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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  June 7, 2018 1:00am-1:28am PDT

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in eador who produce the world's most expensive chocolate. we visit young herders in lesotho, who are being given the chance to leawrite.ran bufirst we head to new zealand, where dairy farmingngs jeopardizing the water quali. global meat t consption is on the se..
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on average, we humans each consume around 41 kilos per year. in 2017 alone, 322 million tons of beef,ork and poultry were produced worldwide. uiour planet has more than 720 million pigs, nearly a billion cattle, and 23 billion chickens, many of which h are forced t toe in overcrowded cages or stalls. and vast areas of land are destroyed sole to grow animal edfer to be usused as grazing pastures. meanwhile, the urine and feces of livestock are contaminating soils and waterways. in gerermany, for instance, 28 billion liters of liquid manure wereprayed onto fields last year with terribsequle conces for bier reporter: joyce hanna still washes h her vegetables in watr t tfrom tap, but t she won't drink it a anymore.
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not afteter what she w went thr. in 2 2016,he andnd 50 othersrsn the town of f havelo nororth ce down with gastroenteritis. us -- campylobacter ine tap p. joyce: i felt so ill, i pray that godould take me hom becae i justelelt i uldn't handle it any loer. he dn't. months, i got terribleamchps. bubut foa whololsix or eig repopoer: now, she onldrininks bottled war.r. the tap wawater here is s heal chloririnated ter animal feces it's a somber contrast to new zealand's 100% pure image. joycyce: it's not t true no. and unfortrtunately theyeye findnding out thatat the riverd the lakes arare not as pure as they used to be. i probablyly shouldn't s say t, but it is e trh. reporter: bas ng f a a quicick dip are inincreasing mt wiwith signs likike this.
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according to many new zealanders, these are the main culprits -- cows. over the past 15 yearsrs, the coununtry has switched from sheep-breeeeding to herdrdig cattttle. it's highly y profitable, , ss farmer ryan o'sullivan the chese e in pticulalar e big fans of milk powder from meadow-grazing, happy new zealand cows. the country now has 6.6 million of thehem, and just t 4.7 miln peopople. ryan: juse'fication arnd that. but i guess as dairy farmers, we need an opportunity toto corret some of the water qualityisy farmers are also environmentalists. rerter: thproblem this -- one w produc up to 5kilos ofrine andeces peray. mu oseinto t ground andontas th ground watater
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new zealaland's groundnd waters armiming nrate l levs, and drinking wat i is ofn heavavily tread to c comt it. ryan'sullivan says t c count needs time to fi a sololion. ter all,l,he dairy sector employararound 500peop. an: ryiriry is a $15 b bon it would bgreat if whad an apple soware compa or an ple iry,nd it like we d but we dot have tmany oth options f industry enteis c intryry, and veryry good at daiairy. reporter: bubut that comes ata price. signs s like this onone arst all l too frequentntly next tor totoo many of ththe countrys warways. martin t taylor works s fora hunting anand fishing asassocin ththat is also c committed o environmnmental protecectio. he sayays toxic algagae are ag problem. up to three quarters of native fish species face extinction.
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martin: i have to go on my phone and see whether this is a safe ririr or streaeam. itit sul't b be the new w zealad wa having to google to o see whethr goire to o poisour ki byby going intnto a st o on hot day isis not what nenew zealas abouout. and it's s not what pl overseasas think new zeaealans about. repoporter: lake ellesmere, onof thted e mostkes s in the overseasastrhedit's frsaealans about. thfor year the powerful milkbbha s s pushed envirironmental pure, crystatal-clear teter hs lo been n coidered a aational eaeasure, something new alandede are p of r were. martrtin: everyonene sayw zed's 100% pure. , nonowe've 0%aid. we've e let the situtuhappenen. and itit hasn't e lajustst ne o o yrsa national go, itt labourur government t as welrep. erer: steppeas fars thee eye can see. much of the canterbury region lookelike this.
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bubut things have chananged. exe irnsrigaon systetems provide ththwater necessary for luscious g grass to grgrow - pastures for more cows. the water is taken from the rivers, levulnavg able to ea damage. ryan o'sullivan says there is nothing wrong withth using the water fofor irrigationon. ryan: as soon as that water hits thoceaean, is wortrthls. so it only m makes sense f fore ececonomic well-l-being of a c y to utilize thahat forwater econonomic gain. reporter: he says wherththere is s, theheres less g gund erosion, and that fafarmers nw cultivivate manyer reportusss ftilizezer.ththere is swhwhat more, modern tenonology alloor more precise taeting and lessasteteful dong of . tee harsh iticism,e says, rconstructive and instead of bmiming uand throrowi stones at us, whyonon't thth com d workogether as a comninity to fifind o what t thproblem and fix it. that's fstrarati. back alakeke
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ellesmere. twtwo ars ago, the govnmnment ancenoit would invt 6060 million euroinin procts toto improve fresh-war r qualy. drop in ththe ocean, sayays marn taylor. he sees justnene answeto t the crisisd itanas ecoconomic consequencnces. martin: less dairy? i mean yes, it does mean less dairy. it means l less cows, less mil, and d maybe farmrmers having t o switchch to somethining els. but th'she way it is. they've gogot to accept t that. nould haveve tomsepeople are mamapuput up with a a poisoned vernment wants 9 of alalnew zealanwawaterso be c can, t enouough tswim i in. step o o on their list, lowering standards, with instant result overght,t, watways h havbecome dramatally clean. at least on paper. host: each year around four million tons of cocoa are harvested worldwide. a third comes from ivory coast
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in west africa, and other big producers are ghana, indonesia, ni. a,thtiveo central amererica. and that's s still home toto e wos and rarest cocoa variety. we visitmall pntation in western ecuador. reporter: at 5:0, ev0 m. before his chickens have crowed, servio pachas king his morningo the accompaniment of early bird song. he's a farmer. his family has been working the land for four generations. he ialso raising six childreni.
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like his forefathers before him, servio wants to live at one with nature. large-scale cultivation, no chemicals, organic farming, which makes him something of an eccentric. servio: everyone here says i'm craz but ultimately this isn't my land. it's bord. i am just visiting for or 70 years. it has to be here for future generations. reer: for a long time, other farmers mocked servio for his dedication to small-scale cultivation. but things changed dramatically en i whbecame clear that he was integral i oldvit and rarest variety of cocoa bean in the world -- the nacional. serv: this variety produces very little cocoa. most farmers want trees that genera lfrui but a low yield means a highly concentrated flavor.
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the quality and the taste are exactly what we're looking for. reporter: ecuador is home to perhaps the world's oldest cocoa trees. and because e manyocals depend onon cocor s survival,ieties whwhich produce a a lot of fruie very popular, while ancient varieties are rapidly disappeariring. ntilerry toth ca he moved to ecuado ther om u.s. 10 years ago. he haspent many of them figh dorestation. when he heard that the rare nacional cocoa bean was facing extinction, he went on its trail. that's when he met s servio told him about some particularly old trees in the remote pie dvaey. he knew that from his forefathers. ough illiterate, they were very kedab about local vegeta. servio: my grandmother was not
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interested in a life in th tchen. she was very tough. she loved working in the fields, alwaith acr, reporter: and indeed, dna tests proved that a handful of the many thousands of trees were rare, original varieties. there is only 1% of such varieties left in ecuador. they produce very smalntsl ou of high quality cacao. for decadeal people considered them worthless. but the fruit has become a xurioutreat. this is mindful chocolate consumptn. jerry: give people a reason to kind of stop what they're doing. rather thahan just kind of poppg chocololate in their mouth and going on their way, to ry kind of take in what they're doing and sit down and properly taste it the way you taste a special bottle of wine. reporter: and so, the world's most expensive cocoa is harvested right here. ng, that is, that the two farmers don't devour it all themselves. jerry: well, we all do a good
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job of eating all of our chocolate. reporter: it's the first harvest of the season. d servio's neighbors are feeling festive, too. moneythamtheyarvest dthey say they are paid twice as much as elsewhere. too. there's real pride in this special product. and servio is no longer a crazy tree-hugger, he's a local hero. each box is clearly labeled for random quality testing. there are regular checks to make sure these are really pure cocoa beacal ith its extreme weather, heaain and warm temperatures, plays a key role in thway taste.servio: thca taste explosion in the mouth. it lasts for a long time, too.
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it's satisfying and you just want to keep eatin forev. : in ecuador's capital quito, the beans are then transfsformed into chococolate r the e careful eye e of the gros third member, austrian carl schweizer. all of servio and jerry's hard work is now in his hands. carl: if you get the timing wrg, yon end up burning ththe cocoa and you can't me from them. reporter: carl came to ecuador after finishing school, to volunteer with street kids. now he cho meslate, spial chocolate to be coed slowly and with pleasure. carl: industrializhas caused the loss of so much flavoruali and q. and for my generation, it's now time to protect and rediscover such things.
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reporter: but it doesn'te cheaply. 310 euros for 50 grams. and the price won't fall until there are more nacional cocoa trees. that's one of the aims of the farmers here. several want to go the same way as servio, cultivating small amounts in a sustainable way. servio: at first it was just a dream. and then, it works. and that makes us very happy. it feels like e a real triump. re rter: after this good first harvest, the cocoa beans have to ferment, which takes a combination of time and servio's experience. but for today at least, it's time to relax. host: and now in global snack, we head to vietnam to taste
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like everywhere in this cotrtry, pepeople here attatach a lot off importance t to good food.d. and theyey're proud ofof their l delicacies. just r rnd the corner from thee is a smamall restauranant runy madame t thuy. she serves freshly made banh loc dumplings. they're so popular, the restaurant even has a small production line of workers. the dough is made from tapioca flour and ter.howa it's k0 mineedtes and then pressed in a pasta machine.
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then the filling is added. madame thuy sells 5000 banh loc every day. the dumplings can be boiled, wrapin banana leaves and steamed, or fried. but the real secret to her success is the filling. which she, of course, masrself. ontains shrimp, pork, ba err mushrooms from our forest. the filling is seasoned d with ontains shrimp, pork, salt, pepper and chili. reporter: the ingredients have to be very finely chopped and well mixed. madame thuy has learned to cook them to perfection, never overcooked and never too raw.
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hien: my mother showed me how to make banh loc when i was still a ch d. later i started making them for myself, or as a gift for friends and relative and everybody said there delicious. yeaix ago i decided to open my own restaurant reporter: banh loc are a popular n the province of. quang binh. they're usually eaten in the morning or afternoon between meals. 've ien eating banh loc since i was a little kid. they're really typical for our region a le em. reporter: madame thuy gives her customers a quiet spot to snack and unwind, away from the bustling streets nearby.
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host: rig a -- educati on. yet millions of children and young people still have no access to it. last year, a staggering 264 en wlle unab to te around half of tm m live in sub-sahaharan africa.. in the small countryryf lesotho, families often c can't aord d o send their kids to schoo and ere's shortage of oo the sult -- ny childn fail gain ev basic l sky oo repo the sult -herd follows.ail erday, jeremani kes the cows mkilomehe highlands of lesotho, looking for grass and water. he'll soon bs s 14herder for moh ha his life. highlands of lesotho, looking jereni: every y y i'm out hehere azing the animals. i have to make sure they get
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enough to eat. i like the work. it's also the only way to survive up here. jeremani telong to a farming family in semonkong, a small town in central lesotho. in exchange for his labor, he gets a roof over his head and he gets to keep a cow at the end of the year. the young teenager doesn't have time forl.oo his paied, so jeremani has to fend for himself. jeremani: this isn't my first job. but it's the first time i've been treated well. the last ffor r ample, payt e. i'm eful things are goinge. reporter: in lesotho, one in three boys of school-age works full-time as a livestock herder, often miles away from their
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family, and without any hope o. most of the boys are illiterera, and wiwill likely remain so fr the restst of their lives. jhe had to leave school afterh second grade to earn money so he could look after his mother and two sisters. he says that's common in lesotho. it wn't the life he had hoped for. it wasn't my intention to work as a shepherd. but because of the life circumstances, and poverty, i was supposed to work a shepherd. although it wasn't nice, because even the farmers were treating us worse than the dogs. they didn't even feed us. they treat us like their sverepd
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that not having an education can make it difficult to fight for your rights. over the years, he pr boaifo his sisters's and their children's schooling with h te momoney he earned as a shepher. he also arranged to aside a tiny bit of his pay until he could complete his own education. now, every evening, he shares his knowledge with the young herders in semonkong. whenfinish tending to the animals for the day, they come to julius's shepherd school. jere ma i they study reading, writing, and animalsarithmetic.y, they come julius teaches on a voluntarily basis. he believes that a basic educatca rdes juli theus: atnd of the day, they have been told that they have lost some of the sheep.
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and they didn't even know whether it's true or not. am sll trying to change that. reporter: another subject is health, including aids prevention. it's an important issue in lesotho, which has the second hihighest rate o of hiv infects worldwide. and a warm meal is sometimes provided, when there have been ghonions. for many, it's the only proper meal of the day. socializing is central to the time spent here. julius: it's lonely work. you have to care for the animals. then youou don't have timeme tok with other people. but it only happens here at the shepherd school. it's where they learn how to socialize, it's where they learn to speak with others, it's where they learn everything. reporter: to learn everything, the herders come from far and wide. jeremani walks ten kilometers
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every evening to get here. jeremani: when i can read well and write well, i want to teach, too. i want to pass on what i can. reporter: but jeremani still has his solitary work in the hills, tlike so many other livestockto herdererhere in lesotho. >> i am m >> -- - a global teen. ♪
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mubunga: i'm by the names of mubunga sharif mohammed, and i live in kasese, western uganda, and i'm 17 years old. at home we are six girls and two boys, yes. what makes me happy is playing music and scoring goals when i'm footpl whai uld like to become aaying professional player, like messi,
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neymar, and ronaldo. i'd like to play for arsenal and barcelona. the big global problems in the world are being without money, no friends and parents. >> who careses about the f flr industry's's destructiveve imp? >> i do. >> who cares about lgbt ririghs in australiaia? >> i do. >> who c cares aboutut femae empowerment in senegal? >> i do. all: and that's y i follow d dw
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but as ever, we'd love to hear what you thought. so write to us at or on facebook. see you next tim [cn national captioning institut s caption content and accuracy. visit]
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narrator: on this episode of "earth focus"...los angeles is known foror its urbrban sprawl d traffific-clgeged system off freewaways rather than its diverse array of living species. the second-most-populated city in america is actually a biodiversese hot--onof jt a few in the entire world. within t the confis ofof this coconcrete jungle, spececieare adng and, in some cases, even thriving. welcome to the los angeles urban wild.


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