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tv   DW News  LINKTV  July 9, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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brent: this is dw news live from berlin. the shock resignation of british foreign secretary. killing the british government and disk array -- throwing the british government into disarray. president brca 1 is one into turkey for the second time but the nation remains deeply divided.
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in thailand, ambulances take more boys rescued from the flooded cave to thehe hospital. meanwhile, rescue teams have been working to bring those back still trapped inside. i am brent goff it is good to have you with us. tonight, the british government is in turmoil. just months to go before the u.k. leave state european union. foreign minister resigned today it looked to theresa may. the british government is been divided on how to move forward a neighbor exit strategy.
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today, during a storming session in parliament, to recently thanked thing to ministries for their work but she was repeatedly interrupted. >> i want to pay tribute to my friends, the members there for their work. we do not agree the the delivery for shared agreement but i do want to recognize the work of the former secretary of state and the work he did to establish new departments and steer through parliament some of the most important legislation for generations. similarly, to recognize the passion he represented.
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brent: that was inside the british parliament today. standing by in london tonight, theresa may appears to be standing on chicken ground can she surprised what happened today? >> theresa may is in deep trouble but she is still strongly that she can act. she just replace the foreign secretary with the secretary for culture and media. she wants to cling to power in a mutiny against theresa may did not take place. so far, there arar not enough votetes. there is still the possibility
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that somebody will challenge of leadership in the conservative party who want her to resign as a prime minister. this somebody could just very will be horse johnson himself. -- boris johnson himself. brent: the now former top diplomat released a statement not blog about. it is but sadness that he step down and says that mays softer negotiating position meant the dream is dying and referred to the plan to remain closely aligned with certainty of tables. the u.k. is truly headed for the status of column. theresa may was surprised when she received the resignation. where did this come from?
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>> the prime minister also issued a letter in response to the resignation and said to ministers cannot agree on the deal analysis hammered out a couple of days ago on friday. this deal says, the cabinet wants a softer plugs it approaches the wants to negotiate the free-trade bone with the european union. they want to leave the market and want something better for the -- britain. it is very difficult to have support for this approach in authority. on thursday, she will issue a white paper negotiation strategy and a chance to show the eu can
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follow this approach but this is still very shaky ground. brent: thank you. just wanted to the news is coming in the german client is going to be the new fund minister. with the perks it crisis deepening, there has been reaction from across brussels. a tongue-in-cheek reaction from the european council. he tweeted today, politicians come and go but the problems they have -- they create for people remain. who does? -- knows? the european union does not seem very impressed with the result today, how are your countries? how will they deal with the chaos that is unfolding a?
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>> exit from a european perspective to be very costly. regarding time and effort to mention, goodwill. that some computer on the part of the european union that finally the u.k. was finally about to put a plan on the table. from a european perspective, what is holding things up is the lack of vision of the u.k.. a clear vision with pollutants on the offensive, eggplant, on how to do this but exit. the fact that this is being torpedoed by the two ministers who took part in finding this compromise announced step down and resigning from their posts and have put all of that in jeopardy. brent: theresa may is no fighting to save government. there are talks that she may as for an extension for the date of
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the u.k. police the eu in march. a likely is it that this is not going to happen? >> member states have already started to repair for a scenario whether you cable crash out not only on a corporate cincinnati but a real scenario. there's a 50-50 chance that this will lead to negotiations. what brussels also knows this is the scenario of mays called a smooth and orderly breaks it is not a life-saving. the compromise for her own party is in disarray but will certainly not find in the european union. brent: we're talking about smith exit smooth bricks -- smooth bre
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xit. the british pound's don't as a percentage. -- down half a percentage point. plants aligned leslie. -- plans outlined last week seem to meet demand for more clarity from the business worldld whethr those plants can stay on the table is very much up in the air. here are some of the other stories making headlines from the. -- from around the world. the two countries leaders remain to end the war between them. their 20 year conflict claimed thousands of lives.
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february begun restoring telephone of flight connections. the japanese government says the least, 100 12 people are dead after days of mudslides. tens of thousands of emergency workers have been to florida to help. more than 2 million people have been ordered to evacuate their homes. harvey weinstein has pleaded not guilty to charges of sexually assaulting a woman and 2006. it is the third case to be put up against and more are expected to follow. we are to turkey where president everyone has been sporting once more as president. it comes afterer last month's sweeping victotory. erdogan appears to be continuing his crackdown on dissent.
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the last few days, thousands of public sector workers have been fired. turkey remains deeply divided over his policies and his attentions. -- intentions. reporter: the president's likenesses everywhere across turkey. which is made him an almost all-powerful man of state. erdogan is now the head leader and head of government. his powers are virtually unchecked the one thing has not changed, he is running a bitterly divided country and that is particularly evidenced in the stumble -- stumble -- istanbuul.
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70% of it in favor of the president and people are happy that you remains. >> is a specific purpose. he represents as well on the world stage. he is a leader. >> of president has done what he needs to have done before. we have been so happy since elections. our country is going to make huge progress and god willing, our future will be prayed. -- bright. >> views in this district are very different. many young people live here, students and artists. most of them oppose erdogan and the prospect that he will be leading for another few years. >> the whole generation grew up under him. it is going to be another five years and i'm sure after that,
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another five years. his imposing his ideology on us, that is not good. >> he is not my president. i see a dark future. we do not know what to do, we have no hope. >> i'm too tired of talking about democracy. amrita: we still know what it is but with our children? >> the problems that turkey faces are far from over. surging inflation, i youth unemployment, the war in neighboring syria, the president has promised a solution for all of these issues. his biggest challenge of all may be to reconcile a deeply polarized society. brent: and joining me now from the turkish capital, we heard
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president everyone say that his country was not implicate puts a strong government parliament and the strong turkey as a whole, does he mean? >> a strong country needsds a stro leaeader, a strong accident. that is his claim. it has been his claim for the past months. of course, she is saying that his country needs a strong leader to tackle all of the challenges and all of the percrceived threats of terroris. now, he is an almost all-powerful head of state. he can put all of the strings from the presidential palace. this willl promise of a strong nation is only credible e if actions will. the ecoconomy is not it w will t all,l, still, mr. everyonone sad today y he is going to turn tury into the wood of the w wld's top 10 s successful economies.
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it will be interesesng, who at the 50's going to put in charge of the ministries, of the council? he is surrounding himself with people he can trustst. he is putting his son-in-law in charge of finance ministry. many observers for suggesting that he going to do just that. he's goininto run thehe country like a family is surrounding hihimself with family membebersd people h he could trtrust. who in the end, can regain trust of western partners especially, when it comes to the economy. brent: thousands of public sectoror workers have been set. journalists are imprisoned for supposedly, opposing the state. yet, erdogan will say turkey will advance in terms of rights and freedoms? >> i think he was trying to be inclusive that today. hehe is trying t to be t the prt
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of not only the people voted r him ou of alall of the 81 millin turkish affected. of couourse, as hehe said hihis opponents think that soununds le a babad joke. more than 18,000 state employees, policice officers, soldiers, have been sacked from thee jobs a aer the state of emergegency that is still ongoig and has beenen ongoing for two years now. mr. erdogan promised that he would end the statate of emergey and that is what people are waititing for. critics s not thinknk that he willll ease down or approaches critics. to the contrary, they think that he will make full use of his powers. brent: as always, thank you very much.
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the struggle for global free trade in the face of u.s. protectionism. >> china has to declared itself the de facto leader of global free trade since donald trump started pushing his american policies. the growing possibilities of a trade war between the two countries, china is looking for friends elsewhere. china's premier that with the chancellor this monday. >> a united front against the u.s. as the meeting in berlin continues, angela merkel and china's leader signalsls the commitment to free-trade principles. as both houses stand to the dish -- toulouse. -- to lose. >> we need to ensure access to
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each other's markets . reporter: several german industry leaders signed deals worth a total of 20 billion euros with china's partners. a signal for german companies caught in the midst of the u.s. china conflict. >> as you know, a lot of german companies have subsidiaries in china and the united states. we are rigight in the middle of all of this. as companies and what we want them as we do not have feathers galatians. -- further escalations. reporter: many german companies complain that beijing opposes: it's fish berlin -- berlin
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markets. >> china and the u.s. begin dueling with tariffs last friday at the, what has been sponsored from wall street's of? -- wall street so far? >> w it is expected. austria is getting quite a bit. first of all, those stairs of pickton -- tears i kicked into not come by surprise. investors of wall street are looking for other reasons. this week's earnings season will actually start by the end of the week. overall, analysts expect earnings of the big corporations for grow by 20%. this is one reason the strings
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of america everest the profits to buy shares. >> some investors seemingly ignore this entire back-and-forth of tears but surely, there must be somebody suffering under all of these tariffs and fostering. -- and fostering. >> those who are suffering are the chinese people who like to buy tesla vehicles. because of the terrorists kicking in on friday, tessa decided to increase the price for tesla cars in china by 20%. if you want to fight and model x for example, it will cost you $140,000. china is biggest market for
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tesla and tesla likes of the cars in china. every single tesla car sold in china is produced in the united states and gets hit by tariffs. stocksks for tesla went up from the present but investors and had the opinion that if you could say $120,000, you could also pay $140,000. >> back to brent now for more on the rescue in thailand. brent: four more points haven't rescued from a foot in of caves. a total of eight have been brought out successfully. the team went missing within two weeks ago when they ventured into the caves and became trapped by rising waters. >> on the road to recovery after
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more than two weeks in darkness, these if it is -- ambulances headed to the hospital. it marks the end of the s second day of high-risk rescue operations. >> we rescued for more of the points. we rescued -- started our rescue around 11:00 a.m.. theree now all safe. >> the prime minister has been persrsally with h all eight of e boys rescued so far.. on monday, they painted 50 -- a visit to the cave site. divers are racing against the
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clock to save those who are still trapped inside the cave. heavy monsoon rains are forecast this week. divers have been hard at work technique ropes and replacing oxygen tanks will the escape route. treacherous work that has already caused one diver his life. rescuers are confidential they will be e able to quickly free e remaining victims. >> we succeeded look i have said, we were two hours faster this time that on sunday. we expect that with the preparations, we think that we will do even betteter for the nt mission and we will succeed 100%. >> officials say the boys heads up" still trapped inside the cave are in good health. if the weather remains
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favorable, they are hoping to release the rest of them in the next several days. brent: mr. dennis we appreciate you being on the show this evening. we know that this is a very difficult operation, the divers are going back into the cave tomorrow. give us a sense of what makes this operation even more difficulult and risky to fourur hours of? -- risky t to hours ao >> the divers manageged to bring out of thehe boys. of course, we remain anxious because there are still four of the police and their coach remaining in the cave. the monsoon is the big factor.if waters levels rise, it will make much of the information much harder to complete. we had the impact on the water
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quality and the the problem also of the sentiment making limited visibility there even worse. weather is existing space, it will make the flow rates stronger and h harder to swim against. that is another factotor. the final one is a currently, the into the case is really clear of water so it is speeding up in the removal because they can be put on a stretcher. all of thehe sections are to be much harder or treacherous with the water's. -- water levels.
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brent: the first voice second were considered to be the strongest and i guess that means the last ones to come out will be the ones that divers considered to be the weakest or suffered from a lack of food. will that make these rescues even more dangerous than the first is? >> i am not aware thatt this sot of choice be made. whichever press report you read, by implication, i do not think the to be put to open certain that somehow, the remaining individuals arare a at a grter risk. i think risk is much better letters by the divers and the associated support teams leaeadg up to the case.
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-- caves. the other is that their spirits ar of very think that it will looking for to this accident. i do not think it will necessarily have to extract. brent: from the british cave rescue council. after the short break, i will the day. -- will be back to take you through the day. ♪
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