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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  July 15, 2018 10:30pm-11:00pm PDT

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afghanistan to meet a young woman who spends her mornings learnining and her afternoons teacng. in morocco we find out how farmers can insure themselves against the effects of climate change. and in the democratic c republc of congo we meet women and children traumatized by civil war. in the 20th century alone, an estimated 200 million people
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were killed in wars. more ect f figur are h harto come by, partly because of the chaos surrounding conflicts. what is clear is that the proportion of civilian deaths has risen dramatically in 100 years. in the first world war, civilian deaths accounted for just t 5%f all fatalities. today, that figure is more like 90%. and the instrumentalized sexual assault of women has bececomea cocommon featurere of many conos too. thatat's the case e in eastern s of the demococratic republblif congo. there, militias have terrorized civilian populations for decades. according to one study, over 1000 women are raped there every day. reporter: the city of bukavu on the banks of lake kivu looks tranquil. but in eastern congo, scenes
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like this can be deceiving. in this conflict zone, rape has been systematically used as a weapon of war. francine: the worst thing was that they treated usus like animals. it wasn't t just one man using , itit was allll of them. it was so painful. they beat us and abused usus le cattle. and my family had stayed behind, which was awful. my children were suffering at home while i was b being rapedn the forest. reporter: countless women have suffered the same way that frfrancine cinege did. therese mema mapenzi is a trauma therapist who frequently travels to the villages around bukavu to help survivors of mass rape. the roads are in poor condition. the region has been destroyed by more than 20 years of war.
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the women here have suffered horrific ordeals. >> when you're a victim, your heart is damaged. it's as if you're no longer human. reporter: along with emotional suffering, diseases like hiv also take a toll. mapenzi addresses these issues, listening to story after story, including that of nakatia, who was held captive by rebels for six months. nakatia: during that whole time, they hardly gave us anything to eat. they beat us and raped us day and night. when one was finished, the next one arrived, then the next one and the next, on and on. i want as many people as possible to know thihis is happening. reporter: it's not clear precisely how many women have suffered in this way, but they likely numumber in the hundredsf thousasands.
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therese: when you listen to these stories, sometimes you are powerless. you miss ways to share compassion with people, , but u just s stay there, listening o them, looking at them. it's my y only wayf f supportig them.. because it's horrible to see how human beings can react, can behave like this. reporter: since 1996, war has raged relentlessly in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the conflict is mostly over natural resources, worth millions, that are sold to customers all over the world. but none of the profits end up here. back in bukavu, in a society torn apart, children suffer too. decades of war have left theher mark on everyone herere.
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this is clarisse, whose familyy tortured her for yearsrs, and burned me. i i want them to burn too. the therapist says it's important for clarisse to express herself. therese: they have been rejected by the community, they are stigmatized, they have been accused, they suffered from physical violence, and all these -- thehey are very small childr. they are still afraid. they need to regain confidence in people. reporter: clarisse was blamed for everything unfortunate that happened to her family. she suffered a lot. the scars, left by hot melted plastic thrown on her legs, are still painful. the ekabana house offers children refuge and a place to be a child again.
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the girls put on a play to share their experiences, many of them horrific. a father goes to war and comes back with another woman's child. his wife doesn't accept the new daughter, who's branded a witch and thrown out. all these children have suffered similar traumas, including alice, who plays the angry mother. alice: we don't t want parentso accuse their children. they should be there for them, love them and listen to them. reporter: that's what the 14-year-old tells the therapist as she shares her story. alice believes she's a witch because her aunt died in an accident. mapenzi comforts her as best she can and promises to help. it can be a lonely struggle.
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therese: actually, we usually feel that the wars want us to suffer. so people talk so much about it's as if we are in this country but we don't do anything to change the situation. reporter: but the trauma therapist is doing something. with her help, children who've been ostracized by a broken society are learning to dance again. therese mema mapenzi and others like her are trying to create moments of peace, even amidst the horrors of war. host: education can offer children a route out of poverty. without it, there's little hope of change.
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according g to the united natio, though, 264 million kids worldwide have no access to education, 130 million of them girls. afghanistatan does particulary poorly i in this respepect. even though h the taliban n was overthrown 16 years ago, two thirds of afghan girls still don't attend school. but why? wewe, there are too few schools r a ststt, and d dghters are often married off young. at the same time, child labobors rife and t security situation, dismal reporter: freshta just turned 18, but she's already teaching in a makeshift classroom. the children in her class are happy. they're learning to read and writite, even a little bit of english. for the little ones, that's something special. the children here are so eager to learn, they even forget how cold it is. this cave in afghanistan is 2500 meters above sea level.
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huge buddha statues hewn into the rockface once stood here, until the taliban blew them up. the hardline islamic militant group p also closed most of te schools in the area, and didn't allow girls to go to any of those that remained. it's different here now, but the children who attend freshta's school still can't afford to pay for lessons. freshta: the people of this area, they are really backward, and they are refugees s of different provinces. they especially need education because of this. reporter: freshta teaches nearly 30 children from the neighborhood. there's no room for any more, and the few donations have already been spent on books and pens. like the children here, freshta is from the hazara ethnic group. for centuries, the hazara have faced discrimination in afghanistan. but ththey dream o of a brighr fututure. >> i would like to become a doctor and treat people in the
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surrrrounding area. >> i want to be a teacher and later teach in a school for boys. reporter: sekaina is the best student in the class. when she stands in front of the others, she forgets for a moment that in this region, women are expected to devote their lives to cooking and other domestic work. after school, it's a short walk home for sekaina andnd her two siblings, where their mother is waiting. their father is working on a building site at the moment. he doesn't have a permanent job, so the family has to make ends meet with any casual labor he can find. sekaina: i hope that in a few years, i can go to high school and later attend university in kabul. i would also like to become a doctor. reporter: a very different path from her mother, who can neither read nor write. as a teenager, she was forced
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into an arranged marriage. she tells how she grew up under the taliban, far from here, but the taliban drove her and her family away. since then, she has muddled through as best she can, she says. and now she's happy that at least heher children are learng something.g. nearby, people are making their way to friday prayers. bamiyan is deemed the safest area in afghanistan -- there's no taliban here. the hazara follow shi'a islam, in contrast to most other afghans, who overwhelmingly belong to the sunni branch of islam. while in many parts of afghanistan education for women is still controversial, the hazara have no problem with it. >> of course women should also be allowed to go t to hool and work. why should they just sit at home? it's good if they eaearn mone, too.
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>> i think women should contribute at least halflf of wt men do to the household income. that way, everyone has enough. reporter: meanwhile, volunteer teacher freshta is back in her home inside a cave. like all girls, she has to help her mother with the housework. here she is still, first and foremost, a daughter. but her father respects his child's unusual talents. jan: i assume that freshtata wl later moveve away anstududy. then she can r return as a r l teacr anand finally geget pai. repoporter: until then, , frea has to fit in with the expectations her society has. she founded her cave-school all by herself a and funded itit h donations.s. she felt she owed it to the other children. unlike them, she was lucky enough to get a place at a proper school.
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freshta: ok, my plan for the future, that i h have to bring changes about my ability, my education, about my skills, and i would like to be a very talented girl, and then i wawat to help for the people of my country, also for the people of my community, that my community is really backward. reporter: the e next morning, e hahas to head out early again. freshta ahmadi still goes to school herself, and will soon be graduating, as one female student among many. that is, until she switches roles in the afternoon and transforms back into a teacher in a cave in the cliffs of bamiyan. host: this week in global living rooms we're off to peru.
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♪ navez: h hello, my namame is n. wewelcome to my homeme. please, come in. four families s live in thisis housuse. we a also sell artrtisanal go. we havave hats, sombmbreros, traditional blanketssweatersrs, anandolls. ♪
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i am 36 yearars old. i live witith my husbandnd any dadaughter. on this side is my b bedroom. thth's where we storour r gos. this imymy ding areaea and on thehe other side e we e our wo tooools, plow, , anthis isis the yoke, w which we curry ususe for the oxoxen. anand here on ththis side i hay shrine. these are our ancestors, who protect the house. and we have the animal goods that we take from dead alpacas that we find. they serve to make payment to the goddess pachamama. th i is where we e eat. we call creaeamed corn lawawa.
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but on specific occasions, we also eat guinea pig, not daily. guinea pig is a traditional dish that is eaten on special occasions,s, like birthdhdaysd baptisms. these stones aren't ea t to fifind. is o one ithe fefema and this one is the mal they're used to lilish ando chisel d herere whave thehe pututu. it's an ininstrument thahat the indigenousus group calleled the chaskis used to communicat you have to blow hard. that's a putututu. goodbye. have a n nice trip. ta c care ofoursrself.oodbyeye. host: today in global ideas, we look at how to insure yourself against the effects of climate change.
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droughts and flooding now pose a bigger threat to farmers t thn ever before. in the rural r region of souss massa in morocco, plans are underway to introduce a simple form of insurance to help protect them. our r reporter, mabel gundlac, met t the man n behind the id. reporter: farmers from across the region bring their produce to the main market. maxime souvignet wants to know how good their harvests have been. agriculture in the area has been hard hit by climate change. he coordinates a project focused on finding ways to implement climate risk insurance solutions. maxime: insurance for small farmers already exists in morocco. insurance companies offer schemes that are subsidized by the state. so that's not our focus. what we're interested in is an insurance solution that encompasses the entire value-creation chain.
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reporter: from growing and harvesting produce in the field to packaging and transporting it, ideally, everyone involved in the process is insured against natural disaster, whether they are directly or indirectly affected. agriculture is the source of income here in the souss plain. but extreme weather, from drought to flooding, is becoming an increasingly frequent problem. we head into taroudant, the provincial capital, where local authorities are struggling to cope with the effects of extreme weather. heavy rain and flooding jeopardize the whole region. roads and bridges are especially vulnerable. the trouble is, there's just not enough money to tackle the problem. ismail: we compiled a report to see how much the bridges and protective measures for the town would cost.
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it turned out to be just over 800,000 euros. the city would contribute 20% of that, the interior ministry 30%. that means we need to find someone to put up the remaining 50%. reporter: this footage shot just a few weweeks ago withth a moe phone showows how dramatatic flooding here can .. it l leavebehindndollapsed idges lili this one. if l local authorities can't affoford to repairir them, the transpsport of freshsh fit and vegetables will be interrupted. the problem calls for more than improvised solutions which will be useless as soon as it begins to rain again. maxime: if a bridge is damaged here in taroudant, it could mean production and deliverery to businesses in the town of ait melloul suffer. that affects the entire value-creation chain. and that means just one damaged bridge in taroudant can affect the whole region.
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reporter: the businesses in the ait melloul industrial park prepare fresh fruit and vegetables from the region for export. if their suppliers don't deliver the produce, the ecoconomy suffffers. 90% of morocco's agricultural exports are processed here. a key aspect of f the climate insurance scheme that souvignet is developing is that payouts are decided by weather data. if there's been so and so much rainfall, the insurance pays up. damage incurred doesn't have to be documented.d. the scheme is gegeed to 400 businesses in aiait melloul. maxime: we don't work directly with the companies. it's hard to reach them. proposing new ideas without the help of regional authorities and associations is complicated. that's why we work with
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partners, like the regional center for investmtment. reporter: local businesses are by all means aware of the gravity of the situation. this firm packages fruit grown on its own plantations. but long periods of high temperatures are bad for the orange trees, and flooding can lead to fungal infestations. the company head says that climate change has become a bitter reality. if the quality of the produce isn't up to standard, it can't be exported, and the modern packaging plant is all for nothing.g. the e company is facacing los, and the workers are feeling the pinch. the company head says existing insurance schemes are a step in the right direction, but don't go far enough. abdellah: there are lots of aspects that aren't covered, and many bureaucratic hurdles.
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when there's an insurance claim that can be traced back to climate change, then no one wants to take responsibililit. it takes a long time for anything to happen. reporter: the new climate insurance is designed to improve the situation. a workshop in the chamber of commerce brings together insurance providers, local authorities and association representatives, and project coordinator maxime sououvigne. the goalal is not only to devep a new insurance scheme, but to provide advice on how to weather-proof businesses. simone: basically, we want to create something with a sustainable financial foundation, but we want it to be inintegrated intnto a risk redun chain. we develop risk management concepts, and the insurance is only the final element in this chain. if we do it properly, then we'll lower the costs of the insurance because the risk is reduced. reporter: more data needs to be gathered before the new climate
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insurance scheme can be introduced. and farmers and businesses need to find new ways of protecting their enterprises against the extreme weather that's becoming the new normal here in morocco. host: we've been hot on the trail of good eats again, and have discovered a delicious fish dish. reporter: lake skadar might be one of montenegro's best-kept travel secrets, with its clear water, natural beauty, and inviting villages. tourists are now flocking to the area, something restaurateur nenad petranovic is counting on to boost his business. nenad: we're in a good location here right in the center of montenegro. anyone traveling from the capital podgorica to the coast passes my restaurant. everything is close to here. the mountains, the lake, the
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sea. we have everything that tourists could want. reporter: the food is all locally sourced, vegetables from the gardrden and fish h from e lake. these choice ingredients are turned into tasty, unpretentious meals, like eel risotto. >> it's a very traditional dish in montenegro. we take different vegetables, add rice, and then later the eel. reporter: carrots, red peppers, onions and garlic fried in olive oil give the dish a hearty, aromatic character. the chef then adds the fresh eel, and dried plums to give it a richer, fuller flavor.
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the dish is braised in the oven for 45 minutes. once ready, it's straight to the table where it's devoured by hungry travelers. >> i especially like the sweet sour taste. the eel adds a very particular note, of course. this dish make me really happy, it's definitely one of the best in the area. reporter: served with a glass of chilled wine, it's a lovely way we're back next week. and if you'd like to find out
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more in the meantime, check out our facebook page, dw global society. or drop us a line at see you next time. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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çç??ññññññññ@ smith: everything is changing,veverywhe. and it's changgg fafast and f fter. it's hard toeeeep upand it's rd to o e where it's going. we've ililt thmost cocompx sociciy in hisry, but crcreasily, impoantt par. d many pple now feel that their voice unt for ththing. they've cocome ary,, oror. there isonflict all overhehe wor. extreme polical l paiess ara. populism and nationalism are expanding. it feels lee wewe'rlivingngn the brink. i'm dee smh, i run global ielliligee compmpy,


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