tv Democracy Now LINKTV June 25, 2018 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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06/25/18 06/25/18 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! >> it is inhumane. it breaks my heart and in need to stop now. they need to reunite the family's they have already traumatized. amy: president trumpmp's zero tolerance crackdown on imimmigrants and asylulum seekes continues as parents of more than 2000 separated children say they still don't know where they are. trump now says they should be
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deported without judges. we'll get response from maru mora villalpando, an activist and undocumented immigrant and mother with the group mijente and northwest detention center resistance. she has a hearing in her own immigration case tuesday and says the best way to stop the separation of children from their families at the border is to drop the charges against their parents. then, 50 years after the reverend martin luther king jr. led thousands in a poor people's campaign, thousands marched in washington, d.c., saturday to culminate six weeks of actions and thousands of arrests in the new poor people campaign. >> we gather today for a call to action. we gather here declaring it is all for a moral uprising across america. amy: and we will talk about how protest make change with prize-winning documentary filmmaker eugene jarecki. his new film "the king" that takes elvis presley's 1963 rolls royce on a journey across the
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united states in an attempt to understand what has happened to this country. along the way he speaks with many, including activist vann jones. in 1934.her was born -- bla kid amy: all that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. president trump has announced immigrants should be deported immediately without seeing judges and without due process. in a series of xenophobic tweets, trump wrote -- "we cannot allow all of these people to invade our country. when somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no judges or court cases, bring them back from where they came." trump also lashed out at
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immigrants in an address saturday. pres. trump: unfnfortunatelyly,n borderememocrats support the loopholes that prevevent familis fromeieing dainened d removed togeerer. they jt t wantveveryonto be released into our country no maerer howangegero theyyre.. they can be kills.s. they can be thies. they can be horrible people. ththe e decratats y it i i ok fr them to be in our ununtry. i i d't t ink so. congress and congress aloncan ltlt theroblblem and thonly solution that will te prosece, and probablyemove anyo who illegallcrosses e border amy: trump's latest comments come after he was forced under enormous pressure to sign an executive order last week reversing his practice of separating children from their parents at the border, in violation of international law. president trump's latest attack on immigrants demanding they be
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deported without judges comes as protests continue growing nationwide demanding the reunification of families separated at the border, an end to the crackdown on immigrants, and the abolition of the immigration and customs enforcement agency. hundreds of protesters have launched ongoing "occupy ice" encampments blockading ice facilities in new w york city, s angeles,s, portland, oregon, and tacoma, washington. in mcallen, texas, protesters temporarily blocked a bus carrying migrant children from leaving a migrant detention center saturday, chanting "set the children free." also in mcallen, dolores huerta; kerry kennedy, the daughter of robert f kennedy, and other activists and celebrities gathered near the federal courthouse to launch a 24-day hunger strike to call attention to the 2400 children forcibly separated from their parents at the border over the last two months. meanwhile, over 5000 people marched in san diego, california, while e elsewhere en californrnia, artiststs scaled a
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billboard on interstate 80, altering a billboard to read -- "we make kids disappear -- ice." hundreds more protesters rallied sunday in tornillo, texas, to demand children be freed from the newly constructed tent city, where the migrant children are currently being imprisoned. this is julian castro, the former secretary of housing and urban development, speaking at sunday's protest. >> and whether it was the muslim travel ban or the failure in on familyo or this separations, the problem is that this president and his administration, they use c cruey as a hobby, incompetence is their standard operating procedure, division is there a tool, and we cannot leave it to chance. we need to verify these children are being reunited with their parents. amy: press secretary sarah huckabee sanders was also thrown out of the red hen restaurant in lexington, virginia, after the restaurant's workers voted to kick her out. she's the latest trump
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administration official to face protests over the last week, including homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen, who faced protests at a mexican restaurant in washington, d.c. anattorney generalefeff sessionswhwhose iteded mhodistst church members have leled hundreds ofoformalhurcrch compints accusing hiofof chi abus after sah h huckee s sanrs was thro o out bthe e owr of the small restauntnt, saerss twted agast the rtauranan from her officl twititr account -- all this cos as hundreds of migrants are still camped out on the mexico side of the u.s. border, waiting to be allowed to apply for political asylum, per international law. despite trump's executive order last week ended family separation, many say they still fear being forcibly sepaparated fromom their childreren. this is one honduran mother who has been waiting with her children in reynosa, mexico, just across the border from mcallen, texexas, for over two weeks to apply for asylum. >> the biggest f fear, i would e
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separated from my children. i fled from the danger in honduras. and to be taken away from them here in the united states? i don'n't know what to do. think about thisis day and n ni. the u.s. authorities would take them away from a? i don't know what i would do. i don't know whahat would happen to me. amy: in yemen, tens of thousands of civilians have fled the key poport city of hodeidah as the u.s.s.-backed saudi-led offensie continues. the united nations has warned the offensive will severelely exacerbatete the ongoing humanitarian crisis in yemen, which h has already experienced- is already experieiencing the world's worst cholera epididemi, with m more than 1 million peoee afflicted and with milillions me on the brinknk of famine. president trump's son-in-law jared kushner, who is also trump's top adviser on the middle east, says the trump administration will soon roll out its plan for peace between israelis and palestinians. kushshner made thehe comments dg an interview with the news
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desk newspaper al-quds during his multi-nation trip to the mimiddle east. in the interview, he also blamed palestinian authority president, mahmououd abbas, for the situatn in gaza,a, where the isrsraeli militaryry has launched a bloody crackdown on gaza's nonviolent protests, killing at least 124 palestinians a and wounding g 10 more. this is chief palestinian negotiator saeb erekat, responding to kushner's comments. s interview today in the al quds newspaper clarified that the united states of president trump has moved from negotiations to dictation. they are determined to dictate a solution. they walked away from the negotiating table. amy: turkish president recep tayyip erdogan declared victory in sunday's election, lengthening his 15 years in office and allowing him to further consolidate power. sunday's presidential and parliamentary elections were the
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first since turkish voters narrowly approved a referendum last year to give the president sweeping powers, which critics have warned could turn turkey into a dictatorship. erdogan's government has presided over a far-reaching crackdown on civil society, including the arrest of tens of thousands of activists, lawyers, academics, journalists, political dissidents, and kurds. erdogan's party also won the majority in the parliamentary elections, although the pro-kurdish people's democratic party did win enough votes to enter parliament. women in saudi arabia took to the streets, behind the wheel, sunday to celebrate the end of the ban on women drivers, which comes after a decades-long campaign by saudi women activists. yet even as saudi women celebrated sunday, six of the country's most high profile feminist activists remain in prison after being arrested in mid-may in a targeted crackdown on feminist activists in saudi arabia. back in the united states, the
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supreme court has ruled 5-4 the government generally needs a warrant to collect people's location data from their cell phone companies. the decision is being heralded as a major statement on privacy in the digital age. while the ruling does make exceptions for some emergencies, it states authorities otherwise must secure a warrant to obtain cell tower location information. the ruling also appears to have implications for other types of personal information held by third parties, including email, text messages, and internet searches. commentator david bossi, former deputy trump campaign manager who also served as part of trump's team, has been forced to apologize after he told african-american democratic strategist jewel pain, you're out of your config and mine. this is bossi on sunday. >> michael hayden posted a picture of auschwitz. >> that liberal michael hayden.
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>> you are out of your cotton pick in mind. >> brother, let me tell you something. let me tell you something. i've got some relatives that fixed cotton. i'm not going to sit here and allow you to say things like that on tv. amy: after widespread outrage, both fox news and bossi were forced to apologize. he is the author of "let trump be trump." and millions poured into the streets in cities across the united states for annual pride marches sunday. this is the march in new york city. looks as a woman of color growing up in a very very religious household, and lets me know that i'm ok, that i am accepted and loved. i am grateful for who i am. i think events like this show was we are not afraid. we are allowed.. we are here. we're n not going anywhere.e. amy: it is estimated over 2.5
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millllion people for dissipatedn new york's pride march alone. and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we begin today with president trump's ongoing crackdown on immigrants and asylum seekers. on trump lashed out t on twitter sunday, and in his weekly address, saying people who cross into the united states should be deported immediately without an appearance before a judge. pres. trumump: for telecom open boer democtsts support the loopholes that preve f famils from being detained and removed togeth.. they just want eveone e toe --seded io our countries our counyy no matter how ngngerou they are. they can be killers. eyey cane thieve thehey n be rrible people. the mocrcratsay y its ok for themoo be in our country. dodon't ththinso. canress and congress alon solve the oboblem. anand e onlylyolution at will work is beinabable t detain,
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prosece,e, and pbably reveve anyone who illally croes the border. amy: over the weekend, the trump administration released its plan for reuniting the more than 2000 children it separated om the parents as a result of the new zero-tolerance immigration policy and said the port isabel detention centerer in texas will be used as a staging ground to reunite families prior to deportation. despite assurances from officials that family reunification process would be "well l coordinated," ththe non-n-profit annunciciation houn el paso said it took in 32 immigrant parents who were freed this weekend but still don't know where their children are. meanwhile, in brownsville, texas, a 15-year-old boy reportedly walked away from the southwest key detention center that holds 1500 children aged 10 to 17 in a former walmart. soututhwest key spokesman jeff eller confirmed the news sunday, saying -- "we are not a detention center
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we talk to them and try to get them to stay. if they leave the property, we call law enforcement." this comes as protests continue to grow across the country demanding the reunification of families. hundreds of protesters have launched ongoing occupy ice encacampments blockading i ice facilities in new york los , angeles, portland, oregon, and tacoma, washington. people also demonstrated at the tent city in tornillo, texas, now housing migrant children. thousands marched in san diego, california. this is samantha clemence. >> it is inhumane. it breaks my heart and it needs to stop now. they need to reunite the families they have already traumatized. amy: meanwhile, in mcallen, texas, protesters temporarily blocked a bus carrying migrant children, chanting "set the children free." in new york, democratic senator chuck schumer called for a white house reunification czar to coordinate the reunification of
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families separated at the border. >> right now there are thousands of kids lost in limbo who await reunification with their parents. there are various agencies that are in charge. kids are under jurisdiction of health and human services. the parents under the justice department. what we found out over the years is w when there are separarate agencies trying to solve a single problem, it works slowly at best. anand sometimes does not work at all. from theczar, someone white house that can whip thinis into shape and coordinate among the various agencies is very much needed. a are thousands of kids lost in limbo. there are thousands of parents wawaiting. word is ththat the prorocess cod take a very long time -- much longer than it should. so we have to find a way to expedite the process, to move quickly and strongly. amy: today we look these latest developments in trump's crackdown on immigrants and the
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growing sentiment among immigrant rights activists that the best way to stop the separation of families at the border is to drop the charges against their parents. this comes as parents apprehended at the border have been taken to prisons across the country separately. meanwhile, immigrants are not only being criminally prosecuted at the border, they have also faced criminal charges after immigration raids in los angeles, new orleans, austin, chicago, new york city and morristown, tennessee. for more, we go north from the southehern u.s. bordrder to sea, washington, where we are joined by maru mora villalpando, an activist and undocumented immigrant with the group northwest detention center resistance and the group mijente. she a hearing in her own tuesday.tion case on also, well over 100 people have been taken from the border in the last few weeks and brought to a federal prison in seattle. maru, welcome back to democracy now! can you talk about the connection between washington
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state and the u.s.-mexico border? >> yes, thank you, amy. we have seen at least 200 people being sent to the federal prison in seatac at the beginning of june. we heard from our friends of the caravan at the border telling us that might happen. it was confirmed. we actually have every month something we call solidarity day. we decided to switch locations on june 9 and go to the seatac precinct where hundreds of people show up. we wanted to tell people we're they're not only for the over 200 people detained from the borders separated from the children, but we wanted people to know that this is a common practice. we have seen people taken at the border, charged with reentry, and then sent to seatac for a federal sentence. and then later transferred to
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the facility in tacoma. what we did not know is those parents separated at the border and up in the seatac prison. amy: last degree interviewed pramila jayapal all of washington state. she described her visit with some of the 200 asylum seekers at the seatac bureau of prison facilities in her home state. >> i heard from the 170 for women that i met with being held at a prison because all of the detention centers are filled. these are 206 individuals who were transferred from texas to a federal prison, so of them, about 40%, had been in detention for over a month. not a single one of the mothers had seen their children. not a single one of them had been able to say goodbye to their children. and only two out of all of the mothers that were there eveven knew where theirir children wer.
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amy: this weekend, was never jayapal returned to the seatac detetention center to meet with men who were there outside the facility she said, the president is the one who created this crisisis, the one who can end it by picking up the phone and calling jeff sessions and ending the zero-tolerance policy. maru, talk about your own case. all of the focus now is on these thousands of children who don't know if they will ever see their parents again. you also have immigrants around the country like yourself, also a mom, who face deportation. >> that's right. there are thousands and thousands of us facing deportation. , we have 37,000 people across the nation in detention centers. -- they'reof us
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arming of us in deportation proceedings. there are people wearing an ankle bracelet under these surveillance system that ice also placed people on, which is another private company running the show. in this case, it is geo. there are many of us facing this. what we want people to know is what the children are facing a something that ice and this government had already practiced on as adults. this government is just escalating what they have done to us and our families, now doing it to the families trying to get to this country. in my case, i think it is very clear that ice jumped from an agency that was created to destroy my community, to try to get rid of us whatever way they can, and that money on the way to actually become a political repression machine. so i'm not the only activist being placed in deportation proceedings, but my case is very clear. they have nothing on me.
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i have no criminal record. i have never been in a raid. thel, ice decided to begin deportation proceedings against me. in the document they sent to the judge, they see me as an anti-ice activists and there to activist, latino which i did not know was grounds for deportation. amy: which is a key point. immigrants who have been organizing and taking on the government, they themselves being arrested. i want to turn to community alexandria ocasio-cortez, who is challenging new york congress member joe crowley in tuesday's primary. in a recent debate, she called for the abolition of ice. this begins with congressman crowley. >> this government separating children from their mothers.
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it is antithetical to everything that i believe in, and that is what i fight for every day. >> is this organization is as fascist as you have called it, and you have said it is fascist, then why don't you adopt the stance to eliminate it? this is a moral problem. your response has been to apply more p paperwork to the situati. to have ice collect more information on i immigrants.s. ththat puts our communities in danger. he conveys a profound misunderstanding of how we should be approaching the problem. amy: that's alexandria ocasio-cortez, who is challenging new york congress member joe crowley in tuesday's primary. she visited tent city for immigrant children in tornillo, .exas, this weekend she said, i cannot sleep at night knowing these children are here. talk about this call to abolish ice, if you will. >> we have been calling for the abolition of ice for really long
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time. we are really happy people are catching up with us. it is released that it took this horrible tragedy for people to realize the only solution is to abolish ice. what we're calling for right now is to have jeff sessions removed. you should make sure before he goes, all charges against these parents should be dropped. we are calling for the suspension of all deportations. we are also calling for the end of all forms of detention. in order to abolish ice, we should start with the funding the entire agency and dismantling it. can you imagine a border patrol that actually helps people when crossing the border when they're actually helping people get to the country based on international agreement we have? can you imagine a border patrol that is actually humane? i think it is possible. we did not have this crisis 15 years ago. we can change it completely. is going tomijente
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have an action on the border in san diego on july 2. we invite people in the area to come with us and be there with us where we can change things. it is very clear. we are happy politicians are catching up with us, but we also want to make it clear we don't neitherbody -- politically nor economically. people that are here to tell, yes, we need to abolish ice. they need to follow the leadership that has been fighting this monster for so long. they need to follow are steps that we laid out starting with the suspension of all rtatio. amy: we had you on when there was a hunger strike -- protest at the northwest detention center. can you talk more about the immigration industrial complex? who profits from this massive population, this growing population in the private and other prisons? >> well, there are too many
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players nowadays. into,, washington, one of the corporations, geo group, being one of the biggest profiteers right now, but there are so many companies within that system. now we also have seen the expansion of detention to county jails. for example, people in tacoma are being transferred to a jail in oregon were there getting more money because they are accepting money from ice to be able to run the jail. we have seen as an example of the southern border, nonprofits also making money out of the misery of these children and their parents being separated. there is a big, huge corporation list that we can go on and on. it,osoft, dell, you name
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there is a lot of surveillance, technology being developed for ice to catch up with us, right? supposedly to look for what they call fugitives of their programs that they have been setting up for so many years. they treat us as we are in a war. i think that now that this a administration declared war on us immigrants, these corporations, both profit and nonprofit, are making a ton of money out of us. amy: the issue of microsoft, based for you are in washington state, facing threats of a boycott over its collaboration with ice. a blog post from january resurfaced in which microsoft said it was proud to support ice and that microsoft technology can help the agency accelerate facial recognition and identification in response to the online outreach a boycott threats, the company said microsoft is dismayed other
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forcible separation of children from their families at the border. you satisfy with that? >> i think it is a good first step. i don't think it is enough. i think all corporations should be held accountable to the consumers. we all get to choose who we give our money to. in this case, i think microsoft is to go further and have a specific policy that they will not develop any kind of roleslogy that favors ice in our country, which is to destroy our community's. i think there should be not only microsoft, but he never corporation, again, that is making money from regular consumers -- any other corporation, again, , that is making money from m regular consumers.s. i think consumers have the last word. people should be up to continue microsoft in this case, and google and any other agency or corporation that is making money out of us, who actually put it in writing and make sure they're not making any more money out of us. amy: you are wearing a t-shirt that says "right to e exist, rit
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to resist." you're sitting in a tv studio spspeaking to the world. you are about to go to a hearing tomorrow in your own case as you speak out for everyone else. are you afraid? are you afraid of being deported? >> i was afraid for many, many years. i decided not to be afraid anymore. both my daughter and i made the decision to stopping afraid and to fight instead. i have received a ton of calls from the detention center every day. a lot of those calls are from people detained that are worried about me. that shows you t the care in the mye that i have from community. i am not afraid. i feel very, very supported. the people have told me, you have to win because you're when is our win. i have a responsibility to the people. i am accountable to them. the last thing i can do is fight. i will continue fighting.
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i'm not one to give up. i know we are going to win because we have extreme support. we have the support from the people i need the most, which is people detained. my community is with me. all we need is more people to come here to support my case. but most importantly, to support all ofhe families that don't have the support that we have. my daughter and i are very privileged to be able have these forms and to tell people the reality we are facing. it are way too many families that don't have this kind of support. we have to be there for everybody, not only for asylum-seekers and parents, we have to be there for absolutely everybody and we have to dismantle every single cage for human beings that exist. amy: maru mora villalpando, thank you for being with us, activistst, mother, undocumented immigrant with a group northwest detention center resistance and the group mijente. speaking to us from seattle washington. we will let people know the results of your hearing tomorrow. when we come back, we had felt to washington, d.c., where thousands marched and rallied on
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amy: singing saturday and washington, d.c., joining thousands who rallied and marched on the capital for the poor people's campaign. a mass demonstration following six weeks of actions around the country and more than, well, 2500 to 3000 arrest as protesters joined what they are calling a moral revival to demand an end to systematic racism, poverty, the war economy, and because gold devastation. more than 50 years after demonstrators converged in washington in 1968 to take up the cause that reverend dr. martin luther king had been fighting for when he was assassinated april 4, 1968. the original poor people's campaign. just a week after her husband's memorial service, carina scott can demanded economic bill of rights th.
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half a century later, the reverend dr. william barber and reverend dr. liz feel harris led the new poor people's campaign and a march uniting low-wage workers, clergy, community activists and even some who marched in the original poor people's campaign 50 years ago. the demonstrators rally to protest widespread poverty just days after the u.s. . ambassador to the united nations, nikki haley, slammed a new u.n. report slamming the trump administration's policies for worsening the state of poverty in the united states. the report details how 40 million americans live in extreme -- live in poverty and 18.5 million americans live in extreme poverty. nikki haley said last week "it is patently ridiculous for the united nations to examine poverty in america." this as she pulled the united states out of the u.n. human rights council. poor people's the campaign has been the most
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expansive wave of nonviolent direct action in the u.s. this century with well over 2000 arrest. we turn now to voices from saturday's poor people's campaign rally. >> please welcome the reverend dr. liz the all harris and the reverend dr. william j barber. group of a powerful poor people and moral leaders and activists and organizers and freedom fighters. , on mother'sgo day, we launched this campaign. our work has only just begun. because over the past 40 days, people of all races, colors, and creeeeds, have joined together o engage in nonviolence, moral
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fusion, direct action to demand that we lived all f families up, we left all people up. we don't break them apart. ands unjust, immoral, unnecessary to have millions of poor people in this lanand. immmmoral, and unnecessary that we have children warehouoused across ths theiry because of immigration status, because of their homelessness, because their families have no access to water. we need a poor people's campaign. so we are building one. -- wegather to the gay gather today for a call to action.
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we gather here declaring it is time for a moral uprising all across america. we are in the same moral tradition of the prophets of israrael who challenged kings ad rulers to stop legislating evil. we are in the same moral tradition of jesus whose evangelical work was not being against gay people, but against politics. we are in the same moral tradition of the apache and other indigenous spirituaual people who taught us to care and nott destroy the air, landnd, ad water. we are the same moral tradition who knew iftionists slavery was legal, it was still a moral and it had to be challenged. we are in the same moral tradition of the reconstructionist who after the civil war, fought for equal protection under the law. we are in the same moral tradition as the social gospel movemement who looked at poverty and corporate greed and asked,
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what would jesus do? we are in the same moral tradition of those who fought for labor unions and decent wages and eight hour workdays, even when they were killed and hung in places like chicago. we are in the same moral tradition as cesar chavez and martin luther king and fannie lou hamer and cheney and goodman and rosa parks and muslims like malcolm and gay people and social justice activists. same moral the tradition that have always fought to help this nation be a little more grounded in love, truth, and peacece and come a little closer to being a more perfect union. this is who we are. make no mistake, america, you have to get a new lexicon for this. you won't be able to report this like you normally reported it.
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we are black and a white, proud, red, yellow, gay, straight, old, ,oung, urban, jewish, christian hindu's, muslims, people of faith, people not of fate from alaska to alabama to o northern maine, from california to the carolinas, from the midwest to the wheat belt, where the poor people's campaign. our national call for moral silent and we won't be anymore! and so today is about the people. this is a different kind of rally. we have not invited people here today to speak for the people. we have invited the people to speak for themselves because i think it is time for a revolution. >> wow. you guys are beautiful. you make me cry.
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honestly. aredid you know that there 140 million people who are poor or low income in t the united states of ameririca? 73 million women and young girls. that is sad. that is sad. know that there is 38.2 million children that are poor? 51.9% ofore than children under the age of 18. >> i am from kentucky. home of the kentucky derby. the kentucky wildcats. and kentucky bourbon. i'm glad you did not cheer too loud, because i hate to say this, home of mitch mcconnell.
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rand paul. cal rogers. that is not a good thing to s s, but i got to s say it anyway. i want to take about appellation. and richlydest diverse environmental area in terms of plants and animals. in nature resources -- natural resources. yet this state is the worst poverty rate in the region in rate in theh 25.4% appalachia portion versus the rest of the state. gone andmines are long the promise to bring them back is alive from the pits of hell. >> i come in front of you today african-american
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trench gender woman -- transgender woman without health care. with serious health issues. but i stand here today to tell you after earning a bachelor's degree in history of political yearse, after working 30 of my life with a good payg job, i, too, have been set back. i have been diagnosed with kidney disease stage v. i fell behind in my payments. i was two months behind and i made a double payment, but they had some grace period that they told me after the fact, so as i lay on my deathbed, i am still here and i will be fighting to the end. i want to say thank you for finding for me. i want to say thank you for fighting for you. and i want to say thank you for
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fighting for a moral america. i love you! people, a -- you can, your sister. i stand here in solidarity with kenya from californiaa. she could not be here but she is watching. she is welcoming a new addition to her family. i'm here today to talk about what is being done to our families can't assign a light on families, to shine a light. i'm a daughter of immigrants. margaret workers who cross the border for a better life instead it was a life of bondage. we worked the tomato fields, apple, peach, orange orchards. as a little girl, remember picking tomatoes as a little girl. i live in the shadows and fear for my mother and grgrandmother that they would be deported for much of my life. separating families is a
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practice that has been done for a very long time to keep us in control and keep us scared. the cacapitalist system is deepy rooted in white supremacy. when our brothers and sisters across the imaginary borders of this not because they want to come it is because they have to to survive war torn countries,s, economic and ecological devastation caused by s and whites from is the ideology -- by white supremacy ideology. we must learn from history to avoid from repeating it. by brothers and sisters, we can all do something to help stop these atrocities by divesting from the system that contributes to this perpetual war economy. take your money to credit unions and reevaluate your retirement and investment accounts. use the capitalist system against it and break it. i was born in this country.
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i am a citizen. still, i l lived in fear. i was born into bondage. we were all born into bondage. but we can change that right now. to the people employed by the federal government just doing their job, do not let the job get in the way of your humanity. >> now we want to hear as we get ready to march from our brother who is a brother who is an actor but when he is out here he is not acting, he is the real deal. none other than danny glover. >> thank you for being here today. this historic moment here. i am here and i think about the ruby dee showed up to some place, that was said, i'm here today because this is where i'm supposed to be. we're here today because this is where we are supposed to be at this moment. as we fight injustice, fight on in thisf of poor people country, and also around the world.
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we remember our sister who was assassinated in brazil and rio de janeiro. mariella here -- itt we are goes beyond this, but we know we have to organize, organize, organize. the movement doesn't just sit right here in this moment. the way we change this country is going to be sustained activism. andi know you're here today you're in it until we win. >> i hope they don't try to stop as industry because we are going in the street. gonna keep on walking keep on talking not going to let no president turned me around term he around turned me around
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let no president turned me around i'm going to keep on walking keeping on talking marching of the freedom land āŖ >> folks, you're together as a group whether you're single file or not -- we're individuals. folks you are still part of the demonstration. >> we go one at a time, 20 of us at the same time it is a demonstration and we're subject to arrest. >> because you're demonstrating without a permit. amy: we are right near the capital. ,esse jackson, reverend barber elizabeth the o'hara's, then it glover, -- the o'hara's, danny glover, they're asking to walk one at a time to deliver boxes of petition. what is happening?
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>> the police are stopping us from walking up to the capital. this interview march individually it is all right but as a group you canan. we are g group of individuals. nonviolent protest. this should not be a threat. we should not be impeded by police action. this is brutality. amy: reverend forbes, why are you here today? >> i'm here because 50 years ago, martin luther king was assassinated. this is the 50th anniversary. how did he die? working for poor people. desk heaven an has has declared in order to show that martin luther king did not shed his blood in vain, heaven has decreed that germanic divine enhancement of movement is going to take place. in order to say the king and
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bobby kennedy, oh, although you shed your blood, the movement is not kill. it was not extinguish. amy: your thoughts at the border, what is happening with the separation of children? you were the head of riverside church. children have 700 been separated from their parents. apparently, rn varies institutions in new york. the governor or mayor have not found out where they are. >> let's put it in the store context. the separation of children, for me to make goes back all the way which slavery process by a natural way to make slaves and to dehumanize people was to break their family bond. all i can think of, here it goes again. whether or not it is separating by incarceration were trumped up
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charges were trivialized assessment of criminal penalties, or whether or not separation of economics are based on gerrymandering or border rights, every time same place are torn apart, the fabric of humanity has been ripped. i'm saying what is happening in texas is only a kind of, as it were, sort of snapshot of what is wrong in the body politic in general. i've got a feeling everything's gonna be all right amy: those last voices, reverend and jesse jacksonant wishe . reverend barber and list the o'hara's have been leading the new poor people's movement that they say has just
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johnny cash, performing, "i shall not be moved." this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we end today's show with the prize winning documentary filmmaker eugene jarecki, director of the new film "the king." in the film, jarecki takes elvis presley's 1963 rolls royce on a journey across the united states in an attempt to understand what has haenened tthisis cntry.. >> he no idehow hard he hit ameranan culture. -- iways china fuealth was cha a fundousese eis prley lilid in. meant nhing to . [ble] him anjojohn wne.
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>> black a w whiten ththe cept together. >> he was e voice of the country i its bt and i's woworse. > ameca is great whenmemerica doesreat things. welcome america's been dngng a lott of bad things. i i thi thehe arican n eam waalwaysysomeone's ftasy in somee e els's unken ghtmare. >> we're in thsesecond act. what is wrong wh h amera? >> whe does the countrgo from here? amy: the trailer for "the king" directed by eugene jarecki, who joins us here in our studio. welcome to democracy now! talk about this latest film. >> a woman across the country to understand -- i went across the country to understand the
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american dream or what it was. as we're learning more and more every day from summit of people waking up in the condition we're in, the american dream was never for anyone, is for white men. we are learning -- i think were actually coming up to speed as a countrtry rather quickly due to the conditions we now face. amy: why focus on elvis presley? >> what is more inextricable from the american dream than elvis presley? as he rose, we rose. as he became too powerful so fast i'm a so did we. he started to realize he had so heres in his soul reached out for quick fix, drugs, carbohydrate, violence, just as we have. the question is, elvis died at 42 on n the toilet. i wanted to know where we're are headed. amy: letet's go to van jones in your film "the king." close let's t t forg elvlvis presesy is living in the 1960'ss ght t algsidee the huge revolt
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of t v very people whoseulture he was "inspired b and i wldld y ststol >> you did not feel was in the ddddle oany civirighghts marcrcs, did you? with harryd hi belante.e. >> think about the alternative overhihis. el -imagine ming hom marcng with . kingvi . he had pers and confers tt made mal choic. marlon brando marched with king. >> mr. presidedent, whats your inion on or protestersnd woulyou today be refe to be drafd?d? keepfunny, i just as soon myerersonaviewews myself becacae i'm just aentertainer. 'd raerer notay.. >> do think other tetertairs toeep theiviewews themselves yet go i i canay
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th. >> i don't givehehem a ss because i know how much power he has. i know what he could have done without power. amy: that was van jones and shakti. >> it is extraordinary question. you watch elvis presley who comes to fame a much because he sings like these it. , he's the reasons chuck d most famous for accusing him of being racist in "fight the power. i interviewed him about what he meant, where was the racism. chuck was clear to point out, you can call elvis a racist because he play black music. that is a beautiful thing. you would not tell an african-american couould not to play classical pia. amy: let's goo o the clip ithe film. >> what he care so mh h abou rescng e elv preslsl from the clearr chae ththate w a cial apppproprte or? you are desperate to rescue this man. >> it was nojust this white
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dudetolele t lighthtusic. selliness g w who t to those cocords th b bla folksks could not gethem across. found a guy thawas able to sell a bck sound wh a white face. k knew doeoes ll to amica. is that problem >> a don''t think so. ihinkultureres culture. it is to bshared. yosee e a ack pepeon playing clsical piano, you c c't say becaushe does tt have "germrm ros" that he cannotlalay th classical p.m. oas gooooas anybody else. a a pern isis ae to d dthat eg and it happens to be stinin tberlakak i think this cooool. >> you always thought that was good. y: you takake elvis presley's car crossed the country. >> to trace his rise and fall all the way from tupelo, to las vegas, los angeles.
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we bring famous people and not famous people into the car with us. amy: you go to his house. >> we go to the black part of town where it turns out he lived for a time and find out his houses for sale. we meet a lady who lives in his house. we ask about immigrant dream. she says, what american dream? it fromd just see the roof. we got people to say music in the car, talk in the car. be during thes to 2016 election while the ununtriebeining torn in half. inincomeet''s go t tanother cli. >> elvis at every turn tmomoney. should i go on to her? offer i take the biggest of live performance in vegas? everchanancee priorititized money. where diitit putim? dead and fat on the toil a at 42..
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>> ronald reaganas reallththe persrson that with this fuse. rona r reaga said, would you keke to ve a a n swimmmmg pool or will children be to get testg fofor ds? was,reagan basilllly sa you nt the swimmg pool, d't you? you ould have the swimming pool. amy: those last people in the film? folks their summing up the way -- amy: alec baldwin, ethan hawke. after that. the real messages, look at what we're facing. look at the incredible problem we have as a nation. we got here because this nation puts power and money ahead of democracy. we have been hijacked by capitalism. everyone we speak to in one way or another tells you the weight which the democracy they thought they lived in has been so deeply -- .00ned by the point, 1%. what to be amazing is the way in which i had not lost hope at
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all. i was inspired by the people across this country. in this horrible moment in history, look at the social movemements being born. look at times up. too. at #me the gephardt went. we were seeing as this horrible chapter was forming -- of course it is the most rigid thing we could see, but the incredible backlash is so inspiring. we all must be engaged in that. that is the thing to not just take pride in him a gonzalez and her cronies, it is to say, how can i be emma gonzales? amy: you are the driver of the car, interviewing people. >> they are playing music, talking about life as they know it. it is really about america. it is in theaters right now in .ew york we need people to come out so the message of this film can spread. amy: eugene jarecki, his latest movie "the king" tracks the rise
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