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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  August 9, 2018 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT

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serbia, where happy pigs enjoy a healthy life, and provide top quality organic meat. how much lononger? the #metoo movement is makinin ininroads in chihina, but ghghg sexual hassment inhe people's's republic is a risky business. first though, we head to mexico, where violence has become part of daily life, even in what were once seen as safe areas. it's a natation firmly i in the hands of d drug gangs, a appary hopelessly e enmeshed in v viol. in just t ten years, m mexo's
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murder re has tripled to near 30,000 a year. last year was the bloodiest ever. in just 12 months, the numumberf gun deaths rose by 36%. andres manuel lopez obrador, mexico's newly elected presisidt has announced immediate measures against violence. but it's not clear exactly how his government plans to curtail the country's many, and powerful, gangs and cartels. now even the tourist centers of cancun and playa del carmen are coming bghted byhe vience. reporter: mexico's caribbean coast is a perfect holiday destination, as long as you don't mind beaches with a police presence. > you have hihistory, greata, great peopople, and greaeat sen one placace. rereporter: urism is bmiming here, but crime is also on the rise.
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in february, dozens were injured when an explosion ripped through a ferry disembarking passengers in playa del carmen, and five were killed in a nightclub shooting in the resort in 2017. >> i think cancun is getting worse. not in the hotel zone, maybe, but i think the government should do o much morababout i. reporter: local police maintain these are isolated incidents. yet they still patrol the beaches to guard the visitors. carlos: the hotel zone in cancun is safe, there's no gunfire here. there are incidents in town, but normal people and tourists aren't involved. only people from the criminal underworld. reporter: but that's by no means guaranteed. in the town of cancun, a few kilometers from the beach, the
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idyllic facade has been shattered. ray: look at these bullet holes. reporter: three people shot down outside a nightclub. what used to be headline news has become an everyday occurrence. mobile reporter ray gomez visits crime scenes. and these days, that's a full-time job. ray: cancun used to be a quiet town. people didn't lock their doors at night. now there are up to six murders a day. the drug cartels are fighting each other, grandstanding, proving they're the tougughes. and they're destroying a tourist idyll. reporter: we spend a day with ray. it's action-packed. murders are usually preceded by threats. at this nightclub, owner emilio has to pay protection money. he's scared, but he's willing to tell us how the system works.
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emilio: they come and shoot at your business, they tell you they'll send someone you need to pay if you don't want it to happen again. you can't refuse. you pay up or they shoot. reporter: the nightclub has bulletproof doors and armed bouncers. it's frequented by tourists. but the owner gets no help from the police. emilio: we built up cancun and put it on the tourist map. local businesses played a big part in that. the government did nothing. reporter: the first shots are fired at 7:00 in the evening. ray begins his live e report. ray: i'm on my way.
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this is my vocation. i'm passionate about this work. reporter: he's not afraid. he's only reporting on what's happened. a bar owner has been shot. it's possible he didn't pay protection money. or perhaps he was a member of a cartel himself. according to ray, such questions are rarely answered. ray: the night's still young and the trouble's already begun. cancun is witnessing barbarity. this tide of violence is out of control. the police have been overwhelmed. reporter: but why are these cases never solved? because police, public prosecutors and politicians are all in cahoots, says the editor of the main local newspaper. renan: organized crime doesn't happen unless politicians are on
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board with it. the police are c corrupt. the cartels have completetely infiltrated every lelevel of te security services. you take the bribes or you die. reporter: he says the government is more interested in gagging him than protecting him. he employs six bodyguards. the newspaper offices have been attacked with grenades.. but the editor refuses to stop covering drug smuggling, corruption and homicides. renan: i'm not angry, i'm livid. we can't allow this to happen. we made this town what it is. now it's in the hands of the mafia. the politicians are lying when they dismiss the drug cartels as small fry. if a tourist is killed in the crossfire between warring cartels, it'll be the end of cancun.
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reporter: it's 11:00 in the evening. there's a party atmosphere along the hotel strip. the police are out in full force, making sure nothing spoils the holiday mood. but not far away, the death toll is rising. crime is sabotaging this town. ray: as you can see, the police are cordoning off the area. reporter: ray has found yet another crime scene. this man took seven bullets and is badly injured. ray gomez might enjoy the adrenaline rush his job gives him, but he's also determined to show what police and politicians are eager to cover up. ray: i'll keep doing this work. someone has to report on what's happening here.
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host: whcares ababt the flower industry'sesestrucve impmpact? i do. host: whwho cares about lgbt rights in australia? i i do. hostwho cacareabout hoholess people living on the seeeets of s angeleles? >> i do. host: who cares ththat your sur berrrries are deststroying the rainfoforest? >> i do. host: whwhcares about female powerment in seneg?? >> i d do. all: and that't's why i follllw glglobal socieiety. hoho: facebookok and twitter we the channenels women celelebris in the u.s. used to tell the world about their experiencecesf sexual harassment. a few single voices quickly became a global movement. hashtag #metoo was born, and women joed forceceto fight for their rights. there wewe expressions of solidatyty at thcannnnes fm festivalal in france..
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ththousands demomonstrated one streets of c chile, and alalsn south korea. and w w #metooas a arrived in china as well. reporter: young, educated, and a little bit funky. this is what feminism looks like in china. zheng xi is a phd student in gender studies at hangzhou university. taking inspiration from the #metoo movement that began in the united states, she's launched a campaign to combat sexual harassment, i includingn pupuic transport. zheng: i i'd like to s see y anti-sual-l-harament s stiers all er thehe sway systst. ideally, there wouldlslso be loud speaker announcemen a and adads onhe scrcree.
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reporter: zheng is trying toto t pepermission foror this from e trtransportationon authorities 1 major cities. it's a b beaucratic deal. but in chihina, there isis noy around red t tape. this prote took placthree years ago, and ended in jail. the e women sang a a song condeg the notoriouous gropers ononubc ansport. the activists were detained for 37 dayays. #metoo -- in the u.s. it's been championed by celebrities. in china it's a fledgling movement led mainly by university students. it began with a former phd student who accused her professor at beihang university in beijing of trying to rape her 12 years ago. the allegations posted on chinese social media went viral, garnering millions of views and shares.
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many described going through similar experiences. but for china's censors, it went too far. zheng: they blocked our #metoo microblog,g, so we changnged e name to the chininese words fr rice, whicich is " "mi," and b, which is "tu." rice-b-bunny, #metoo. reporter: it's a clever way to avoid the pervasive government censorship. this is #metoo in china, the rice bunny on the internet. it looks cute, but behind it is a network of assertive women. in shanghai, joy lin is an advocate for victims of sexual violence. she has an internet platform where she offers advice and publishes articles. but even the small scale events she organizes are eyed with suspicion by police as potentially susubversive gatherings.
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joy: for the fililm screening, arouound ten people e came and talked a about ctatain genderr issueses. and i thought when it's small it wouldn't be trouble for the authorities, but s still, i gt called and c chased. reporter: if even small meetings pose a problem, the authorities must be very worried indeed about what's going on at beijing university right now. we're not allowed to film here. in 1998, one of its students, gao yan, committed suicide. her friends and family said she took her life because she had been raped by her professor. he got off with a warning and was allowed to go on teaching. inspired by china's fledgling
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#metoo movement, a student posted an open letter calling for the e university to discloe details of its investigation into gao's suicide. she was promptly put under house arrest and told she was risking her university degree. manyny other studentnts expred solilidarity. the notice was quickly removed. a stain on the image of china's most famous university. also in beijing, #metoo in action. feminists have brought attention to renee's case. her ex-boyfriend tried to rape her in the underground garage of another university. she went to the police, but they were unwillingng to launch an investigation.
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the university even put pressure on renee's parents, so she wouldn't go public. renee: my father said to me, come home and listen to your university, otherwise they'll expel you. i asked him, why should they expel me? i've done nothining wrong. he had no answer to that. he only repeated that i should listen to the university. reporter: renee's consultation with her attorney is sobering. there is no national legal framework for dealing with cases of sexual harassment in schools or the workplace. lu xiaiaoquan is onene of thew atattorneys whwho take on these types of cases. he explains to renee that there is no legal definition of sexual harassment. but he will help her file a lawsuit against the police who failed to help her at the time.
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the #metoo movement doesn'hahave easasy inhina.. but dedespite the chchallenges, zheng g xi, e doctctor student from hangzhou, is dermrmined t keepampaigigni, and recruiting othehers to the cacause. peaps this ia suitab metaphoror the #meo movement in china -- a bubb t that cod burst t on too easasy. >> i am -- >> - -- a globalal teen.
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youbah: my name is youbah mohammedou ghahra. i live in diama. i have two sister and two brothers. my father is a tradesman. my mother is a housewife. i really like going to school because it will improve my life.
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after school, i do my homework, then i play football, and after that i hang out with my friends. i think they have a good life, better than children here in mauritania. i'd like to become president of my country, because there'e'a lot of poverty here. i'd like to make a difference. i would really like to be president.
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our generation has more opportunities than our parents and ancestors, because we can go to school. host: this week in global ideas, we are off to the forests of serbia, home to -- wait for it -- pigs. common, domestic pigs. the animals play an important role both in the local ecosystem and in local tradition. but as our colleague holger trzeczak, , who travelled to te region aroround morovic report, this tradition may soon be a thing of the past. reporter: a puddle means it's time for a paddle. although these pigs are a regular domestic breed, they live freely in a forest in northwestern serbia.
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it looks like a pretty good life. and their presence is good for the soil here, too. their owner, milutin ajvazovic, is relieved the puddle hasn't dried up this year. if it had, he'd have had to provide them with more food. in the olden days, forest-dwelling pigs in serbia would always find enough to eat. now it's harder. still, man and beast get by, and get along. milutin: you have to know yoyor pigs well. they're smart. you wouldn't believe how special they are. reporter: his animals yield excellent meat, organically-grown. but that doesn't mean ajvazovic makes a lot of money. he sells his bonny piglets for
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36 euros apiece at most. to get a better price, he would need to have his business certified as organic. milutin: that's very expensive. it isn't worth it for me. i'd have to pay a vet to check my herd four times a year at 300 euros a time.. so what would be left t over fr me? rereporter: : is arerea is cloo the border with bosnia, herzegovina and d croatia, at e confluence of three rivers. so you might think water's not a problem. but the few remaining forest swineherds say it's become one, as floods and droughts become more frequent. these visitors want to find out if this way of life and pig farming has a future. they're from germany's development agency, the giz, and a serbian nature conservation body.
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and they say forest pigs do more than merely yield pork. they're also excellent groundkeepers. they and their swineneherds provide an importatant serviceo the oak forests, one perhaps even worth paying for. kristina: we want to explain the merits of this idea to our partners in ththe region. it's s still all in the e plang stage. forests are a unique ecosystem. and if this is a way to maintain biodiversity, it could be a model for r the entire region. reporter: the provincial forestry department takes a long-term approach. trees grow slowly.
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it says there's plenty of space for swineherding in the woods. but there are fewer and fewer people willing to take on the job. radoslav: we reviewed the statistics for the past 20 years. the number of swineherds has fallen draramatically, which mes there are fewer areas where pigs live in the forests. reporter: sylvan swineherding has been practiced in serbia for centuries. there was a time when nobody worried about biodiversity, and the oak forests were seemingly endless. can this kind of farming b be sustained, or r even boosteded? pigs are so o good foror the ft because theyey loosen n the i. so rain and floodwater can be absorbed more easilyly there's less runoff. this is also good for insects and birds, and helps them thrive.
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sdravko puric also keeps pigs. he's the last swineherd in this part of the forest. his son moved away to the city. he shows the v visitors how dy the e soil has become in recet years. sosome piglets and their mothr are here at his house. the rest of his herd are out in the forest. how many does he have in all? sdravko: we don't discuss such matters. my father taught me never to say how many piglets, sows and boars you have. reporter: of course, farmers would eventually have to disclose n numbers i if it evere to subsisidies from seserbiaoru institutions. in novi sad, we wanted to find out whether organic food has become an issue for people. there's evidently little appetite for paying more for such products. the main market sells plenty of
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locally grown fruit and veg. stallholders say that serbia does have a system for certifying produce as organic, but they would never sell enough to make it worthwhile. there is one organic food shop in novi sad. would organic pork sell? no way. vegetables, yes. beef? well they tried it, but that was five years ago. milica: organic beef just didn't work out. they started to market it, and then it disappeared again. nobody bought it. the major organic brands failed. they just didn't sell. reporter: serbia also produces conventional non-organic pork. this farm near novi sad serves the domestic market and russia.
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predrag kiselcic has never considered going organic or selling to the european union. he has about 1000 pigs. predrag: people in serbia don't think about organic food. if you can get something cheap, why pay more for it? reporter: milutin ajvazovic isn't interested, either. he s says the whole organic thg is just newfangled stuff. he has a house and a plot of land, and he's done all right with his forest pigs. milutin: five more yeaears, ad that's it. i'm 70, and not as strong as i was. i also have f fruit tree. i cacan't tend both. i have to chose, fruit or pigs. reporter: five more years, and nobody to take over his business. the young simply move away. the question is if any
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we're back next week. and inhe m meantime, do o get n touch. we love hearing from you. drop us a line,, and follow us on facebook. bye for now. ♪
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helen: in western c civilizatio, we have this idea of an artist. it's about a 600-year-old idea. this person is almost always considered a white man, and he is a genius, and he will do anythi


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