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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 1, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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three in the white light [inaudible] streep street [inaudible] these talks [inaudible] essential.
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to kk for expressing. stay. on the line restrictions on how it's aligned i tensions mount now. but it was no doubt on that little gadhafi. immigration says sizzling. george overseas seats on all of it but it's it you. was one incident but i'd like to full fine line i searches like around down here already. additional forces at least police say at least three three people have died the opposition says says that security. sometimes uses discourse innocent or harassed women i
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like on that on that we go down now well. against one's way. both he and and a l lady she he said he hoped as his and also in. the news but they could have ties has to the to the about what exactly cessation wher. this is all self will be will be laid out. a deal. conference it was it was at that point we all. the bbc's. took to to took to flight reliable and adhesion they con confirm that ed several people how have been judges.
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i about people being. sucked on file to me and following is a the cz cz levy. social sells all on his own is also their face president how can i say and i'm david. some simple actually all stars as and almost all the stuff we we we well they sa. okay election. day when we in fact it is he sees this as a yeah but this
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is the is a wind waves accidentally lifeline is also. a study to be exact [inaudible] yeah yeah. and say that that day they have had to be both of you to come hoping. to actually actively will not a higher rate protests on the streets and and some sample across i say that a lot onn of energy feeling te love that i think is very very night i saw that it was a long line from rome. harare. involved why i only found
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out about it section he's he control along [inaudible] is. if we had seen the white. the first phase run country in may two thousand cd and then i'll of course not know that [inaudible] yeah zimbabwe and old law. i mean to to the to the creatures to press for the removal of called -- benefits philanthropic right through the removal of local copy but but this is time the protests and self help moment how bbc dot dot scale and underlying like kind of how about dusting independence because in
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reality light by all the problems in the like close has. there are a number. people are willing to give him nine i got -- the second panel of them have already ready identified by the oshkosh of the right that you in the the u. s. and how they got it. access to media and they run around allies intimidation - conventional social and additional authorities so clearly liberals but but i think we all you'll need to recognize that the tendency sometimes times are good of
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involved by and translate that that. actually available in the that section and it was a little. yeah yeah. legitimate portal has had a lot of a lot of i i think been invincibles. peopople all really really t you can i got guys with ---- program right now between. all some favor aged judgement -- i like on the grounds that it's it's it's lifeline ringing ringing on wednesday to be neat [inaudible] so yeah. in the end i got glad handing the to field and and white light. it's like my nine o'neill i.
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nineteen eighty both his his cap cabinet. non the less. people look back on the liberation. still commands respect. and then and now i got to help me and i sides. people born what a solution to do any. lately is involved. is accentuate pretty. openen about what i was goig on inside of what what he needed. expense even need any
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national assisted and and given given that we try tracks about street. if that little online latel. it wasn't in the and so much more advancement point twenty two year i mean i mean all classical ready set shoshoni. into informed by a plate and being we let's take take i will warning for them even even more importantly the that out of one as zimbabwe's main may challenge yeah to fully fully engaged and now there are of course a little more questions about that. about about i tried to address. thank you thank you [inaudible] the friends [inaudible] official. time it right [inaudible]
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jack jack. we shape. of a house. right the new. have to live. in one one hundred twenty nine ninety and the time time. cut off instead. a date president mass is about about beating building up. her success but critics say. because crystal reports from from the same day that's not enough. has has land left. silence on design by these groups outside side of it
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and i this is a in. more me. and on the there have been some psychic as thursday's child poverty would always always let. it. always against legislated. yeah untaxed. several. of our graduation. is as a possible. vice.
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right place called possum is up. those countries most most recently. right now is to try [inaudible] to this. the by the same size nine of the for the fountain of he was also it was not. insha this is a christmas morsels then and now my question generally minute set and had. six instruments and i just receiving a public outrage of the for
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this is a demand on sunday. right street streets. he was changing his is not his which i was not. i was a meeting. i was ratings and right right that judges yesterday's maintaining to fifive on the plane flilighp from twenty one now. and alleged isolation element of mental illness or sidelines no link betweenen bin in the case of great writing minor. also judge out on the fine line sexual harassment street retrain range of nine ninety seven seven hundred fifty you'll rose as well. class.
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okay gazing into. the receiver sex sexism and bought light light this monday today i'm friends just said fees. last i heard there is a face after she told. you'll now my mind has remained. click flipped. more than on the sister. on this in. nineteen ninety three forty fifty five senses.
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they get a lot of lately i identified. and returned. finally. to the man. and their families who never never got around them. for over t the lower. many many of them [inaudible] we some said as a some summary aria from is. test test with with some
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armaments. in the nineteen i say alright nice nice businesses which is a pretty cool you know in order. is pretty pretty princess three three different printed on guns they sell soft red reggiane job literally releases on signs which would allow them any anyone with the recently prince went. to create. a sizeable. amendment that would allow allow planes landed. democratic politician rembrandt and criticism recent recently these laws on on our new way of american gun violence this is the way to win from from it is a regulation. this is a hard hard on all matters of letting letting done on lobby get get everything when the news they say is.
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receiving in the harris. could gain a on the other hand the big is a critical. on the on the abs after zero numbers meaning means firearms like tiny implants house of race race. earlier in the day even donald on some worry worried between sweet he said that he's also the nra and its and what what made meals and sense. this is the night i thought a moment authorized has been denied fenster needed to put up a selection online line. its creatator hotaling ones and the cell cell cry greiner and has said he said it will heal days ruling ruling. the thirty year old rock signs and also says that. published listening pretty grim friends on july. seventh. a were you reading tell country where are. firearms and circulation asian. three the reason crown jewels and being told
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on monday he was. county. the changeover in broad daylight and made made of priceless usually stays on sites in the ninety si one hundred is a scale i find cbo voters they say many men van about. east into into a soft touch would a sign that i'm not just a cyclical was west of so called. if they if they just had to go around towns which which is existed tv even on augus. twentieth. nineteen twenty because and what this. means is not that it really was nothing i'm just as a result around [inaudible]
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one mr. he says this is going to regenerate around them. the day to day and catering likely live with friend predicament one ga international. organizational measures as as they've come countries agencies will willingly down does show that only she she's. really. of issue. actual johnson. agree that this was a one one how can he time using the national. and state yes and yeah yeah. because the yeah.
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money money money that is just on the and a benefit yes again white because of the flight right. by the by the downtown of money management a close us off at the the infantry i think our our with him him low on time strike strikes are continuing you there is a right day union's annual testing indicating policy exercises all day long modest issues. on on his editors [inaudible] changed. it's one there is a twenty one those visitors are all have have. any data. which leaves you just just
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one element. bye bye to get on all night. the result is no longer lines for everyone. some is like a but tonight when we see. the with the with the stones coming coming. now i have. to be on the floor with his thirty minutes but i don't understand on this is the question. jane changed. the sign sign single use these are also set up. we had we had to leave hundreds and hundreds and joan allen and ordered border and sent shares your mind of my own religion has all 339% despite sales
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dropping office for six six months a year here. more muted on us out as being used to fight back now shares reading writing up why why says setting on timeline is of his affect on a joint report on from prof assets large sorting things trowsdale sales and more and sense of online phones. companies now now she enjoys warming coming the world's oldest first ever ever trillion dollar corporation. ana analyst liked about your has has formed to keep interest rates right all hold between 1755210% flooding my is drawn from. a local you know united states inflation is getting closer to presenter jacket centers and was widely expected just just restaurant september to be
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with her third time he's he's here. we can. design by you as you enjoy doing the is part of a sort of rice rice firewire operate right european union's also overhauling group. new yeah yes is that it has a happening as we speak. moving on the on the day that as of now and forever. right right cost of three hundred and thirty five five you [inaudible] the earlier. nine nine
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downtown not not five point ninety ninety nine million [inaudible] presenter harris. one wants. them to move from tried by crisis. european union meanwhihile says. also known as he has converted to increase. heh heh. style drug. free stations. to have access to their commitments cardboard
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[inaudible] you yes. but you the most of nine nine nine one one the coca. sounds due to the typical influential l chilled. that's not very great decision. but then i i think he is rich nations. greg of websites is governed going to shut us ourselves the standing joke july life blue collar jobs allies lik.
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the formal well says. nonstop the desire. on them family. has led. to accept some work work at gas stations. as extent right right but what i'd like. yeah you to nine model to a little things like. that says the way to go but as i have a hard time recruiting feel guilty for the night shiftçkçç??9ñ@ zñ]
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[captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, thisiss demomocracy now! >> noted that disastrous day for facebook, , being called the biggest one-day lossss in wall street hisistory. > facebook stock resumed trading today after the biggest one-day loss of any publicly traded company in history. >> see that fall? that was a shedding of $119 billion off the stock. amy: just days after facebook lo


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