tv France 24 LINKTV December 21, 2017 2:30pm-3:01pm PST
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up from the central government in which race. but as i said that counting process is under way the first vote today results to come in from the smaller rural regions later on we'll be getting at the results from the big cities such as. boston allegra and then around ten pm at paris time and also led a time we should have the first partial results. for you. well while we wait for the user that's headed to you all reports that catherine norris trends that she spent the day. in polling stations she's now at headquarters of a scattered publique data. catherine can you tell us a
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little bit about how people saying that the very same day has on them. the. well what i can tell you is that people he is supposes although and scared at rubicon and the republican led. the world send a hoax right now because the partial. estimations we've seen coming out now for the spanish media ushering that it is a very close race indeed and in fact as you see now i'm joined. here by a support that all that etcetera. god is at u. small developed enough so that i don't even think you very much for being with us what's your reaction to the glimpses of getting unconfirmed. at exit polls of the signs you decide how does that make you feel about these elections are like a. well i'm quite scared i'm going to go see through that and say the second course. there really unity spotty and there's because really care yet against aid in a band is like is on the right side. so the pro independence it scares me because if they win is. really bob for us
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and for our movement and we don't want to lose all the work we've been doing these years. that was confirmed and if the issue that an assault he came out as the top policy or even equal with you what does not mean anything to you dream of independence. he doesn't make it closer is going to actually make it really far away we're going to keep working because our dream of having it in this country. virtue of being able to express our culture with no with no freight. aa is still analysis going to give up but he doesn't make it closer to make it easier for us. how do you feel following these elections obviously the leader of your party the former number two at the time regional government oriel a gym class he's in prison right now he's been campaigning from jay was his campaign been like for me? it's been a really hard compared also for our policy is imagine yearly there is no there. cannot make the speeches so people he's boarding for someone that
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isn't reason. to. are. you taking only the really well. but we need to get us and we think it's so unfair for him to be in prison. we don't we don't like it all he's got reasoner and yeah they look at the state that should be happening in the first place and i can leave the european union is doing nothing about it. what do you say to people here who did anything that is all independence? then in october the selections of polarized decided it is creating division. street indications maybe from central space is making us look like the enemies is making all the ones who wants the fight over khan street it's not like that we won. our culture and our language to be respected and we don't think the sensible man is going to happen. we don't. like spain we don't like the government we don't like the politics in macon for us so we just think it's a better option to begin a new country. they're the ones invited all the other ones we do like enemies in our own country. to if they ask who are divided. display my general
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holy and just not there yet but you know you're a young. thirty nineteen years old just turned nineteen what do you feel about the future company right now he's being hurtful. i was hopeful weeks ago when i saw scared i was taking a leadership elections i was feeling hopeful when i came here to both or that afghan him. but now i'm scared i'm scared because i know. it's two thousand sweden either you used to in a that's going to mean less money for catalonia is going to mean changes in education for counseling yeah in our language is the main thing we have so i'm scared they want to take that away from us. alright thanks very much for talking to us tonight that happened that was a balance you know so they're not here. all the youth party member of the use of a scared at a public housing telling us what. he is on this election night. is it a shed by many faces on show thanks so much after norris trends that will be coming back to you. later on in the evening as these results. of at right now you've. got it yes we've office cast over the evening
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alice doesn't from that is that from a catalunya ankle move lists and it is if you have a good idea about the green party is your regular policy. now and we don't have any results about just yet we do have time now because it seems to be pretty high at the latest we had only seventy percent at six pm. send this points higher than at the last time there was an election hey what do you read into that. well i think this is of course one of the best news of the evening and i mean having a. very high turnout is extremely positive farm and we always one that the majority of citizens a vote as maximum as possible. ab and we need to see exactly where. they these. hides arnold will be depending on the areas these rules for sure affect the results. as in what way can you say that well normally you can expect like. big cities around barcelona devotes. mora today laughs and about to behold morals of a body that all that much. for independence and of course in areas like in on all them that only you can expect. like the people vote
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more moved by a majority like they hold more for a defendant is part is of thi. high turnout has also affected today. were the results. the idea that we don't like to do too much speculation and predictions bus based on what people have been saying to you how the campaign has gone say fall. do you see that a a clear win it one way or the other pro independence and independence. i i don't think so i mean i don't know because we see it's it's very early still to say whether they know it and it will have a majority of whether through unas would we be willing election. but it is for sure that if you look at the net it will not be possible to be bills. between one block against the other i mean i think that the results again tonight was show that that alone is a very diverse society. real world with very diverse political opinions and i think the only way forward is defined roles of world agreement this is what we have in the family that impassable in global. it's not it is not
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possible to be in the future of got only one look and the other we need to break. with that with that and i mean it's very very negative. and we know that has these such strong feeling as you say a lot of negativity as well way would you say the very strong the independence feeling has come from a from the outside the us you might notice the following. is the as it does seem to have search rather quickly some people saying as a result of economic crisis catalans. wealthier than on the pulse is saying today will to show the money on the people saying no this is a centuries long cultural axle is a somewhere in between that we're looking for the trees. i think it's not mainly economic a can have economic grounds but it's not mainly economic. for those of us who in following a basic outline of as. there wasn't as additional class in this house and then went back when the constitutional court decided that two cards then you it's not at all for me that was negotiated between catalan and spanish parliament it could this created a big outrage in catalonia. and that that was at the at the at the source of a of a search and independent is
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feeling that that is very clear. for them we have the economic crisis and a social crisis on the cuts in the spirit it is also played a role and i i am convinced. that if the question is this is mainly in purely a wealthy region trying to avoid being more. maybe more so he that's oy that with other parts of spain i don't think this is the main reason i don't think so. all right well that we can take a look at a report stay with us that we can show of use. timeline ol governments was illegal. would. walk the vote on october first many catalans wealth madrid was stripping away the rights. an estimated forty three percent of the region's voters took part in the poll
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according to the separatists ninety percent of them voted for the yes. one week later catelyn leader carless please do more the cleared independents but minutes later he says spend its effects. talks were held with the central government. yeah my name we strongly believe that the moment requires not only to allay the tensions but above all to make it clear compromise. to advance the demands made by the catalan people. yeah. spanish prime minister mariano holy turns down the offer. one three weeks later the catalan parliament voted to declare independence central authorities struck back. the senate's also wants the government to impose direct rule over the region the next date ralph we dissolve catalonia's parliament using the constitution's article one hundred fifty five and call snap elections. the goal is
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to restore the galaxy. the undercover co existence analogy. the catalan government was removed eight of its members were arrested and charged with sedition and rebellion. others among. them all fled to belgium. exile in prison that's where the separatist leaders have been campaigning from catalonia's phase and bears could largely depend on the election's outcome. so there you go to a look back on the last. few weeks and months in counseling is a independence story. on yesterday's decision from pennsylvania and como still it is like saying this now what. you'll policies and positions. but you are in favor of holding a referendum that was a very controversial from a trading scandal that people incidental. well we we we've always said
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offended the right. to hold a referendum to decide on the future. of the need for instance is a democratic principle even though we're not inventing this i mean this is something because we believe in democracy and and people have the right to decide but we are not for independence we favor. like a constitutional reform in spain because we saying that one of the problems with catalonia is that the spanish it hasn't fully recognized it spoon national character this is a country with my languages many national identities. and we need to build a state that recognizes that route it it is not the case right now so i believe that that is our proposal. that moving forward to what's on sedition reform in spain. would be a possible solution to accommodate many of the of the of the. feelings that it may happen people have
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today here. to say that you say that says they haven't recognized its its like i think that te a lot of confidence as well had only i think it's more a problem firstly of recognition. in this financial institution of the national reality of catalonia which is something that the majority of headphones would like to se. and it is also about. the federal character of the states this is not really recognize i can put a couple of examples for instance kaplan is not an official language you know in all this and he states. and spain has on us. nice of the level of the year which would be normal in a federal state and we don't have a federal second jam a man hours and it is it is a second reading a timer but it's not really. a somber like in germany for instance where the different territories are represented so i think it's more a question of recognition of national identity and of really federal transformation of the country i think it's more about that rather than more
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devolution it's through the catalonia has already laudable for. me. they would have no looking at saying splitting up entirely about it before we get up and that is just a little bit further ahead if you hours days and weeks. that once we have the results of this election it is a question of coalition building strong form of a government's having hassling yet once again. now you'll policy as a young woman we talked about this sort of middle ground position that you hold. nobody could be the kingmaker in it in the end doesn't make you feel proud of how. well he could be you have to wait until the results. will have the final results tonight and then we see whether we will be taking make as. if we are and many people say that we can be. what's with bush will not do is to support one local the other in other to keep the blog dynamics and cuddle and we told everybody. of priorities would be first to try to form a left wing government because we have left wing parties in both
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locks so i then why not having left agreement. and trying to put the social issues. an ecological reserve the from four of the political agendas and this is one thing and second thing we believe that the future of evelyn and it's to be able to. with all of us with a very large majority and a very large agreement and that is why. we are taking makers will try to force everybody to sit together and fine and you rolled agreement that the fed to to seek a solution for that say what e a very. difficult social situation this is a very. this is not being discussed discussed much and the. one talk about at a time when we need. to fix many
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social issues this is a social divide that we have as well in terms of unemployment. up already etcetera. but also of course there is a division in the catholic society in terms of. often off national identity and that we have to stop that i think that that alone has always been a country that has been built respecting different national feelings. and it's trying to them we we used to saying that only have that we are one people. no matter where you come from no matter where you work no matter what you saying we are one people and we have to remain one. always a positive exit a future for me perhaps and thank you so much and this isn't being with us here on our special coverage of a counseling is regional election. so that. i know right to the center of the country will take you to mature radio correspondent essay what's happening in
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pennsylvania today. and of the holy easy at st people's party headquarters in midrange in that. centra. tendency is that she treated out a message to. jim did a as he. local. like. are very great. people. who actually? i checked. the. angel of. she's. represented. some of the. we know define this is. seen as. and did so and so. she.
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so the question is that people who read it. travel from other grammys is saying what she had. she's very very close. she had. tonight. mr. spokespeople for the. policy that we don't. we'll speak dates tonight. that he may take some comfort. from that holly to them. he could potentially from units have. that says to me is the analysis that we've been hearing sarah i'm sure the government waiting is eagerly phases out as we all know it. in times over the campaign itself it has been a very emotional campaign. money out of the holy was greatly criticized how he handled the issue of the the reference. to the first. it's a present during this campaign has been keeping a low profile. in fact he really.
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he has some issues. he intervenes in the region and immediately. today's. of many people that he would take a little time and and some people. that was called lead you to the pressure section is and this is how do you back in in that measure all this condition in today's and action. he's actually gonna. several times to back as he. people's party candidate he's. in some places. that he has stuck his house he felt that this is. an actio. there will be some soul searching and has a leading some soul searching. within the policy i think about wally waves so she. and seated out holes are back said the one five. five five
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she showed a white house how they are being more popular as if you can call suggests why does it look like he's going to have. other than the people's call she. also rolled around locally in some ways people have said that he has that e to regions at how you can say i'm joined by another gas at this is a joke. villanova from the estate and a public out about the one of the lesser greece's prime independence being with us. thank you very much for having me now that we've seen at the turn out is a fully percentage points higher than a discount that it was in the last election in twenty fifteen. at this is the only figure that we
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have to talk about the the merriment it does seem significance a lot of people predicting. that it's a ten ounce high energy goes against pro independence groups such as yours is that how you're reading this. they're educated this. a you we can't really compare because. the twenty fifteen votes was held on a sunday. and this is the first time in about forty odd years it's . and election is being held. who saying the lawsuit didt go to votes in previous elections because i didn't feel the captain elections were? there as. coming out in large large numbers seeing is that. it's not as clear cut this
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it has been in the past these areas. and see independence day is being. a real change in opinion. over the last months in particular and of the last couple of years since twenty fifteen. of the opinion of these. families with. an immigrant backgrounds and they have to send it kittens not all of them and not the majority but many hats and against. the policies that have been followed from injuries so. it's neck and neck and we'll see what happens. okay well that if you talk about your policy particularly as data and it will be kinda the projections are that this policy is going to show you quite well when we do get the final results. can you just expand presidential bid on your position and why you think castlevania should become independent from the rest. i would say that so also with your last question
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whiny. . the issue is that we feel that in catalonia wing of respected as people as a nation. in fact that is. one of the. simple issues of. nationalities being recognized as a nation was that crossed out of the of the last. statutes which is the basic law of catalonia by the constitutional tribunal at the request of. out. of. the coming. people spot in the trees. basic things like glass and and recognizing kaplan's as a nation. obviously their economic issues as well. and also the basic fact that as spain's. economic system basically is different from that of catalonia where there there. is a lot more weight of. smes. than in the names central.
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spain's. economy which is based on large corporations. it would take a long time to go into detail. many of our viewers might be watching in countries where there is also a very diverse a situation. in the uk for example scotland that has a very distinct feeling of of a very different culture and history but of course. backs remaining pulse of the as would remain host ofe european union verticals hassling you would not have to re apply. isn't just a very high stakes gamble for this region. well. . it's a high stakes gamble to stay in spain as well because they were going to continue i mean just imagin. if the attitude of the spanish government continues it is as it has been over the last five six years. which is why this feeling of wanting separation has as a
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reason. if this continues into the future we we will be justice will be worse of. as staying study so yes it's a gamble. it's a moot point whether the economically it would be this or contagious. i mean there are many out economists who argue quite the opposite that we would be considered the better of. us not really the basic issues i mentioned before it's a respect for a nation within. a country of nation. scotland has always been recognized as a nation simple things like you know the the. the internationals the rugby generational signify that. just. totally unacceptable in sight. so obviously this is a total lack of recognition of of respect for the
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identity of the captains. wheel before we look that far ahead because we also guys be waiting for the results of today's election i i fell squabbles between. your writing policy and the other pro independence functions at the coop for example. still saying they will definitely unilaterally declare independence at the ngressssage from this data and
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