tv France 24 LINKTV January 30, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PST
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with key players refusing to come to the negotiating table. catalan corresponds a leadership debate on a bed by the ousted leader to form a new government. he remains in exile in belgium and risks arrests if he sets foot on spanish oil. -- soil. find out which real life story clint eastwood as chosen to tell him his latest hollywood action blockbuster. that and much more on live from paris. thank you for joining us. the opposition leader has been sworn in as the kenyon
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alternative president in front of thousands of his supporters in nairobi. that is according to reports and despite a crackdown by kenyan police in a bid to disperse the crowd. he says he is there rightful leader. the president was reelected in october in a rerun of the vote after the first results were an old and claims of irregularities. he and his supporters clear the way for a kenyon -- a victory. let's go to our nairobi correspondents at the swearing-in ceremony. tell us what is happening or you are. -- where you are. the opposition leader get sworn in with people thrilled. there were celebrations. they have money with his face on . they were cheering and singing.
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they think the person they believe they won the election has been made the president. although the police and government suspended the inauguration and said it would not happen, it is finished and people are screaming quietly out of the park. many say they are happy to have him and seen them -- seen and now heading home. >> has there been reaction to the president or his supporters -- from the president or his supporters? >> no immediate reaction but before this, there was indication the government was against this and i duration. -- an operation. -- inauguration. radio stations were shut down and outlets were ordered not to broadcast live the speech from the inauguration. police have been on the streets preparing.
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peoplerned that the would not be allowed into the park to hold this event. none of that has stopped the swearing-in ceremony from happening. onthe opposition has pushed the finally with this so-called inauguration. what now? >> that is the question. with a lotry divided of people here today and watching from home who are very happy to see this happen. they believe the election was rigged and they think now their president has been officially been declared president. a lot of kenyans disagree and wish for the election to be over, the economy has been effective and many support the current president who says this is not a legitimate and operation. we will see what will come. whatever happens, the country is
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still very divided as we move forward. >> there are many questions moving forward. thank you for the update. a report from nairobi. so-calledntentious swearing-in ceremony for the opposition leader. tablea negotiating missing some of the key players. russia sponsored syria peace talks in the black sea got off to a rocky start. the syrian congress says congress has been boycotted by the kurds and some delegates from the main opposition bloc. moscow is hoping the summit will lead to a political solution by establishing a new syrian constitution. major sticking points remain, namely the face -- fate of bashar al-assad. i spoke to our correspondent. >> the delegates, dozens of delegates who turned up at the
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or part oft night the sysyrian oppositioiowho are vevery much opposed to bashar alal-assad.. they are in n the p process of g , whwhich is where they werere flown in from m last night.t. they were angry and had been n negotiatioions with the rurussin governmentnt representatives abt ththe logo behind me. at is becacause it has t the syrian flag on it and these representatives who are are upsethar al-asassad the syrian flag isis around the. representatives o offered to tae down the emblems and not use the logos around the a airpo. but ththey are everywhere and unavoidablble. thatat is one of the majajor is. it means the peace talks are not
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representative.. we saw the opepening of e e pres coconference, when the foreign minister of r russia was speaki. a represeseative in t the hall t up as hehe was speakining and accused moscow of killing thousands of civilians using its aircraft. a difficult day for the russian government who is trying to put the peace talks together. the prime minister of yemen is gearing up to flee the country to saudi arabia after separatists captured the area around the president of palace, according to security officials. here's finding has rocked the southern port city for the past two days with government troops facing off against rebels.
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dozens of peopople are dead and hundreds are wounded. the saudi arabia led military coalition forcing the government to call for an immediate cease-fire. catalan lawmakers have delayed a leadership debate during which they will set to vote on a bid by ousted leader carles puigdemont to form a new government. he remains in self-imposed exile in belgium's months after catalonia made a defiant declaration of independence. however, he could be arrested on possible rebellion and sedition charges, if he returns to spain. the callow and parliament speaker says he's the only candidate in the running. speakere on parliament says he is the only candidate in the running. want carles puigdemont to be sworn in as the catalonian president. it was based on the will expressed by a majority of this parliament.
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i will not nominate any other candidate. the trial of the man dubbed the isis landlord continues in paris. he is the first person to be called in relation to the 2015 paris terror attacks which took the lives of 130 people. the 31-year-old drug dealer and landlord accused of hirg two of the attackers -- hiding twowo of the attackers by renting them his f flats shortly after their killing spree. he claims he did not know who the men w were. if convivicted, he facaces six s .. the ththree-week trial picks up this afternoon with the victim's family s said to give testimimo. more on the story from chris. it has been firing in the courtroom -- fiery in the courtrtroom so far. >> it has to.
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yesterdaday -- it has. yesterday, an altercation betwtween the suspect and o onef hiss codefefendants. things were e suspended on fridy after choice words between he and one of the lawyers who had been questioioning. beyond not learned much what we did d not already know n terms of his character and past. we heard about his past t with drugug dealing and some violent crimes. accidentally killing his best friend. say he did not knowingly rent h his flat to terrorists and have no sympathy with extremists. >> how is this case being
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portrayed in the media? a trial has become a spectacle ---- the tririal has become a spectacle. >> it has. he is famous and infamous and france. -- in france. he appeared after the police raid on his flat. this, a black humor in figure of ridicule on the airwaves. as such, therere has been a lotf attention on t this trial. a man n who was tracked down in the wake of a lengthy manhunt. timee he hasirst been in a courtroom in france and victims families will speak later.
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an investigation into the attatacks. the majority of those suspected were killed in november of 2015. not a huge number of trials. this is a chance for the famililies of the victims to get some kind of closurere and jujuice. these are relatively peripheral offenses. >> thank you for following that story for us from -- for us. the french capital is experiencing its wettest january in over one century with weeks of heavy rain causing a a rivero burst its banks o over the weekekend. pariris authoritieies have shutn memetro statio a and tourist attractions s at the cost -- but the cocost of the damage is nott known. ofods have flflushed rats out
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city sewers. we have momore. >> it is the collateral damage of rising water levels. cans and plastic bottles drifting. for a week, the owner of this river barge has seen all kinds of trash floating and gathering around his boat. >> it is everything the river picks up along the banks when the water rises. plastics of all kinds. it is a bit gross. a lot of styrofoam. >> a lot of it will travel all the way to the sea. some will get stuck along the river banks and picked up by the cleaning services of the city, once the water levels drop. most of it is not recyclable. >> this is very wet, extremely dirty and all mixed up. the only precaution we can take is to get rid of dangerous
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waste. the rest is sent to a landfill. >> another risk during floods is oil pollution. a road had a strange hue. >> you can see it, our houses are starting to smell like fuel because there are petrol tanks underground that is coming up to the surface. >> because of water pressure, some oil tanks leak and oil spreads to the service. when the water descends, , it sinks in and mixes with the groundwater.r. severalhe 2016 floods, oil tanks had opened up southeast of parents and red puddles appeared downtown. the use of giant sponges before the water receded limited the oil spread. , a real-life event that could have been lifted from the script of a hollywood action blockbuster. the story of three american soldiers who reported a
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terrorist attack on a paris bound high-speed train in 2015 is now the plot of director clint eastwood's latest film. theatersto paris hits next week. >> it is a tribute to courage and three americans. a true story on the silver one played by the men who lived it. clint eastwood's latest film recounts how back in 2015 three american friends, to soldiers, intercepted a terrorist that begun attacking passengers on the 3:17 p.m. train from amsterdam to paris. after the attack, the three men were given france's highest award. they were given the hero's welcome home in the u.s. , they said thes
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role change to movie actor has been welcome. once you go something like that together, you remember them forever. , some of then first responders and doctors who treated the victims are also in the drama thriller. >> you are watching live from paris on france 24. stories,r of our top kenyon opposition leader attends a so-called swearing-in ceremony in nairobi. he says the president about the recount one by the president was stolen. russia sponsored syrian peace talks get off to a rocky start with key players refusing to come to the negotiating table. loan --n -- can
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leader is in belgium and risks arrest if he sets foot on spanish soil. and brianusiness joins me in the studio. starting in north america where the latest round of nafta negotiations have wrapped up. >> it has been slow going as the u.s., canada, and mexico try to salvage the free trade deal that donald trump called a disaster and promise to renegotiate or scrapped altogether. we have the details. with canadian and mexican negotiators believed, their fear of a u.s. pullout from nafta looking less likely. for mexico, optimism and ottawa. for the americans, progress rose
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-- was described as slow. >> some headway was made. the united states use nafta as a very important agreement and are committed to moving forward. i am hopeful that progress will accelerate soon. >> this round resulted in the completion of an anticorruption chapter of the trade pact and progress on customs. but the three sides are far apart on u.s. demand to require 50% u.s. auto content in north american-made vehicles. >> the employment rate today in canada and the united states is among the strongest rate in recent memories. the u.s. stock market, as reflected by the dow jones, hass reacached histororic highs. these are not the signs of an economic system that is broken. they are in mexico at the end of february and in play is the upcoming mexican presidential
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election and the u.s. midterm vote in november. >> time for a check on the markets. how are they looking? >> new data shows 2017 was best for europe the best in a decade. mining and basing resources down. siemenst dax down as with a net loss for the recent quarter. let's look at more top news headadlines. a formal a agreement with a britisish associations, the firt union recognition by the irish locals carrier and means unions will be involved in negotiations on pay, and scheduled holidays. this was after scheduling errors that caused flight cancellations. u.s. treasury department has
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listed some businessmen as kremlin oligarchs. it does not mean the names will will havee for -- u.s. sanctions. french retirement workers on strike, demanding resources to properly care for the elderly. demonstrations taking place to allow workers to continue to provide care while the labor action is ongoing. the french health minister has called for a rise in the budget for retirement homes. update, newbusiness fallout over the so-called nutella riots in france. >> the story made international headlines a supermarket shoppers in rent seen fighting over heavily discounted jars of nutella.
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the french finance minister is opening an investigation into the sale that salt them marked down by some 70%. france has strict regulations about, to retailers can discount goods and the promotion could count as product dumping. the agriculture minister proposing a that would cap such discounts at 34% of the wholesale cost. we will follow that one. doas long as the discounts not affect shoe sales. are we safe? >> stay away from shoes. >> thank you. -- time for the review. you are starting with donald trump's upcoming state of the union speech. speech every u.s.
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president gives annually to congress and the american public. maybe it is time to scrap the state of the union, that is what official argues in an article for fox news, saying, what was once a useful and much needed yearly update has evolved into a partisan mudslinging sideshow. he says the address this year will be boycotted by many democrats. donald trump should just mail the speech to congress and be done with it. >> this is a turbulent time for the u.s. president, personally. >> his wife has been keeping a low profile since allegations from the wall street journal came out about donald trump allegedly paying off his allegedly born star lover over their affair in 2006 while her -- while his wife was pregnant.
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it is stated she will attend the state of the union. this could be an achilles heel in the president's presidency according to the new york times, saying he needs her to rationalize his behavior and fight back against naysayers. cashier had enough? -- has she had enough? >> you may have had enough of the typos by the white house. you can add one more. >> the invite to the state of the union with the word "union" spelled with an m on the end. the white house says it is reassuring invite. issuing theing -- invites again. >> south africa, cape town could become the first city to run out of water. >> cape town is facing a major
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drought. it has been for many months.s. day zero is projected for april 12 at current water consumption rates but could come sooner. that is when the taps will be turned off. giving us a glimpse and what future wars will look like based on resources. some shops will sell water without a license. after day zero, the emergency water supply kicks in and that means water collections monitored by the police and military. people will be able to shower and they likike -- will not be able to shower or flush toilets when they like. >> no longer just an issue for
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cape town but a national issue. >> it is becoming highly politicized indicate down paper's. the president of the ruling party has promised to pull a team together and come up with solutions. government iscal run by their biggest rival, the democratic alliance party and the editor of the paper say the issue is being politicized with the amc accusing the democratic alliance of mishandling the water crisis. oftors say that no amount politicking or finger-pointing will get us out of this, we are in it together and only together can we stop it. >> changing gears, looking at a sex scandal engulfing one of the french president's ministers. >> a rising, young star in the government. the french budget minister.
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an online petition has been launched by a feminist group causing for his desk calling for his resignation after a report by le monde that says the paris prosecutor's office israel putting an investigation dating back to 2009 that he pressured a woman into having sex in exchange for a legal favor. the government is standing behind him and the prime minister has said that he has been totally transparent and it comes to the facts of the incident. and that a counter lawsuit is being filed against the woman for slander. note, theghter ultimate revenge for a teenager who's completed a polar hat trick. >> that is not just a victory for women but australians. -- and ator for victory for other australians. she has completed much more in her short life than most, the youngest person to traverse the
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announcer: this is a production of china central television americica. may: whahat does the future of space exploration look like? and will mars one day be able to support human life? well, scientists think so. this week on "full frame," we take a look at how both the public and private sectors are using science and technology to find out if the people of planet earth can someday be part of the red planet. i'm may lee in los angeles. let's take it "full frame."
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