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tv   DW News  LINKTV  January 17, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm PST

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berlin. tonight two nations and a moment under one flag. a step towards de-escalation as north and south korea agree to march under the same banner at the winter olympics. they will also be sending a joint women's ice hockey team. if the internanational committee approves. also comining up, a blilistering attack on ththe floor of t the . senate aimed at u.s. president trump, senator jeff flake from arizona calls t tmp's s attack n the media shameful and repulsive
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as his first anniversary in office approaches, we look at the man and the media. it is fashion week here in berlin, where we find more and more designers abandoning the runway in a bid to gain credibility in a world that has grown more and more critical of the catwalk culture. ♪ brent: i'm brent goff, it is good to have you with us. the two koreas are taking a step many hope will lead down the path of reconciliation. in the demilitarized zone that separates north and south korea, representatives met today and agreed to march under one flag at the opening ceremony of next month's winter olympics. they agreed to set a -- send a joint women's ice hockey team if the ioc approves.
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it is a small step toward lessening tensions but it will not be the first time the koreas have marched together. at the 2003 university games, they entered the korean unification flag. since 2000 they have marched together at three olympic games. i am joined here to my far right by a korea expert from berlin, and next door to me on my right our sports correspondent. welcome. i want to start with you. we have been talking about this now since the news came out, but i will ask you again, why is north korea's leader using the winter olympics as an opportunity to reduce tensions or to have it appear that way? hannes: the most important reason for that is both -- north korea was very much h isolated e to the sanctions and other provocations. even north korea needs direct
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communication for implementing foreign policy. talking to south korea is the first step, and talking to the u.s. which is the ultimate aim. brent: it is. we talked about the sports part of it. this is not the first time we have seen the two koreas use sports to bridge divisions. alima: and what makes this so unique is this is the first time we will be seeing a unified korean olympic team. i have been stressing this the entire day, the emphasis is on olympics. in the past the two koreas have joined forces when it comes to international sporting events. we saw in 1991 in japan at the tennis championships, and the women ended up winning t that tournament, and that same year they also sent a joint soccer tape -- team to the youth group. do you want to guess how far they went? brent: i have no idea. alima: as far as the
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quarterfinals. if they unite, the talent pool is even bigger, and they are quite the sporting power. brent: there is more than sports and not just symbolism. what is the reaction and south korea? hannes: similar to the international c community, peope are positive about the recent developments, but except the conservative position who drives increasingly to go against this. they say it promotes the propaganda of the north, and for example carrying the unification flag you mentioned, they would rather betray the south korean people because they are not carrying the south korean flag which is ridiculous. it shows how they tried to undermine this. brent: in terms of symbolism and the outside world, it looks like a win for the north, doesn't it? hannes: surely.
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but the opposition thinks differently. they are angry aboutut the lost elections. this plays a role in this. brent: let me ask you about the joint women's ice hockey team. do you think the ioc will approve this? it has to be approved? alima: if they follow the own olympic spirit, values ideas, they would approve it because they are the same people that encourage peace, that encourage creating a better world, understanding differences. they are being -- big on bringing people together, but let's be clear. this is the first time we see a joint korean olympic team, it is not the first time we see the two koreas, that they will be watching side-by-side in an opening ceremony. that has happened before. it happened in sydney in 2000, four years later in athens, and in turin. brent: we know kim jong-un wants
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to use this, the olympics, to isolate the united states. he would like the united states to be the ultimate loser in this. is he going to get what he wants? hannes: i would say it is not about isolating the u.s. but engaging. it is about going via south korea. talking to the u.s. directly is difficult without losing face, but now north korea can say, we went to the olympics. we are for peace, and without losing face they can say that. brent: do you think kim jong-un thinks this is a channel to communicate with the u.s. without it appearing that we are picking up the phone? hannes: that is the strategy. brent: we have another month. we will see how this pans out, but interesting analysis. thank you both.
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tonight reuters is reporting u.s. president donald trump has now said he is not sure talks with the north korean leader kim jong-un would lead to anything meaningful. that would be another opinion you tuturn he has taken in his first year is office. the u.s. president came under fire today from the arizona republican senator jeff flake here he denounced the president for his attacks on the news media, saying they are shameful and repulsive. as part of our week markingg trump's first anniversary in the whitite house, our bureau chief has been looking at a challenging life of white house correspondents. >> you are fake news. the fake media is trying to silence us. they are the enemy of the people, but i am -- only against the fake news media. fake, fake.
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alexandra: for the last year i have beeneporting f from the white house with a president who said he is at media -- at war with the media, who called us fake news. >> i think that is the most dishonest, disgusting, despicable thing a president has ever said. >> good afternoon. alexandra: mistrust, accusations, heated exchanges during briefings. relations with the media are tense. >> i cannot say it is an honest mistake when you are purposely putting out information you know to be false. alexandra: not everyone is concerned. this man works for the daily caller, at conservative website. he does not take trump's attacks on the media seriously. >> he is an insecure guy. he has a supermodel wife but is still unhappy. he is just angry. he is not like, i think people
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will unfairly compare him to the autocrat that he wants to a press freedoms. what other president is calling reporters on the phone? alexandra: the campaign to discredit the road -- the press goes down the road, people who feel they have been ignored by america. >> he is connecting with us like you all need to. >> as a journalist i don't want to be attacked this way on twitter. >> you don't have to worry about anything. >> i am telling the story and better. i think maybe -- >> we wouldn't have a problem>> after that. alexandra: trump's fake news attacks help them control the attention from the chaos of his administration into the -- or the investigation of russia. donald trump: look at all the fake news back there. they are all watching. alexandra: no one enjoys being
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booed, but we should not brent -- back down. this man has made a name for himself by asking quick -- tough questions at the meetings. he said after that confrontation he received death threats. >> everybody in this room is trying to do their job. i am not worried about me. i worried about of 24-year-old reporter, working in montana, the first time, another that says, let's go get him. go get a reporter, they will beatat him or string him up or kill him. that is the guy you worry about. alexandra: some media seem to be profiting from the conflict. the new york times said subscriptions have risen recently, and it has hired new reporters. >> despite all these attacks, the press seems to be right now in my world stronger than ever. >> i i do think there is a challenge overseas, and you see
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it in the fact that a lot of foreigign leaders particularly authoritarian ones have begun seizing on the phrase fake news to basically suppress information in their own society. ♪ alexandra: in the u.s. however, journalists hope they will come out of this experience with a new sense of mission. and long after donald trump has left the white house, the correspondents will still be here reporting on the presidents who succeeded him. ♪ brent: the story continues, and to analyze what we have seen this past year, i am joined by james comer product. he is in washington. he walked -- worked at the white house office of management and budget under president george w. bush. good to have you. talk to me about the impact of
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this speech that we heard today from senator flake, the impact of that speech on the office of the u.s. president. james: i am not sure it will have much impact on the white house. they have been largely ignoring it. the audience for the speech was more the american people, and i give senator flake a good deal of credit. we are in an unusual situation with someone who is unusual for a president in the united states . he is operating in ways that have not been seen before, and there is concern which i share that the usual norms of democratic practice, how you go about conducting yourselves in public life, some of that is being eroded, and that could be problematic, including unfounded and gratuitous attacks on the media all the time. it does have detrimental effects down the road. a lot of it should be taken seriously.
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i don't think it isis healthy, o i give senenator flake a lot of credit. brent: do you share the sentiments we heard in that report? all these attacks could one day lead to a journalist's life being lost? james: i certainly would hope not. i cannot predict what would happen, but there is not much good i don't think that can come from the person holding the highest office in the land continually attacking the media. i think there are risks associated with it. that is a major one. there are other ones where people don't believe in the information, even things that are true. so in terms of conducting public life to have civil debate about what they should take withh various questions,s, you do need to be able to have a civil understanding of what is going on and the media serves a purpose in that regard. brent: in the media we have been
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forced to jump through linguistic loops recently because of the president's use of profanity. take a listen to belgium, what they told our correspondent when asked about donald trump's negative remarks about brussels. take a listen. reporter: during the election campaign, donald trump said living in brussels is like living in a hellhole. people in brussels disagree. for them living in the european capital is anything else but a hellhole. >> it is nonsense. he just doesn't know brussels. >> brussels is wonderful. i would advise him to come and visit the city for longer. his last visit was too short and badly organized. brussels is great. >> as a rat, i like my helpful. in my opinion he is a -- my hellhole. he has not good.
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>> i don't want to talk about trump. he can go to his hellhole himself. brent: so you see we got some of the trump linguistic exercises being used here in europe as well. before we run out of time, i want to ask, do you expect to see a government shut down by this weekend and what will that do to him? james: i don't think there will be. i think i will pass legislation through congress that will have enough votes to pass. it will keep the government open for another month so negotiations can continue on a number of different issues including funding the government for the full year, defense spending, immigration questions, and many others. i think something will pass. the government will stay open, so it will be a crisis averted. brent: james, thank you. we appreciate your time and insights.
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here are some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. in london, the house of commons has passed a key brexit bill. it repealed a law that made britaiain a membmber of the youd turns european laws and to british ones pit -- the au and turns european laws and to british ones. in chile, pope francis has denounced the use of violence in the struggle over the rights of it indigenous people. he referred to recent violence including ththe burning of churches. that is where indigenous -- indigenous groups have been pushing for return of lands, in the south. to nigeria where 12 people have been killed, dozens injurured by suicide bombers in an attack on a crowded markrket in the northeastern city. police say two bombers carried out the attack, but emergency officials say for women a are reonsible.
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the attack bears the hallmarks of thehe islamist terror group boko raw. -- boko haramam. a reporter joins us now. good evening. what more can you tell us about this bombing? >> the emergency officials put the number of people at 65 injured, but it is difficult to do verify those numbers because our colleagues are not able to go out because there is a curfew overnighght. no group has been responsibibily for thatattack yet, but it is likely boko h haram is behind i. they have attacked hehere befor. the area where it happened is in the out parts of the state capital. it is the area where a lot of displaced people live, those who come from the rurural areas to seek a a safer place, first. the sesecurity forceces take a g time to o check everybody before
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they allow them to enter the town. it is a buffer zone, which makes it easy to attack for terrorists. the information we have is one of the suicide attackers was a woman, and thehe is anotheher sn boko hararam might behind deathe behind it because they have been using women and young girls, forcing them to carry out suicide attacks. brent: therere is been anothther incicident, gunmen in the west - northwestern state have kidnapped an american and a canadian and killed two police officers. what do we know about that, and is it related to what we've seen earlier? adrian: v very unlikekely it is related to a boko haramam incident.. wewe have seen these kidnanappis happenen very often.n. you u do not is in the center rf nigegeria, and thosese i incides have been occccurring many titis over thehe pastt years.
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a year ago, twoo germans were abducted, later on released. probablyly a ransom was paid, so thosarare likelyly criminalsls o try to go for money. the current incident, the american and the canadian w were instalalling sol s stems in villages. thth groupup was on their way baback, and they w were abductc. no information is o out yet whee they are, what is happening, if there is negegotiations are not. the e embassies of c canada ande u.s., theyey do not m me a lot f noise about it. they want to negotiate and t the backgrounds, but is a criminal act and likely after negotiations, it will be released. brent: the latest there from lagos. thank you. in europe, german chancellor angela merkel has held talks with austria's new chancellor here in berlin. their meeting was closely
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scrutinized for any signs of discord. there is a controversial coalition with the far right in austria, and he has been a vocal critic of the refugee policy in germany. from their joint press conference, they gloss over any differences of migration, focusing on the need to protect external borders. merkel added germany would judge the new government by actions, moving forward. we arere going to go forward ino the world of business. talking abobout the biggest risk factors for the world this year. there must be a lot of them. reporter: there are because the big question is, what could endanger economies, entire nations or the world? the world economic forum is looking at potential risks that could be any frank from a that anything from climate to health. here are the biggest risk factors for 2018. reporter: what happens if
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harvests fail? because of the effects of climate change or drought, or diseases that can destroy the local diversity crops? that could trigger conflicts over food and mass migration. the world economic forum says this in their mobile risk report. the experts call extreme weather events and natural disasters the biggest risk factors for 2018 in terms of likelihood and impact. the next most probable risks are cyber attacks and data fraud and the failure to mitigate or adapt to climate change. the report identifies a number of cyber security risk. for the first time in human history, a mouse click could disrupt global infrastructure. the greater our dependence on technology, the more the internetet of things expands, te more vulnerable we are to cyberattack.
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in 20 cyber breaches recorded by businesses averaged 130 for company. the cost of cyber crime to businesses is expected to amount to $8 trillion over the next five years. cyber attacks don't only cost money, they also target and paralyzed critical infrastructure like health systems. companies can lose innovative ideas or customer information through data theft. 20's exchange -- 2016 saw the release of 307 million new malware variants. details could be bought for as little as $500. the report highlights the problems of the world's increasing interconnectedness, it also warns about the risk of isolation and protectionism. risk as kurtz -- risk experts want to say that withdrawing from retreat agreements is a bad idea. thee analysts say global corporation i is best cooperatin
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is the key to a world that is stable and livable. reporter: a french dairy company is under pressure. french investigators are looking into how milk was tainted and how it got into stores and into baby food. reporter: investigators came in the early morning hours to check ouou the headquarters. their goal was to answer some of the many remaining questions, how did salmonella get into the milk powder, and how did the tainted powder get into stotos? parents acaccused the company of reacting to slowly. they threatened to sue. >> we discovered there was a proposition to compensate families thahat is before any traditional work have been done. this would meet the end of judicial proceedings. we won't give up on our complaint because we want to know what happens. we want those responsible to be identified.
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it seems the recall was handled poorly. for days it was unclear which shipments of milk powder had been tainted and which ones were clean. some product made into stores after the recall. reporter: it is berlin fashion week, and if you want to pick up the next big color for the next season, i would say great. don't expect everyone to be walking around like this, but the trends are environmentally friendly and sustainability. even if some of it looks like like garbage. >> you will see many catwalk shows like this one at this year's berlin fashion week. instead groups of designers are joining together to present collections that focus on a specific theme like sustainability. >> reducing waste is key. the waste created by the fashion
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industry should not be wasted. it is a resource, and you have to be clever about how to use it. reporter: so, is wearing our waste going to be the next big thing? maybe if these bags of pineapple leaves are anything to go by. >> my project is about getting our waste and getting the look. this waste, it will not be another waste. it is biodegradable. reporter: these may look like chinese dresses, but they are made from recycled plastic. >> what i want to do is trying to combine the future technique and future material and combined the traditional techniques together. reporter: the young designers here are relatively unknown, but they hope to start a trend. >> we want to get the new generation on board. we want them to absorb all these trends at school, university, in
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their first start up. so when they make the move to a big company, they can take these ideas with them, introduce new production methods, and make their ideas a reality. reporter: wearable waste is a big thing -- organizers here hope this will be part of the global fashion movement. reporter: you cannot didiscuss taste, can you? brent: it is green though. you have your clean on today. now let's talk about a real daredevil right now. the mountain biker has conquered the legendary downhill ski course in his native austria. take a look at this. he went down over three spine chilling steep kilometers. he only had the metal spikekefor grip. he hit top speeds of 106 miles
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per t tt's kilometers per hour. he wanted to do something nobody has done before, and i think the achieve that. i am sure his mother was not happy. here is a reminder of top stories. hockey diplomacy may be around to help stand -- end the standoff between korea's, who want to field a joint ice hockey team at the winter olympics next month. they will march under one flag at the opening ceremony. after a short break i will be back to take you through the day. around for that. -- stick around for that. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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. this is a. well i don't. and i from paris on france24 we meet said in the top stories this hour. but usual make his vote in favor of transferring eighty years old on to the british statute but see it withdraw bill haas is. in the house of commons. and don't back and take to the streets a sign of mourning for the reproductive rights is the. government seeks to further restrict access to abortion. and victory for friend she environmentalists as the government shelved plans to build an airport in the


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