joins us now from boston. welcome back to democracy now! can you tell us exactly what the senate intelligence committee is demanding of you and your 2016 presidential campaign? >> it is great to be with you this morning. the senate intelligence committee contacted us and basically sent a letter requesting documents that we might have that would shed light on potential russian interference in the election. and they were very clear in their letter that they were not targeting us. they were not blaming us.
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there was no suspicion of collusion. and this was also clarified in their dialogue with our legal team. then suddenly when it hit the press two days ago, suddenly, the senate intelligence committee changed its story and now suddenly we were being investigated for collusion. so this has been kind of a surprise. we are cooperating with the study. with the investigation. our campaign takes very seriously the issue of interference in our eltions. thatshy we ourselves launched an inquiry into potential interference in the actual vote, the voting machines in the software. a so-called recounts campaign. but it is more than recounting, it is essentially an effort to examine the technology of the vote and to aner the question once and for all whether or not our votes were tempered with.
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unbeknownst to the public, the voting machines and the software has never undergone a forensic examination. so when they use the term "there is no evidence of interference," that actually mean and factors the physical evidence. ourst to the knowledge computer expert advisors who have also been testifying before congress. just to make the point that we take very seriously the issue of interference. in fact, would not restrict interference. we think any interference, foreign, domestic, by government, by gangster network, but corporations that control of voting software, none of that is -- likewise, interference with the right to vote with the passage of voter id laws with corporate media that only covers certain candidates and not others in the public is clamoring for more information. to my mind, all of that is interference, which is not good.
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nonetheless, we support this limited inquiry into interference targeting particular russian interference. important.y is very we have agreed from the beginning to cooperate with the legitimate and important aims of the committee and its mission. on the other hand, i think we're in a perilous moment for democracy. it is very important that this padiry not be a launching for politic intimidation and for the effort to silence political opposition. that is a very dangerous proposition. have youl stein, already begun handing over documents or are you seeking clarification of the difference between the public statements versus what the letter to you from the intelligence committee said? >> so from what i understand, our legal team is discussing
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with the committee exactly what the focus of the search will be. so we're in the process of determining that and hope to begin doing that search in rning over documents within the next couple of weeks, certainly,'s fast as we possibly can. amy: glenn greenwald tweeted tuesday -- "click on 'jill stein' that's trending & you' see countless leading dems -- with large platforms - strongly implying if not outright stating she's a kremlin agent: all because of a congressional inquiry. they couldn't better replicate mccarthyism if they tried." glenn greenwald made a silar point last august on democracy now! >> to me, any of us who grew up in politics or came of age as an american in the 1960's or 1970's
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,r 1980's or even the 1990's knows that central to american political discourse has always been trying to tie your political opponents to russia, to demonizing the kremlin as the ultimate evil, and then trying to insinuate that your political adversaries are somehow secretly sympathetic to or even controlled by russian leaders and kremlin operatives and russian intelligence agencies. this was not just the mccarthyism, but even long after, this is typically a republican tactic used against democrats. if democrats advocated greater detente with the russians, arms deals come or other negotiations with russia to decrease tensions or decrease conflict, republicans would immediately accuse those liberals and democrats of advocating that of either being having the allegiance to the kremlin or being useful or stooges of russian leaders.
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juan: that was glenn greenwald speaking to democracy now! in august. on tuesday, think progress ran a story headlined "the pro-kremlin talking points of jill stein: trump wasn't the only one promoting pro-kremlin talking points last year." in it, casey michael writes -- "stein's willingness to praise russian propaganda outlets and push kremlin talking points didn't end in moscow. indeed, she challenged - and arguably surpassed - trump in crafting the most moscow-friendly campaign of 2016." it also claims "you seemed more than willing to spout kremlin talking points at every turn - and all, it appears, for free." your response to this think progress statements? >> well, you know, this ishe podesta organization speaking through think progress. basically they are the maps these for the podesta organizaon, which is very closely tied to the democratic
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already john podesta, hillary clinton's campaign manager, funded by saudi arabia and large, nefarious corporate interests. this is the kind of shameful journalistic standard that we , whatome to expect from shall we say, those who have a political ax to grindnd who i really been conducting a smear campaign against our campaign for the long haul here. this russia smear, essentially, dnc emails,r the the democratic party emails were exposed showing the collusion on the part of the democratic party to sabotage bernie sanders, how that primary was rigged, which then attorneys for the democratic party testified in court that they had a right to essentially rigged the election
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and determine the outcome as they pleased. and that the appearance of a democrat process was comin you know, essentiay a sham and cover-up. of course they were very alarmed by those emails. and that is when the smear campaign began in earnest. it is not only thinkprogress, "the new york times an article yesterday that began with the democratic partypokesperson essentially establishing the framework for the investigation, which is that democrats are whatus at my campaign for they think was our audacity to vote on behalf of our agendas against war, against off shoring of our jobs, against the attack on the climate -- whether by fracking or by. -- or by coal.
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they said this is outrageous. democrats are furious at me. i think it speaks volumes about where this is coming from. not to say that this is only democrats. the chair of the committee -- the committee is run largely by .epublicans as glenn himself pointed out, there is a bipartisan benefit here to smearing, intimidating, and silencing third parties. law for the democrats, this validates -- while for the democrats, this validates their framing russia as sort of the prime mover in the major issue in our politics today for the republicans, it enables them to committee focused on somne else besides trump. so there are all kinds of ulterior political
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motive fear that are not a service to our democracy. our democracy is threatened by interference in our election. our democracy is also threatened by this climate in which our first amendment rights, our rights to political independence , to free political speech, the right to protest with the j20 20 trials that you have cover -- which are so outrageous -- in an effort to intimidate and frighten people out of our right to protest, with people who just happen to be standing on a street corner j at the20 inauguration protest, in the wrong place at the wrong time, you got kettled and charged with a felony riot and threatened with up to 50 years or more in jail for just being on a street corner. essentially without evidence. there's a real assault going on right now. not only the danger of fascism that we see out in the streets
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of charlottesville and so on -- going amy: jill stein, we have to go to break but i want doesn't really come back, we want to ask about the dinner that you attended. we have spoken about this on democracy now! not been subpoenaed, but if you are, what does this mean? what kind of resources to have to put into dealing with this? askedll stein, now being to hand over documents by the senate intelligence committee. stay with us. ♪ [music break]
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amy: this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman with juan gonzalez. juan: the senate intelligence committee has asked 2016 green party president candidate jill stein for documents as part of its probe of russian interference in the 2016 election. committee chairman republican richard berg of north carolina said monday they are looking for potential " with the russians." amy: among the actions that reportedly drew the interest of investigators was stein's attendance at a 2015 dinner in moscow that was sponsored by
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russian state-run television network rt, celebrating its 10th anniversary. a photo that was labor who -- later widely shared stein sitting at a table with russian president vladimir putin during the dinner stop sitting across the table from stein was another american, michael flynn, who went on to become president trump's national security adviser, and has since entered into a plea agreement with special counsel robert mueller's investigation of russian election interference. recently played guilty to a single felony count of lying to the fbi about his conversations with russia's u.s. ambassador. so jill stein, talk about why you are in moscow at the table of president putin and you feel you should have to explain why you were at this table? >> let me just say i have explained a thousand times why i was at the table. we have been completely transparent all along here. we raised money in order to get there because we were not going to accept money from a foreign
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government, even in the form of, you know, sponsoring a transportation or our hotel fees or food and so on. we raised the money to get there. we were very public in our emails to our supporters, in our website, and press releases about the fact we were going, about the fact that i hoped to meet with russian officials when i was there in order to address our agenda, essentially, for peace and climate security and nuclear weapons abolition -- which are critical issues that needed to be raised in our campaign here and need to be raised as matters of foreign policy. this information has been up on our website for all of two years. somehow if the intelligence committees have failed to see it , maybe they have not done their homework yet. we have been completely transparent about everything that went on. at the dinner itself, which we sent pictures of and reported
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on, at the dinner -- the dinner was really a nonevent because there were no translators at the table. only there briefly. he walked in with his entourage, which i thought were his bodyguards. i later learned they were actually his chief of staff and head of communications. but no one was introduced to anyone. putin was there briefly before he gave a speech and russian. there were no translators at the table. i spent the entire dinner speaking to the person on my right. the person on my left did not speak english. the person on my right was a german former diplomat. we talked a little bit about international relations and international law. other than that, there's nothing substantive at the dinner. "the new yorker" reported that exchanged onen
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sentence, which went something to the effect of "how's it going?" "ok." the one person who spoke both english and russian was sitting next to flynn. flynn introduced himself to me just before we sat down at the dinner. i thought it was curious there was curious there's a military person at his comments that largely seem to be peace advocates, and i should mention, by the way, ray mcgovern was there, rocky anderson, jesse ventura, thom hartmann, max blumenthal. it was really a who's who of the peace community that regrettably has to resort to a foreign tv network in order to be heard in this country. ,uan: jill, i want to ask you you mentioned the foreign tv network. your response to the attempt to essentially ostracize rt tv in the united states, having them declared just registering as a
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foreign agency. your sense of what is happening in the campaign against rt tv? >> it interesting. i do not watch rt myself, excep there are some programs i find very interesting and informative. there are several newscasters who were thrown out of u.s. corporate media because they opposed the war. chris hedges, who refused to accept the disinformation by the intelligence community in the run-up to the iraq war coming is a program. featured.thal is thom hartmann. there are good programs on rt. hillary clinton is on record praising rt several years back saying when she is out of the country, she watches rt and recommended it. what is going on here? if you actually read the intelligence community report, it criticizes rt for saying things like that our democracy is flawed, that our elections -- forblematic, that
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lifting of the voices of the anti-fracking community, for saying wall street greed is a problem. if that is the basis for requiring rt -- for ostracizing rt, then we are lucky that democracy now! has not been ostracized yet because many of those same issues, i daresay, are also prominent in democracy now!'s coverage. this is part of the effort to demonize, to vilify the social movements who are likewise characterized as russian assets. that black lives matter, that thattanding rock protests, anti-fracking movements and so on are essentially russian -instigated. so if this isn't an effort to explain away social movements
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and social unrest, i don't know what is. amy: jill stein, just explain technically, you have only been requested documents now. what is the difference between that request and a subpoena? and are your lawyers, do they know if you're going to subpoenaed and will you have to testify? >> we don't know. we intend to cooperate because there is now this presumption of guilt that has been created by this ongoing smear campaign. there's a presumption of guilt and the air needs to be cleared. we are offer transportation. our documents have been -- what we have been doing, who we have been talking to and what we have been talking about has been public in real time and continues to be public. no harm for us to gather up those documents and put them all in one place and make it possible for everyone finally to examine them. we have been trying to draw attention to the actual facts of smearse ever since the
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began. i don't think anything is really going to change here. there will be some administrative emails. our communications with rt about what time i'm going to show up and was studio i will be at. i don't think they will have much content in them. amy: finally, jill stein, i want to ask you an entirely different question. your the 20 62 presidential nominee for the green party. house the senate and poised to finalize the tax bill, which some call a tax hike, which some call the largest transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top that we have seen in decades. as a presidential nominee, your comments on what is happening today? commentarya shameful , not only on the republican party, but i would say on all of congress. on the bipartisan establishment, which has come you know, the
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public is for valley opposed to this bill. it is something like a support level that is down at the 30% level. it is really pathetic that congress is as unresponsive as it is and that the so-called opposition party in the form of the democrats have been focusing on russia and not focusing on the harm being done right here in our own country. this is why, to my mind, the crisis of our democracy now is a crisis of economic survival, of economic security, of our climate, of the endless war, which is also costing us more than half of our discretionary budget. it is not working. this is why the public is in political revolt right now, which speaks volumes about why these committees are now turning to suppress political opposition. i encourage people to go to our drjillstein in the
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part of standing up at this critical time for our democracy. amy: dr. jill stein, thank you for being with us, 2016 green party presidential nominee. the intelligence committee is now questioning the campaign and dr. jill stein asking for connectionbout her and involvement with anything to do with russia. jill stein, thank you for joining us from boston. when we come back, a remarkable new documentary about a black woman sharecropper raped in the 1940's in alabama. and what does rosa parks have to do with investigating it? stay with us. ♪ [sic brea
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amy: "go tell it on the mountain." this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman with juan gonzalez.
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we turn now to a new film that looks at what happened in 1944 when a 24-year old black mother and sharecropper was raped -- gang-raped in alabama, and refused to be silenced. this is a clip from the trailer of the documentary, "the rape of recy taylor." >> car pulled up behin m notng about what ty were gng to doo me car thee in the blinold me. i s begginthem to ave me ale. don' sot me. i goto go homto see aut my bies. th would n let me . ruth, lp but tl the
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what thedone to me ju: thatas recy ylor rself, dcribing at haened theight s white ys abducd and brally rap heas she wald home fm a urch serce in abville, alabama. after e men redaylor,hey left her on the side of a deserted road where she was found by her father. this is another clip from the film "the rape of recy taylor this starts with her brother, followed by her sister. they explained what happened to recy taylor the net she was raped. >>hat they dido her --ou kn my sist did notave no more kidafter th? and ver got egnant aer th? jus havn't ly sex th her, ter they got throh mutilang her, they play in her dy. >> i do't kn she was feeng pa or what
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thatas afterhey kepter hours outnive thwoods. same gs, one nht. theyaid theyanted heto act ju like e was ing to be wither husnd. y: the bs had rned tayr repeadly they would kl her shspoke ou despe the threatsrecy tayr identied her rists pos u w women oke up ifear of their lis. wtepe of black womeny mewas so cmon inim crow south at the naa had a cef ra investitor. at persowas no other tha sa parks when ra parkwent to intervw recy tayr, taing 11ears befe the montgomy bu boyco, the cal sherif cap drivg by t house a
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evenally burstn, threaning rosa par wh arrestedhe did not leavtown. parks left and watch the alabama coittee fr will .ustice for m. recy tayr again, 1 yea before ro pas becamehat cil rights hero forefusing give uper s seat ta white n, watchinthe boytt. for more, we arjoined by nancy buiri and profess crystal feimster s's inteiewed the film and thor of thbook "sohern rrors: wen and t politic of re and nching." we wcome y both tdemocry no nancbuirski, t'begin wi you. why you ok on th film,hat amazing momenfor it tbe own in theidstf the #met movement agn,mplify thetory of recy tayl tayloand what ultimately hapned toer.
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>> recy taors amazgly coageous f speakin up will step as u mentiod,ery fe women d that. theyere ready -afraid f thr lives. theiramilies uld be reaten and their frien livehoods wod be thrtened. wh she did w extraornary. weade this he beforehis etoo movemt. wead no ia. i look ck on it, ry sries theirst link in aong chain. not en the fir lk. it gs likeo slavery. but is a veryivotalink in chain at goesight tough thcivil ghts movemt, right up throughlack pow, and obviouy isesolved toy. amy: ry taylorwhat hapned w go what werthe vestigatns? u haveosa park this amazinstory ofosa parks goin tobbevil. this is whatotivatedosa rks, what opelled r. they d a granjury investation soon aft the
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pe. i ink it dplays october the pe took ace in septemr. she d n get jusce. e identied her rists, t to none surpse, the guys were notndicted. that is wherosa parksteps in and sa "weave to putore pressure ohe governo weave to getome ki of juice." she mes to aeville a inrviews rectaylor. tnets kicd out of the by t sriff. she cos back andnterview are ain. she takes r up toontgomy, worsp forma committefor equal juste for mrsrecy ylor sically,his triggerthe ack newapers to wte about this sry. blk newspars were e only newspape that wereriting these sties in tse days. notnewspars did suppress it, they just ignored it. it was an important. the film highlights the role of the black press that it played in documenting and publicizing what happened to recy taylor. this clip begins with journalist and activist esther cooper jackson, followed by danielle mcguire.
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mcguire is the author of "at the dark end of the street," the book that insped the fm. >> thenly pla we ally wer ableo publisarticlesbout recy and eis was tough the chico defder'career, e amerdam ns, the balmore, etc.. the blacpress. >>t is parof the frastrucre of injustice whe the whe pres ignores these nds of cris and then theris no rerd of th happing, whi ges judge anduries plausibeniabili of anynowledgend maybehis a rumornot evenn the newsper, anthat is whit is so impornt thelack press publishes these stories. historian was danielle mcguire. we're also joined by crystal feimster, so supervisor of african-american studies at yale university, author of "southern
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horrors: women and the politics of rape and lynching." could you talk about the role of the african-american press? papers like "the pittsburgh courier" and others that were exposing a lot of what was happening in the jim crow south because they were in the north and were able to do that? >> right. the african-american press played a huge role in exposing white violence, particularly against african-americans women and men throughout the jim crow south. most often the stories were stories about rape told through the stories about lynching. and that is what my work is focused on. that longer history. we can't think about the present not think about frederick douglass' newspaper, the anti-lynching campaign and how black folks have mobilized the press. we can think about, in this current moment, how folks mobilize social media as an
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outlet, but, yes, african-americans in the black press were key not just do recy's case, but the work like the naacp were doing in the early 20th century. so, yes. amy: can you talk about what happened to her? what happened to recy taylor, the astonishing fearlessness they tellis raped and her "we will kill you unless you promise not to say a word." she immediately spoke out. talk about the investigations that led to over the decades -- this story haunted alabama for decades cost of them what happen in 2011 and the alabama state legislature? >> so much of what we know about recy taylor in her case comes from daniel maguire's research
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from "the dark end of the street" and also from what robert corbitt tells us what recuy continues to tell us and testify about even today and then we get to hear her voice in nancy's beautiful film. but we know that recy comes home. we know that she tells her husband, her father what happens to her. she goes before two grand jury's to testify and identify the young boys who gang raped her that night. as we know, esther cooper comes in and does investigation. there is a letter writing campaign. organize,unions that as we have already mentioned, the black press picks up the story and it is there that the story moves. it becomes not just a national story, but an international story, right? and the campaign through recy continues.
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but ultimately, after those two grand jury's refused to indict, on behalf of recy's case, as mcguire's shows, it moves on. that does not say they are no longer investigating rape cases of black women, but the cases give coming. there are new cases every day a black women being assaulted by white men. so they take on new cases. they try to push those cases forward. and recy, you know, goes back to her life and her family and continues to live, but has a hard life. we know her daughter dies in a tragic car accident. we know that her marriage falls apart. but she continues to live, to live her life, and to speak out about what happened to her. she never shies away from that story.
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i think she says it eloquently in the film that she had to speak the truth about what happened to her. and just because there wasn't justice in the case, she wasn't silenced. in many women who spoke up after her refused to be silenced. i think there is a long tradition of black women speaking to sexual assault and sexual violence, even when justice isn't an option. juan: nancy buirski him in the film, you also include a letter from rosa parks where she talks about an attempted rape against someone -- in 1931, much earlier. >> correct. she is a nanny and a white home. of course, the seven frugally to nannies where the caretaker -- mean, she was a caretaker, so she is approached by person in the neighborhood and she persuades him not to rape her.
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this is what is extraordinary. she actually talks in out of it. that later reflects ideology and what she basically says to him. amy: let's go to that letter. rosa parks herself, the man whom she called "mr. charlie," had come into the house where she worked while the family was out for the evening. he has a drink, puts his hand on her waist, and propositions her. this is the film. >> i knew no matter what happened, i would never yield to this white man's beastie out what he. i was ready and willing to die. begin any consent? never. amy: that is rosa parks who goes on to write -- "if he wanted to kill me and rape a dead body, he was welcome -- but he would have to kill me first." >> it is extraordinary when you think even she didn't speak up immediately. this letter is written letters after the incident took place. she used it in an essay to convey what had happened to her to many more people, ideally, empower other people to speak up
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finally. but that is an example to me of how difficult it was to speak up in those days. one of the reasons we know so little about this entire -- what epic history -- the few women who spoke up, it was often not reported. we did not find out about it. when lynching took place in the deep south, that was meant to be visible. it was a fool of terrorism and make the tell people where their place was, african-americans. but women were not treated the same way. they were raped also as a tool of terrorism, but it was also a right of passage for a lot of these guys. they had been brought up with the mentality that you have a right to do this. you a right to take advantage of a black woman's body. the women only did not speak up, but neither did their husbands because if their husbands flyback, they would be lynched. i'm sorry, go--
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ahead. >> i was going to say i also think what rosa parks letter revealed and what the film reveals in the sort of longer history on sexual violence against black women reveals is that while black women may not have had a public platform in which to speak out and to have an audience, that black women resisted sexual assault. in the way they spoke out often was in their behavior, in the way they fought back. and we see that resilient and that outspokenness in rosa parks question feet word to dust rosa parks' word to mr. charlie. that is where historians find a wealth of knowledge about how women protested because they did not have traditional outlet, the white press, or an audience that was favorable or interested in
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sexual assault and violence against black women. they had to find alternative ways to fight back ando speak back. and sometimes that was through the way that they resisted the violence. and sometimes it was taking those cases to the local sheriff. oftentimes, with little or no result, right? so i think there may be a way to kind of think about the sort of spectrum in which -- ways that women do speak out, even though it doesn't sort of fit how we think women should be speaking out and kind of this #metoo moment. we all know that these things happen, right? and there is a silence. but there is a way that that silence often speaks volumes. i think it is important. and i think both danielle and nancy's work reveals the kind of dirse ways in which women
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speak out in protest. juan: nancy, what kind of pushback did you get when you went to the alabama town where this all occurred to try to interview people about it, people who were still alive? >> we try to interview many more people than what -- who you see in the film. there were white businessmen we wanted to speak with, and they shut us out, basically. you see in the film a few relatives of the rapists who speak to us, frankly, i'm surprised they did. i think on some level, there in some kind of denial because they use euphemisms to talk about what their brothers had done. so i'm not quite sure -- either they don't accept what they did or they don't how to talk about it. in terms of the african-americans, there were more than happy to speak. i just want to draw attention to the incredible courage of the brother of recy taylor, robert, who has made it his mission to expose this story even today.
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amy: what happened in alabama legislature in 2011? >> they issued an apology. amy: that it? >> that's it. the families believe it is o little too late, but they will accept it. there's a tremendous amount of dignity and that family. they will continue speaking of this. they will continue sending this message that this kind of thing should not happen. one of the things that is really important to know is that no one felt any shame. recy taylor felt no shame. there's no reason to. she knew there was recy taylor a legacy -- join amy: and she is alive today recy taylor, for in alabama. i want to thank nancy buirski, director and producer of "the rape of recy taylor." and crystal feimster associate , professor of african american studies at yale university. author of "southern horrors: women and the politics of rape and lynching." she's interviewed in the film "the rape of recy taylor." tarana burke, the person who
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founded it about a decade ago, be releasing the new year's eve ball. democracy now! is looking for feedback from
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