tv France 24 LINKTV March 19, 2018 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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the trtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrdddddd ta from fifty million uses. it is. the last person brussels have agreed on a transition period for the uk's exits from the european union the two sides now have until the end of twenty twenty to work out the details of a new . and come up with a solution holy northern irish border will during that period britain essentially remains unknown voting member of the evil will be able to negotiat trade deals with other countries. and how would rallies on the knees will for more that we can get out to b brussels and correspondent dave tell us how this deall is being described where you
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are. well. greetings have relief here particularly business associations because finally something is d d d d d d d d process and now we have a good chunk of tax that we know both sides agree on. and that would be. people can start anticipating what their next moves are under the same time there is some skepticism about this was essentially the easiest part of the deal to reach this is mostlyntntntntntntntntntntnn which effectively most things stay the same the really hard work is still to come and the fact that the irish border issue. is being can being tied down the road makes people the uk is not some some kind of unconventioional arrangements is going to o e found here. so i think there's t there's reassurane that somethihings are on p r but there's still some skepticism about whether t e uk is really and the hard brerexit way ad match and the by theheresa . if that's rereally possisibe under the the conditions of the irish border so whehehev
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which as youay he's not. a great deal her label concessions the briti wilill the europeans. here in brussels is definitely a feeling that the british made more concessions. particularly on the fisheries issue that was a politically sensitive issue there and they have agreed to be subject to the rules on fisheries during the transition period. they also came in on the issue of thee user dozenens rights duringng the transition perk got was the fact that they will be able to negotiate and sign free trade jerry. of free trade treaties with other countries during the transition period bites of course add that until aftere transition period so you might ask what's the point of signing it. and also the question is what third country is going to want to sign a trade of free trade agreement with the uk while ibibes are still uncertain. so it's kind of an empty gesture that that you is giving about because they can't go into effect and because. it's not really
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clear that anyone would want to engagedededededededededee is a feeling that you rticularly by getting out their first by getting their version of the final tax there have unilateralututut. these are the rules of the game and at this stage it is kind you can offer. that thank you very apologize.deed anything that these are the two options kremlin spokesperson to me she passed off as the united kingdom has after blaming russia for the boys a hazardous you p paul and his
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daugughter. this comes as experts from the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons arrived in the united kingdom. together samples of the nerve agent used in the attack. soon after he was reelected for his fourth t term as president. vladimir putin continue t to deny russian respoponsibiliy for the assassination attetempt that. thehe. speaking about silence about it was a military poison that was used there's peoeoe have died on sisi is obviou. we d destroyed out chemicaca weapapons u uer the supervisioion of internatiol observers who the firstst to do that ally kapan is he promised to do so. that's why we're ready for the corporation said so several times submunitions
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ititit's view the british prime minister openly regex on monday she reiterated her belief that russia is the only possible culprit of the salisbury attack they have the capability. this and other agents was one from a group of the rememain hospin crititical yet stable condition. well they wanted elected seven hundred pages says he's now ready to address the numerous to speech is engaged in with the west. is in a sense of how the sick she's number officially with a will the seventy six percent of the vote. right opposition datatatatatatatam running. in his rule russia runners president or prime minister today two decades now i've into constructive
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dialogue with other countries. remind them of course we muscovites and we give the necessary attention to further strengthening the country's national defense capability. but i want to tell you now thaoo one is going to accelerate any kind of arms race. on the country we plan to build relations with all the countries in the world. and away this is destructive. will aim full and of course encourage upon is towards constructive dialogue r r r r r r r r r s either invasion is of course their new leader they've ever known to so what do they think about him. and what he's done full a country our correspondent thomas land an emerging have you to find out b be eighten in two months timee is a member of an extrara curricular patriotic ministry club. missing school with military training. childhood stay in sellers with patriotism a love for our country and ouououououo. ministry education is a priority for the russian state. in the nineteen nineties when the army was in tatter. everyone tried to avoid
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military service. w thar is strong again. and that's thanks to our leader. vladimir this putin. he studies alexander wants to be an officer in the secret service is. it if you want peace ready to wage war. he's eighteen years olddddd. she joined the team of opposition politician annexing amounting. yeah i wasas born in january in the year two thousand president putin has been in power all my lifeor. the second german lessons since she was a child righght. she's planning to go to germany toto study and saysy get a mind you have got a festival i think j japanese more developoped than russi.
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and this is studies as well university three of them.. head things going badly you have t to be a top student o get your education for freew the million rubles or seven thousand years at a good university or. i see it wants to be a political scientist. i'llrurururururururururururs is my coury and i have to change things hand. further as a new mother was tired after five. is nineteen she studies at n the city she was born in. politics isn't r rlly a cupp of tea. range which is s off as soon asas peoe start talking politics thaa person is the only one who can prevent war r breaking . at least to have stability in. their no catastrophes no wars and a major crisisis i thank him for that
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most russis regaress of agand wealth. the is mountg ternatnal pssure on tuey or its offensive in syria's northern region the syrian regime. hahahahahahan calling it a violation of its sovereignty. the us is willing toto say so i mean e of the face of civilians after an attack on the city of african from to tens of thousands to flee in the last forty eight hours the . president erdogan is threatening to go even further. then all of the* about isn't it by controlling the city center of african on sunday. brought to an endndndndndndn olive branch. now we will continue this process remind these called on his. line have usually into remove all of the stories on health codes. all the. you should you to armitage'. will than six thousand people fled syria's eastern
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ghouta monday following joining the tens of thousands who have left the regions is the beginning of the regime offensive lastnda were killed in that offensive including many children and on sunday president russia assets to the region to congratulate his troops. an unusually calm ghout. wih an unexpected driver behind the wheel. and images provided by the syrian government president bashar al assad held a victory for his forces in the besieged region. during a rare public appearance he made no mention of the loss of civilian life over the past month. instead focusing on the ongoing military campaigns. you canlso the also that there which is one of the main calls in the hands of the terrorists and those who employ them. games being images in particular anger to which is at the gates o of the capapapapapad
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moral importance. so it was another of them main because they're losing. yeah yeah that out o. i mean while rescue services hohome do month. the largest town in eastern ghouta in search of survivors. for intense overnight shelling killed over a dozen people. according to the syrian observatory for human rights more than fourteen hundred cicivilians havave perishedn eastern ghouta. since the start of thehe regime's offensive on february eighteenth. the besieged enclave eighty percent of which is now under syrian government controln n n n n n n n n n y rebels is twenty twelve. should regime troops recapture eastern ghouta it would be a sides biggest victory since the start of the syrian civil war seven years ago. the the he's arrested french citizen working for the consulate in jerusalem on suspicion of smuggling weapons to palestinians twenty three year old roma
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from his accused of using diplomatic immunity. each ansft thousands of weapons to mrs charlie james has the story. gun running from gaza israeli authorities have charged an employee of the french consulate in jerusalem for allegedly smuggling between e gaza strip and the west bank. ramon phoned is a twenty three year old french national. lloyd as a driver diplomatic staff. is accused of transporting seventy pistols and two during fives using a conflict car a vehicle subjected to light security checks due to diplomatic status. the israeli foreign ministry spokesman emphasize the severity of the offenseseset with the utmost gravity. valfre newsday cases in which you see somebody using l sing his say.
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smuggling weapons which could be used against israeli citizens the israeli security agency says strong perceive the weapons from a palestinian employed at th french cultural center in gaza. one smuggled the guns or transfer to palestinian arms dealers in the israelie small the eight percent is monday over revelations of a data breach. consultancy found that worked on donald trump's access tdetails will the fifty million users will face attested suspended the firm cambridge analytic
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cabinet is in the us and eue for calling. for a thorough. investigation also more about that i'm joined by pull but now h h he's a lece in information technology intellectual property and media little. at the ucla school of law thank you being wi us tonight i'm festival and explain to us r analyzing days at the look of people. to looook at people's profiles total social patton's wait what they believe what they like and so on. and then use thae people with.
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whether the advertising or sharing messages a lot and we don't even know the details exactly what they did except that they call the data that they use the and ita. and they use it in think the key point to understand here is that this isn't some kind of. out of the blulue abusisive facebook is actually using facebook in some ways as facebook was intended for useeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelelelelet analyzes eminent allows you to target. advertisements news and documents to them in accordance with what. paul sayssssssssssssssssss s about advertising but w we should suddenly in which we should get a little bit mor. warmly that that's actually about politics. able to.. like how we we do things politically. rig wt pductso l that w want to find someone well we'll quite what i mean. more lead said a very dubious but lately have that she done anythingg well because as youayay
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people voluntary that information out there at people what haxan have if i'd stopped over their emails hacked or anything like that this is information that was on a website momentarily. yes it is in an and this is where things get interesting we know that the information commissioner i'm in in the uk is going to be going into came jealous because offices th when people putan the information out that they have. certain expectations of how that information is going to use what they don't have his understanding of quite how extremely that information is going to use and to what extent is going to be used in profiling. . and to g get further information so mucha that able to derive information about us from simple monday or new back to we wouldn't imagine. they can workk out things like religion political views. on on sexuality and so on from what products we
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like. i mean inn using the facebookndndndndndndndndndnd they know who our friends are they know what we're influenced by what we like and so on all of that information to target stop us and then you might say is our own fault putting information eararlyd the data that that a to be used in ways that people wouldn't expect not to say we don't expect this sort of stuff that happenened to us. so when we give the moderate to which we do. we are
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yeah he owned occam's. razor running out of time but i mean they said the more aware of what i've dated guys now o o o o o t y were a week ago this is the latest is the same as a scandal to hit the company there's also the. propagation of fake news as thththththththththththththte constant concerns about privacy would you say facebook's days s are numbe. i'm a well i've been trying to campaign to get people to leave facebook for about six years so. easily they say sn absolute nice outside today. it was a thumbs down for facebook at the close on whole street the country stock ended the session down seven percent in u. s.
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trading. baseball has now hired an audit firm to investigate theesesesesesese this offer reports emerged a firm hard by the time campaign use data from some fifty million users without the consent. calls are also inininininininininininininio get facebook chief executive to testify the company meanwhile is starting firm saying it's users chose to share hospital reports. the world mark zuckekerberg twenty eighteen years resolution was to fix facebook. after a year of being criticized for the proliferation of fake news on the site. the decision media g g g g g g g g g g gs a blessed his company improperly harvested the data of as many as fifty million its uses. overcame generated dies is works works and creating a a and whether this information online so that people start going down the rabbit hole of clicking o o o o o o o om think. that certain things
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are happening that may not be this is a company that really. took fake use to to the next level by parent algorithms. facebook insist they've done nothing wrong. it's vice president is standing fun that uses chose to shed. this is unequivocally not the data breach people chose to show the data with third party apps. and if those third party apps did not fully that they to agreements with us percent of the global jon over of companies that do not respect these new regulations. so it's in
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europe we okay. approach different as a few bebehindo o o o o o o o o ot the coumers us and british lawmakers have already some facebook for its lack of transparency. the company once again spaces fresh schools the deeper regulation of its platformmamamamamamamamarken the united states dow jones and it's the session down over three hundred points. facebook decline strike down text stocks on the nasdaq was down just under two percent investors also in i john to developments in washington over the weekend. after the us president donald from st iran three ski as he could be preparing to fire the special counsel robert muller here the means ended the session deep in the red as well investors. keeping their eye out this week on the first fate meeting chaired by the u. s. is bank governors jerere powell he's
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expected to raise interest rates to one point seven percent. up from the current one and a half percent asher micro focus and it down forty six percent this mone. the company's chief executive announced thi is s related to its purchase of hewlett packard enterprise assets continue ministers fe g. twenty are gathering in brazzers argentina. on the agenda of an ounce of protectionism taxing tax avoidance financial companies as well as dealing with. the meeting comes off of the us president donald trump impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports is going to affect from this friday. the war of
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words betweenggggggggggggggg up this as the u. s. treasury official in the city said china's move away from market liberalization was a concern for the world. is recognizing that and beginning to work together we see that in the g. twenty process in the g. seven process and and recognizing that havaving. such a big economy in the world move away from markets is not going to. is not has not been good for us for the world and and wil continue to cause difficulty. was is development of a socialist market economy has brought about great accomplishments. i think this is an inevitable conclusion from any unbiased objective and t something i can be changed by some us officials casual criticism or irresponsible remarks. associations in the united states has sent a letter to the president urging him not to impose punitive tariffs on china. the top administration is said to be
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prepararing sanctctions on y billion dollars worth of chinese goods. beijing for its part is not t taking the threat alsararararararararag down catherine you reports. young least men's much time making sure his eight hundred kicks off had. china's growing middle class has made a b bger appetitema full build over without saluting mail. account grert very bigig alsoo line. the e vice fourteen billion worthn cities annually to make animal feed and cooking oil. for the trade could be on the firinghanko rising trade tensions between the two countries the chinese government has made it very clelear soybeas are be
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as a hot commodity that the. could use to retaliate against any type of trade actions by the u. s. government trade war wray he follows harrisonn s sel anand aluminiumum importstss earlie this month. and so the panels in february the journey showed slides the moves as political posturing waters at a rapid escalation of. tensions is not go to a a boarding points is not and goes to a point where i chinese to retaliation and ms one of tom's mandates is getting tougher on china so
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