tv France 24 LINKTV July 12, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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>> what stands to chge on n y 20 fififth? the imimpact on indidividuals ad companies s that use theheir da? chances are you wilill see an like ththis opening mosost of yourr apppplications. it is papa of the g general data protectionon regululion, and initiated to protectsesers in woworld ere moree data is online ththanver bebere. ia arreally livin ki of jungngle wre we ar losingurselves. users, it is hoed by areas of interes h data is
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being ud, and iit will usedutside othe eu. they can tnsfer thr data om o serviceo anothe moreoverthey hava right to not appear inearches. algorith play a le i in decision-making. affecected can challenge and request human intervention. while there will be a central euroropean body to a act as a f, the front linenes are at the national levelel. a anywhere collececting data f from europeanans is subjt to the rulules. >> negotiating the possibilities ofof data transfsfers out of eu, wewe are pushing o other countr. we are doing it in thehe united states. i amam negotiatingng with japan, korea. we will start talks withth india and brazil.
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xplicitly having to grant permission for theieir informatation to be useded, companieies run a risksk of penalties if they comply,y, up o 4% of their glglobal annuall turnover i in fines. >> we are joined by the privacy and tech spepecialist who o useo wowork for f france'ss d data py network. really a a game changeger when it cocomes to privacy? it t is. the fifirst changingng is betwen corporate entntities. theyey have to agreeee, who is e servicice provider a and data cocontroller. it is negotiation. it takes time. this is a new way to competete n data ownerership. it is not t only privacycy, but compmpetition. > do you think eururopean
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auththorities haveve targeted te right isissues and chahanges? > t they did not t create a w world. wewe had those r rules 4 yeaear, 20 yearsrs agogo. today wewe have new prprocedured sancnctions for c cpanies to o t for privacy and to age togeth to have a single voe in europope. >> u users of socicial networksd tech c companies arere being tod they have e to review anand acct ththese new condnditions or hahe their accounts shut t down. do y you think thehese constantt reminders are getting through to members of the public? >> it is a way to inform you of ur sitituationnd u use of your dadata. is not a new way to consent, because u dodon'haveve a chohoi. if he e don'acaccept the n new r anand conditions it is a take it or leave it situation. not a n new right for users. >> facacebook andnd google aree
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spending millions to o ke sure they comy. smaller fis are al being impacted. how will they co? betetween 50 0 and 200 employees, havaving tececactiviy $50,00000 to $100,00000 to prprare. f> some e sinesses, we heard ad thh cpapaniesnd online gang fms plingng t plug on the eupepean orations better r rher than bring the busiss model into coliliance be bject toll e.u. regations itheir uss are eu resenents. it is not a good way to magee the situation. >> leaeangurope is not nessssarilxempthem.
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eses thigive eu regulation an unprececedented globobal reach? firstst time thosee principleses are made toto be exe expxported. you u can still bebe sububject g totodpr. models i it threaten t the upon which t t tech industry has bubuilt itself?? >> yeses. yoyou have to j jtify any artifificial intelligence actitity algothmsms or d decision-makiking. you u need to assesess your impt on pririvacy. regugulators may s say it is noe right waway to do itt. when you're subctcted to the it is notot onlyy complying,g, but to compmpete wh otother coanieies outside ofof e gdpr scope. >> do think k most companinies l
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bring their new busininess model into compliaiance, or willll wee signs threreatened? the first yearbe of a appcation. regulators wilhaveve tlearn. they have huge powers and y not be mature enoughn the procedes, litation agnst the mpany. they may tart the bigarket playererfirst to gigi examples ofheirir per. we see ding g th next 2-3 years hohowuch it can be balanceanand more secure as aenenviroent. we are eing mordata brches in mpanies d busisses arod the e rld. esese relationonrequire compans toto rort reaches faer. will they y do anything g to ree the number?? reduce.e.not this transnsparency is a a way o ededucate everybybody. yoyou need to bebe aware that tr babank, your government, is s nt
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securere and youou have to be ea player i in this policicy. > bond regulation, atat ould individualso o to ptect eir privacy? >> u uerstand, decide,ead d an decide. ey shohod use thsesettin not ly for the benef o of th service theyouldld le to use, bualsoso f the fute. wh you share data, can y contl your cice, havyour ta delet? a matteofof sel action syste >> thahank you for t that insig. data brehes, unwted leak angiving ucontrol. for so people has gon t far. th are penng theiropes on tiny microchs under tir skin and offeng a replacementor id badges and train t ticts. feel microchs are
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becoming thehe latest fashioionn swedenen with 3000 p people buyg in.. access too woror a key carard fr ticketsr bubuying plane , tetech lover sayay it makelile easier.. it t is a uniququidentifier there is no risk you lose e it. it helelps authenticicate a per. it is veryry interestingng. swewen has long been a country open to sharingersosona data as a si of f trsparency. theysts have qutiononedf mimicrochips cououldecome vulnerable to o attack or tracking, woworries that h haven brbrushed aside by ususers. i i i'm not t scared becauause dodon't thinink our currenent technology is good enough to hack a chihi i'm only usising it for workrk d
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b b i may thihink about this more in t the future. i could d always take e it out. >> microchips are not revolutionary to sweden. they h have been tesested in belglgium, china, , the u.s., ad become a an alternativive to handbabags. >> if you have any questions, you can get in touch on facebook or tweet me. ununtil next timime, thank youor watching. ♪ welcome to a w w editn of "france in focus." we a p putti the s stlight on
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a rprisisi form of p pollution. france h has committeded to cleanining up its envnvironml act. a growing problem is it iegalal waste disposal. outsiside ofhour paris,s, what was ararable lands been traransformed into an open air landfillll, to the distressf lolocal residents.s. > t the s sea of g gbage. thatat is the name the inhabitas hahave given to o the largestt makesht t landfi inn frae. itits a f field spanning g 300 hectors, 40 0 which are cocoverd withth tons of mixixed wasaste. >> it isis mostly garbrbage from coconstructionon sites. itit is rather impressive. there is everything from wood, sololvents,eetining,
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all canisters with big poltition risks. farmlandntu, this provideded food for parisian b t eventuallyly the soil yielded ls returns. ththe water was fifilled with hy metals t that pollututed the sol anand a govememental dececree bd farming herere. a andonment lead d legal dumpling and public fificials d nonothinto stop it. today, thehe mayor has r returnd wiwith 2 mp's. they he bebeenommissioioned to writite a rert o on legal dumping they are joined by local sidents. peaking french]
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>> for those peoeople who don''t want to papay the real prizize r dumpmping thei waste, 10100 eura euros a ton for those containing asbestos, people will find a way to dump here. preveveion,ducation, and ricter penalties are n new ststrategies thehe government ts pushing g for to curb b illegal duduing.. concrete measures e e expected fofor 2019. >> for more we are joined by t mamar
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heo. thisypype of eyere is nonothing new for y you. tell u us about yourur experiene with it ilillegal dumpining. >t is actually not that rare, unfofortunately. whwhen i was elelected we werere dealing with four or f five a weekek. we s systematicalllly looked ino o was respsible and lodged a compmplaint with t the couous. no further action was takeovover the cocompints. the reaeason givenenast time was there was no longer yy violatation. we havave to find coconcrete answswers to the d demands of residentnts and thehe lack of concern on the part ofof the governrnment and justitice syst. t t systemow we put into action. we identifify who is respsponsi, cocollect the wawaste, and leaet on t their doorstep.p. >> how hard isis it to detererme
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who isis to blame? plain to see that coconstruction c companies arere responsiblble. we can identifify them throuough barcodeses and invoices. thedifficultyty is being s sure waste e has been n disposed of n that l location by t that partyd not ananother. thatat is ththe real chchalleng. totoday we have e a resource i e formrm of the inteternet and tre things f far back. above alall, we count onon the involvlvement of thehe public. ththey see the waste arrrre and infnformation.nt we have reached a point t where found the source in 95% of cases. > if we are talking a about cocompanies t tt are paido get rid of this trash,hy is it s so hard to geget back to ththem? there are two types o o businesses.
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bigg compapanies that ououtsoure didirectly to bubusinesses inn so o theyountntries, increaease in theieir margins ad offloadd their w wte anywherere. then there are small f fnch businesseses that disasappear so they don''t have t to deal with these susues. thehe oth hand, there are businessesn local areas thahat are syststematically r reprocesg waste. >> your methth of bringingng the trash h back to theffenders, how efficient ist and how much lp are you getting from natialal authotieses? >> w when i was elected as mamar we w were up 24-5 5 tebow's s pk -- deposos per w wk. now we are up to 2-3 per week. evenen if we are gettg memedi coverage andhe results are posititive, there isis a polite silence on t the part of - -- a politete silenen on the pa o of the state.
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the judidiciary is always radio silence. ecologyalk a big abobo and enronmenenl issues, , bu everydayy smallll problems t that couldld become a seririous issue, b because waste leads to m more waste v very rapidly. this centralized visioneans no one ca p provi concrcrete a anss , even when there aralalready answswers. all l that needs to o happen isr mayors t to be able toto deploye police. when w we catch somemeone and sp them with h fines of 15000 euro, weill scare e the others o off. >> you said d francis at t the forefronont of climate issues. there was the paris climate agreement for instance.e. you feel ththere is a shihift n peopople's attitude? we have s seen t trucks g go byh trasand l lve empty.. our peop aware of the climat changing
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>> in n my communityty, thehe hs beenen radadal chahange. today when n a truck carrrries e in an inapprpropriate area a i receceed 4 4 calls because everyone h my y phe number. in july, before oplele cld dispose ofheirir wte there ecause-5-5 peoeople waitingg there was meded coverage so peopop forced themselv too be vigilant andnd keep a looookout. befofore longg this will helpp l ecology. this i is mainly y on a local l. on a globabal level, reresponsibilityty is dilud d en though locally it is improrovin. >> thank y you, very mucuch. trash troroubles
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wasnsn't bad d enough, somemetie problem doeoe't come from within. residents have an unusual take on waste management. >> a new activity has emerged along the border between france and switzerland. getting rid of rubbish in an unauthorized place, a growing phenomenon like this border town in france whwhere the bins are fillllg up withwiss was.. >> o one day we nt throughhe rubbh and found swiss mai there is no need for them to dump their stuff herere, especialally because i it cososs moneney. >> if frfrance is becoming it iszeand's rubbishsh dump because of a new system that the swiss arputting in place. they havava bin tax sce 2011.
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they only pick up thoswith the rrect logo. >> it doesn't say it has been taxed, unlike this one. >> these are the o offial roughage b-- rubbige bagsgsnd arere 10 times momore expensive than thosese in franc. moreehe bag might be exexpense, butut it t means we't hahave to rarae taxes elsewhereo finance the system. >> and expensive system at 2 euros for a 35 liter b b. this resident willave to takak her rububbish homome. why dn't u use an officia bag? >> m my official b bag isn't ful yet.t. >> it kekeeps officialals on thr toes. always othe lookout said you hahave nothing t to
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declare,e, but your trtrunk is l of trash. i thought you meant alcoh oror food. >> this drdrer has been caught anand pays a 150 e euro fine for three bags.. rubbishfoot i had m my in the boot." the trend is growing. to track those who made it through customs, ththere is a 24 hour cctv camera to wawatch over ththeir bins. >> a huge bag, he is carrying it with huge hands. the second person opens the container. >> the footage wl be sent to thswiss auauorities ashe swiss don't have a right -- as the e ench don't have a right to dumping rubbish neigigors.
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he specializizes in arcticic permafrostst. his team's drilling a sample to carry out tests. >> it is soil like anywhere else, but it is frozen. > temperatureres are increasg twice e as fast herere than thet of the p planet. pepermafrost i is t twing. over theas increased past twowo decades. it has been oerved thee warming of the ground by .5 to one dedegree celsius. > graham takes us to his labt the university so we can have a closer loooo >> t t organic m merial in sample like e this ion the order 4000 yeyears old. in m many ways it is like a tite capspsule. if s something is s in the permafrost, it is preserved until it thaws again. t though it mayay look pristite
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barren, it is not dedevoid of life. there is a world off microorgananisms. permafrorost is like a massive freezer, c cold,ark, withohout much oxyxygen. bacteria a andor viruseses to surveve for tusanas yearsrs. hawingng permafrost t is like opopening pandorora's box.x. on a hill overlooking aa former priesttown, the local shs us a c cetery with an unusuall tomomb ovever a centur. >> a g graveyard witith special crossese 1917, 1918,re from that is the spanish flu. epidemic killed 20 million people around the world,
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including 7 miners. they havave become somewhat a scientific curiosisi. in the 1990's scientists exhumed some of f the bodies h hoping to find traceofof the virus t to no avail. these days they could reresurfae due to clitete chang landslidedes.and the --a year fromom now there w was a year from m here there w was a landslsle due to thehe climate chanange? >> it hit the graves in the graveyards. the town isisly, living on n a tickg titime bomb. the coconsequences of climate change arere weird. this is by no means an isolatetd case.. in remote nonorthern russia, an anthrax outbreak killed a
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12-year-olold boy and sent dozes to the hospital.l. it is belilieved the heaeat wave fueled the disease. m mtedermafrost,t, exposing an infected reindeer cacarcass in thehe frozen tundn. that m may sound a apocalyptic,t et.'t panic y y not l virurus survive when unthed. aivatedts havnot the most dangeus virus in permafro due to ternatiol risky. t too there is still a cau for coern accoing to arench speciali, titimeraveling virus. the one h hand, infectious diseases like smalallpox or tuberculosisis could be revived. thererare allll of the virus s d didiseases we knknow nothing a . diseaseses that may hahave causd the extensision of neandederthal man, they could be reviveded to.
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>> local authorities are aware of the risk and have taken measures in n the archipelelagof stalall guard. herere,legal to be buried anand has been since the 19595'. > for some, it can be tououg. it is not easy to accept they cannot be buried here. again, that is the framework, and everyone knows about when they are here. >> here is a picture of me. >> m maryanne is a a veteran. she owns the polar r rig, a a ll institution. >> peoeople say, it t is likikcg in time. >> at ththe age of 7070 she is
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- hey, i'm darius rucker. coming up onreel south. - [darius]s] from mobile to birmingham, alabama's gay community is no longer silent. - [searcy] you know, my roots are definitely southern. - [dariuius] and the strugglee to change statate laws anand attitudes has s gained gr. - [patricia] for somebody like me who's a political junkie anand an activivist, thiss is thehe front linines. - [darius] but in many cases, families' lives have been upended. - [k[kinley] oncnce again, oulife is put t on hold.d. - this is s about the whole sta. thisis is about t every single gayay personn who's beenen denied rights. - [darius] wititness "alabama b bound" onreel south. - [female narrator] support for this prorogram is provided by south arts, sponsors of the southern circuit tour of independent filmmakers, with funding from the national endowment for the arts.
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