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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 24, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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anchor: hello and welcome to the "ffance 24" newsroom. i am molly hall. here at the headlines this hour. italy threatens to pull do you funding over a migrann crisis s pressure. rome'son says it will we crossed of the italian capitatal for the latetest. 24" returns to the border of myanmar after the brrtal crackdown on the rohingya
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muslim minority. a new prime minister in pusttalia. scott morrison signed hii after a ruling party leadership vote ousts malcolm turnbull. we start things off in iialy, where the deputy prime minister says his party would vote to suspend funding to the european union next year, unless other e.u. states aaree to take in migrants. it comes as a group of 100 50 peoole are being held on a coast guard ship after they w were rescuud, and while they are we crossed the josephine mckenna, who joins us from rome. josephine, ww have heard strong, provocative language coming from the italian government. language, actually, from the
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deputy prime ministtr, luigi di maio, threatening to withdraw the ititalian contribution to te aropeenen union, and putting fractiouu relationship etween italy and its europeannpartners. the hard-line, interiorrminister anand deputy prime ministerer, said he is not willing to give him. heesaid these migrants are ccmpletely illllegal. he threateneddto send them back to libya. we have had some stroog response from the president of the european parliamentt,,he italian anantonio om johnnn -- taglia. he says he hopes the threats are a joke, because it puts attrisk the funds disistributed from the european union tooitaly -- to the south italy for farmers for agricultural support, and for
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small businesses seeking loans. a great deal of concern coming countries are meeting in brussels right now to try to resolve this particular crisiss molly: let's turn our attention to the port in sicily where this ship is docked. what do we know about what is going on there? still 150 migrantss on b board s , ininnsicily. we are seeing protests by the ship's people, amending these migrants beef -- demandidi these mimigrants be ffeed. the u.n. refugee agency approach from the italian governmement. ere allowewed to wednesday night.t. the ship on
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the psychologists say that some had been kept in dark roomssin libya for several months,s,nd were alslso v very thin -- had t ononhe ship ititself, we are hearing rereports that thehe begun some kind of hunger strike to increase pressure on the italian government. that so ar, we are not seeing any indication that his government is willing to move unless it's -- it gets greater europeanrom other countries. has been critical of spain and germany, a accusing thhm o o failing to honor agreements ship that docked a couppe of months ago. so strong support from italians for this stance from the government, even though we are seeinn some protests beside the ship. it is creating plentt of division within siccll, as people feel the government should take a little bit more of
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a flexible approach and allow these migrants to disembark. that: thank yyu for update. josephine mckenna reporting from rome. militaryago, myanmar's rohingyaamuslims minority. at the u.n., it was described as textbook ethnic cleansing. thousands of people have crossed into neighboring bangladesh to flee the violence. one year on, aung san suu kyi has maintained her defense of government actions, refusing to craccdown. clovis casali reports. clovis: it will soon be ooe year since the burmese army cooducted operations, a crackdown against what it called terrororists of e mumuslim mininority of the rohi, operations that led to a mass exodus here in more than 700,000 andngya fled to bangladesh,
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bangladedesh is just behehind ma fefew metees away. i am standing on a bridge that separates myanmar and bangladesh . here is the border b between the countries, who hhve had o ocky relations in recent months due to thihimass crisis of the rohingya. in a p part of myanmar thatat is under t total lockdow. the army conttolsls who comes i, freely or bring much-needed aidd to the rohingya in northern raqqa. jojournalists are forbidden n fr coming ere unless they are inviteddby authorities..6 c13 c1 today.ur case myanmar hasn't bided us and wee1 are on a a so-callld guided tou. -- as invited us,s, and we have taken on a so-calleded guided tour, including to venues such as so-called "transit camps." set of authorities have
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these camps to welcome the rohingya who might wanant to coe ckck from bangladesh, come back to their villages in northern rack up. -- in he north. very few people have m mooed bak to myanmar. these transit camps are empty. it is pretty understandadable, given n the level of tensions between the uddhists and thee61 muslim rohingya in recent months. appeals courtthas extended ex-presidenttpark geun-hye's prison sentence by one year, to 25 years. corruption scandal riggered mass protests. receiviving or demanding m moren $20 million from conglomerates, itit sharing secret state documents, and blacklisttng critics. next, to a major political% shakeup in australia. the country has a new prime minister. in this morning after a liberrl
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party leaddrship vote. malcolm turrbull is the latest politician to be kicked out by his partt. peter o'brien has the details. peter: knock arrives at parliament house before the -- mmlcolm turnbull arrives at parliament house before the meeting that ended his leadership. treasurer scott morrison will replace him, winning out over the form -- home affairs minister and ffreign minister. morrison: we will provide the purpose expected of us as leaders, of our prty and of our great nntion. won a vote onl tuesday, but ministers have defected. >> australians will be just dumbstruck and so appalled by the conduct of thh last week. [applause] peter: he said he would be leaving parliament "not before too long."
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if you vacate his sydney seat, there would be a by election for it, and the current government would risk losing its one seat majority. and right-winger pushed tonister ,nseat mike - malcolm turnbull a backlash against moderate politics. triggered by his plans to enshrine carbon emission targets in laww australia's prolonged political they now hhve their seventh prime minister in just 11 years. polly: in syria, president bashar al-assad is aiming to retake control of idlib province . order and is the last rebel held area. the russian-backed regime has this your retake and key territory through a combination of deadly bombardment and surrender deals..6 c13 c1 this both near damascus and in the soututh.
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senior fellow at the center for syrian studies at the university of saint andrew. thankkyou very much for joining us here on the program. firstly i wwuld like to ask you, let's focus on idlib.. well, of course, this is the last rebel stronnhold, ,o to speak.. it does haveve symbolism on that level. to muuh of the covoverage on ths is that sommwhwhere along the line, we forget that what began in march 2011 was not a military battle. peacefulin its essence prooest, expressing real grievances the syrran people have. so when we cast this a as a victory y that will somemeeow ad this the question is, what will it end, when it
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was not a military battle to begin with? important a as it is, thehese victctories, whehether in the sh not tackle the real issue, which is theefact that syrian people are yyt to beeaddressed. in aps this will not endd3 c1 military battle. or it wiwill take a ifferent form. analyst: absolutely, yes. began inmovement that march 2011 is ongoing. whether or not the regime takes idlib, welived -- over haveeseeeen the r regime is cape but is having a loloofftroublele governing g the ars s it takes over. her example, it will enter possibly idlib, but to stay y ad
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govern is a different challenge. it with arms, that is not to be coconfused with c ctual governs ooer the totality of syria. is thethat being said, syrian regime prepared for governance when it comes into these new areas? or coomes back, i should say. i thinkkthe syrian regime is very depleted in terms of, the fatigue e is enormous. much of the assistanance is external, in terms of the actutu battles, either we talk abobout supporort. military camampaign for seveven years. itit is exxausteddand it iss defefeed. it is so s stubbornly stucucc te
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paradigm thatat this is a mility confnfrontation, a p prophecy wh hass s self--flfililled. in fact, prior t to this,s, i believe a after all the military showdowns arare over,r, we will contntinue to fofocus on the acl social grievances that normal syrians have. those are alive today more than ever, more than even march 2011. molly: how will l this takake s? will we s see this transition io representation with politics? how do you see that playing out? right, well, when there is frustration,,it is going to be manifested. if you suppress that through milittry arms,,it will express itself in a different way. yoo know, at any moment here people suspect that the regime is not looking, is weak, they
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will come baba, becausese the grievancee have not been addressed. in areas of syryria tasted frereedom, so to speak. they tasted governining% themselves. they knonow what this is like. bringing thesese peopll back ton old psyche that belongs to t the 1980's and early 2000's -- you can silence them, but that does not mean you are actually changing them. that trtruly takeslistics, in syria from the t tragedy we have been seeeeing into somewhere el% structurally, institutionally -- all of this, significantnts ii may seem at the momement, is posmetetic. you u are bombardingng your ownn cocountr analysis, how far
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do this?long can you continue to ppoplele have grievanancee. there is n no way, , no matter w clever you are or how strong you are, that you can skate around that. joining usson the program. we do appreciate it. next, we cross toothe pacific. weakened to a category three sttrm. buttit is already lashing hawaii with high wwnds and torrential landslides, this as residents in the area are hunkered down tt write ouu the storm. -- to ride out the storm. let's get n update of italy threatens to pull e.u. funding over a migrann boat crisis. tttte e.u. commimission said itl not bow to rome's pressure.
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a returnrn to the border of craakdown on the rohingya muslim minority. there is a new prime minister in australia here in treasuree scott morrison is sworn in after a ruling party leadership vote ousts malcolm turnbull. here in france, piles of trash are on the rise. they are during the image of the french countryside. paris,n 40 kilometers of garbage fills the equivalent of seven football fields. our reporters have the details. of garbage.e sea that is the name of t the larget makeshift landfill in france. it is a massive ield, spanning 300 hectares, at least 40 of which are covered with thousands of tons of mixed waste. >> it is mostly garbage from
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construction sites. it is rather impressive. there is everything from wood, solvents, paint remover, canisters with biggpollution risks. it is unbelievable to see this year. >> we are lucky there are trees pithout them, this space would be covered. >> bruneau says he no looger recognizzs the field he knew as a child. >> this belonged to my in-laws. my brother-in-law and i planted% these trees to try to occupy the fields. to make something out of it. see, they have dumped ubbish even up to hear. was farmllnd. a century, this eventually, the soil yielded less return. wastewater from paris was used as a fertilizer. that ccme with harmful repercussions. the water was filled with heavy
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metals that polluted the soil. in response, a governmental decree in 2000 banned all thattled to illegal dumping. public officials did nothing to stop it. inaction,y the state they collated -- credit a a -pcollective and published vides onlineeto bring attention to the sisituation. going to tty to clean up parts of it. not all of it, of course. reporter: there are people who this was happening. >> they did ot know what was going on, and neither did i. when i came to theefield for the first time, i did not expepect r even a minute that the landfill wwuld be so massive. >> even the mayor was shocked when i brought hii here. he was nottexpecting to see so much rubbiss. reporter: today, the ayor has returned,,with two mp's..6 c13 1 they are running a report on they are joined by a group of
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[speaking french] wann to pay the real price for -pdumping their waste, at least 100 euros a time, and 500 euros a time for waste including asbestos, people are going to dump here. is a difficult task for mayyrs. it is hard to catch peoppe in the act. the courts are saturatedd when people are aught, they% escape justice cause it is their first offeese. in such a case, the system is you cannot just throw everyone in prison. reporter: officials say they
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autumn.ear the rubbish by that elsewhere in france, garbage continues to pile in other makeshift landfills. the mayor of this town was exasperated at the justice% oftem's inaction in the face illegal dumping grounds. he took matters in hissown hands, returning the w waste to its origigillowner. tition. radidical course o of he films and posts online.e. >> [speaking frencc] reporter: once a border police agent, the mayor carries out meticulous investigattons, thanks to internet and clues found in the rubbish. are 50 different methods. which helps you identify the building site they came from. findou u go to the sitt and the same tiles, so therr is no doubt possible, and ttese tiles areequite distinctive.
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there are mmny cases. biginstancc, you will see canisters used in bars. using the series number, call the mmnufacturer, who told us it was delivered to a bar which is1 40 kilometers away.% -pwe went to the bar and saw it was ununder construcuction and l of trash came frfrom there. reporter: the solution has been a success. four to five makeshift dumps used to's are a pro weight. that is down to tto or three per yeer. appear per week. that is downnto two or thhee per year. >> there is no more trash, and that is what is most important. simply returning the garbage to its discarder is not enough. protective land-use policies will never be adequate. reporter: prevention, education,
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and stricter penalties are the sum of strategies the government is pushing for to try to curb illegal dumpiig. for 2019.e measuree are expectcd i am joined in the studio by alison sargent for a look at what is revving headlines in the britiih press. we will start with reaction from south africa. the papers are responding to a tweet from u.s. president donald trump in which he decried the killing of white farmers and the seizure of their land. sentn: this is a tweet he the subject on fox ews.ort oo you can see what most people in south africa are thinking about -pthese comments by taking a lok at some of the front pages of their newspapers today. from "the star," we have amc, the ruling party, blasts ignorant trump. ramaphosaes -- sites cyril
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ramaphosa. complex and sensitive iisue. it has been over 20 years since the apartheid, and white south africans still own over 70% of theefarmland, espite making up 8% of the population. the south african government does wwnt to speed up the process offredistricting landd papers point out that soofar no land has been taken without compensation, as donald trump claims. the gooernment is considering it, but it is not something they are going to dd recklessly. molly: some are saying donall trump is recklessly galvanizing the right. alisoo: the majority of souuh africans were enraged by trump's comments. they did please a minority ggoup called affo forum, an advocacy ggoup for white south africans. the united states to meet witho pight-wing politicians.% -pthat is how they wound up on x trump.
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the narrative of a possible white genocide happening in various african countries has become a very popular idea among white nationalistt, white supremacists in the united states, many of whom are supporters of the u.s. president , and who were also celebrating this tweet. molly: is gearing up for the arrival of the pope. alison: it has been about 40 years siice the country last saw a visit from the pope. that w was john paul econd -- he country, and has changed a lot. posted not used to is it ireland because they did not have to. now, mass spring, they voted to% legalize abortion..6 c13 c1 this might have happened slowly and gently. it happened quickly and bitterly beeauseeof the sexual abuse
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scandals and their abuse scandals. pope's apology was too little, too late. pop merrhandise ii for sale with messages like forgive us, we will do better. we will see that woman's response. she says, i am not buying it. a number of people are hoping to send a message to the pope by buying a ticket and not showing car had --r lle red radkar says this is mean-spirited, if yyu are taking protesters plan to hold vigils at the same time as the mass on sunday. molly: about france, yesterday's stabbing in the parisian suburb. alison: a man killed his mother and sister and wounded another woman.
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you can talk french papers do not know what to make of it. -plook at this headline from "ll pigaro," asking, terrorism or psychotic break?% another -- the islamic state tabloid story, a local crimeestooy. absurdity of the islamic state claiming an attack like this one. desperate. that is what an analyst told them. attackicker to claim anyy have carry out.s like when they might molly: we headdinno the eekenn. let's get a bit of sobering news. alison: we all like to think a doccor away, and it is the opposiie. sort of a disappointing headline. you can read it herr in "the washington ost." oo alcoholt level
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consumption is none at all, to be the largest to a fine that while there are benefits to alcohol, like lowering the risk of heart cancer. the good news is that it all depends on 'axñ÷y÷=÷qeqeqw z
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narrator: 'vebeenen a architecture cricic in s angels s forearlrly yearsrs and ialall th timime don't thnknk i'vve er comomacross a buildinququite innscutablele
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