tv France 24 LINKTV August 31, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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>> welcome to the "france 24," newsroomm here the headlines. united nationn called on china the muslim minority there, from alleged reeducation camps. we crossed to beijing for the latest. itaay'')s plans to modify% the's mediterranean rescue mission get pushed aside in vienna and rooe" to iitroduce a rrtttion system
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for rescued migrants could disembarr. and parliamentary electionsaa tomorrow. saturday, the votes in as the litmus est of the current president's record. the united nations huuan rights expeets voiced larm over alleged mistreatment of mussims. they ssid ovee one million -pmembers of them ethnic m minoy may y be h held involuntarily ie farrwwst of the country. let's cross to chaales billy graham, whoojoins us from beijjng. ring is up to speed aad tell us what the -- hat's on the about human reporr ssys
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one miilion of the having minority are held in eeducatioo and one milllon is about one in 10 of the population. -pthe reports say that people there are being brainwashed into pledging allegiance to the theymunist party of chhna are bebeing forced to sing songs praising the communisttparty,% etc. a adif they d don't, and ty are subjected to torture. why is ttis done? cylinder the guys of many thingsrism and can fall under the purview, even you arrested if you are a uighuu , let growing a bbard or going
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to the mosque to pray. is a wide scope of things they can get people arrested there. should jang today has been called a totalitarian police state with checkpoints at every street corner and facial recognition technooogy used to keep a file on every single person and to make sure that everyone stays in llne. collects charles, ww havv heard from the chinese foreign ministry reacting to the un's report. let's take a listtn. enjoy minorities in china ressst freedom in accordance with the law they are free to choose to. we hope the u.s. can respect the them correctlyt and not mmkk resort -- remarks that hhrm trust. beijing in response o these allegations?
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>> b beijing flatly denieies any wrongdoing. camps term, but these of those deceivee by religious extremes and shall be assisted by resettlement and reeducation. jang is p prone to unrrst pn the past.t. riots in 2009 in which two pifferent people died between the ethnic uughur m minority in attacks. those of the reasons of the ccinese states use agagainst policiee there. chinese state newspaaers here that said basically the provivie is stable and that chinese
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place from becoming anooher all of this is doneein security according to the they also say the criticism of china are part of an anti-china agenda possibly pushed by the% united states. on thursday, some senators nd congresssen from the united stttes congress wrote a bipartisan letter condemning the chinese state ffr its a actions anddasking thattthe american% govevernment take e action agait ccina in the form of sanctions. >> thanks for that, charles. the european unionnis looking to reform its migrant rescue operationssin the mediterranean sea. theprogram is known as severe mission launched in 2015
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foolowing a series of deadly shipwrecks. currently, rescue shiis dock in italy, but rome wants to modify the rules and rotate the ports this embark. france and spain excitee atop the list of the plan has failed to pass muster with other eu some 59 france after first being blocked entry..6 c13 c1 -pwith more coming years. . have a place to calllhome.rants stranded in the mediterranean, then in molten with an uncertain future, dozens of refugees arrived at charles de aulle airport on thursday. eritrea,.from sudan, >> i really have a lot of i can't believe this is happening and then with all thh staff and this welcome, i feel human agaii.
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i was in prison for morr than a year in libya. this is beyond understanding. %>> they were picked up by the aquarius after the first boat was left stranded off the coost ofof libya in august. i it, ll ofeded those lost. they just came from nowhere. to rescuu usused and take us back to libya, we ran out of fuel and we had no water, no food..6 c13 c1 >> the aquarius wassdenied entry by italy, whose populist far right coalition government has slammed eu migration poliiies are n>> the aquarius was deniey by ultimatell come the shhp docced in maltaa like before the coontriessthaa it agreed to take in the migrants, francissasylum refugee staaus.elikely to grant the episode has crystallized
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which have surged despite a this is where far ighh demonstrrtors gattered in eaatern germany to protest immigrationl's policy. therere was no new outburst of violence that followed a weekend knnfe killiin. anger of the illing of a man by two refugees has sparked days of %and%st ii theeeastern city a raised freshhconcerns about haa risen and thhy have seen the rise of the far riiht party for >> authorities in saxonyyare ptruggling to contaan far right extremismmin the region with renewed anti-immmgrant protests held on thursday. in a march across tte eastern town showing up in far fewer nummers in the demonntration held earlier this weekkread meanwhile, ook or presented in ssart -- organized at townhall
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hall meeting on deeocracy in hopes of encouuaging dialogue and -- dialogue. >> in my conversaaions today and over tteepast few days, i spooel they are being treated unfairly. i met so many peopll who told me we are not all ar right extremists. i want to say to you, i know that. phat is not thh case and we will forcefully reject ttis impression. %> on mondaa, thousands of far right demonstratoos clashhwith counterprotesters. the rise of two foreign nationals ccused of atally of violent outbreaks agaiist foreigners. residents ssy thhy hope the unnest will encourage pegislators to act. >> i'm afraid because there were so many right wingggermans on thh streets.
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i asked the german governnent to pass stricter laws so that thi't happen again. >> this areaais no ssranger to anti-immigration sentiment. -pnearly ooe quarter of the ci's ressdents vottd for the far right alternative for germmny party. they arr called for another saturday. >> goverrment voices are poised to launch what could the last major battle of serious civvi nearly 3 million people ivv in the area and some half of them are already displaaed from the fighting.
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humanitarian corridor was to be urgently set up in he robert% dold region as worrres build a possible regime assaultt once again prepared once more prepared to get involved mysell with h the becauss that is an area wwere they are in charge outside. tempooarysuch quarters ould bb feasible and guaranteed for the eople. >> iran has responded t francis called for further negotiations pver the nuclear deal, saying it on thursddy, the frencc oreign washington's pullout froo the iran nuclear deal that tehran phould be ready to neeotiate on further plans as well as its ballistic missile arsenaa and in campaigning is wrapping up in
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mauritania as the nation gears up to vote in local and parliamentary elections on saturday. they areeseen aa a test of the seven months ago for desperate can'tmentary pollsdidate he was arrested three weeks ago but his supporters are canvassing innhis name in the suburbs. his wiie's of the charges brought against the politician were trumped uu to hurt his% >> in the 2014 preeidential election we came in second after phe ruling pprty and the us from campaigning. use forrbusiness from rganizing meetings. aativists faces of to five days in prison for
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allegedly violent threatening a journanalist. yoyou could still winin a parlrliaaentary seseat as is andessesee has beee green lit his upporters are concerned about his long-ttrm political future. >> the governments will not let theecampaign and he will not let the issue prevent them from collects the ruling party fearlessly denies the syytyttmac biggest political opponent. law, he must nswer for his actions. why did he come in during% labor for the e campaign, create he is generating media attention for himself with the case but he -pwon't get tte people's ote by demonizing the regime. because everyone knows what this regime has aahieved.
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antislavery activists, the but an estimated 0% of the% violation rmains enssaved. >> couldn't be summmrtime aal year long for countries in the the president is backing calls to ditch the twice yearly changes to the time followwng the citizens consultation. that wide poll showed citizens were in favor of dropppng the chhngeovers in the spring and fall. winter time has been around for yearr. survey toofficcal responded and as just stay on summertimeessshould that's what we'll do.
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>> interchange change with sttll need approval from the national government the law. headlines we following this hour, united nations cclls on orna to read the ethnically of theeminority from alleged reeducation camps aad a new someone million people re being held uuder extralegal dissension. asian denies the accusations. accusations.nies mediterranean rescue missions gets pushed aside. they hoped% to interviews thh rotation system where migrants could thhs embark. mauritania gears up for parliamentary eleccions, seen as p litmus test of the current %ime now for business update% and i'm joined in the studio by "france 24,"'s arr currently .
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%president donald trump says he is threatening tooleave the world trade organization. >> is no secrrt that all caps is not liie the dude of you -- the the wto. this is the first time ww've -pheard it exxlicitly from the presideet') own mouth. in an interviee ith bloomberg news he saii he would pull the trigger" they don't shape p %the wto the worst three ddllar may, phrase previously reserved for naftaa consideringon is postponing a mmjor attack system overhaul which is set to take -peffect in january 20199 reform would make income tax automatically deductee each month from workers paychecks. other european countries. currently taxpayers a ump sum of the end of the year and he is hesitating to implement the -preform. officially the government says it needs clarifications on technical issues but many critics ssy it is political. -plowssand rrforms could cause
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public outcry as mergers -- as workerr see their puuchasing ppwwr diminish. >> its hhve questions abouttthii reform, it') different even if itts a well-known model that by delaying, macron french people wwen he should be reassurinn thee..6 c13 c1 >> we don't just need to delay the reform, many to stop it altogetherr if we want to introduce some of the game is system, we should takeethe existing monthly income >> the last man was a politician from he center-right party. they propose alttrnative to the reform, currently france offers an optional monthly tax payment programmand peoppe can spread out their tax payments over 10 months. he') suggesting tat that system spread acroos 12 months foo the arggment systemmis easier to
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cocc-cola is eepanding its presence in hot beverages, costa for $5 billion. the van company says the board voted unaniiously and thht the sale wws in the best interest of its shareholders. for a huge return whitbread, which bought costa in 1995 with ly 39 shopss -pjumped 6% on the newss let's take a closer look at the maakets. uncertainty is creeping up again and european markets were all down at midday as concerns over trade are rising. presidente eu threatened tit-for-tat auto tariffs if theeu.s. does not -pprovide an exception for euro. a similar trend innasia, chinese shares felllthe last day oo trading is a new round of u.s. tariffs of june billion dollars worth of goods could come as
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early as next week according to donald trump. staying innchina, tension over one group of people, uncertainty ii a fortuneteller's bread-and-butter. mmre anddmore chinese people are asking for advice from soothsayers on where to investt1 and what to expeet coming next. >> there's a lot of uncertainty in the air in chinn, whhch is gooo for usiness if you are fortunettller. u.s.the trade war in the threatened to escalate word turning tople are them for tips on wwere to investoo wins a good time to expand. >> with a master gives me advice deccdd on the right time to maal if he tells me the timing is inauspicioos, i wiil be more conservative. >> fortunetellers like victor give guidance based on peng shuai
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of laws that govern energy. they say givessa iiger picture >> financial analysis is nly a this combines the macro view and what this means is that sometimes the market might look promising and others may be making gooddprofits, but if your fate is bad, you mmy still lose very badly. attacks s another $200 billionnf chinese goods as early as next week. given u.s. presidents and for stability in policcmaking, some gazing has as much chance of an% expprt to protect what could >> it woulddbe easier to have invest aad how to make more thank you for tte business updaae. time now for the press review.
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i'm joined in the city for a look at whht's in today's papers. we start off the what we're president macron's commentsf descrriing french people goals who arare resistant to anger, and the presidentt6 c131 insists his commenns were meant to be humorous but they may prove damaging the macron, that's what you expprts interviewed are aying. macron as large deeolate been aacused -- macron has long been accused of showing disdaii and concern for the portrait is, to theelatest in a series of communication mistakes, argues the conservative paper.
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it's not the fiist time that the french president has actually crrticized the french ddring an offiiial trip. past year on official viiit o greece, he angered critics by saying he would not ee grounds to what he called slackers opposing his reforms. goals?%s wrong with >> s a reference to asterisk's and obelix best kkown for resisting rrman invasion. thisals reserre -- deserve or is it a trade onlyybelongssin they are much more advanced than we may think rathhr than living a rudimentary thatched huts, experts say theyyactually lived theyegant buildings and pere as advanced as romans fling a key role in european trade ann agriculture. the cattolic pappr takes a ccoser look at the lutheran as a middle macron calls
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them minute argues they are indeed significant cultural% differences between france nd denmark and there s without a doubt a cuuture of change in denmark based around tte idea o1 perrsnal development says the daily, the six lane perhaps why danes have found it so easy tto1 adapt to gllbalization in recent decades. >> tt the united statee, we a privatteservice that was held on thursday in memory of the former senator john mccain. he passed away last week in his funeral will take place on saturday in washiigton and many be there, except the president of the united states, donald trump. >> john mccain delivers a pymbolic final rebuke to donald ttump reads the headline in "washington post," is no ssrprise that thereewas no love lost between the two men, for the ssnator on twitter, but ited and only did invite -- not planned out everyysingle detail
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of his uneral arrangements just a highlight how much he dessised the president, that includes asking barack obama to deliver a banning his 2000 a running mate sarah palin frrm attending the ceremony, sarah palin being one of trump's most vocal it was ii the resident reacting to this non-invitation? >> donaad trump has been aa6 c11 murder was silent, he tweeted his condolences to the former senatoos faaily but hhs not offered attributt to his life, leading some to believe he may actually be jealous of all the ofention that john mccain has-t from the toronto star hits the nail on the head with this cartoon, the left you can see military and the former senator has indeed been hailed by many as a war hero and if you compare that with donald trump's own achievements, you get quite a
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different picture, just a bunch trump is reading the newwpaper, and the headline reads mccain lying in state, trump is not amused, i do that eevry day,,he says. thatis the new store livee in a village in new zealanddis reeortedly trying to ban cap -- cats. >> it may seem like a rather on decision, but authorities say that our furry friends actually responsible for the death of thousands of birds and small mammals each year, some oo which are aready on the verge of extinction, the aim their forre bbt toect local specces a feline lovers, don't worry, procees, there will be after trophe.- catas
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