tv France 24 LINKTV July 12, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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an incrediblble sexy my the being i impolite nots a little bit als as aoman fefell classmate w is ae may whe malee has i i has a 2 27% anytime is a god place to be for a y young female iraq'q's about you. i don't k know honestlyly. i heldd t that the climamats changigi andnd i i c can fiy place here.
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bubut i honestly d don't now [inanaudible] this is. ththis phone is bebeing ledy women sateleltes now thahate have you thihinking about ii really t think it's s such n empowering. thining and we don't l limit ouourselves we go for i it y do itt gets ringng. can't that we talklked aboutut it. but i i feel l like i'm parf the women who were like where you want to take action n now. isis still set. ththhollywood film industry that rex's produduces. once all modelel ambitious actresses. i think that i it's a a gret opopportunity right now especially for women because i'veve seen thahat littlee y little there are more womenn that are empowered in thihi industry and we're getting out there. and we were bng heard in were actlllly getting the jobs so i tnk it's grereat
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time to always. tryy and belelievehatever yu want t to be in the e future well you is this famous organinise so casts out the powewer aboutut as the sexes lobbbby w winds uninivac cr. female r role is stillll beg now how yououould have to open itsyeyes to new e. soundsds an example for thee although many of twent ghteenen ste budget that sends itt on n men some fifs at hated to time is tight. releleases i include asiana. eight this is about how you series bigig little lies ane style [inaudie] creations about signs. female characterss fighting ck against of usage [inaudible] finance [inauaudible]
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databirtrt of e intert on y twenty fth a two yeaea transitioneree ae and the europepe union we're gng to force a raft n new res neral data ptetectio relawas more ctrol of eir it person infortion. is as leahanksame prododucs f f any c cpany th deals wh amerins is for the firimet h brusse whi allhe yingo crackdown digital x arrangements bu pernal dats an commody on ich iow does thcollege offer a nderful opportunies. rk side as well. so what b bught you to this point yours and mine down. okayay h has little data is indeed one of the world's most valuable resources todayy here in europe online apples out already the main schools of advertrtising o f the companies. delivering on that he seven
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billion euros twenty sixteen about it practically doubled invitete is set up to eighty seven million users may have had that has information hohollis it.. most of the e meridian it stays aroround two point sen million people were affected here in europe. came. allegedly to o data from volunteers. from other house links to them without their consent to develop targeted us through the twenty sixteen us presidential action. paula was thehe question ceo marks t tt althoug it happensutut it. isis n not the only one of e fifire last year the europen union hits gogoodwill with e raracket twowo point four billion euro fine for the breaking antitrust little. its founder t the tech desisigned to maninipulate a so when users at a price that is.
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right. a little bit the c changes said tolerant in the eagles three minutes to the rival sizes. right a does not woolly meditating apple's planned acquisitition of saddam and that can idedentify solold f listening g for a few sesec. because saddam has in pls ofofata apple's rivals for the fall fight. ifif apple can acessado on streaming says is then able to create unfair competition takes europe with that look at some of the issues thatt he haseeeen grappling with. wawatson to change on the te twenty fifth. inooking a at the impact on inindividuals a and companis ththat user data. yeah if yoyou initiatative designed t to protect diseas in a wororld where moree d a online than evev before -- leaving in a kind of j jungl
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at we are losg oursels beingsed.o catchnd if it'll besed outse he can alsoransfer da from o sells.the sry. moreright tes with research is [inauble] that's rig. decisi makingg those affected can challenge a request human intention and leases will be able to contest. election of rice international i informaon rights a agency. one thahatl be a a central eurean abilities to act as a foreign and she pointed are the national l lev a at data from eueuropeans iseleg susubject to the les. byby which she h hated the possibilitities all data fis
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has also brought.. realitity foror the machine other countntries so i incre the sundance. were doing a d dighted cesano on who's shooting this a dip and fluery allah we will startles is in the on sale. with regulation meeting uses explicitly having a rotatatn thatat is to bebe used comps are on a major riskk of pepenalties faiailed to comy undeder the twentyty minute. for being g with us. is. we are really a gamame chanr when it t comes to datata privivacy. it is a game changer o over ththe first chahanging is betweenn corpoporate entntis that's's in ththe shade agreementsts d decided wiliy dadata. who is s a servivice providr whoo is today i c consular servrvices matterr of lififc news divisionn ii t takes t? and this is the way of a any wish to compete on the ships
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is not only about privacy that is also in n competiti. didd y your p parents have targeted the rigight areas f right issusues right chahan. do not creatate a a new wor- we hadad those ruleses fourr years ago too m many y yearo lack of o opposition to twoo days we have n new p proceds musicicians. in orderer is simply was opening soon acts for privacy entry users shouldd retailers for of ththe sings in europope. yeahah use sociaial network really any tech compapanies arare being tolold they havo review and accepept these nw conditioions orr effectivevy have their accounts shut dodown. due to these constant reminders on accidident e es are really not really getting through shohould memembers o of the publicic. so he's a way to o inform yu of yourr she duratation ande user data. is not a new wage consensns something bebecause you have no choicee you know w seven
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years terms and conditions this is. not in itseself in the right fofor users taglilines likee google in face off a a sendg millionsns of d dollars to e surere that they comply wh thesese regulationons when y come into force.. smalleler firms are a also g asked d how they would cope- the proportion of the cost is just so v very difficucuo center thatt. aa s small s size from hearf the c city betweenn f fiftyo two hundrered employeess hag even t the tech activitity n the data. willll need between fifty to one huhundred katiee t to pe just for gprcc c could be se activity and industriesition activities.. businenesses with part of on the ad tech c companies an ononline gamingg from thehee acactually p pulling the pln youread i ioperational totother rather than havav o bring t tir business model intoomplpliance.. yes that't's making me taka. the email decided to in the evenining it willll see just affect you in relations either users are easy
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residence so it's not a good way to manage t the situatii so. in europope doesn't nececessarily exempt them fm these newew rules do y t thk it is really d does give he regulatition unprececedented global reach yesterdrday f r the e first time. of those principleles are me to be e exported. with a high sedidition at sx am you could be e alone on e moodod and cities affected yoyour if you prorocesshe redents d data does your threaten the verey business m model upon which the tetech industryy is bubt ititself difficult answer [inaudible] yes. yes because you havee to justify getetting approvavan anyy foror finding. arficial intligegenc activity i i reasons tomated. mang you need to sessss yoyour in happen p priva to have austitifi promotion d and reduces me y.
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s so t theight way to do i . onon you a are subject i is rereligion is notot only a matter of a comomplying with those who to compete witith smallerr companinies outsidf the shsheet gdp ourr school. most companies will in fact bring their new busininses there isll intoo compliaiane or w will we and p paris ise have to o treat her.. as have you shohors andnd aa man of the m maturing off al ththe procedureres litigigan against the company so that we may be target the big market players first to give and wewe see duringg the two ththree and a h half years w much you c can units and moe secucure as a a armss.. we'ree also seeieing a lot e datata b breaches in compans and d businesses a around te wowod. ththese regululations willl requiree companinies to rert ththose bridgeses a after lg anything to reduce t the
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numbmber of data b breaches seeing -- maybe i should use its of thth cenenr for his firirst seeses a way to o educate everybodody. becausee you neeeed to o bee ththat your bankk your government sees us teacher and you have to be a player in this centntury policy. beyond regulatioions what yu think indivividuals should e doing g to protect t their prprivacy. ii understandd inside. read and size so you shohoud use the e sittings. known only for t the benefit of this o of this s servicee to laxax use b but also fofe future.. when sharere a a can you red through your shows and you have the data did? so you should or as a says rice university will be prototected his o on it all night a little to o self actions. riright into often he'e'much nextxtatata reach onl leaks and ging u up corol for someeople it's l just gone to far tiny micchips beer this
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year tenology h gen hitn eden as some hardi ports -- mean iue but hey people lding the keys totoour everyday l life. motorshipp t timing has an update on t the latest fashn in sweden with threeee thousa people aeady onn his that acknowledge h he ss the world h he caught for yy jim or en line trying to get. the tack o other schoolsls say in a five e easier. it's uniquee i identifier wh you always have with you therere's no realllly set yu lose it it makeses everythig easisier t to identify. at helps authenticate. this is very interesting [inaudible] and sweden h has only inn te personalata a aa sign off transpsparency. ananalysts have questioioned whwhether the microchchips d becomeme vulnerablee to o ak
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or traracking. rries shouldn't asidede use. not here r right now bececai don't thinkk our current technology is good enonougho hack a ship. that i'm leasising e ever wk and the gym right now. being. let m me think abobout this again i in the futurure i in on militar out o of the dedesign elemement in microchips and all revolutionaries to sweden that will richmond tested in belgium m china and t the u. i c could soon becomee a rus will send it to hand eyes in wallets. at all this week if you have any thoughts orr q questions that storyry to covevering u gett into it on facebook a freshman for business. recently at kate aimlessly until next time exhausting.
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univisnllll fros andix i'm not is only. on apollution one of theatation fromhe committee to clean upup its envnvonmental act n he's's confrononted to a grg and l learning problbls.. illegal waste disposal we it in an h hououtside of paris was tom is arableand a a sold into eight julieie is opepet lalandfill muchh of thee st. resisidence. the sea a of garbage. that's the name thehe inhabibitants of carrrrieree given to the largest m may shift landfill in frfrance. it is a mamassive field spanning thrhr hundred hector's at least forty whwhich are covered witith ththousands of tons of mixed wastste -- is enonormous. itit's mostly garbage from
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coconstruction s sites. additional it's rathther imessive. the world is everything from wood assesses the man cheating. and here you h has sold its paint remover also to canisters with big popollutn this. litt. forentury this farmland provided food fofor the e right reasosons. but actually the s soil the less return. waststewater from paris was then used as a ferlizer. easy decision came the horrible repercussions. thee water was oldlder heavy metal that looted as well. andd in response g gernmentl banned all farngng yea dominic.. and public offials did nothing to stop it. day the mayor hasas returned with twowo empty. they've been conditioned by the environment ministry write a report on a lelegal dumpmping. they are joined by the local sidents [inaudiblble] zeroo
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it the new song [inaudiblbl] singlele family. for those people who don't want to pay the real price for dumping her waist at least a hundred weeksontatainin asbsbesto these people are going to find another way to come and dump [inaudie] threventio ecation and ricterer penalties a are jt some of the stratieieshe government is n pushing r to try and curb illegal duduconcrete measusus are expected.
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for r twenty nineteteen hony ining byadeleine [inaudible] last [inaudible]e] sunday. this type of high schooll is noththing you f feel you t t yoyour experiencnce of illel mping. melilissa earl'ss useser i s actually a lot rarar fofounately.. when i was elected and you feel thahat we were dealalig wiwith four or fivive days f waste p per week?? said we shouldld not be l ld into he wass responsible. unless you to compmplain wih the course he's.. she wawas taken a vevery the the malall reacted to ththas a lolot to say y on the parf the g government's in the justice syststem. this is how we p post a recs
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at t this is an i instructi. we identify y he's responsn. the way. i'm rereading this wng. she thehenly gonna object to all the hospspitals. in. laying everyry instance. itit's plain t to see the construction comomnies are responsible and we canandentifyhehem easily t three bokeh w was d invoices. the real difficultyy isseing shoulderhe waste has the size off in a lolocation b y doctoror policy y another. ththe real challllenge butuy we have an incrediblee resource in the film busineness. we really ststrange thihings very very farack.. little we counsel invololvig ththe public [inaudidible] vevery important the point wher weeoundnd the source ef the e waste in n 95% of c c. cycyril dececision and w wen about c companies.
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ththat it payss to get riddf this trarash whyst so hard to g get back to t them. cause it is this is. there a big c cpanies a a alalso star athlhlete is th. countrieies which on the consentt f for quality and t inincreases thehe margins ad ofoff like that t waste any. there are small fresh bubunesses lasted asas longs it takes.. to but a disaparar. theeal with these isssss onon the other hand s s a ao we work with on a dailily babasis businesesses likike larrrry's sysystematicallyly repepresg waste. b bnging the fasasonack into thehe event is how will be e a national authoritities. whatat i wasas elected as mo we were for a five day? week.
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police in n a place persrsol frfreedom this result fossil h housesr expecting. when of? ou the eveve if ruruian dia coverage andhe sults a positive this only apapplies very cararibbean centntralized vision i it ms that t todayobody canan providide complete s senten. even whehethey're already insisists o only s set happepens from a iso allow uss to deploy thehe police a and i don't seee it was to bebe castlele on a slap to o finn a f fifty thousand your is. ththat it will fail is off..
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as y you said yoururself frs says the fulull frontal of the parisis c cmate agreemet for inststance. asasn people choosose welelu and you see trurus with ash and leaeave themo a people's awareness legal force thememselves the vigincnce to o ep a look k t onhe phone this s ll help local ecologygy. yes i think that happenss mainly o on a local l level. is on a glolol level sponsibility i being diluted even are likelely. o be e easy article you'l has. whirlpools [inindible] very much.
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trouble o o bad enonohh sometimes the p pgram doesn't t come from wiwithi? neigighboring.. made.. squeakaky clean strereets. the sea residents and is bold. wiwill take homeme waste management. and you activity had emerged on the border between france and switzerland. getting rid of rubbish and it unauthorized place a growing phenomenon like in this border town in france within the filling up with fleets waste [inauaudible] yeah. o o day we went ththroug the rsian announcementnts w was. all she sasaid he well they
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don't get early foror them to down the s sff. ecially becauau it costs us m money wasas itt i thin. you to all if frances the rubbis dump its because of the new rubbish collelection system thatt this with a avity teamlace. polanan we had a big mac taxes twenty eleveven connected anynything up that is with h the right leg a not want t to do bececau itt doesn'n't say anythihing ta. e net is one here. these are the official rubbish accccessiblehrough the l local councilnd exnsive system atwo years for a thirty five you this resididtsill havav too take a rubbish back home. whatat an easy? cess comee. ckn full yeses it is expensive.
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yes that as well the h hefty pricice tagag customs offics that toes friendd. and s said anythingng to the data. always othe lookout for the slightest. youu said d you hadad nothio curvature councililrash have to be honest. who's i fleww evangelicical food this right iave been called out s should pay t te one huhundred fifty y euro e thee back. i just hopee that i still have my permission abuse. in twenty seventnteen official i in thisegioion counted ten tonsf unauthorized wastete and the thoseho made it throughcatch customs this legal counselel at at twenty fourur hour cctv camamera to o alter tht been. to the right with a huge bag he's carrying it with both hands sececd us openhe container a the ego.
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