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tv   France 24  LINKTV  January 16, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PST

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>> like the general in 1959 i evoke the clarity, exemplarry behavior of your city on behalf of our country and the great sacrifice made during the two world wars. 19583 i ip voke the development of france. may i quite simply today pay tribute also to their courage and their generosity. and assure you that the state will always be at their side -- at your side -- to continue to
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develop a territory which is undergoing deep transformation and which has so much contributed to the country. a territory that has great assets, a territory that absolutely must change its image to restore its attractiveness from an economic and tourist stick point of view. it is our collective responsibility and i know mr. president of the regional council that the region is very involved with the state, local elected officials, in this transformation process. and i know you are personally involved. how much you expect support from us in the context of brexit negotiations. we will bolingbrook you and supporting the region announcing its attractiveness and its economic action. it's a territory to which the world's cohesion would have a special meaning with elected players who are very involved. the president of the country
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council. i'm here in front of you today two days before the franco-british summit meeting and it was important on the one hand to see the realities you have been experiencing for several months and several years in order to draw all the conclusions and all the consequence and evoke in 48 hours with teresa may to discuss the various things that need to be improved in our joint management of the situation. we have to better manage unaccompanied minors, reinforce police cooperation between the u.k. and the gp and release .unds for the development which we will be discussing in 48 hours time during the summit british th our
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friends. british friends. i would like this trip to be an opportunity to evoke the challenges we have to in the co change which, for years, has been under great migegratri pressure. i have come here to speak of the language of truth. the long history of cali and the cali region rise to depends a lot on its geography. it is a transit region between channel, ea and the the channel, the 32 kilometer that separates great britain from france. everybody can see the coast of the other country. the missions of the state to protect the borders, to guarantee legal transit of goods and people between france and great britain and ensure the security of people and goods. mong the assets, the
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fundamental challenge is to ensure the security of major infrastructure linking france and england, the channel tunnel and the port of cali. which is important for controlling the border, securing, and for protectinging the inhabitants in line with our international commitments. let's look at the figures. shuttles, over 8 million light vehicles, over 5 trucks and over 30 million passengers, one quarter of goes through and it is the leading passenger port in europe. that is the image of this city goes through and
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it is the leading passenger port in europe. that the region is very important for the trade and for european history of which it belongs. and this positioning has led to great migegratri pressure. for 20 years it has been under great pressure of migrant flows as sometimes these flows have increased and people are trying to get through britain as easily as possible. today, the pressure has diminished and the number of migrants has diminished considerably compared with sept or 2016. over the last 20 years, dozens have admitted migrants because ited kingdom was their destination, they are determined to join friends and families, and community networks in the united kingdom.
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in some cases they wish to study or work in the united kingdom. in most cases the migrants in cali don't wish to remain in france. for them, our country is a transit country, and as many other countries have been before us. and what should have been just dead sit zone becomes a end and a source of great distress because the border is closed to illegal crossings. therefore, this morning i would like first of all to talk about public order, republic and pub lick order. secondly, as regards the reception of migrants, we have changed the way we receive migrants to meet our duty. publc t me say a few words about our immigration and asylum policy. i have already said this.
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because of its our immigration geographicle position, as a transition zone, has bsm a dead end for thousands of men and women who have spent months or years distancing pe and themselves from their countries. everybody must know, everything is being done for that illegal crossings to the united kingdom are not possible. it is not a seek rent entry point to the united kingdom. i want to be clear here. this will continue to be the case. in no case will we allow the development of illegal transit channels. in no case will we allow a jungle to reappear and for illegal occupation of the territory. that's why i would like first of all to speak to the law enforcement organizations and the state authorities. of you in this
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context? first of all, i wish to express our thanks to you as the recognition of our fellow citizens in cali and elsewhere for the work you have been doing day after day and night after night. a remarkable work, which is often decried often carkeca toured and very vague and lies and manipulations have underlined a single aim, which is to jeopardize the government's policy. so we must educate people. we must methodically describe your missions. and in what conditions you are carrying out your missions. and i want the -- to say very clearly today. france is a republic. there is a president of the republic, there is a prime minister who leads the action of the government and a minister of home affairs. there are preefects. our policy is single.
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a single policy which we explain. the government is responsible to parliament and accountable to parliament every day. in the republic, civil servants apply the policies of the government and that is the case every day. so those who have criticisms of government policies, they must focus on the policies not on the public service. i am surprised that some commentators, some leaders of organizations of various organizations in some cases have a right to express their views on all public service, or representative public service, take the liberty of describing the work of our public servants. in the french republic, public servants, civil servants, whoever they are, must behave as to the highest standards.
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i would like to thank all the law enforcement organizations who intervened in difficult conditions to ensure the transport of goods and the security of our citizens. i would like to thank the road management service who interveens often in the middle of the night to carry out operations as safely as possible. by trying to penetrate the protected in surface areas of euro tunnels or trucks crossing the channel migrants are risking their lives and lives of other people. 115,000 attempts were made to intrude on the secured sites and notably in the educated zones. areas which are well known to the law enforcement authorities nd all the players involved.
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115,000 attempts were made for illegal crossings, an average of 315 illegal crossings a day. 24,000 foreigners without documentation have been arrested on the border. they were hiding in trucks, stowed away in trucks. often unknown to the drivers after having paid up to a thousand euros, an undereconomy, illegal crossings to greapt have developed britain by -- great by illegal individuals who exploit illegal migrants. he border police dismantled 24 networks of smugglers and i would like to pay tribute to them. the law enforcement authorities are mobilized night and day including in the most difficult areas and they often have to intervene at 3:00 or 4:00 in
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the morning to maintain public police and the local police station. during these operations, several law enforcement officers have been injured, 24, and two among the police, because they were -- they had some stones thrown at them. the law enforcement authorities also have to face mode duss operandi which are unique, which are very different. o slow transport down to allow people to stow away. the number of braurges on the road are increasing. 41 barriers were installed and much more than in the previous years. and in the field there has been a heartening of the mod yuss
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operandi yielding steel bars, using concrete and other instruments that can cause serious accidents. a polish driver died last june after its van caught fire at a barrier. this action was not detrimental , public security in 2017 thanks to your day to day commitment. declined very significantly. ten% in police areas and 11% in the areas covered. .nd violence has diminished robberies against private people have diminished by 16%. here, i would like to thank all the law enforcement organizations, the municipal police, for its contribution to security. cooperation between the
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national police and the municipal police is a guarantee of security and of maintaining public order. your mission here is extraordinary. it's quite -- because the situation is extraordinary. to face this situation, the state has maintained resources, police 450 extra police officers, mobile law enforcement police are here to resources, support order. 1,100 police officers are present and in addition a special 30-man detachment is there also to protect sensitive sites. every day you carry out the patrols in the tunnels, in the fort, in the high-speed train station, and in the shopping centers as well. i would like to pay tribute also mr. minister to the action
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of the customs officers who contribute to supporting the law enforcement organizations. all of your missions have been fulfilled with commitment in line with the principles of the republic and i would like to express the gratitude of the ation. to regulating migrant flows are republican missions. they are at the heart of the democratic contract. and i say so here to be -- a lot of people comment on this because there are men and women who doing this hard work to allow others to live in peace. i will not allow anybody to caricature this work, whether you are working in the prefectors, in the police border police or in the police d in law enforcement
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organizations, wherever you are working, the work you do on a daley basis for whom are you working? for french citizens. and who are we protecting? our fellow citizens and notably those in the cala region. but, also, those who feel the consequences of inaction which has often been the case in the past. and those who wish to have a normal life and who expect that public order should be maintained. who can think for a single second that a man or a woman can leave his or her country and spend months traveling, acrossing a whole continent or a sea to arrive here, they -- it's unimaginable. i've met migrants. this is not an innocent decision, these men and women are looking for a future.
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they want to be happy. find nt to leave to happiness. and we have a duty of humanity towards them. but who can think for a single second find happiness. and that those people are taking these risks? who can think that a draw down, a police officer, public servant, who has this difficult task to carry out on a day to do basis to do what you every day do every day? to do what some people describe without checking the facts. who can think of this? the situation is what it is due life, ardness of the the world in life, the world in which we live. we must be humane because we owe humanity to these men and women because they are men and women who are the public servants of ourur republic and who have committed themselves,
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and they deserve our respect as well. it's their day to day concern that allows us to have the peace and tranquility which we want and preserve the order of the republic. for this, you must be exemplarry. i want each citizen of the republic to recognize your dignity and we must -- and the republic must -- recognize the dignity of each person, exemplare setting a good example has to be reflected in compliance with the ethics of policing respect for rights, compliance with these rules is at the heart of your missions. i cannot allow the idea to spread that -- the law enforcement authorities confisscailt goods, wake people up in the middle of the night, use tear gas where water is being distributed.
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i can't accept that if they do that it goes against the ethics of policing if it is and if anybody breaks the ethics does not comply with the ethics, that person will be punished. we will not allow new illegal occupation of land. whenever occupants are driven out in line with the law, the effects must be offset, must be recovered. ever since last august, a system has been put in place as soon as new law enforcement forces arrive, these forces are duly brought together and they meet the nonprofits organizations and that they are reminded of the ethics of policing. 13 meetings have been held and no infringement of this doctrine of this policing a --
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ethics will be tolerated. and if infringements are proved they will be punished. my reaction and the reaction of be proportional to the great confidence that we place in you. and this is also the reason why i will pay great attention to when the law enforcement authorities are criticized when we talk about the police violence. many inhabitants of cali and the region with their tradition of hospitality are very sad when they hear about violence in their region. first of all, there are channels of recourse which exists under the law. you can dwectly apply to the justice system through the public prs cuter who is tear torle competent. those who witness scenes of violence should denounce them
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and should trigger the relative procedures, otherwise they are just commenting on the sidelines without doing anything about it. minister of he the interior to establish the truth either to defend the public servants who have been unjustly accused, having committed any infringement of ethics. measures and the saverageses that the are necessary. i will not tolerate, i will never tolerate any travesties of the truth. without measures and saverageses that proof, without there are two possibilities after having examined, after having investigated we have two possibilities. either the facts are not the truth and are defam tri and the state will respond very clearly. we will respond and when the legal conditions exist we will ask the justice system to deal with defamations and to take
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all the legal resources available to the law enforcement authorities. some police officers who have action. taken legal either the facts are proven or they are not proven. ve asked the minister of the interior to inform the administrative and legal authorities so that investigations can be care rid out for the truth to come out. proven, facts are there will be administrative sanctions and the justice system will do its work. in this regard, there is no half-truths. all these provisions will be in a circular sent by the ministry of the interior and disseminated by the ministry of the intoorier. the law enforcement authorities must ensure that the law is implemented. if migrants don't accept the which are shelter
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systemically given to them by the state -- if they refuse finger printing which is necessary under the governing rules. if they break the law by damaging private property or trucks they do so in not with that they will be edge punished and that they will be breaking the law. therefore, we must send a message if you stay in cali and building that they will be make is a dead end. it's not a solution. the alternative is clear. it means registering in authorized shelters where the case of each individual will be examined very carefully, notably for those who are applying for asylum. public order is valid for everybody and i cannot explain to our fellow citizens who every day get up and go to work, pay their taxes, good citizens that there is an area of no law where no law. we do have a duty of humanity
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but we must also ensure that the laws of the republic are complied with. i have asked the home secretary special s specific conditions to granted the law enforcement authorities in cali payment. bonus your missions are -- and your exemplaret are essential for the implementation of this new policy that we need. so you have understood ladies nd gentlemen that it is -- this cause for rigger, for setting the right example, that you are here to defend the nation. reception of migrants is organized. payment. it is organized in line with certain rules, with humanity, with clarity, and here again given the order and in line ith the order that we have
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designed. for one year now since the dismantling of the jungle there, 8,200 people's situations have been processed and some have been sent to special shelters for asylum seekers. this was an exceptionally important national operation and a state in the region notably for people who have arrived since the dismantling of the jungle we have set up a single experimental process which organizers the reception f migrants here. there are not be any more toleration -- tolerance of covers jungle which private or public property. on the other hand, there are centers for reception of migrants which have been put in place since last august following the speech i made on
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the 25th o of july. three centers have been opened and two in the north region. with several of you, i visited the reception center which is fully in line with the system we wish and it meets the commitments i have made. the hosting, the accommodation is provided on an unconditional basis accommodation is provided. a timeline is granted to each migrant to allow him or her. first of all ten days. and it may increase to 15 days, and the personnel here will -- the prefecttur with the organization for migrants will support this procedure so that this procedure can be accelerated. we have divided by four the
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waiting time for the people who will be processed through this system so it's a relevant and efficient system. the reception centers allow the status the of the
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announcer: this is a production of china central television america. mike: what makes a visisionary? for some, it's the passion for innovation. for others, it's seeing opportunities to make a difference when others have given up. this week on "full frame," conversations with visionaries who are using their global fame to make an impact. i'm mike walter comingng to you from the heart of new york city's vibrant times square. let's take it "full frame."


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