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tv   DW News  LINKTV  May 24, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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brent: this is dw news live from berlin. tonight, transit spectacular turnaround. the u.s. president cancels a planned summit with north korea. >> this is a tremendous setback for north korea, and indeed a setback for the world. brent: the u.s. president blames hostile statements from kim jong-un for the decision. we will ask what the shock means r the hopes f for peace on the korean peninsula. also coming up, the french presidident and russia's vladimr
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putin react to washington's latest curveball. they say nonproliferation efforts should continue, and they will also keep to the iran nuclear deal discarded by the u.s.. and both sides on ireland's abortion debate head to the polls. the traditionally-catholic country is deciding in a referendum whether to reform its strict rules on terminating pregnancies. ♪ i'm m brent goff. it is good to have you with us. u.s. president donald canceled a highly-anticipated summit with north korean leader kim jong-il and. trump blamed the decision on "open hostility from pyongyang." but the collapse of the talks will raise questions about the hawkish stance from within the white house, those hawkish
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attitudes seized upon by pyongyang. in the meantime, trump has conceded that an opportunity for peace may have been missed. >> based on the recent statement of north korea, i have decided to terminate the planned summit in singapore on june 12 >> -- on june 12. while many things can happen, and a great opportunity lies ahead potentially, i believe this is a tremendous setback for north korea and indeed, a setback for the world. correspondent: he for this address, trump informed the world and north korea's leadership in a letter, quite unusual for president accustomed to making major announcements on twitter. this time, he needed more than 100 40 characters to convey his disappointment about kim jong-un's recent display of "tremendous anger and open
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hostility." it means there potentially historic meeting is now off. asked by a reporter if this would make war more likely, trump responded, >> we will see what happens. we will continue onward. we will see. reporter: other world leaders are concerned. earlier in the day, handful of journalists were invited to witness the supposedly malaysian of a north korean nuclear test site, seen by many as an act of goodwill. independent nuclear weapons inspectors did not attenend. the international community's hopes for peace between the two koreas, now dashed. >> i urge the parties to continue the dialogue, to find a path to the peaceful and verifiable denuclearization of the korean peninsula. prison -- reporter: president trump wants
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to continue the dialogue, but with certain conditions. >> if and when kim jong-un chooses to engage in constructive dialogue and actions, i am waiting. reporter: the world is waiting to, to see if these two leaders will ever meet and whether do neil colorization -- and whether denuclearization will ever be achieved. brent: i'm joined by the professor at the free university in berlin. we didn't think we would be talking about this, this soon. it appears the entire world was caught off guard by this decision. >> i was surprised by it, too. i heard it from a student string a lecture today and we discussed it. i think also, the people around trump, they themselves were surprised by that. of course, moon, the south korean president, was taken by
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surprise. he visited with president trump only one day before, and they had a very good conversation. brent: what does this mean? we heard president moon was trying to make sense of what happened today. what does this mean for him moving forward? he has invested a lot in the trump plan, as we know it has he lost face and credibility with the south koreans through this? >> i think, first of all, the efforts by south korean president moon jae-in were very well received, even by the white house. they were very successful, but there is an unpredictability with president trump. and the only way to get over this is now having a smart reaction by the north koreans. brent: he e said today he had spoken with leaders in south korea and japan, but according to what we have heard from president moon in seoul, that
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was not the case. this caught them by the surprised -- this caught them by surprise. what about china, with this? >> in the case that the summit does not take place and relations get worse between the u.s. and north korea, then actually china becomes much more important, because they can also give guarantees of security to north korea, they can provide also economic benefits to north korea. of course, they cannot completely substitute the u.s., but it could be moved to china. brent: and this comes on a day when we had reports of journalists going into north korea and seeing tunnels, supposedly, to the north korean nuclear facilities being destroyed. so you have a picture, at least of what north korea wants us to think, of them trying to get rid of their nuclear weapons research, and then you have the u.s. president canceling a
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summit with kim jong-un. so, who looks how in this picture? >> i think both sides are to be blamed. it is not just once i. but obviously, the north koreans are very interested in going into the negotiations. this was an important gesture, even though some people say the facility hasn't been working anyways. it was an important gesture of good faith by north korea, asas they also released the u.s.s. prisoners s and all the other things. and so much has been coming back from the u.s. until now, and that is also what north korea has been bothered by. brent: what about talk about former libyan dictator more market off the -- dictator muammar gaddafi. and there was this fear, john bolton talk about it, and kim jong-il and had the fear that he would be a dictator left to die. you think that played a role? >> i definitely think so. the libyan model. back then, muammar gaddafi
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agreed with the u.s. to get rid of h his weapons of mamass destruction and in the end, ended up being killed by rebels. this is a worst-case and aria north korea. and the american keeps -- and the americans keep talking about this. there is no bigger provocation than that. brent: that is a very good point. i want to read part of the letter from president trump today, to give our audience an idea of what was said. he writes, "sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, i feel it is an appropriate at this time to have this long-planned meeting. you talk about your nuclear capabilities but ours are so massive and powerful, that i pray to god they will never have to be used to go -- never have to be used." we are back to this mine is bigger than yours, but is that a veiled threat of a nuclear attack? >> i don't think so. i think this is the code between
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those two cowboys, the code in the west and the code in the east, and they are used to talking. i think kim jong-il and will understand what president trump is time -- president trump is trying to say. and if you look at the formulation and the tone of the letter president trump wrote, it is not a harsh provocation, just being very clear. brent: what reaction do you think we are going to see for north korea, if any, in the next 24 hours? >> very difficult to predict, but i really hope they are smart, and don't react in a provocation away. brent: professor, as always we appreciate your insights. thank you. north korea was also on the agenda in talks between french president emmanuel macron and russian president vladimir putin in st. peter sick -- in st. petersburg. macron said it was important to hold the goal of
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denuclearization on the korean peninsula. they also discussed the conflict in ukraine, and the iran nuclear deal. for more on this, we go to correspondent emily sherwin. good evening, emily. we have a key issue for president macron, seeking moscow's help in maintaining the iran nuclear deal as the u.s. pulls out of it. what you make president putin's response on atat front? emily: putin reiterated the important of -- the importance of keeping to that iran nuclear deal. he also spoke of lamentable consequences if a deal couldn't be preserved. he also mentioned again that he had spoken to the head of the international atomic energy agency. and he said that iran is fulfilling its obligations within that nuclear deal, so there is really no reason to leave that deal, to break up
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that deal as it were. it seemed kind of to me to be almost a veiled criticism, or not so veiled, of the u.s., for leaving that deal. from the beginning, russia has been very critical of the u.s. decision to leave the deal. shortly after the decision was made, the foreign ministry said the decision to shut the u.s. was incapable o of keeping to is international agreements. and today, overcome's announcement that he wouldn't be meetetg with north korean leader kim jong-il and as well, putin seemed to criticize the u.s. for not keeping to its deals, for not keeping to its international obligagations and for not beinga reliable partner. he said agagain that north korea had kekept to o its promises, tt there wawas no reasonon to cancl the meeting. so perhaps by questioning the reliability of the u.s. as a partner, he is also showing himself to be a more reliable partner to europe and to france's macron. brent: the reality is, france
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and russia have very, very strong differences. i just think of ukraine, and the war in syria. were those tensions reflected in the way putin and macron interacted today? emily: well, yes and no. on ukraine, both leaders were fairly vague. theyey both spoke of the importance of keeping to the minsk peace process and keeping toalks in the normandy format, with ukraine, russia france and germany. on syria, you can sense that there are differences. macron talked about the importance of, or ththe fact tht they are of different opinions, between the two leaders, when it comes to weapons, and that it was important to find out who was behind chemical weapons attacks in syria. after all, france joined the u.s. and the u.k. after a suspected chemical weapons attack in april, and they
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attacked syrian government targets there. putin condemned those attacks at the time very strongly, so that was certainly a reference to a difference of opinion between the two sides. but in general, the tone was very conciliatory, macron talked a lot about historical ties, cultural ties, and they both talked about economic ties. and mccrone, i found it interesting, he referred to putin in the opening statements with an informal tu, kind of singling -- kind of signaling that the two sides are looking to deepen their partnership. brent: emily sherwin in moscow, with the story tonight. emily, thank you. here are the stories making headlines. german chancellor angela merkel is on a two-day visit to chinana for talks with the premier. the two leaders launched a spirited defense of free trade at a meeting with president xi jinping.
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merkel welcomed chinese moves to reduce auto import tariffs. dutch officials say the missile that rocked down malaysian airlines flight mh 17 came from a russian-based military unit. the passenger debt -- passion project was headed from amsterdam to call him work when it was blown out of the sky. all the passengers and crew were killed. bad news for german carmakers, again? >> again, and trump is trying to hit germany where it hurts. it seems like every silver lining has a cloud. after news of china lowering car import tariffs as we just heard, came the news that america wants to drastically increase its own duties. the reason? national security. america claims the likes of german on auto -- german automakers are damaging the e u. economy.
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reporter: german cars remain popular in the united states. that is a thorn in the side of president donald trump, who says foreign cars have eroded the u.s. auto industry. for in car purchases have risen by 50%. while the number of workers in german car plants -- in u.s. car plants have fallen, german auto plants have more hires. german automakers account for one in six jobs in the u.s.. -- in the u.s. auto industry. but now president donald trump is mulling a plan to impose tariffs of up to 25%. european carmakers at present pay about 1/10 of that. carmakers like her, bmw and volkswagen, which manufacture and the u.s., would be less-badly hit and companies like audi and porsche. last year. a million german cars were exported to the u.s. not only german car associations, but also the eu, concerned about trump's plans. >> -- the u.s. would
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unilaterally raise, it would obviously be against the wto. reporter: the euro remains hopeful a solution can be found. opinion remains divided about whether import tariffs would actually benefit the u.s. car industry. some experts say the move is unlikely to create new jobs. >> sophie is on wall street force. we have heard the eu side in that report, but what is america's justification for branding imports is a national security threat? sophie: it is important to understand here, the way wilbur ross is actually defining national security. he is referring back to the trade expansion act of 1962, and that is saying that basically national security, military
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security, it is the same thing, or it has to include security of the economy, of employment. so whenever anything is threatening the labor market or the economy, then this is a threat against military security, and that is how they justify that. >> it seems the trump's on-again off-again relationship with kim jong-un has shaped the decision. the u.s. president called off a historic meeting with the korean leader. what action are you saying? >> the reaction of investors changed during the day. at first you could really see a drop in stock prices, especially stocks listed in the dow jones, 260 points into negative territory. but then it seemed investors were changing their assessment of the situation, as they came to the conclusion that eventually it is not going to have such a big impact on the
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markets here, on the economy, so that is why stock prices came back a little bit during the day. >> so they are not assessing huge impact there, but they are forcing decisions on geopolitics , and investors get stuck in there. sophie, thank you very much. deutsche bank is slashing over 7000 jobs, part of an overhaul with the new ceo. and here is why. in 2012, deutsche was the world's second-largest investment bank. since then, it has slipped to number eight. credit suisse from switzerland and barclays from britain, a steep decline in revenue, falling from $33 billion to -- 33 billion euros to 26.4 billion euros. they are directing their anger against the supervisory board chief, in the position since
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2012 and accused of steering the bank in the wrong direction. the new ceo's plan to cut jobs isn't saving the bank any money. deutsche bank stock prices has fallen to its lowest rate in months, and it is not just investors who are not happy. reporter: they came to express contempt for deutsche bank, protesters at the shareholder meeting see germany's largest lender is an example of everything wrong with the financial world. the announcement of more than 7000 job cuts comes weeks after the bank reported -- the bank appointed a new boss. >> the current results leave us no other choice. we need to set in place conditions in order to sustain long-term profitability. reporter: one thing most people can agree with is that something needs to change it deutsche bank. >> we need a bank that is competitive on both an
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internatational and national level, and that is not the case now. >> our costs are simply too high. they need to go down. deutsche bank has lost its edge in recent years, and issue its ceo is determined to address. we need better balance in our business, so that our results fluctuate less. this is the only way we will be able to sustain profitability and build on our strengths. reporter: after three consecutive years of losses, the new boss is intent on shaking things up. he wants to focus on the german market, coupling innovation with old-fashioned banking. >> back to brent now, and a vote that could leave ireland bitterly divided. brent: voters head to the polls friday in ireland on a referendum to decide whether to
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reform the catholic country's near-total ban on abortions. in europe most countries have fairly liberal abortion policies but there are three exceptions. in malta, terminations are completely banned. poland has in your-total abortion ban in place. women there can terminate a pregnancy in cases of rape, fatal fetal abnormalities, or if the wi mother is in danger. in ireland, the current case for a legal abortion is only if the woman's life is at risk. irish women are free to travel to other countries for abortion services. as a result an average of 11 women travel everyday to ireland, -- travel to england and wales to terminate their pregnancies. we met with one of them. reporter: a loving mother, that is what jennifer ryan always hoped to be. six years ago she was pregnant for the second time. it seemed like a normal pregnancy, until a routine scan
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in the 22nd week brought jennifer's world crashing down. she can still remember the doctor's exact words. >> your baby has a lot of problems, and she has a very severe form of spina bifida. it started around her shoulder blades, and she won't be able to survive. on top of that, she has no kidneys, and the spina bifida has caused a lot of damage to her brain. your baby is incompatible with life. reporter: jennifer decided she wanted to spare her baby any pain and have an abortion. what happened next was almost astro-med. she and her husband had to hastily arrange a trip to liverpool, because doctors in ireland couldn't help her. >> they couldn't talk to you about it over here. we got the details of liverpool on a scrap of paper. we had to ring ourselves. they couldn't do any of that for us.
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and that, you just felt totally alone. reporter: the to the ferry to liverpool, went there and back in 24 hours. it is a journey 3000 to 4000 women make every year. it is a proof that terminations are a riyal he and ireland, say those who want the country's ststrict abortion law repealed. these activists in dublin are campaigning for giving women the choice. but antiabortion campaigners fear, if the law is repealed, women could be pressured into determining their pregnancies, for example, if the baby has a disability. >> can you imagine going to the hospital with a slight concern, a slight issue. doctors would be obliged, if we have a law allowing for abortion, to tell l people and explained that they can have an abortion. and suddenly you feel undermined. suddenly, your commitment to a pregnancy. reporter: some even oppose
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abortions in cases of rape. >> there are other options out there. we would never like a woman to felix she has to have an abortion. reporter: although jennifer ryan can understand this view, she is in favor of repealing the law. she believes only the woman can decide what is right for her. >> my daughters never going to have a life. she was never going to exist in this world. she was never going to get a chance to live. like the doctors told me, she wasn't ever owing to be able to believe. i was protecting her, making the choice i made. i was protecting her from pain. reporter: jennifer's unborn daughter holds a special place in the family's hearts. jessica would have been or name. jennifer hopes women will soon no longer have to go through what she did. ♪ brent: two german soccer now. wolfsburg missed the chance to wrap up the second triple in five years, after losing 4-1 to
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french powerhouse leon. they continue their bundesliga and german cup titles this month. it took the lead in extra time, and were then down to 10 players. defending champions leon hit back, and three further goals sealed the french, who are now on for their own triple. with the world cup in russia just three weeks away, germany are at their training camp in northern italy to get ready for the big event. the coach is optimistic that knows the world champions will not able to coast through as they defend their title. >> he looked laid-back as he waited for his first appearance in front of the press. bubut mentatally, he w was alren full world cup mode on the first day of t training camp. voice of translator: our driveve
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and ambition are undiminished, even among players who are already world champions. right now, we don't need to pump up our hunger because it is definitely present and everyone who is here. 19 out of 27 players have already arrived. so far, he has only had them do light duty. this team, he will get the team started on to -- on true tactical training. voice of translator: they also -- there we know what we will be facing in the group stage, south korea and mexico, teams that play defensively. we also o have to expect t we will be e aggressively attacked during the tournament and we have to work on that nonstop, in theory, and meetings, and on the bench. reporter: whether the injured captain noya goes to the world cup will be decided until the end of training camp. until then there will be daily updates on his progress.s.
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voice of translator: today he has no problems whatsoever, not even with high-impact move likes jump spirits of things are looking very good right now. -- moves like jumps, so things are looking very good right now. reporter: his team has a lot of training before the tournament kicks off. brent: i will be back to take you through the day. i hope you will stick around for that. ♪
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