tv DW News LINKTV January 23, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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berlin. a new front line in a new war in the middle east. turkey defies international criticism, pushing ahead with an offensive in syria. forces are advancing on the kurdish enclave, the goal, to destroy the militia which turkey labels as terrorists. the u.n. says the fighting has already displaced 5000 people and left many others trapped. also, activists slam germany's latest repatriation of afghan
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migrants days after a deadly taliban attack in kabul. we will be a from one of the organizations criticizing the government. and, the world economic for um gets underway in davos, but not everybody is thrilled with the business elite in the outs. -- in the alps. ♪ brent: i am brink off. it's good to have you with us. turkey is intensifying its offensive against kurdish militias in northern syria. that, despite criticism from the international community. the united nations says the fighting is already displaced 5000 people and left vulnerable civilians trapped. ankara will press on with thehe operation against groups it regards as terrorists. >> turkish forces firing on
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other towns along the syrian turkish border. officials say the aim is to diaper attention from the main campaign. their advance on the enclave is the fourth day of a push by forces and syrian rebel allies to clear the northwestern border of ypg fighters. ankara considers them to be allied with insnsurgents who, ,r decadedes, have foughtht againse turkish state e within its o own borders. turkey wants to prevent kurds from gaining their own independent territory. ankara promises and unrelenting campaign. >> all terrorist elements will be cleansed from the region. our brothers who came to the country from syria to save their lives will be able to return and continue their lives.
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regardless of price, we will tear down the terror corridor that they are trying to establish in the region. >> amid the attacks, russia has pulled back ground troops from the region. washington back to the ypg militia during the war against the islamic state, but is now refraining from direct criticism while urging turkey to "exercise restraint in its military actions." the u.s. is also said it takes turkey's legitimate concerns of security seriously. brent: tough talk coming from turkey, yet it concedes that it talked about this with the united states in moscow before hand. let's pull in yuri from moscow and michelle in the u.s. capitol
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washington. good evening. yuri, can we confirm what russia is saying? did it give turkey the blessing for this operation? yuri: there was indeed a small russian contingent there. the kurds believed if the russians were there they would be more or less safe from attacks. they think the forces would nott come because r russia has a sort of agreement with the pentagon, covering that part of syria. last week a delegation came to moscow for talks with the russian minister of defense, and apparently, they reached a deal. the deal supposedly allowed turkish forces to go in while turkey, for its part, allowed russian, irani in, and syrian forces to bomb the position inland. so there are obviously two operations going on at the same time.
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we have the russian de-escalation zone operation, and the turkish one against the kurds. brent: so if you have two operations going on, once the dust settles what does russia plan on getting from this? turyuri for russia, it seems to: be very important that turkey allow them to fight against parts of the so-called al-nusra front. so there is obviously something bigger at stake here as well. moscow wants to drive a wedge between turkey and the western allies because, for russia, the greatest prize could be if turkey breaks with thehe west, d especially with the united states. brent: speaking of the united states, what are we to make of washington's lukewarm reaction to all of this? let me ask you, michelle.
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why has america's response so far been so muted? michel: washington is walking a very fine line on this issue. the u.s. clearly does not want to anger turkey, a key nato ally. it also does not want an extensive war against the kurds, because they played a key role in defeating isis. so the u.s. in a way as a very difficult position here. brent: and we heard from yuri that one of russia's aims is to destabilize already strained relations between turkey and the u.s.. so how is the u.s. reacting to that if one of the goals of russia is to see to nato allies -- two nato allies fallout with each other? michel: for now, the u.s. is siding with turkey.
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they are siding with the kurds. this is, of course, contingent upon this kurdish -- this turkish offensive not extending beyond a few days, probably and also not becoming an all-out wardens the kurds. it seems that when push comes to shove, the u.s. sides with its key nato our life instead of the kurds. brent: the kurds were indispensable in the fight against the islamic state. they were considered the best ground troops that the u.s. led coalition had against the islamic state in syria. and now we have a different conflict, so is the u.s. willing to let its best ground troops just be delivered to the turks and abandoned? michel: it could certainlyly be red like that right now, at least. six here in the u.s. who actually make that point say that the u.s. is leaving the
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kurds hanging to drive. this could only change, as i said before, i if perhaps this offensivive which is supposed to be limitited extends and becomea full-fledged war. then it cocould be that the u.s. will try to rein in turkey. brent: briefly, is that how it is seen in moscow as well? yuri: yes. it seems that the russians have used the kurds to achieve their wider goals. the goals are much more important to moscow than surrendering a small city in syria. brent: to both of you, think you very much. the u.s. justice department is confirming that attorney general jeff sessions was questioned by investigators looking into alleged russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. the interview reportedly took place last week behind closed doors. while sessions is the first member of donald trump's cabinet
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known to have been interviewed in the inquiry, which aims to establish whether the campaign colluded with russia, sessions previously served as an advisor to the campaign. he is known to have had multiple contacts with russian officials during that time. here are some of the other stories making headlines. a 15-year-old high school student in kentucky has shot dead two of his cello studedents and wounded 19 otherers. he was armed with a handgun. he was arrested at the same. -- a at the scene. he will be charged with murder and attempted murder. as soon on the west coast of the united states has been lifted. the warning followed a 7.1 magnitude quake 250 kilometers off the wake of alaska's kodiak island. twitter footage showed streams of cars leaving the island after residents were warned to move to higher ground.
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officials in the philippines are warning that a violent irruption of the country's most active volcano could be eminent. mount mayon has been spewingng llama and add, prompting authorities to expand the dangers him. thousands of people living there by have been told to leave the area. human rights activists in germany are criticizing a decision by the government to deport more afghan refugees. a plane carrying at least 17 failed asylum seekers took off from duesseldorf, bound for kabul. protesters gathered to voice their concerns, saying it is not safe to send people back as highlighted by repeated afghanistan attacks. 155 afghans have been deported from germany over the past year. some flights had to be canceled because e the pilots refused to fly. i am joined now by stephan
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dunnwald. it is good to have you on the scope -- on the show. you arere against the depororta. why? >> so we see that afghanistanans a country in war, which is also confirmed by the united nations. so we are against any deportation force returns to afghanistan. this includes deportations from pakistan and iran, but especially anywhere near. brent: the german government says with them being sent back, it involves convicted criminals. afghans are not cooperation -- for not cooperating with auththorities. these are failed asylum seekers. so, what is wrong g with sending them back? that is the prproper course e wn they fail the apppplication
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process. >> we say that the goverernments deciding on this, saying there are secure regions in afghanistan. there never clear which regions they declared to be safe, and this is something that is difficult to do. we have seen in many cases, refugees are not properly defended. to give an example, as one federal state of germany wanted to send back 50 afghan people. we c could bring seven o of thee people, and in four cases, german courts said in these c
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ases, deportation is not possible. brent: if i could interrupt you, you are saying that these asylum-seekers are not receiving due process. that the legal representation that they receive is not up to par. is that what you are saying? >> yes. that is the point i wanted to make, because we see that many refugees do not get pocket moneney, they don'n't have moneo pay lawyers. they often have difficulties to contact lawyers, to look into the specifics of the cases. the people who contact us and are in deportation custody -- even in these cases which are difficult to handle because they don't have direct contact to refugees -- we have a couple of
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successful decisions by courts against these deportation issues, and this strengthens us to say that many of these failed asylum seekers realllly have god claims and reasons not to be deported, but to get protection in germany. brenent: think you very much -- thank you very much. staying with the issue deportation, belgium is awaiting the result of an inquiry into the alleged torture of sudanese migrants deported to their home country. the affair sparked scandals in brussels with opposition alleging collaboration between the government and the sudanese regime. belgium has since suspended deportations to sudan, but
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migrants from the african country are keeping a low profile. catherine martens has more. catherine: 36-year-old refugee from sudan meets us in a brussels train station. he postponed our rendezvous three times for fear of being arrested. he has been holding out here. it's warmer than staying on the street. he says he has not eaten for two days, but what matters is that he is not in an airplane bound for sudan. he has already had one close call. >> they tried to make me leave. they bought me a plane ticket and said they would send me back to sudan. i was staying in a reception center. catherine: he is from the capital of southwest sudan. he fled to europe through libya and nearly died on the way.
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deportation would be a nightmare for him. >> i was shocked that they wanted to send me back to the sudan. catherine: he is one of a group of refugees belgium would like to send home immediately. the opposition says the government in brussels has been secretive about contacts with sudanese officials who helped compile a list of 41 sudanese nationals to deport. >> the first mistake is, you don't collaborate with the dictator. especially on something that stays in the shadows and is not put in writing. we heard about this week announced it -- we heard about this, we denounced it. catherine: the belgian government's activities were brought to light. he shows his message exchanges with refugees who have already been deported back to sudan. he says it is unacceptable to
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send them to war zones where torture is a daily occurrence. >> i have contact with these peopople, who told me personally that in deed haveve been beaten and tortured. the belgian government has sent back at least three people who are coming from a war zonone, ad these people always deserve protection in any way. catherine: people continue to take to the streets over elgin's controversial deportations. >> is a repressive policy that does not represent international human rights. >> this is sad for us, and our country. >> you can't judge someone's worth by their passport or piece of paper. catherine: the government as the client requests to discuss deportation practices.
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the prime minister did call for an investigation committee, but for many it has come too late. in the meantime, the court ruled that mubarak would not be deported. he does s not have to fear tortrtured for thehe time being. this might hurt belgium's reputation on an international level. the timing according to observers means campaigning for a permanent seat on the united nations security council. brent: polls in germany show another dip in support for the social democrats as they prepare to enter formal coalition talks with angela merkel's conservatives. the spd will negotiate hard to do that, while the conservatives have hinted limited room for maneuvering. the talks are expected to ststat this week.
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javier is here now. the business and political elite gathering where the air is thin and cold. javier: we are talking about. those. many of the world leaders are there to speak at the meeting of the world economic forum. the prime minister of india defended more cooperation between the worlds largest economies against what seems to be a protectionist approach by the current u.s. administration. his message was also a clear promotion for his own country, which has seen steady growth. it wants the world to know it is ready for more. it is the first time in 20 years that thehe head of indndia's gogovernment h has come to davor the world economic forum. he has brought 100 exexecutives and six ministers within. his message was simple, warning against the protectionist tendencies of some countries. he is diametrically opposed to president donald trump, who hass
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imposed punitive tariffs on a range of imports. >> many societies and countries are becoming more and more focused on themselves. it feels like the opposite of globalization. the negative impact of this kind of mindset and wrong priorities cannot be seen as any less dangerous than climate change or terrorism. the speech was regarded with a claim from the participants at davos. >> i think it is a great time for this. to collaborate with other countries. >> promoting climate change is our number one priority. >> modi is also using davos for the sector he intends to expand forcefully. on day two,, davos turns his
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attention to europe as well as german chancellor angela merkel. italy and greece are also expected to attend. javier: criticism persists that it is a meeting of the elite that does not always pass on wealth to all sectors of society. fofor more on that, we will talk with helena humphrey. >> they certainly do have inequality report. 82% of all of the wealth generated last year is now in the hands of just 1% of the population. to discuss how to close that gap, i am joined by my guest.
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what measure would you recommend to close the gap is soonest possible? -- as soon as possible? >> that inequality we show in the report is a result of choices that politicians and business people make. if they make different choices the gap could close. we would like governments and political leaders to take the driving seat and manage the economy's the benefit of the majority, and not for a few at the top. for example, they should institute a living minimum wage. people at the bottom can have a decent life. they should make sure that men and women are treated equally in the economy. they can use law to establish equity for men and women. they should make sure they are rich. that big companies pay taxes and put the money they collect into health and education of all the people, because that is the
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greatest leveler against inequality. >> i want to pick you up on that point regarding gender inequality, because the two are often closely linked. what are your thoughts on the times of movement -- the time's up movement? >> indeed, gender and economic inequality are locked together. the countries with the widest gap between men and women also have the widest gap in incomes between rich and poor. to tackle that, you need to tackle both together. you need to understand that the majorityty of women are discriminated against through law and informal laws. so you have to tackle both. it isn't just the job of governments, but the job of the private sector to tackle social norms that discriminate against
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women. these social norms are used to justify economic exploitation of women. so two companies, companies especially, they can use the supply chain. how they sourced the products. they can use their factories to ensure that social norms that discriminate against women are dealt with. they can use advertising to address gender inequalities and discrimination and violence against women, so all of us, from politicians to business people to religious leaders to women's movements, we can all do something. >> let's see if that message is heard here in the forum. think you very much. brentjavier: thank you very muc. brent: and there were more voices today in the world economic forum. canadian prime minister said that canada is set to sign the
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transpacific partnership along with 10 other asia-pacific countries. trudeau used the stage to promote free trade in advance of u.s. president trump's appearance later in the week. the canadians had backed out of the tpp last year after the u.s. pulled out due to the trump administration's isolationist stance. the agreement is set to be signed in early march. and while all of this was going on, thousands of anti-capitalist protesters marched incirlik to protest -- in zurich. many of them carried anti-globalist placards. some have warned that the u.s. presidents polarizing persona could resurrect the violent anti-protests seen in the early 2000's.
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they were warned to stay clear of the demonstration in switzerland's financial capital. and it's time for a soccer transfer saga in sports. >> interesting names too. british media reporting that pie rre emerick aubaumeyang is on the move toward arsenal. he was the bundesliga's top scorer. the manager confirmed that they are in talks to sign him, but would not comment on a possible deal. >> i donon't know. we are not close to doing anything right now. brent: the nominations for this year's oscars are in. "the shape of water" tops the
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list with 13 nods. sally hawkins was nominated for best actress. "dunkirk" is next with eight nominations. the movie that is dominated the awards season with three billboards outside of epping missouri received seven. the oscars will take place on march 4. after a short break i will be back to take you through the day. stick around for that. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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hundred sixty france24 correspondents around the world. you're watching live from paris on france24 headlines this hour. the united states says rushes to blame feel knowing use of chemical weapons in syria section state rex tillerson made comments at summit here in paris. boring and alleged chlorine gas attack new damascus. he continues to attack dispositions inside syria with hundreds of civilians reportedly forced to flee. arrests and russia according for strength. india's prime minister depends globalization during the opening of the world economic forum in davos. it is losing its luster
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