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tv   DW News  LINKTV  August 2, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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brent: this is "dw news," live from berlin. first call of the presidential election in zimbabwe. the ruling zanu-pf party tells dw i it is confident it has one. >> would be inconceivable anand unreasonable for anyone to think we could win the majority in the parliamentary election and lose the presidential election. brent: the opposition movement for democratic change claims the election was rigged. pleasese rated its headquarters-
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police raided its headquarters today. the commission is set to release official results within minutes. also coming up -- >> i begged of them, but they started attacking us more viciously. my husband was lying dead in front of me. after that i lost consciousness. brent: an exclusive report on a series of attacks o by far right gangs on the roma community in ukraine. what is fueling the violence? travel becomes the first u.s. company to top $1 trillion in market value -- apple becomes the first u.s. company to top $1 trillion in market value, the latest milestone for a company that began in a garage 42 years ago. breaking through the great firewall of china -- google is portedly working on a cenensored search engine for the chinese market. google for china wood block controversial terms and websites not approved by the communist
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party. brent: i'm brent goff. it is good to have you with us. tonight the capital of zimbabwe is on lockdown. the entire country bracing for the announcement of the presidential election results. some of what's -- zimbabwe's connection commission is set to announce the winner beginning within minutes. opposition leader elson chamisa says he is the legitimate winner and he claims that the result could be rigged to favor the incumbent, emmerson mnangagwa. international observers have appealed for calm after security forces killed six protesters last night. police raided the headquarters of the opposition movement for democratic change. reporter: police in harare forcing their way into the headquarters of the opposition movement for democratic change.
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they say they are investigating the mdc presidedential candidat, nelson chamisa, and others for inciting violence. after yesterdays demonstrations, chamisa repeated his claims that incumbent president emmerson mnangagwa rigged the polls from and that he claimed victory for himself. >> if he had won this election, it would have been announced. reporter: soldiers cracked down on protesters in the capital, harare. demonstrators were demanding the release of the presidential election results. several people died. the international community condemned the government's use of force. with a heavy police presence, the usually crowded streets of harare were deserted on thursday. for many, the fear remains. >> i'm deeply worried indeed, because i am no more seeing the future of it. >> people are in here too much
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of what happened yesterday. what happened i think is that he meant -- is bad. reporter: president emmerson mnangagwa blamed the opposition. president mnangagwa: we hold the party and his leadership responsible for any loss of life, injury, or damage to property that arise from these acts of political violence, today haveve aided and abetted. rereporter: mnangagwa also claid the election for his zanu-pf party. with both parties signaling victory, all eyes are on the election results due later today. brent: earlier, dw spoke to the spokesman for the zimbabwe ruling zanu-pf party. he laid the blame for
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yesterday's violence at the feet of opposition protesters despite widespread international criticism of the government's crackdown. >> zanu-pfpf were victims of wht the supporters were doing. we were quietet waiting impatiently waiting g for the announceme of thee results, but theyere -- waiting and patiently waiting for the announcement of the results, but they were busy causing mayhem in harare. i am not a spokesmsman for government and i donon't i inteo speak on behalf of goverernment, but zanu-pf was a victim of nbc terror attacks -- mdc terror attacks yesterday. brent: the electoral commission is due to release the vote tally this hour. he assured us that the parties certain of victory. >> well, i cannot say we won t e esesidentialal election untitilt isis confirmed, but going by the
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votes come out candidates obtained, itit would be inconcnceivable anand unreasonoe for anyone to think we could win two thirds majoritity in the parliamentarar election and proceeded to lose e the esididential elelection. it is quite clear by that logic alone we must have won the presidential election. but we are waiting to confirm. brent: the entire world is waiting for that confirmation, including our correspondent who joins me now on the telephone from the capital of zimbabwe, harare. good evening to you. we know that the electoral commission is starting to announce the result at this moment. is there any indication when we will have the final result? reporter: it is quite difficult to say. they have been saying earlier they are going to start presenting the results of the presidential election, which usually means they are going to tell us constituency by
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constituency. if that is the case, we could be waiting until tomorrow noon time to find out who the next president is. but it could also be a big, big surprise. i can security around me really having beefed up. there might be something important happening, something important coming at any time. i will keep you updated. brent: you want to let our viewers know that we are looking at live pictures of the electoral commission -- we were looking at pictures of that commission. we will come back to you a little bit later on. thank you. here are some of the other stories making headlines around the world. speaking at a press conference, senior u.s. intelligence officials said that they continue to see efforts from russia to interfere with the upcoming congressional elections. they also short americans that president donald trump -- also a
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shrewdwd americans that presidit donald trump is directing a vast governmentwide effort to protect the process. an international delegation has arrived in the democratic republic of congo to help combat an outbreak of ebola. 20 people have died so far. it comes a week after another outbreak in the northwest o of e drc wawas declared over. pope francis has changed the catholic church's teaching on the death penalty, declaring that it is now prohibited in all cases. the church had previously allowed for capital punishment in certain instances, but francsi called the teachings of data, saying that the death penalty is an attack on human dignity. in jerusalem from tens of thousands marched in the city's largest ever gay pride parade. the festivities were marked with anger following passage of a law that excludes gay men from having children via surrogacy. the european union is marking
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the holocaust memorial day -- roma holocaust memorial day in memory of the thousands murdered by the nazis. the vice president said that roma people still face racism and hatred on a daily basis. indeed, in recent weeks, roma people in ukraine have found themselves under attack from right-wing groups. one man was stabbed to death in front of his wife. dw travel to western ukraine to speak to his widow and two other victims of the violence. reporter: this is how it all began. in april 2018, far right vigilantes attacked a roma camp in the ukrainian capital, kiev. copycat attacks followed across the country. in late june, a 33-year-old was stabbed more than a dozen times. his death provoked an outcry. inside and outside ukraine's porters. the teenage suspects are now in
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custody. but how had this been allowed to happen, and what has become of survivors? we are in the village where david grew up. from here it is a matter of columbus to the ukraine western frontier with hungary and slovakia. it is home to ukraine's biggest roma community. many live in extreme poverty. since the attacks, people have become wary of strangers, and it is only with the help of a pastor that we are allowed into me david's widow. it is the first time she has spoken publicly about her husband's murder. >> with the teenagers came to attack our camp, they didn't say a word. they started at us with the nice. i begged them, there are children here, but they started attacking more viciously. my husband was lying dead in front of me. reporter: on the day of our visit, she received a call from the police asking her to testify in court.
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she refused. the fear, she says, is too great. since attacks, police have responded to requests from community leaders to step up patrols in roma district. a roma community leader and local counselor -- in the past, most of his work was about helping roma people gain access to basic services for many don't have a birth certificate, let alone a passport. in recent months he has been confronted with a totally new set of problems as the victims of attacks come to him looking for supportrt. >> i don't understand where the hatred comes from. we have never seen anythingg lie it, this open discrimination, these kinds of attacks. we needed to get around to solving the roma community's problems now and not just kick the can down the road. reporter: he takes us on a visit to a roma community. there we meet clara, a survivor of one of the attacks.
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>> they beat all people and children. they smashed my brother-in-law's head in and left him for dead. i don't want the attackers to go to prison. present doesn't -- prison doesn't make people any better. they are just kids, after all. reporter: it is a point of view we hear time and time again. whether people here are ready to forgive or fear further escalation, we cannot get a clear answer. as we continue our walk through, the anise are suddenly turns. there has been a break in the local -- the atmosphere suddenly turns. there has been a break in at the local church. >> is they want them, they will give it all back. someone broke into the church. >> do you have pictures? reporter: we never do find out how the investigation ends. for now, the police leave without making any arrests. at a time when the roma
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community need police to protect them more than ever, relations with law enforcement are marred by suspicion. brent: china is renowned for its historic great wall. building started on the mammoth fortification in the third century bc to protect china from invaders. these days china has another wall known as the great firewall of china. it is supposed to protect chinese citizens from undesired foreign influences. first set up in 2000, it blocks access to certain websites and terms that the chinese government deems dangerous. any criticism of the government or terms that refer to the student massacre in tiananmen square in 1989, all that is prohibited. in the past, tech giant google has spoken out against such internet censorship. that is why he pulled out of china in 2010. at the time, google's co-fouounr said this -- "our objection is
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to those forces of totalitarianism. our hope is that there is progress and a more open internet in china." hasn't happened. times have changed. 8 years later, google reportedly secretly planning its return to china. a new report from the investigative website the intercept says that the tech giant has a team secretly working on a new censored version of its search engine for cap. earlier -- for china. earlier, the dw spoke to the author of that report, the intercept's ryan gallagher, and we asked him about project dragonfly, google's secret effort to get back into china. ryan: basically, dragonflyly is the project named for an android app that google has developed for smartphone usesers in china. the idea is t that it willll get them accccess to a censored
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version of gogoogle that is compliant with the ruling communist party regime's censorshipip controls ovover information that people can access on the internet in china. googogle is trying to get back into china using the censored app people wilill be able to access once e it is launched. the google idea was to have it ready in the next six to nine months. we will see what hapappens. i think the story we published yesterday may have thrown a spanner in the works. we will see how it develops. brent: that was ryan gallagher speaking to us from the intercept. big question from how many zerse are in one trillion? >> i know the answer. i'm not going to give it away. want to know how you would spend a trillion. i would definitely help you. talking about that trillion, we are talking about that apple, the first u.s. company to top $1
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trtrillion in market valueue. the record crowns a decade-long rise fueled by its iphone, transferring the tech firm from a niche player in computers to a global powerhouse spanning entertainment and comms. it started in the garage of founder steve jobs in 1976. apple changed howw we communicie with each other and how business conduct daily commerce. i want to talk about this with sophie schimansky our correspondent on wall street. many people say that the success of apple is down to the fact that it can force five prices -- and basically, we are addicted to our phones. how long can the company keep that up? sophie: the iphone or really any apple product has always been more than just a laptop for a phone. it is a status symbol.
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designers play a big role as well. apple has had the reputation of the number one visionary in the industry, and steve jobs even more. but in the past years, competitors have caught up and offered advanced products for less money. in some quarters there has been slowing demand for iphones. not every consecutive quarter. cook is getting the company ready by focusing on services and turning them into a more important source of income. consumers are just as willing as ever to purchase high-priced products. maybe the psychology is still working for apple lawyer. let me -- working for apple here. let me quote a morgan stanley analyst who says that innovationled price increases have historically boosted apple demands. a status symbol, a symbol of status and wealth -- it is
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expensive. it is still working for apple here. helena: but there was something else they have to play with, the prospect of a trade war with china. what will that mean for the company? first of all, china is a very important market for apple. quarter of apple's revenue comes from the chinese market. this revenue has been rocketing off strength of the iphone x. the company is reported $9.5 billion in revenue that came from china, significantly more than last year. investors expressed concern that a recent round of proposed tariffs could impact apple's market share in china. ceo tim cook emphasized the company's position that tariffs can have unintended consequences for consumers and the economy, but he did not say what if any impact the new set of tariffs would have on apple products. i would like to remind you of
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the special treatment of president trump has granted tim cook so far when he said that the u.s. government would not levy tariffs on iphones assembled in china. so for investors are not too worried here. i think it is fair to say that apple is not in the line of fire right now. helena: sophie scimansky for us on wall street, thanks. donald trump has been raising the stakes in his country's trade clash with china as he eyes raising tariffs from 10% to 25% on $2 billion of chinese imports. atat the same time,e, leaders aa meeting of southeast asian nations in singapore say they could have the world's largest free-trade deal in place by the end of the year. speaking at the opening of the event, singapore's prime minister said that asian nations needed to stay relevant in a
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time of uncecertainty. thee plan free trade deal would include 16 c countries and b be backed by y china. beijing has appealed to washshington to return too reasn after trump's latest threat. burton's -- britain's central bank has raised its interest rate despite fears that the brexit could cause a shock and months time. the quarter increases only the second rate increase since 2008. it is a response to some strong job numbers. the bank is expected to be more cautious in coming months as eu departure talks continue. the bank of england chief has warned that the brexit would be a shock to the nations banking system. it is over to brent now. the penalty shootouts get a shakeup. brent: we have got the whole
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bells and whistles tonight. football authorities are considering changing the format of penalty shootouts to make them fairer and reduce the pressure on players going second. the name of this is the has been inspired by a well-known swedish pop band, but will football decide to take a chance? let's find out. reporter: fresh off the back of a world cup which saw plenty of penalty shootout drama, young german players are trying a new system. with research revealing the site going second in the shootout loses 60% of the time, a new format has been devised. abba sees teams taking alternating pace of penalties after the first spot kick. the winner takes it all. but what do they make of the new system? >> it is good because in the old system, the team going second was under greater pressure which could make them lose.
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in this system, ifif the first person misses, his teammate can still level the score. reporter: -- >> it makes a difference psychologically. we will have to wait and see if it is adopted by german football and at the next world cup. reporter: with the system also said to be trialed in the english league this season, it might not be long before abba takes center stage in football. brent: in your early football -- your early football, the german squad through 1-1 with sweden in the away game. scoring was massimo bruno. the germans advanced 5-1 on aggregate. in another game, the surprise winners against austria, knocking the austrians out with a 6-1 aggregate win. one of bayern munich's newest
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signings was formally introduced to the media on thursday. he formally played -- was a german national team player and was at the training camp in southern germany. he talked about how he thinks he might be most effective for the squad. >> i think it is already knownwn ththat i see myself playing and attacking the field or role or would prefefer that, at leleast. that is s where i p played best. i'm fairly f flexible when i it comemes to being deployed. that is definitely one of my strengths. so that is why i am also ready to play another position if the coach thinks that is where i have been most useful to the team. brent: we want to go back to our top story now, that is the announcement of the presidential election results in zimbabwe. our correspondent joins me now on the telephone from the capital, harare. let me ask our producer, is she there?
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ok, i've been told by our producer that unfortunately, we have lost the connection. we will try to get back to melanie and find out what the latest is. do we have to live pictures? let me see if my producer -- ok, this is what we are looking at now. we're looking at pictures of the zimbabwe electoral commission and listen in to see how far they are in announcing these presidential election results. >> zanu-pf. zanu-pf. zanu-pf. zanu-pf. set up yet. thank you -- zanu-pf. thank you.
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>> mdc alliance -- brent: we want to remind you what we are looking at, live pictures of the election commission announcing the winner. it appears each member of f that commission is going through each of the constituencies of the country. we will come back to this story a little later on when the numbers for up in the presidential election result. -- firm up in the presidential election result. here in germany, the summer scorching heat wave has depleted some of the country's most iconic waterways. rivers such as the right and -- reine are at far lower levels than usual. take a look. reporter: only a few pleasure boats are still not on the river in dresden. biggerer boats cannot sail. water levels have dropped to 46 centimeters here, 1.5 meters
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lower than normal. >> we should be up to our knees and water here. reporter: smaller vessels were able to operate until recently but now they are going nowhere. then older boats with -- >> older boats with a shallow draft are still able to sail. there had to produce or shut down operations. reporter: on the river reine,, barges arere still on the water, but most can only carry half the normal cargo. sherry passengers here don't need to worry yet. the boats can still talk. -- dock. >> ferries can operate even if the water levels drop further. it is p possible e that some passengerr service won't be able to run. reporter: low water levels on the reine from history to the
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surface. police divers have found antiaircraft shells from the second world war. they say removing them entirely is too dangerousus. >> their condition is such that we don't want to transport them. we have decideded to explode thm underwrwater. reporter: the low water levels have attracted pressure is on the lookout for a purchase contract or two. brent: you are watching "dw news ." after a short break, we will have coverage of the presidential election results in zimbabwe. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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