tv Earth Focus LINKTV August 9, 2018 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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narrator: on this episode of "earth focus," the most basic human need is also its most precious commodity. in california's central valley, home to 19% of the food producti in e wword, manan live witutut cle dririnkg wawater hilele the e ee of rocco's saha regio harvting water from g g has the potential toeeeeply pactct a cultu.. [camera cus ringnglicking] [shutter cliing]
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sherhuhunterthatat w thdrdrug sre---- theusust-cored d buding.. on e e othesididef it w w the barr r shop the ststory allllenorth as inonow its cocolol lenswor--when hretired om the ay--wantea plac where hcould gond settl with hipeople, which wn't o many pces availablat the te, and heound thipiece ofand. ringng e timemehen there were drouts everyere and ings were bad in fferent wns and citi, allenswoh thrive it thrived because they knew how
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to make it thrive. start with what u have. ke s somhingng wi i it annevever satisfied. that's a quation by orge wasngngton rver-- denise kadaa: bkerr t hunt: no. gegege wasngtoton carver. bucocolone allensworth made th h happe ere because thisasas our ths was ouhistory.his was o town. wdid it. d when i say "," i'mm speing g of blacks. kadar t tularlakeke ud to b b thearargest freshwatelakeke wesofof theissisisspi, and ckck inhe 1 189. and asararmingecamame morprprevant inhe arere the werer staed b bei divererd r r thatand d iteally y s had a signifant impa on the comnity. the community was thrining, b no o counityy thriris withouququalitwater.
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[train isistle areses] hunt: : in t pasast,t wass a bustli l littltownwn, liki i said peoe e fromll a arod cameme he. . i ha thahat was chied way at. e downfa of this commuty was wer. and'm he right n 100-plu years later sll tryinto work thisoownsh, ththiscommununy, getting odod, afrdabable quality wate jessi ydyder: l ririgh so i'i'd ke to srt with e test wel reportummary.. e were fally ablto comple a st well cently, ich was the mn point discussn at this moing'meeting. and theest wellid indice that c can eect t toet goooo compliant war r fromhis s sp whe w we teed..
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theacactual havave o wellll th w wellsre o ok.hey're not very ghgh-procingng wls, bubu they thth havlevevelsf arsesec in them tt,t, in neraral, exceedshehe maxum c conminantnt vel thathehe sta s sets safe ininkingaterer. ere's a greateal ofcience o therdocumentg the il effects a arsen onn human heah.h. arsic i is definitely aanancer-usining agen it's verymportant that they have iluencen what t ultimateroject turns out tbe bebeause it s to b bsomething thth they're happy with,hahat ththy'reomfortable with,hat th'rconfididt in, and that ty can n ford to run. jon chstensen:hehe hisry o of water inththe sajoaqaquivalley is rlllly thhistory watater incacalifoia an i in thamereric west.t. you know, ririculte dodoes ussomething lik880% o the water in califoiaia, anit made, y know,
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a ultibilln-dollarndustry possible. itit's one e the g gat paradoxs of califnia a anof th c centr valalleand ofof the s joaquinalley, i particlar, thain the mst of soso mu richnes that's creed bwater--bgrowing ese vervaluab crops--ere are ople whoon' have clan drinkg g wate amdada mono: l lane is a sll town of about0000 fol, locateababout mininut don n 41 fm frfres. it's s majity y lano. a a t of
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folks he make tir livin working surrounng field k. oh. is that, like, whe,e, ke, there's a cluerer of trail homeses ma yes. ye.. monaco: is it tre? oh, ok... they started setting upomes and settg g up tir h hom in a ayay thawas s noplanneneby local governmentararoundhem.m. then d at sompopoint,ocacal governmentidid bece awawarof the mmunity but did t incorporate tm into an officl l townr anan oiciall ci. as a rult, theay that califnia has alt withmall commities li lanare that thehahave aystetem ere thcommunitititselfan s setp a community seicices dstriricto prode certa vital svices, like drking wat, to e residts. in the early 2000 the comnity serces district und thathey had water at was contaminated with arsenic.o o theyot a a gnt oom thfedederagovernme thatt s about $1.6 million consuctt an sesenic eatmtmenplant.t. [isab s solor speakingpapanish
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the nstrtrucon off thersrsenicreatatme plantnt so,eally, what theyawaw happeningasas a l off construconon wasoing on,nd then their bil s skyroeteded. ee arnicc teatmenenplant was instald d in 20, a abo midwawa though theear. andhen 6 months lar, i it s shut dn becau it was o costly to opetete. [sorio speing spanh] yoram hehen: t chahallge in all communities
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hat they'rnonot ab to actual run the o own system y you kw, t thecan't afford, u u knowto h hav an operatoththat wld b be ere. this isne of oulaboratoes. and th is wherwe do o rious types of tests n n mobi uninits for water treaenent an desananationwateter ality analysis, anso on. and this primarily in prepararation rr alwayaylarger scale design of syems thatrere thefieleld deploblble. ts isis wer, nono champae.e. wel w we're l loong at t e nntrolinteterfe for r e plant that is ruing at poche.
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chris nnnnemanwe''re inin the panocherarainagdistrict off of rusllll avee hehere lobabanos, at onef f the lot t trtmentt test sis s for eatiting subsurfacerarain terer. is paicular pject hous a oject f the unersity of calirnrnia, s ananges. and th'reestitingeveralal presesses volving revsese osmis. . ifou hadad sseriewherere an arar like this, in the ntntral lleyey, where u u haveotss o small mmmmunits ththatre sprprd out erer a lge a areand you could put amamall pnt l lik this, a pacgege pla--ththe'ss a potenti therforr co savvgs--it would potentlllly be gamame anger.r. cocohentherere an economeses ofcalele he. thehe momore stemems at yououave, the lower thcocost i youou c thinknk about a t thoseommumunies ass essentilyly bei a virtu water dtrtrict.ere e th are connectevivia inrnet and hereforeave thatenefit o
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being pt of a district, even thou g geogrhicacallthey''re not connecte snyder: i tnknk it undsds very promingng. an in n fa, i think if sll commutities are gna h havto g go to treatmt,t, it's s goa have toe a model like tt.t. kaarara: rht n nowwe wanan m make re e whave e eugh waerer forhe p peoe to l le here d d for to o gr. anright no we e e at cacity beusee rr sysm isis oer, ananwe need to impveve tha [sororio sakining anish]h] narrar: accesto clean drinki water irural califoia is cplicated, but in remote llllageshat t li ththin roccc's s outhwest mouaain rion,n, t opposose is
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-george:osostileeaththers othing new to bangladesh seasonal rains andropipicastormsms hit itsowow-lyi coaoast and d ood its many waterways anannual, but as tempetutures ririseorldwiwi, our weaerer is bbecing momo volatil and nowhere is ttt lt h harr thananangladesh, a countrbebeing tterered so f frcely by the effects c clima chahang at their existen i is undeder reat r rht now. bangladesh s s beenorceced to o ke extreme measures to survive its ttttle agaain climama change. but willt be enough?h?
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