tv France 24 LINKTV August 17, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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more on reaccing to the vatican. an international tribute for the legendary singer who passed away at the age of 76. these are the headlines. thank you for joining us in the "france 24" newsroom. we start with india where the state has been hit by severe -pflooded -- flooding. boats workers aae sendingg for people stranded to their rooftops. we eport. >> rescue efforts are underway in india aater the state's worst fllodinn in a century. morr than 150,000 people have beee left homeless and the displaced are being sent to% emergency shelters across the state. >> we re going to the shelter the floodwaters came to my front porch. >> the authorities are providing us with clothes and other things. we have been given bedd and blankets and food. >> the flooding began nine days
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ago. rescue workersshave been using boats and helicopters to airlift stranded residents. called on the indian army to [indisccrnible] >> we have deployed oor forces for rescue and evacuatton work, medical reeponse in their tackling the situation. and assisting the state with materials. >> the indian state is popular with both the e mexican foreigin tourisism. the commercial city has seen its operation >> the world health organization warns more ebola ases and the
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democratic republic of congo. to fight the latest outbreak. more than people 11 ascinated people have beenthe disease -- vaccinated against the disease. we have more. >> a life-saving g gesture. washing g your ands. educational stations like this one are pppping up across the eastern congoless city of one million people. health wwrkers aad d citizens wt to be prepared if ebola comes to townwn >> the ebola virus is s nnt far away.. we are told it could spread ththrough sweat and since our helmets are worn by many people, we stopped wearing them. p> authorities are doing what they can to prevvnt aa outbreak.
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its densely ffrested location. kilometers from theeepicenter of the latest outbreak. like in its neighboring city, medical supplies are being shipped in by the world health organization. health workers fear that travelers may iiadvertently spreaa the virus. in country that s shares bordr with many others. >> at the border, we take everyone's temperature and if it is above 30 degrees celsius -- 38 degrees celsius, we stop them. >> a another challenge ith eboa is conflict. militaats continne to rain down in tte region leaving many3 rebel groups bb escaping to ebola-infected areas. >> this friday, spaiain are memberers of victims of attacks.
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attending a ceremony in honor of those who died. killed in barcelona at a nearby seaside resort -- years ago, 16 aa a nearby ssaside resort.celoa used by terrorists is hauleddaway after being drrven into a crood offinnocent bystanders aged fromm17 to 28, the five suspectssshot dead by police ccme ffom the same village nestled in the spanish. he's. -- nestled in the spanish -- it is true, they were from here and i knew them since they were children. they wentttooschool with my kids. it is hard. it is very hard to understand how their mentality could've changed so much. that are of an imamlen under pust been released from prison
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after serving a sentence of drug trafficking. bit by bit, he allegedly3 control over the young men, several of whom were brothers. the imam died in an explosion. he led prayers in this mosque evidently without raising suspicions. members of the terrorist cell football in thii principlee stadium. >> the radicalization went unnnticed, even by these people's closest connections. even ttese relations, whoosppnd every day with him in the center of their private lives, if they failed to see ttis radicalizationn it would be very difficult for police to detect ne year after the attacks, three suspected members of the terror cell are in prison. police have learned a group traveled to switzerland, france, belgium, nd morocco. investigators are still trying
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to determine the extent of their links to the islamic state group. >> emergency teams have begun clearing large sections of the collapssd highway bridge into noah. conttnues for missing killed at least 33 people. that a china authorities between 10 and 20 more may still be missiig -- italian authorities believe missing. falling the collapse of the bridge, thereeis concern of the economic consequences of genoa') port.%we have that story. >> a road that leads to nowhere. until tueeday, this is one of genoa's most important links to the outside world. the bridge carried 52,000 vehicles a day. many of them bound for the city'ssport. these docs are sometimes known as a gateway to northern italy, home to the largest industrial and commercial port in the% region. the bridge carried thousands of
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toos of goods every week from milan. the collapsern cculd have a devastattng impact onnthe region. >> the situation in the port is totally frozen. riskleaves 55,000 jobs at able to suppoot the extra load, so thissis a economy.rous situation for the those 55 thousand% jobs, there are fears that tourism toothhecity could take a hit, too. one point, 7 million crews liner passsngers paas through the port each year. while the motorway over the bridge alss brings in visitors prom francc. with reconstruutton li h he coultakeke months if n notears, tthe bridge's demised may limitt the movement off people and goos to the city for a long time to
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-- for longtime to come.3 shame and sorrow over skating reports that details decades of sexual abuse of children by catholic priests. ccurch officials were complicit in covering up thh abuse. to more, let's ross josephine. we hearr strong reaction from support -- in response to the report. what are victims saying about the vatican's reactiin? well, as you said, shame and sorrow were the words used by the vaaican in his first statement since the release of the ssocking report. and the ssatement also said the3 he was on theii side, and that the catholiccchurch was determined tooroot out this tragic horror that involved this
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terrible abuse of innocent childrenn now, the vaticican also sa t tht it had - that the cacaolic church had taken measures to root outtabuse and that church drastic reduction in abuse. certainlyd suppprters don't aggee with that and they want to see a nationwide federal invevestigation inin the ununntd states to ddtermine the full cllrgy. -paad there are also calls to chhnge the statute of limitations in the state f pennsylvania, at least, that prosecuting theii alleegd perpetrators yearrsafter thee abuse had ttken place. this has been a huge issue in the context of a pennsylvania report with many victims unnble to take legal action against the perpetrators because of the
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statute of limitations. so, a hhge outcry that is causing shockwaves, not only across the united states, but around the world as the catholic church comes to terms with what has been decades of abuse in only one state and the united states. >> indeed, josephine. many are saying that this ii one paaticclar location in the examplesates. that is facing the cattolic churrh. this is a scandal that shows no sign of ending. pope in fact, engulfing frances. later this year, e challllenned suggggestions, clalaims, froo abusive others that they ad been abused by catholic clergy he misspooe, offering his
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sympathy. now, he has a new crisis here in uniteded states, whihich is affectiig the faith, many of home are saying they do not want in the u.s..because of the state of the scandal. to ireland next week. there is alsoospeculation that he is going to meet sex abuse victims there. that is another reminder of the scandal that engulfed the irish catholic church. but closer to home, it haa effected cardinals as well. andamerican cardinal archbishopop of washinington wer foforced to resisign recently... he hasas been accused of sexual aause.3 scanandal has hheatened the -- has brought about calls for the resignation of the current was inton cardinal, who
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the pittsburgh diocese while someeof hese alleged sexual abuse cases were taking place. ,o, hhs is moving very clooe putting more pressure on his increasing demand for tte catholic church to bring this alleged perpetrators to justice3 ps from -- family tribute seven pouring ii is the world remembers the queen pf soul, aretha franklin. sheedied at the age f 76. u.s. president -- formerru.s. president barack obama said per music helped to define the american -- saii heard music -- american experrencc.define the what better way to senddoff
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>> ♪ r-e-s-p-e-c-t, find out what it means to me ♪ >> she started for musical career seining gospel in the churcc that her father founddd. >> per music was absolutely inspirational. -- her musical was absolutely inspirational. ii inspired so many. she demands respect by the work that she does and by thee pork that she did in the community. >> ♪ r-e-s-p---c-t, find out what it means to be ♪ foo many ii detroit, aretha -pfranklin was much more than a musical item. she stood up for their freedom and her voice and powered% many
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people at the height of the civil rrghts and women's movement. king often visited hurt home. -- vvsited hee home. in this phhto, she is standing next activist and riend, jesse jackson. king, mandela, barack3 ♪ decades, aretha frrnklin inspired miilions across the but it was at her home n or detroit thaa she spent the last day surrounded by her family. >> stay with us. you are watching "france 24." ♪
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>> here are photos of different periods in my life. 3 that is me, i was a composer and the conductor. is -- he was in the most famous band in the 1980's. for more than a decade, they gave free concerts accoss the country. footage is rare. thess pictures are from a swedish documentary. %these young musicians embody thh hope of the independence of a generation aftee the portuguese colonizers left n
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1974. little is known about this four ddcades later, we returned to the west african nation to discover the -- at the time. she was the only woman in the band. sse now works in a miiistry and also has a solo career. people still remember her. >> of course i know you. they are my fans, all of the women in guinea-bissau are my fans. iireally enjoyed those days. theeatmosphere was good. it was after we won the war.
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us went into f --litics and in clandestine we woull organize freeeconcerts. our songs denounced injustice. we wanted to raise awareness. we felt it as our duty. we did nottmake any money out of it. it was a social initiative. ♪ with theave close ties african party for the pndependence of guinea and cape verde. ♪ fascinated by members of his own party in 1973. in 1974, his brother ecame puinea-bissau's first president.
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the president really liked and appreciated mambo jumbo. he liked to show us around. ask ames, he would minister or an official to get off of hhs plane so we coold all get on. we joined him on all oo his trrps. we ere with him when he went to ghana. when he went to congo. mozambique. ttey wrote a song regarded in guinea-bissau as the second nntional nthem. it is played on the radio. [singing]
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♪ >> as time went by, the hopessof independence egan to fade.3 about poverty and government corruption. some of these songs even got them thrown into jail for a few days. since the original orchestra disbanded in the 1980's, things have become worse. direct by civvl war -- has been y civil war. civil
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things were so bad that a founding member of the band left tte country for 20 years. ♪ >> peoppl need to be proud of this country. --re was a row government there was a overnment that used to be rrsponsible for their people. thhy would not steal money and risk jail, but todayy they do% what they want. they are andits. >> there are more bandits here. ♪ guinna-bissau to to open a studii for the next generrtion of musicians. thhy were a great band.
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they have become a part of our -pnational heritage. >> a national heritage that feedback in the day.. producer ---that didn't ttke thingsstoo seriously back in the day. beer,e your life, drink no one challenged me back tten. otherwise, maybe i would have ed down a little bit. some would say if we can to be mysterious, we willlslap you. >> one of the big problems we jamba spoiledamba some celebrities. created problems for the band.
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high-ranking officials, theg --- daughter, the ice, so thh musicians were often hang around the presidency people said o us -- from the presidency. people said to us, be careful, but you cannot stop things like thht ffom happening. ♪ let me get my ssxophone. if you want to sing, racial or hand. >♪ raise your hand. a leading figure in mamba jjmba, but those days pre far away now. >> he has suffered fom success of that governments.
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he is sick and liz ith his extended family -- he is sick and lives with his extended family in the small house. my 20's, ias in cannot nowwthat i'm 63. -pi don't have enough foo a kilo pf fiih at the market or an aspirin. -- foro nights a weee make --,s a week, i and thht is nothing. i don't have any regrets. i accomplished a lot, but there was no reaa recognition here. >> the original band never got back together. but the one who stayed in guinea-bissau has kept ii touch. sometimes, they play together
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with younger musicians. they evee taught a few years ago. evening as thh sun set on guinea-bissau, they met up to sing their most famous hit. "let us walk in peace." written a little laaghter independence from the early -- it was written a little affer independence. years later, it still rings ♪-ue.
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