tv France 24 LINKTV January 25, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PST
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genie: this is france 24. timeme for 60 minutes live aroud the world. i'm genie godula. thesese are the headlines.s. the u.n.s s holding last chchane talks to reboot these negotiations on syria. the meeting hoping to come up wiwith a political solution n td the seven-year war that has left 340,000 people dead. says he's looking forward to being questioned under oath in the russia probe.
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robert mueller closes in on the white house as part of his investigation into possible collusion with moscow during the campaign. former u.s. gymnastics team dr. to 175assar sentenced years in prison for molesting dozens of young athletes. update get our business live from the world economic forum in thomas. and meet the first ever cloned monkeys. first ever cloned monkeys. for startup storyline from paris. t, our top story live from paris. ♪
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the biggest sticking point to ending the seven-year war in syria is the fate of the syrian president, bashar alal-assad. russia began sending him in let's go live to vienna with journalist anthony mills. i in 2015. let's s go live to vienna with there's really no way of knowing. this is the ninth edition of thesestalks and thus far they have f failed to achieieve anytg really tangible. they haven't even managed to produce a situation in which the two sides actualllly speak face-to-facece. of of how indicication stark the challenges are. it is certainly going to be one of the aims of the special
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representative for syria of the he will btrtrying too create an environment in which fore is sufficient goodwill them to actually speak face-to-face. even that is far from guaranteed let alone agreement on issues such as the fate of the syrian president bashar al-assad. they see a future for syria in which he plays no part. of c course his regime strengthened by the support of are verery sure of their position. presencehis continued in the near future is nonnegotiable. genie: the vienna talks backed by the u.n. come days before russia is sponsoring its own syrian dialogue in sochi. who is involved in those talks and are they helping or undermininu.u.n. effortsts? are another indicatioion ofof the challenges surrououndig
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reresolving the whole syriaa conflict. has its own geostrategic interests which it has been representing since it entered the conflict on the side of a bashar al-asassad and have cropd up his regime. they have been promoting those interests for the past few years. the conference in sochi is going to bring together the key playayers. it's going to bring together representatives of the regime. it's going to bring together regional representatives from turkey, iran. it''s a parallel procesess. on the o one hand you have countries like france anand the united states that say the only possible logical solution to the syria conflict runs through these un-sponsored talks. ththey say that's the only way o come to a political solution and then at the samame time a few ds later you have russia organizing these talks and there is a
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suggestion that that may be an effort to create a parallel process that undermines the u.n. led process but resultsts in russia's hopes in a sololution that is more aligned with its strategic interests. twoer way we are seeing different processes here just days apart and no sign of any substantive outcome. genie: thank you, anthony mills. donald trump has said he would love to be questioned under oath in the russia investigation. he says it could even happen in the coming weeks. trump confirmed that his lawyers were in talks with special counsel robert mueller who is heading up the investigation into allegations of collusion between the presidential campaign and russia. the president made those comments when he poppedthe prese comments when he popped in for a surprise appearance at a white house press briefing. >> the u.s. president made
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plenty of news when he barged into the office in the west wing of his chief of staff john kelly where we were getting a babackground briefing on immigration. the u.s. president is now heading to davos and the world economic forum in what clearly is a good move despite the russia investigation pursuing him. and he made sure that when he spoke to us. hehe said he is looking forwardo being interviewed by the special counsel robert mueller, who is responsible for that investigation. and the president also said he was willing to speak to the special counsel under oath. those are some significant developments in an investigation that is clearly speeding up. an interview by the special counsel of the u.s. president could happen within two to three weeks according to press repepos and acaccording to the u.s. president himself. what we saw in the west wing earlier was a president not unlike what one sees s in publi.
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very cononfident that this investigation will go away. very confident that you will have the right answers. he also repeated those phrases that you have heard from donald trump before. he says there was no collusion meaning no collaboration between the russian government and his campaign. and he also says there was no obstruction, meaning and obstruction of justice that he might have been guilty of when he fired the fbi director james comey. we should know more about what the president himself thinks about the investigation when he is interviewed by robert mueller, something that looks like a very distinct possibility now. genie: the former doctor for the u.s. gymnastics team has been to 175 years in prison for the sexual abuse of more than 150 women. many of them were children at the time. caps a week of
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emotional testimony from dozens of victims. they say he used them for years under the guise of medical treatment. -- abused them for years under the guise of medical treatment. >> making sure larry nassar will spend the rest of his life behind bars. a u.s. judge has handed down a minimum sentence of 40 years in disgraced sports doctor foror abusing more than 0 won. this a adds to the 60 years he received for possession of child pornography. >> as much as it was my honor and privilege to hear from survivors it is my honor and privilege to sentence you. sir you do not deserve to walk outside the prison ever again. . >> the sentence follows a week of emotional testimony from hundreds of nasser's victims.
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they say they were abused under the guise of medical treatment, sosometimes on repeated occasio. you made eveverydayay conversation while you arere assaulting m me as well as comments t to me which i will never forg. how does thihis fieield? -- feeeel? and does this makeke you feel better? i only said yes, holding back my tears, pain and discuss -- disgust hoping you would stop. -- as judge dismisseddis his insincere. his sentencing on wednesday provided some of the victims with a sense of closure. others said more is needed. pointing the finger at the u.s. gymnastics federation as well as michigan state university where he coached. >> they need to have an independent investigation.
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they need to start being accountable for everything they have done. >> the u.s. olympic committee says it will hold an independent investigation to establish how the abuse went undetected for so long. the scandal has forced the president of michigan state university to resign over the school's handling of allegations against him. we have the latest on the trial of the man known as the basis landlord -- isis landlord. he is on trial for lending his apartment to two terrorists who that killedattacks 130 people in the paris area. ryan quinn has more -- brian quinn has more. >> a victim of the november 13 terror attacks, he was badly wounded by the explosion of a suicide bomber. for him this trial is a first
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step towards the truth. i believe the trial is necessary. no one can tell me that it's not important. i am destroyed on the inside. i can't get over it. he appeared restless and nervous. occasionally wiping away tears. the day of t the police assaultt that k killed the terror attacks mastermind and accomplice -- >> they asked me to do them a favor. i don't know where they are from. her --couldn't have been a what aware that he was harboring terrorists. >> it's impossible that he could completely ignorant
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about what he was doing. >> he maintains that he is not a terrorist. genie: early this morning complt about what he was doing. >> a commuter train carrying hundreds of people derailed near milan. at least three people were killed when the train went off the tracks. 10 more were seriously hurt. paris the seine river has burst its banks forcing authorities to close several metro stations. france is now in the midst of its wettest january in more than 100 years. authorities say water levels could continue to rise. this is the so-called statue standing below the bridge in the heart of the french capital. used asdes it has been a measuring instrument for water levels during floods. reached -- water it's risen to just above his
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ankles. >> we looked at all the sites and the bridges and it was right after the big flood. we wanted to come and see what it looks like it's amazing. >> the floods come as france faced its wettest january in more than a century with heavy rain lashing much of the country including paris where the river burst its banks earlier this week. some metro lines and stations have been closed along with several tourist attractions at including the north shem cathedral. many iconic houseboats have been evacuated. >> some people have abandoned their boats because they no longer have water and electricity. the roadso tighten every three hours because if they break the boat will drift.
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>> a authorities have raised the emergency flflood level to o ore telling residents and visitors to avoid traveling along the seine. the river is expected to peak at just over six meters on saturday as more rain is on the way. dolly thee over, sheep. these monkeys might take us one step closer to human cloning. they're the first primates to be successfully cloned using the same technique that created dolly. say their end goal is to use our closest animal relatives to better understand human disease. a medical miracle that raises a host of ethical dilemmas. scientists say they have successfully cloned these two macaques, a species of monkey scientists say they have successfullyrelative -- native .
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the same method used t to create dolllly the sheep. it's the first time the procedure has produced a primate. a groundbreaking development that china hopes will benefit humanity. animal andn clone an then add in specific genes that are related to human disease then they can produce a large forer of animals or monkeys medical purposes. >> researchers want to use the monkey clones to study genetic diseases. >>critics have pointed out that the macaque belongs to the same animal family as human beings and coding monkeys brings -- cloning monkeys brings us a step closer to copying humans. they say they are not planning to use the technique on people.
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the shanghai research center is planning to roll out more cloning facilities over the next five years. the yuan is holding what has been called last chance talks to reboot peace negotiations on syria. the meeting in vienna hoping to come up with some kind of political solution to end the seven-year war that has left 340,000 dead. u.s. president donald trump says he's looking forward to being questioned under oath in russia probe. this as robert mueller closes in on the white house as part of his investigation into possible collusion with moscow during the winning track campaign. -- trump campaign. formerer u.s. gymnastics team d. larry nassasa sentenced to 100 5 years in prison for molesting dozens of young athletes. in with the latest from the world economic forum. today u.s. president donald .rump landed
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his message of america first is running contrary to the push for more globalization and free trade hitched by the eu. our business editor is standing by with more. donald trump is on his way to the world economic forum. it is worth noting he never actually attended as a business tycoon. it's only now that he's the american president that he has been invited. the e focus is on globalization and the america first policy that h he and his a administratn has been pushing rebs very much against the grain. we heard one advisor seeking to clarify from that -- what that means. that it's about the u.s. as part of the broader world economy. few differenta definitions and defenses s of those protectionist policies from the u.s. delegation over the past few days. it will be interesting to see what nuance he will get in his speech on friday. to get perspective on the event
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i'm joined by the ceo of crescent enterprise based in the united arab emirates. what is your take on the message that donald trump is pushing here? >> it's fair to say that on this mountain there are a few trump collects. people overly obsessed with what trump is going to say. what he's going to tweet. i'm not personally one of them. i think what's fair to say is that his message is roughly speaking from an economic perspective pro-business. the big question that we are struggling with not just on this mountain but everywhere is the economic growth and the investment that is supposed to be generated to generate that economic growth. is it to benefit just a few like those on this mountain including myself or broader based? there's a wider issue at play and that's -- take a middle east perspective. it has been an over reliance on government to try and address
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the challenges we face. the middle east is faced with many challenges. it is a socioeconomic with unemployment through the roof. we have a sectarian crisis leading to more conflict. have a humanitarian crisis. i think two thirds of the world's current humanitarian crises are within the middle east and north africa and government doesn't have all the solutions nor can they address all the challenges. it's really an opportunity and i think this is slowly dawning on businesses. to step up and be part of that solution. i think there are a number of ways businesses can be proactively involved in generating solutions. >> one of the keywords that we hear a lot is the idea of inclusive growth. is that something the american president doesn't belilieve in either? >> whether or not president trump leaves in that or not as far as i'm concerned is neither here nor there because it's about the business's role and that's where i think the missing gap is right now.
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the policies are very important and therefore governments creating that enabling environment is important. the business itself needs to be done by a business. thee's a lot of talk about fourth industrial revolution. sometimes it feels like the only place left in the world not trying to become silicon valley is silicon valley. the question to ask is if we are able to replicate silicon valley's around the world will that address all of our challenges? that's where there is still a gap. technology in itself doesn't or doesn't cause change. it enables change. we do connected people are ultimately be agents of change. time will tell whether we are able to use that tool of technology for the betterment of humanity or for the exacerbation of our own human flaws. moreg from tech hubs to purpose hubs is where the ultimate solution is. that's crucial for the middle
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east and north africa. thingsof the unique about davos is that it creates a cross-section between politics, business and humanitarian work. >> yes. i was really humbled to sit on the high-level panel for humanitarian financing. we were looking at both quality and quantity of funds towards better he monetary and outcomes. what dawned on me very early on in those discussions is how little business today to humanitarian outcomes. i think the 2015 number is only 4.8% of total global humanitarian aid was contributed by businesses. is at the challenges turn-of-the-century humanitarian crises where split between natural disasters and human conflict. to try andses like
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stay on the sidelines of those politics. you see that in the middle east with crises such as syria and yemen. there needs to be better communication between policymakers and businesses on how to engage and not to engage in economic crises. moving thehe narrative of busins engagement and military and outcomes from donations and philanthropy into investments and resilience. and it's in their enlightened self-interest to invest early to avoid challenges and much greater costs going down the road. thisencouraged to see that is the fair davos i have been to where humanitarian objectives is really central to the various programs to have that stakeholder approach and discussion. we will be back with all the
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latest events from davos throughout the day and the rest of the week. back to you. it's now time for sports. after defeating monaco last night it is their second prestigious win of the week overpowering bsg back on sunday. elsewhere montpellier are overpowered. saint lo's campaign came to an to doter suffering a loss one. in other results earlier on the notes lost out to zero at home. it was a shambles.
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arsenal fought back against old foes. nothing separating the sides after the semifinals first leg at stanford bridge ended goalless two weeks ago. completing a win yesterday that set up the wimbley showdown with manchester city. halffelt that in the first there were psychological and us notl reasons for expressing our game. and in the second half we went the ball high up. we could then get our midfield technically very talented into the game and then we controlled the game. in the end i would say yes it on a little bit deflected the first. and the second one as well was a bit lucky. overall i felt that we controlled the game.
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real madrid was a limited from the quarterfinals after a shock defeat last night. the winner for the visitors with a 55th minute header. madrid crashing on the away goals after a draw on aggregate. will barcelona be able to overcome their visit and secure passage into the semifinal? >we will get an answer tonight. there's no time for complacency >> it's not the first time we have to face a team being behind on the scoreboard. we have done it with other matches. in this case it is a qualifying match heads or tails. it's clear that we have a disadvantage. which the score s suggests and that we have an advantage which
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is the way we play at home. and we hope that our fans will help us. are games that motivate people. that motivates us to also give the best of ourselves and above all to get into the next round. philip coutinho could make his debut against his former club. arsenal and will need a result better than a two to one score. they certainly have the firepower to get the job done. world cup champion germany will play france and the netherlands. the nations league draw on wednesday. 2010 world cup winners spain in a group with england and croatia. the first nations league draw ranked europe's 55 national teens containing four groups each. teams play home and away games from september the sixth to november the 20th. genie: coming up in the next
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sami: nonoi rocks plplayed ithis cocountry back in '83. it was a gig g that is still l hands dn the momost unforgettable concert in my carareer. in e sisixties, the beatles were looking for a new direction from the peninsula with guru maharishihi mahesh yoggi. and a thousand years ago, the ggypsies left t this land bebehd to spreread their musical treasures arounund the world. chaos, harmony, spiritualism, modern times, the caste system, elephants, and nuclear weapons, old and new living in perfect harmony and utter c conflict. ts is a culture of contrasts, thad
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