tv France 24 LINKTV January 24, 2018 2:30pm-3:01pm PST
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com. you're watching live from paris on france24 on your city and headlines this hou. brazil's former president this is his appeal against corruption convictions it is a severe blow to the next stage is hopes of winning back the presidency. she said the children says its temporary. operations in afafghanistann after islamic state. offices in just abou. and your pain latest time out in stores defense of globalization of the world economic forum in devil's president emmanuel back on top. events and says from his back or not it is is.
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does that and it feels cold in brazil has up held a corruption conviction against former president luiz inacio lula da silva. is a major blow to his hopes of winning back the presidency in or outside is elections he was convicted on charges ranging from corruption. to money laundering that his bosses argue the case against him. a part of a conspiracy to keep himim from power lefeft offifice in twenty eleven wh rachael high approval ratings. as good as she had to share our correspondent two victories that says him all three judges ruled to hold a conviction what is the same for the former president. yes at the cdc both is still i why i see anybody do met.
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no sir if you can have a. are just as he okay so what the president now that we know that all three judges have ruled this activation regression should be out health. it's very bad guy folder. not only has he. not at all. a month old so that retail victory limits he's up he'll auctions. because of use underlying tactics to avoid immediately going to trial. at least three milligrams did. all sees all spendingg as presidents in also goes elections. the study ends the said he thought runner he called along. with it. six percent all okay intentions. focused retail it switches former cold war. to the streets upon all the workers party
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lately hoffman has said this is the time. radical and we already see a reaction on the streets of brazil up. her seat himself all were a major road blocks of what we see on the other side of the political divide. a reactio. exactly reaction to this with an allergy gaining in value as well as leading brazilian says how personal remains very polarized as a result of the site. which is not. he we the financial scandal. worried brazil's economic problems which stop under his successor humor who said he will made. a big
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population of factual support is interested or not only guides how mucuch suppt muster how much support and the street will almost. goals which will certainly appeal i'll tell you susan. additives in all congress presidential elections storr the attack jc has will do s. a large explosion followed by gunfire. at nine am on wednesday shortly after staff arrive for work in jalalabad. a car bomb was detonated outsidede
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civic children's offices. three menen t then blastster way into the british a group's compound. i has not exclusion. the calm cool. and. some employees were able to escape climbing out of the windows. several hours later the islamic state group claimed respsponsibility f for the attack. mean while the ngo has announced it suspending operations across afghanistan. the assault on save the children which is operated in the country since nineteen seventy six is the latest violencnce to hit a forereign aid grgroup in the country. afghanistan recorded the second highest number of attacks agagainst chaharitin twenty sixteen. well run i'm joined now by michael could go then he's from the asia program at the woodrow wilson international center for scholars. and he joins us now from the united states thank you being with us own of france24 is not now at save the children. has been operating in afghanistan since nineteen
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seventy six and it is now having to spend its operations we also the red cross. scaling back its operations because of security why are these aid agencies increasingly under attack. well unfortunately it's just because they can be. because the security conditions allow these different types of terrorist groups to work target. what at the end of the day are really soft targets in the status children other chararitable groups in afghanistan have good security measures is still? there are heavily fortififi as a militarary base wououle anand. the security forces n afghanistann not simplply he not bebe up to ththe tasasko prevent t and preempts. the types of. incidents like what we saw today with the same to childr and of course the farmrm com that. p presence in afghahanistan last several years ago so it's not like you can assume that there would b be us or other foreign troops able to
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guarard. these facilities anytime so you know it reallyy iss sad but the bottom line is it that no one no one is safe afghanistan even these charitable groups that you would expect would be scare. by. these these terrible organizations that echo after. but and and as you said added a a number of foreign troops in the country we whicich is now just not that the a ahan ministry is is more focuseded on passing te tell about mc i think one re current administration decided to expand modestly the number of us troops in the country is to help us find the afghan troops and put them in their in a better position to do more. still you know it at the end of the day it's hard to assume already guarantee. at that he's very vulnerable yet critically important services like see the
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children will receive the security. that they that they deserve to have. we know that it is a mistake is gaining more more of a foot hold in afghanistan at most it goes on the border with pakistan. are they becoming they the most dangerous group in afghanistan right now more more of a threat to the taliban. well it's true if you look at the the number of attacks in kabul alone. over the last few months and number of deaths coming from them. in one could argue they've been more deaths from attacks claimed by isis than for a tax claim right towel but. that's a little things over state threat posed by isis the taliban is still the biggest threat is the main insurgent group afghanistan it's ages and is already tax. and kill the majority of people but i said i think it's very alarming it after a many months of relentless us and
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afghan airstrikes on isis fighters. including the use of the most powerful non nuclear bomb ever used by the us military. against isis fighters in isis remains there are in fact there is good reason to assume that it's now developed a significant presence in the kabul area so it's not just it's stronghold. in eastern afghanistan i in jalalabad ready say the children talk was today b but you know the arare thesese are fightersht are starting to d develop a presence in power cobbles courses will be. one of the few safee areas leftt in afghanistan andnd it now you have. you have. isis vision pushed back agt
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the taliban in any can. you know you can make the opposite argument as well at onee point during the height of t the foreign troop surg. there were more than one huhundred thousand us trtros in afghanistanan andnd d d t turnrned the tide in the wod atat that to seeee the tali. the answer is no course now there are only about thirteen f fourteen thousand troops in the country so you know unfortunately i think that. it's chicago complicated war and the taliban so strong men different reasons we can't we cannot assume it just by having more troops more foreign troops in afghanistan. that that would be able to tame the taliban is there's so much more to it and and troop levels unfortunately michael okay
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then thank you very y ch and if so with us. but he's thirty three people have been killed off an explosion in the libyan exc. a little bit of the security forces were already there. they also have a heart attack. evacuate the dead. yeyeah only sand off about twenty minutes a secular exploded. the attacks on his of the sound of his come on a us navy to reach his clothes the general have thought used in it is strong on. the to read died instantly. it wasas a f famous fightery he schchools and islamic state's. a supposedlyy lesbian national army he's for his friends in this compound. the explosion killed him and all other people including one child. a to three years that alleged national army totoefeat the man i like to
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be assigned state group. they had seas benghazi after the rerevolution. the sporac attacks delica. no still terrorist cells in the city. we will win soon. i won't residents. keep an eye o on yourur son's case. if the mononey to carry weapons and bombs. all of them. this is the worst attack in benghazi since the end of the fighting last year. it shows how unstable libya still is. that's right by french prison guns is now in its third stay with unions say they will continue to blockade facilities until at imam's for safer working conditions and that you can roy has the story. police in riot gear full said we in a sixteen gods refused to budge. she walked the rough spots a day at this prison plan south of paris. as a high profile trolling to november
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twenty fifty tax is about to be held. like other p prisons a acros france purchasing guards tried to block the accused hungering to courts. if you're going to use force against us you might as well take over our job. stocks by a razor blade attack on god's by convicted okay amanda in early januar. prison protest advocates has spread around a hundred fox's one hundred and eighty eight institutions. as no end in sight of the nationwide strike now in its third day. after talks between unions on the government fell apart on tuesday. francis twenty eight thousand jail guards say that profession is dangerous on the page and isis respec. and the nation's attention sent is also very overcrowded. prison capacity is on the sixty thousand but the seventy thousand people are incarcerated. hundreds of people have been protesting in brussels and government's plans to depose undocumented migrants and also search private homes
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suspected of sheltering the. under the needle residence to house of document individuals could also face charges to the cs. in the century brussels to cry their anger. protesters are opposing government plans to arrest migrants and refugees staying in your by park. lawmakers could go even further and vote a law that would allow police to reach private homes in search of illegal migrants. all now of them all to proceed under the current law we cannot deport illegal migrants. found refuge in belgium households. whether it's a residence so toward the residence of a third party is as well site is there is no legislation that allows us to get further access and not. allow us to execute a warrant leading to the deportation of an individual that he for. recently decided to coordinate directly with locals to find accommodation for homes migrants. and so
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far host families have taken in more than five hundred people deserve who are government wants to intimidate us they want to break a solidarity that we have experience in belgium and i lost six months or more the accommodation of migrants by such as it is. we need all politicians to adopt a more humane policy takes into account what's really happening on the ground. did you tell. the government has faced growing scrutiny over its immigration policies. it recently deported to sudanese migrants in agreement with his counterpart in khartoum. both men were allegedly tortured upon their return. photos of the us olympic gymnastics team has been sentenced to between foresee a hundred and seventy five years in jail on multiple counts of sexual abuse against girls and young women. fifty four year old larry nast that was found guilty after trial in which over one hundred and fifty of his victims testified. judge dismissed his statement as insincere as he attempts to a apologize to e court judge rosary ackley
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that said it was her or not and privilege distances him. sorry the lebanese prime minister he said to saudi arabia designs and then returns to by reach usages resignation has been speaking to frustrate you full set the all time because of him at the world economic forum in davos and she asked him how much of a role from. late in resolving his country's missile crisis a sickness. the book will be stabbed the closer we much more stable now as you know we had a december conference in pari. with the international support group. the conference was a great success with president mackerel. a although i in the coffee house of almost. and will have a conference in rome as well. room to witchell target how the international community will help the lebanese army in the security services.
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and then there will be the next paris conference this year conference. which president macron will preside over as well. my call lot is it is used. central philosophies that this conference will focus on the entire infrastructure lebanon. this a top pleaded event. is going to help the private sector come to lebanon to invest in a country. as a pop up book will be if you board that will bring a lot of benefits for french society. in this conference there are projects for electricity roads water. all that sort of thing that'll would you do sarah aaa or c. over. these you and we're going to focus also on aid from the international community. baltimore the eye level. thank the european central bank and such bonn certain projects which wouldn't be feasible for businesses to invest in. what is a says it did in the abbas diesel
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supporting? okay. never said it was to the wall and i'm you like me to. fiji because as you know in lebanon we have one and a half million refugees which is a lot to handle. we need economic growth. is that's the only way we can really be able to take in those one and a half million refugees. walkable up but usual. it's a bird in lebanon can't keep carrying. the idea of a political solution in syria. i don't see it happening soon. so lebanon is doing a public service for the entire worl. by allowing those one and a half million refugees into our country. and i think the international community has a responsibility to lebanon as well as to jordan. motive all components of the news. the the full senate usual
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virtually france has always played a unifying role. worker the because you know my call add the. the man yeah guys mikey i think president mackerel has a wa. charisma that is very effective at introducing dialogue in these countries. yellow the on the. be he's on his own confusion i think france should play a role. and can play a role because without this dialogue where do we go about. under the table with us you know. we have a very good relationship. since i got back we've had several meetings secret up to this point. the relationship is excellent and you'll see in the months to come how saudi arabia is going to engage more and more in lebanon and in the region. avoid a larg.
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no more long detailed handed you the entire world is saying we don't accept this decision if the americans want to do that. okay they can do that but it doesn't mean that jerusalem as the capitol of israel level close it belonged on ta. may in a victim at the important thing is that the whole world with america puts pressure on israel to come back to the bargaining tabl. to end to the conflict between them and the palestinians. several he never barbecues israel needs to understand that this conflict can't continue without end. a joke was of any. eleven a scientist at spspeaking seem exactly on time at the world economic forum and we've got more often doubts that is not a disease is a with a basis. out of course us out very wasn't the only one and i was today european leaders to to stansted really give at united defense. the united funds a frontrunner this a wednesday emmanuel michael angela merkel and paolo gentoo
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lonely old came out and so on defense of globalization. the french german and italian heads of state will caution against protectionism anti isolationist policies are donald trump. he is used to address the world economic forum at the end of the week the financial president mean walked out of his own achievements during his time in office. says works still needs to be done happened yet. free trade free markets and not protectionism are what deliveries economic growth. that's a consensus from european leaders attending the world economic forum. in his address french president emmanuel mackerel laid out his vision for a new france and in new york. we have to redesign it then yes strategy. because southern overnights strateg. italian strategy. to make europe an actual economy social. green scientific. and political poor.
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meanwhile german chancellor angela merkel sounded the alarm over protectionist policies like those touted by us president donald trum. view all the options we believe isolationism will get us nowhere. we have to cooperate and that protectionism is not the right answer. donald is. does it on what we should have a multilateral solutions. and not unilateral ones ultimately. isolationism and protectionism citizens nor. a sentiment echoed by the italian prime minister. i could say it on the first white house. that at the end of the day what we need. is. if we have if we want to have. economic growth. and welfare. and protection for workers and who have these we need. free trade. free markets and not protections.
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you are pleaded green the world will only prosper if everyone works together and not in isolation. to forge a new vision of globalization. happened yet reporting that now donald trump is set to deliver the closing address at the world economic forum on friday the highly anticipated speech is expected to be a defense of his america first policies. but in the run up to mr trump survival to dab us he's a treasury secretary has been trying to calm the elite gathered at the swiss ski resort. stephen roach in saying america first means of working with the rest of the world. and. at what reception we settle from set it up also heroes. laura double censor everything donald trump ran against a during his campaign to become president of the united states states although he is part of that eight himself. but it right since the world economic forum began yesterday on tuesday we've heard from a whole host of global leaders. seeing.
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globalization is actually a good thing but if you heard it never edible yesterday. he said globalization was losing its luster emmanuel michael is sort of a repeated that sentiment today where he said he listed all the peoples of globalization and said that a couple of months ago he wasn't sure he'd become the president of france. given of the rise of the far right in the country and in the in other parts of europe now don't sample undoubtedly toned down his. actions rhetoric given in the audience he will be addressing. but we seen that before from the us president he tends to to tone down his and his speeches. in international settings a little more subdued version out on top we should expect to see now it ain't remains to be seen if he to agrees with his global counterpart. that globalization needs to be fixed were axed in being in his words. let's get a check off other markets next sent over in europe but all the meetings
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ended the session deep in the red we had. losses on the frankfurt dax and the landfill to down over one percent the technology and paris closing down seven tenths of one percent. over in the united states at this hour similar picture. well the dow jones has a move back up intoo the green it did their time over a hundred points during the session the nasdaq down around half percent. that is the business use i will handed back you know laura thank you very much and is it a decision that with a business is taking show right to stay with us
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01/24/18 01/24/18 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from park city, utah, at the sundance film festival, this is democracy now! >> having grown up in the south were the cops and the klan onanand th same, my parents did nonot tu to o th police for protection. they already felt the policeadad readady turned their son and as a suspect forde
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