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tv   DW News  LINKTV  August 3, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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sarah: this is "dw nenews," comg to you live from berlin. zimbabwe's opposition rejects the result of the presidential election. >> as far r as we aree concerned this election is fraudululent, illegal, illegititimate, and characterized by seririous credibility gaps. sarah: opposition party leader nelson chamisa says he will chchlenge thee result, but premise and emmerson mnangagwa
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insists he won a free and fair elecection. >> i saw how they killed my mother. it was awful. they tortured us and forced us to pray. they beat us. they put a price on us and sold us from one man to the next. sarah: the so-called islamic state captured yazidi women in iraq and sold them as slaves. we went to be q2 one woman who is working to rescue them -- we will introduce you to one woman who was working to rescue them. europe bracing for more scorching temperatures. meteorologists warn the mercury could soar over the weekend. some parts of europe could expect temperatures in the high 40's. sarah: i'm sarah harman. welcome to the show. or to have you with us. the leader of zimbabwe's main
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opposition party has rejected the result of the presidential election, saying he will fight it in court. nelson chamisa from the movement for democratic change complained his body had been harassed since the election as police sought to confiscate proof of electoral fraud. riot police tried to stop the nbc from addressing -- mdc from addressing the media. reporter: the main opposition party leader tried to hold press conference in the capital, harare. but it was disrupted by riot police that clear to the area. they were confronted in turn by journalists. >> don't push us! reporter: eventually the police did allow the presser to take place. there, nelson chamisa for the movement for democratic change party claimed thelection onon momonday was r rigged. his party had taken 44% of the vote, but emmerson mnangagwa of the rululing sender pf was declared the winner with almost
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51% -- of the ruling zanu-pf was to go the winner with almost 51% of the vote. he had taken power in november after a brief military intervention which toppled robert mugabe.. chamisa did not think much has changed since. mr. chamisa: we are not accepting this. we want to formal result to be announced. we will pursue all means necessary, legal and constitutional, to m make sure e protect the people's vote. we will not -- they are subverting the wind. we will not allow it. reporter: the ministrations erupted shortly after the election result was announced with the military killing six protesters. the mdc says it lost because its supporters suffered harassment
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and violence. presidident mnangagwa held his own conference where he called for an investigation into what happened and called for unity. pres. mnangagwa: i pledge to be the president t of all zimbabwes , a president of those that voted for me and those who did nonot. to nelson chamisa, i want to say you have a crucial role to play in zimbabwe's present and its future. reporter: opposition leader chamisa has called for a day of mourning for democracy. sarah: dw correspondent adrian kriesch joins us from harare. let's start with emmerson mnangagwa describing his elections as a celebration of democracy. tell us more about that line. adrian: to understand the president, you have to understand a little bit of his history. he was actually part of the
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ruling elite, part of the ruling party of the country for a very long time, the party that ruled the country for 40 years. he has been holding various minister positions under former dictator mugabe, and last year when mugabe was forced to resign he took over and he changed his image completely, portrayed himself as a reformer, open to country to investors, and allowed more freedom of speech. this electoral process for him was another sign that he wanted to give to the world that he is opening up the country. he has been talking about the electoral process that is free and fair, and according to him -- but the reality is not really like this. yes, there has been a tremendous amount of improvement compared to previous elections in zimbabwe, which were not free at all. also a lot of people say there was intimidation here and the process was not as fair as he thinks it was. sarah: the leader of the opposition called the election fraudulent and illegal. what evidence is there for that?
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adririan: that is exactly the question he could not answer. he called in the press today to talk about this issue, but he said, yes, we have evevidence, r numbmbers clearly s show that im ahead and won the ectction, but that he s said i will not be abe to publish the evidence now due to strategic reasons. this does not make him very credible right now. right now he hasas two options basicalllly. one is to go to court. he indicated thihis is what he s going toto do. the second chance he has is to basically mobilize supporters to start demonsnstrations again. did not sound as if he w wants o do t that, becausese this possiy has the risk of having a violent outbreaks, as we have seen on thursday. sarah: heading into the election, you were reporting that there were great hopes for a free and fair election, the first one in the post-mugabe era. how do people feel about how it has turned out? adrian: i talkeked to a lot of
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young peoplele on the street, ad everybody has different political opinionons and the parties they voted for are didifferent, b but what everyboy wanted t to say is that they wanted change right now. whenen it comes toto the economl situatation in the c country, zimbabwe is in a fifinancial crisisis, and it is hard to get foreign e exchange, cashier, 90% use u unemployment -- y youth unemployed. young people said that the only thing we want is a positive and better future where we can earn a living and look forward to a better life than what we have seen before. sarah: adrian kriesch reporting for us in harare, thank you. here is a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. in the west african nation of mali, the opposition leader has rejected as fraudulent the results from sunday's presidential election there. he called on opposition groups to u unite and defeat the incumbent president in the runoff on august 12.
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in northern pakistan, villagers took to the streets to protest of the bombing of 12 local schools. the attacks have been linked to the taliban and other religious militants who oppose education. no casualties were reported in the bombings in yemen may be on the break of a new outbreak of cholera -- that is a warning from the world health organization. it could push up the death rate. the who has called for a three-day cease-fire in the north of the country to carry out a vaccination program. they have been subjected to immense cruelty. some 7000 yazidi women and girls in northern iraq were abducted, tortured, and sexually abused by the so-called islamic state. this after militants overran iraq's northern sinjar district across the border from syria four years ago. now i.s. has been driven out, but some 3000 yazidi are still
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missing. many of them have been sold into slavery. dw met with two people working to rescue them. reporter: it breaks my heart," she says. she is showing us her hometown, sinjar, the ruined city of the yazidis. she has come back from syria, where many young yazidid are being held as slaves. we stopped at her old school. >> my best friend and i held hands around here. i.s. took her and made her a slave. she killed herself while she was there prisoner. i have other friends who are still in their hands. it is difficult to cope. reporter: she is only 22, but
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she has dedicated herself to finding they kidnapped women and children she thinks are still in syria. it is detailed detective work. she is helped by a friend and former smuggler. >> sometimes my contacts in syria here about people who have been kidnapped from people who have just been freed. they might send me a photo of a kidnapped boy and asked if i know him. and ask around if anyone is missing the boy. if so, we go and rescue him. reporter: sometimemesreporter: e islamists allow prisoners to call their families. sometimes the families ask shivan for help. she called the kidnappers and fishes for information, trying to find out where they are. >> i get them to me. then i asked them things like what is happening where they are, how many airstrikes have hit.
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mahmoud and i are in touch with the iraqi security forces and forces in syria who tell us about airstrikes. we compare information to localize the people we are looking for. reporter: they work with smugglers in syria who bring former prisoners are across the border. they say they freed more than 60 people so far. it mostly only works when the families pay a ransom, to the islamists for at least the middleman. >> the families have to borrow the money. if they can't get enough can we help them. i have friends in europe and america, and they give us the money to buy the women free. reporter: one woman was held prisoner for four years. her family paid for her release. >> i saw how they killed my mother. it was awful.
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they tortured us and forced us to pray. they beat us and they put a price on us and sold us from one man to the next. reporter: she says she was on the brink of killing herself, but then she came across a mobile phone. she secretly sent her family photos and video. three months later, she was found. her family paid 13,000 u.s. dollars to get her back. >> i want you to free all the prisoners from them. they sell them to each other like sheep. it is terrible. they helped themselves to 10-year-old girls. reporter: shivan also tries to help the women afterwards. in the absence of psychological support, she has organized a number of self-help groups. today she is talking with women
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about suicide. what are the signs that someone is in danger of hurting herself, how can others help? you have to support each other, she tells them. >> i know we have all faced death, and that life is hard. but we have survived. we cannot give up and let them win. reporter: the sun is setting as we leave, but she wants to go to mount sinjar, the yazidis' holy mountain, to honor her friends who were killed here, killed while fighting i.s. for shivan, it is a place where she connects with them, where she gathers strength for what lies ahead. sarah: we will have more on that piece including an interview with the author in the next half-hour. first come it is time for some business news, and helena, the service that changed the way we
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think about accommodation. helena: love it or hate it, airbnb is turning 10 years old. it has disrupted the travel industry like none other. resistance is growing in many places, including the german city of munich which is threatening to fine the company for shaking things up a step too far. reporter: munich has the highest rents in all o germany. it is a major tourist destination. some earn from airbnb apartments, as the local authority knows all too well. they need to rent out their apartment for more than eight weeks a year. investigators suspect tenants of the lelegally rentining out properties or year-round. di"it started in 2017 with this apartment. it was a big player. rented lots of flats and some -- subletted them for
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airbnb." the investigators visit the artment anand speak to vavacationers to gatherer evide. thee landlord will received a hefty fine, potentially 500,000 euros. "you can rent the place per day for 150 to 250 euros. if you do the math, you get it after 10 days, and then after that you start making a profit." the idea behind airbnb is tourists like to feel at home. since the founding, the company is run from 100,000 registered listings to 4.5 million. airbnb prints out more rooms in munich than the five largest hotel chains combined. in hamburg in northern germany comes some landlords have kicked out tenants so they can profit from the airbnb boom.
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monica suspects that is what happened to her. she lived in her apartment 33 years. she raised her children there and you all of her neighbors. then she got an eviction notice. the landlord claimed he needed the flat for his own use. "someone suggested i take a look at airbnb. bassist acted it was being offered on their website -- they suspected it was being offered on their website." this is the ad on airbnb. part of her kitchen still in the apartment. it cost 59 euros and i more than four times the original at. monica has to pay much higher elelsewhere, and is suing. airbnb -- for tourists can achieve option fofor holidays around the world for residents looking for renters, potential nightmare. helena: donald trump's top economic advisers as the united states and china have been holding high-level trade talks, but the two sides have appeared to found little common ground. larry kudlow described china's
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threat to impose another 60 really dollars worth of tariffs on the u.s. as weak, and set the world's second-biggest economy was "in trouble." the trump administstration accus china of not playing by trade rules. china denies the allegations and says u.s. protectionism is a threat to global trade. let's get more on this with financial correspondent sophie scimansky in new york. clearly the latest ratcheting up of trade tensions between the u.s. and china there. how is that playing out on wall street? sophie: investors here tend to downplay concerns about the trade conflicts for the longest time and have been focusing on fundamentals and earnings. but when we look at the chart on the dow jones, for example, and other indices, we can see subtle signs of decline in optimism.
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wall street lost a few points on thursday and friday. it looked a little better again but investors don't pay to tariffs at all. the back-and-forth between china and the u.s. has turned into a downward spiral, with neither of the two sides giving in. wall street is asking where this is going to end. will trump be able to turn this into a win-win situation, or at least an america wins situation, or will china think he is taking it too far and retaliate even harder? once american companies suffer from protectionism, wall street cannot ignore the possibility o trump's trade policy harming the companies they are invested in in the long term, but there are a lot of distractions at the moment like earnings, the market cap record from apple. the s&p 500 and the dow jones rose on friday. helena: sophie scimansky in new york. thanks for that, sophie.
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amazon founder jeff bezos could be falling behind in the private sector space race. there are signs that his firm's heavy rocket set for liftoff in 2020 may be falling behind schedule. his company faces stiff competition from none other than elon musk's spacex. reporter: just a month ago, amazon founder jeff bezos' rocket company successfully pulled offff its m most importat testst to date. but reports are saying the 2020 liftoff date may be moved back. engineers are still finalizing details on the heavy launch rocket. bezos has stressed that the timing depends on perfecting vehicle safety. >> and touchdown! >> this vehicle is going to carry humans. we will make it as safe as we can mamake it. we are going to test it. we are not going to take any
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shortcuts. we will put humans on this vehicle when we are ready and not a second sooner. reporter: the reusable relaunch of vehicle will be used to transport satellites. it will take tourists into space and bring them back to earth again. >> can you imagine how alan shepard must have felt all those years ago? must have been pretty cool. reporter: for has come a long way since astronaut alan shepard's historic journey in 1961. bezos w wants to expapand the companany by doubling its workforce to more than 3000 employees. helena: over to sarah and the red hot summer just goes on. sarah: no end inside. those of us in europe note it has been hot and europe is bracing for another weekend of scorching temperatures. the heat wave rolls on.
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it is a southern europe where the mercury looks set to spike the highest. meteorologists warn that new records can be set around the mediterranean. reporter: this is heat you just cannot breaking roger. that dozens -- you cannot beat. that does not stop people from trying. it is relentless. in portugal, the rectory was well north of 40 degrees across -- the mercury was well north of 40 degrees across the country and it is set to get worse on saturday. the cnn mr. institute have warned -- this he and mr. institute has warned that temperatures and are going to drop anytime soon. >> probably the red alerts will be extended into next week and inland regions, but gradually the red alerts will end. reporter: sweltering temperatures in a neighboring spain as well at the height of the tourist season. visitors to the royal palace in madrid did not have a aountants to cool themselves off -- did not have fountains to cool them
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selves off with so they may do with what they have. >> it is very hard. i have been in valencia and barcelona, and although it is hot there, i think madrid is the hottest. from falkirk in the afternoon onwards you have to -- from 4:00 in the afternoon onwards you have to o be in the shade. reporter: some people can't get out of the sun and actually have to work in his heat. while the lucky ones have flocked to the coast where the temperatures are lower and the ocean provides much-needed relief. sarah: german soccer fans will get a chance to forget their country's dreadful world cup campaign. bayern munich is once again favorites for the title. with an aging squad and little transfer activity to summer, there are question marks over their ability to win a seventh straight title, but the coach believes that their variance have just what it takes. reporter: things have turned out well on bayern's
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preseason tour. the team has been enjoying preparations for the new campaign wasn't the atmosphere could hardly have been better on their tour of the u.s. now that they are back in germany, he is turning his attention towards getting even better this season. "we want to make each player better. i expect passion, ambition, and progress." things that defined kovac himself as a player. he spent two seasons with them as a battling midfielder. as a coach he proved his worth to his new employers by beating them in the german cup final. for kovac, communicationon is k. "i think he still thinks like a player. he is meticulous and talk to us a lot. " his main task will be to oversee
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a generational change. two players are in their mid-30's but remain key players. a few new players have arrived. "i havee noticed that the training sessions have been longer than perhaps some o of te playerare used to. our aims for the season are clear -- it is the same every year here." that is not just me a seventh bundesliga title in a row. he wants them to be just as dominant in the german cup champions league. sarah: germany's heavy metal festival has kicked off with music fans around the will to setting on the village near hamburg. topping the bill, british rock legends judas priest. with the sunshine and the music screeching and the beer flowing freely, visitors seem to be having a great weekend for some here's a look. reporter: harder, louder,
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faster, it lives up to its motto. 75,000 hard rock and metal fans from around the world have dissented on this small north german village. >> i am here because i love metal, and this is the mecca of metal. this is my third year here. reporter: like every festival worth itself, camping out on a huge field is part of the experience. >> i love it. it is like coming home. it feels like home every time i come. it is my third year and i will come back a million times. >> we are from mexico. it is the promised land. >> there is nothing better than comingng once a year to let itil hang out come to give your years
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are good blast and to enjoy life -- your ears a good blast and to enjoy life. reporter: for three days, 200 bands are performing on eight stages. headlined by british adult legends judas priest -- metal legends judas priest. despite all the posturing, wacken has a reputation for being a very friendly festival. there is hardly ever any trouble. perhaps that is because everyone here gets their aggression out in the mosh pit. ♪ sarah: reminder of our top stories this hour on dw. in zimbabwe, the opposition movement for democratic change has rejected the results of the
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presidential election. its leader, nelson chamisa, says his party would challenge the outcome in court. president emmerson mnangagwa insists that he won a free and fair election. that is your dw news. more coming at the top of the hour. in the meantime, you can always find the latest on our website, i am sarah harman in berlin. thanks for watching. have a great weekend. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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