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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 13, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> what opera taught me. ha t taught me. taught me. the example o of men fighting back. >> an e emple, , e example of women ghghting bk t today, i loveve my l life and whatat we e ablele to d do. i love storytelling. ththe real f fighters are e stag there every d day. itit is the w wtresses, domestic woworkers, motothers.
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who to work every single eaking day >> had w we make sure e it will chanange? -- howowo we make sure it will chanan? >> it t will. to seei is it impmptant girlrls like that t in hollywood blockbkbters? >> to sesee people succece that looks like them. i was excitedo represenyoung girls and let everybody know. >> you created a production company toto tell stories about women. what made you take action? >> i read a a good script.t. i heardd colleleues considering dogg it. i thought, if f thiss not good enenough for them, i need to create parts tha are. w wan to say they witita budget of
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over $10100 million, d did you e to fight?? >> no, disneney invited me to do it. theyeyanted me to put a disney spin o on the storyry and we wet into it wiwith a spirit t of creaeating a new spin on a a timeless story. >> is hollywood changi with felele directors? >> i think it t is starting g to think about changing. londo talks wit hollywood's greatanand soon-to-be great it did notot ansr my questn.n. whare ththe far fewer wome directing films? ♪
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>> can youou name threfema directors -- female directors? >> u u >> c can you name e female direrector? >> noo. r rimes. shshda [buzzezer] no, and it is unfortunate. >> no. >> jodieie fosteter. >> a good actress and director. what is your name? salma hayek. >> that ththey not go veryry we. begeg, oneoscars woman have won the prize for best film. kathryn bigelelow. ♪ >> i thinknk it is time foa
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man's point of v view. don't you? asked people if they could name three femalale directors. hohow do you thihink tha w went? > they could not n name one. >> the mood feels difffferent in hollywood, especially after the scandal sincnce october wiwith harvey weinstein. are things changing? > i b believe the people who acteted inanappropriatelyly on e -- arere on thei heeee and are scared. if a film could be directed or written, , you could have a a protagonist t who is a female, a higherer likelihood of getetng that p picture financed and gren lit. >> because of awareneness? >> becausese of awarenene but it , itils down to, this s is sad
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comes down to money. thatgroup o of pictures made come with heheavy concentrtratio ,females or african-americans or any other group that are not quite men, and they do not work men comemen, -- white and they do t work, th will go b back to t u usual. why y is patty jenkinsns an importanant director? becaususe she directcted a supeo movie and didid it well. >> the doctotor is an associate presser --rofessor of politics, working with victims ofexual harassment and on geer eququalit
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people say no more sexuall harassment.. and d also we wantnt reaea roler women. particularly reese witherspoon who haththereon oducucti company.y. -- her o own productction compa. >> women a are representnted on screen i ilinked to hiriring practicess in hollywywood look e a 1950's. u havvery fewomen behd the mera in y decion-makin rol, 7%f direors of t films a fema. you ve very w etors, iters. the peoplele making ththe deciss behindhe s sceneare ovovwhelmingly men and white men. that translates to women being erasednn roles a a when they do appearthey are presented in very sreototypic wayss often asex objects, scantily clad, ditches. -- ditzes. rereese w witherspoon c creating
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betttter r roles. >> n nice for thee n nannies tot to knoeaeach o oer. >> shehe is a mom, young, like u used to be.e. >> everyone has praisised "wondr woman.n." what a aood symbol she is rr little girls. a a film directed d by a womoma. whwhat do you think? >> i love e the strength ofhe character, she wawas truly a susuperhero first t and a woman sesecond. even witith a female director, certainceneshere they went uppeleleg aninto h h but ack. why do wneneed tsee t ts? whwhdoes she have to bsesex object? >> whahais a filthat is gogood examame of what shoulde watching? theunger games did a good job of having a fememale protagonist that was not a sex objeject.
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the dodouble standarard was nott play, , they were wearing the se outfit. actction does not take in a vacuum m and is sendiding messag and reinforcicing messages o of broaderr society whwhich has widespreaead normalizization and acceptanceff women as sexex objects. hollywood can be better.r. hollywood tomomorrow can shifthe way we see the world regardidi gender and race stereototes. >> will thatat happen? >> no. hoywood wiwi not changee overnight anand without a a gret deal o of pressure.. wewe think peoplple and h hlywos driven by money but it iss noto, read by fefema protagoninist and byby male and f female co-o-leae more monon thaha films thaavave male protagonist weave had th data f three yeyears,as there been a signgnificant shifift in n the g ofof female protagoniststs,o. ?>here are you taking me
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class.riting > i it depends on t the scrc. severaral nights a weeee joe chooseses w wters, muchch of the work gs to the big a and little scscreen. rececipe isrger bites the grgrand prize winner. >> rock on. johnny depp. >> i would rather eat a tampon. ♪ thahais the uglgly shirt i have ever seen. short of "lunch ladies" did very well. -- and now they will
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ask for the future. -- feature. >> a johnny depp mad hatter alarm clock. >> t te to go down the rabbibit hohole! > full f figured, stepped d o hot pink lingerie. dususter --, 6'1" luann, 6'1". ♪ >> c could a man h have writtene scscript? >> y y, but it would not be ththis [lauteter] is absolutelyvoice
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differenent. and wonderfully funny. a man w would be meaner. st because he can .. male will be meaner becaushehe comesrom m a potion ofof pririvilege and has no idia what it isis like to be e hearda wowoman. hurt as a woman. > when you showow the scripto directors anand producers, what was thr reaction? >> thehewere like, is there an audienence? two middle-aged leads. f> why are the majorory written b by men?
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>> they y rule hollywowood. they hirir people lilike them. white males. >> there is a sea change coming. just thehe fact we arere havings conversationon. we have nevever had this coconversation to ththis intelligence and depthth and no fear here.e. ♪ >>rom the clsroom to on this is a s runun by students in the american film institute.
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helello, nice to o meet you. an i incredible seseson. >> it t gorgeous. hollywood, it is real. e employed,s ofeieing not t just as a wowoman but a wn of cololor, my chanceses of beig ememployed is lilike to present wherereas my phililip clarke --, whereas s a white male has a 25- 27% chance. a alace for you? >> i do nonot know, i hope t the climate is cngining and i nn nd a placece b i do nono know. >> t tsililm iseing l l by womemen. >> nowow you have me thinking ababoutt,t, it is sucucan empoweringng thingng. we do o not limit ourseselves. someone e ys you cannodo it,
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it giveses us more enenergy to o itit. womom, taking the action. >> this film represents the hollywood film i industry, directors, proroducers, oncece l ----mbitious a actresses. >> a great opportunity, esespecially foror womomen, lity littttle, more womom arere empod inin this indusustry and we a ae getting ouout there. we arere being heardrd and gettg good jobs. beis a eatime e to try to whatever you wantoto bin the future. ♪ >> a revololion began in hollywood, famous womemen spoke out t about the power of f balae betwtween the sexes. the harveyeieinsteint fair -- hollywood hahas to open itits es to a n era and set an exexample
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for ththe rest of ththe w world. although manany of 2018' bibudgetet fms around men, some a are turning t the tide. mamma mia. m mia -- big little lies s and the handmaid's talales are having second season with fememe characrs fightinback against abusive treatment by men. ♪
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>> welcome to our r special show about policycy. with t the eu set to bring in regulalations, scandndals and standouts, loggererheads with te european u union. will the new rules be tipping point for the industry, what wod change f consumeme and how her firm's gettin ready? eweping g your data close, , a -- why embedde microroips could be the future e of privacycy. billed as the e st sweeping overha o of datarivavacy l since e the birth ofof the inte. w wl endrar transition on m may 25 and eueuropeannion wi report t new rules. general data protectction regulation will l ve consumers a more conolled overerheir special informatioion. the reresource -- - social m me, banks, game producers come anybody who has data. tryryg tos have --
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crack k down on digital tax raiment. personal data is a valuable commodity for which the -- which offers wonderful opportuninitie. what b bught the eu to this point? is one of thta most viablble resources s today. inin europe, online platforms te main fororm of advertising incos with 37 billion euros in 2060 -- the market practically d doubled and facebk hahas 2.2 billion active e monty userers around thehe w world. a cambridgdge analyticalal scanl wawaa wake-upp call and facebook said up p to 87 millioion usersv had thr r personal i information to h harvested. most in ththe united states but 2.7 millionn people were affectd in europe. cambridge analytical took data
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from v volunteers s but also frm other account l linked to them without their consent to develop targeted a ads during the 2016 presidential election. the european parliament was to question the ceo about what happened. facebook is not t the only o one under firere as last yeaear th europepean union hit google wita record 2 2.4 billion e euro finr breaeaking antitrust rules. it found the tech giant manipulated data so when users didid a price search his own shopping site would come up on top. google was ordered to change the search algorithm t tgive equalal treatmento vitital services -- rival servrvices and euu regegus anand best hittiting apple p pln acacquisition ofof an out that n identify -- they are cononcerned because it has important data about apples rivals s such as spotify. if applelean access s data from otother streamining servivices,t would create unfair competition.
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>> thank you for the look at sosome of the issusues the eu hs been grappling with. what will change him a toy fifth? we look at -- what wiwi change on may 25? >> look familiar?r? if you have a smart phone, chanceces are you hahave seen as like this. papart of the gegeneral data prprotection regegation thahat e europepean union initiativiv to protect users in a world where rere of thr dadata ionlinene than eve b befor e areiving in a jgle whe we are losg. >> they ha five ars of intest, they cannow how their da is bein ud, how i will b kep and if ed insid the eu,r transf their da from o serviceo anothe they havthe righnot to appearn srches.
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anywre out rhyth play a role rol, theys play can n request human intervention and any violation of rights with the international rights agency. a central european body will be theorum and iue binding rulings. ifif any f firm collectiting dam europeans is subject to the rules. >> by negotiatingng the possibilitieies of datawe are -- - we arencrease doing- united s states nenegotiating with j japan,, k a we will starart talks wiwith ina and b brazil. having to explicitly ant permrmsion for t the data to bebe used, companies run the rik ofof penalties i if they do not comply. of the 20 million euros --
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>> to o get a betterer picictur, joinined by y privacy attack specialist whosesed toork wiwith franc's data priva authohoty. thank k u for being withs. ishe g gdpr relel game changer th d dat privacy? >> it is, beeeeen cooratee entiti firirsts they have to negotitie remits to cicide rules.s. -- agreemements to decidide rulf who is the g gated contrtrollera met -- it takakes time. this is a way to compete for data ownership. nonot only aboutut privacy butut competition.n. >> padua -- - have europeaean authororities targeteted the rit areas?s? >> they haveve created a n new world.d. we had thohose rules fouour yeas ago,o, 20 years ago, the e lackf harmrmonization. we have new w procedures today n order to i impose compananies tt
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fofor p privacy and r regulatoro agree toave a sing v voice i eurorope. andsesers of socialal n networs any tech compapanies are beieing told they y have to reviview and acceptpt these new conditiononsr have theheir accounts s shut do. do these cosost reminderss on as getting through to members of the public? >> it i is a way to i inform yof your situatition and the u user data. not t a new wayayo consent becae u u have n choice if you do noacaccepthe terer andondiditis, take it or leee . a good w for comnies to improve eir policie t t in ielf a a w right for erers. >>ooooglend f facook spending llionsnso make sure they comply with the e regutions.s. smalleler firms are ing papactedhow wiwi they cope? >> the cost is very diffilt t to stand for. a small sized companieses having
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betwtween 50-200 employeyees hag a tech activivity will neeeed between $52,000 to $100,0,000 to preparare for the gdpr.r. , onlineb businesses gamiming f firm, thehewill pulle plugnn eururean operatations rather t than bring theirir buss momodel into comompliance. >> they are mamaking a mistake.. they will still be subject to eu regulations if their users are eu residents. it is not a good way to mamanage the sitituation. >> leaeaving europe e does not exemempt thefromom these new rurules. does t this get eu r regulationd unprecedenented global r reach? he firstmaybe e r titime, those principles arere e to be e exported. with t the high sancnction at s, you couldd be stilill be subjeco
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gpr. >> does thisis threaten n the businessss model thehe tech indy has based d itself on? >> yes, because yoyou have to jujustify and geget an approvavn any artificial intelligen actitivity,lglgorits, aututomatd cision-makaking. yoneed too assess your i impact on p privacy to hahave a j justd proportiononate and regululatory sasay it is not t the right wawo do it. once you arere subject to o this rerelation, nott only a matteref complyining by compmpeting with otother companies outsidede of e gdpr scope.. >> will most people brbring ther business models into complplnce or will l we see defiaiae? >> this yeaear will be thehe fit year o of apppplication.
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theyeyave huge powerers and they mamay not be matature enough o e procedurures. they will maybe target the big market players first to give some examples ofheir powow. next fewee e during the years how much it t can be lancnced or secure.e. > we see a a lot more datata breaches in companans and sinesses aroround the world.. these e regulations s will acque companies to report the breaches faster. will thehey do anythining to ree ththe number of f data breachehe are seeeeing? m mbe not reduce but this transpencycy is a way toto educe everybody bebecause you neneed e aware that y your bank, yourr government is not secure and you have to be a plalayer in this polilicy. >>policy. > beyond regugulation, whatao you thinink individualals shoulo to protect t their privacycy?
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>> underststand and decicide, rd andd decide. use ththe settingngs. not onlyly for the benenefit ofe service theyey would like e to , but t for the feature. for examplele, when youou shared data, can you have it deleted? if you do not e exercise your rights, , your privacycy will ne protecteted. >> thank youou so much foror the insight.t. nextdata brehes and wanted leaks angiving up controlfor so people has gontoo far and theyre putti their hes on ty microcpsmbedded to theikinnd offerg a replemenent r id badges or train tiets. technolo has bece a hit sweden. > m man f fl thehey are capaf holding the keys to your everyday life. microchips carryg personal data becoming the latatt -- an in swededen with 3000 0 people alreadady buying intnto their technonologies and a access to k d d buying tinin tickets, tech
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lovers say it makes life easie identifiera uniquque whwhich you alwaways carry witi. no risk you lose it, it makakes everythingng easier identify xñçç
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[singers valalizin [overlapping anansmisons]s] [highititchedones] [stac c hissg] douaiaitkenare e we accelerang?


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