tv France 24 LINKTV September 4, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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>> welcome to live from paris. it is 1100 p.m. herr in the% french capital. let's take a look at what is% happening -- what is akiig headdines.% a reshhffle of the ffench government has been announned by french president emmanuel macron. the move may necessary after the resignation of the envnvironment minister. peoplele have been asked to evacacuatt theheir homm in japan after aa powerful l typhoon maks landfall in n the country's wes. it also caused the highhst tide
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-prugy. as get more from our french editor.3 like myself. are we surprised of the choice of these two eoppe? >> it is not exxctly surprissng% what is more surprising is the3 it was just communicated a few minutes ago by the presidential palace.. announcing this limited3 when there is a reshuffle sometimes, the chief of staff comes out of the presidential palace and makes an annooncement and gives the names of the minister. this was sent a few minutes ago. phe surprise was about the resignation of tte sports minister, a former olympic that she was rrsigning fornced she was replaced by another former champion.
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a freestyle swimming champion. profile. she was someone whoomoved from of polltics.orld into the wwrld she was focusing on theeissue of sports. it might be a better it. change is thetant replacement of the most opular minister who resigned to3 radio saying e is not announced his resignation to anyone. >> not even his wiff. >> exactly. clearly also attacked the right -- the president's record on the -penvironment. the president chose another member of thh ecologic camp. allyneewho was clearly an
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because until today, he was the speaker of the national he will have to be replaced. phere will be a vote. he chose a close ally because h3 criticizes him from withinn the%miiht not please advocates for the environment who will say, this shows that emmanuel macron does not have a lot of ammition. he wants to make the planet great again. and essentially fill the void after the retreattof the plate big questions asld trump. to whether he intenns to push the envelope. >> ttese two resignations have made the return after that european summit break. it has been a difficult etuun after the summer holiday. theeother issue of coorse being well the government decide not
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to go ahead with the tax refoom plan, which was supposeddto kick >> there have been difficult months. france one of the world championship, but things hhve been going south for emmanuel macron. his s popularity ratings are plummeting right now. foras criticized until now wanting to do many things fast. now, he is being seen ass hesitant. , itreform was announced would take effect on january 1. now he is saying, we have to wait to see f things go smoothly are not. we would rather be careful. he is seen as hesitantt after the resignation of theetwo most popular ministers, people
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world offpolitics, he presented himmelf as someone who wws bringing a new dimension into french politics. clearly this is a difficult mmment. it is rather usual for a president after a year in power. few scandals.ry quickly after aa the image of emmanuellmacron needs revamping. many supporrers are waiting for him to speak out and talk o the french people and tell them >> thank you so much for that. to the other big story of the day. more than a million people have beeenadvised to evacuate their the typhoon is hitting regions already battered by heavy raiais last july y that sent more than- that killed more than 200 people. we hhve h heard ththe typhoooons
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made landfall. what more can you tell us? >> the typhohoon is both extremy strong and fast. it ade l landfall close e to te urban area is in japan. it did an enormous amount of damage. one of the most damageged scenes aatificial island.port on anan it was flooded by the storm surge to the point where you% cannot see the ground. the brididge that connected it o the main island was hit by a tanker hat was blown off course and smasheee up agaainst the bridge trapping about 100 people on tte island. tte sttrm itself has moved across japanan and is along the sea ofof japan coast and a less populated area.
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cacaaualty figures -- do we hahe any sense about casualty% figures? twos of about one hour ago, people had been confirmed to hhae been killed by the storm. 126 had suffered serious injuries. prooably these figures will go up. it does seem hat compared to the ferocity of theestorm, which was enough to rip rooves off of the houses, the figures do look a little low. perhaps many people were well warned. >> michael penn reporting there from tokyo. u.s. president donald trump is --ernmeet and its allies and its allies againsternment attacking. he warned of a great humanitarian miitake in which hundreds of thousandd of people wwuld be killld.
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syrian governmenn forcess are st toto be preparing a hugugeeoffee on thh last mamajor rebel stronghold. the .n. saying such campaign would have disastrous consequences since thousands oo civilians. the kremlin has responded ssying such warnings from donald trump are not a comprehensivv% approach. rebels prepare to face an imminnntnt offensive. the province in northern syria controlled by anti-assad forres. it lies just south of aleppo. it has the support of its allies, russia, and iran.% >> our heroes offthe natioional liberation front preppre our brothers to face the violelent3 ii, iran'ssit to dl
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foreign minister emphasizedd helping syria. -pp> given the governnent's resounding victories gainst extremists, it is now urgent to% focusing on humamanitariaa need. separately, -- this at goiig the reason remarked by anotter ally, russia. >> the syrian government has the full right to protect their ssvereignty and to drive out and eliminate the terrorist threat from their territory. >> leaddrs of iran, russia, and turkey are set to hold a summit ankarag. moscow in recent years. intervention saying the
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for syria and the whole region. the u.n. has warned a military crackdown could end up with 800,000 people being displaced. an estimated 3 million people leaving he aaea. most rely heavily on food and aid brought in across the turkish border. %afteri network has died ill health. he was 72 years old. %he has been paralyzed for the3 thousands of people have attended free concert in the germanncity of chemists over he intention --
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the city found itself in the spotlight after far right --testers went after >> how to take a stand against hatred. germans attendda lass-minute ccncert aimed at fighting back against the far right. bands, both perforrers and those attending weee key to promote an antiracist message. >> we are not a far wright city. thh majority of the population ps totally normal. far right. i think it is cool thaa so -pmany people said we will come here and suuporr. intheeevent was held response to ecent violent demonstrattons by far right nazi groups. a murder was blamed on two
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saturday, religious leaders called for unity as an anti-immigrant march met 4000 counterdemonstrrtors. monday's oncerttwas on a much bbgger scale with tens of thousands coming from all over the country. the concert highlighted the the president of germanyics. encourages all those who wanttto xenophooia.mmssage against the president is on the side of all those who stand forrpeaceful cohabitation. >> the simmering tensions are an chancellor annela merkel's deeision three yeers ago to the seekers -- a mmllionn silent aayluu-seeeers o germany.
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>> a government is seeking -- help foronal rebuilding the museum and your janeiroo-- n rio de janeiro is being sought. >> the vice director of brazil's nationaa museum says that roughly 90% of the collection was deetroyed in fire that pegan on sunday evening and burn for six hours. monday was met with thousands of protesters. they marched to this point in front of the state government. they are protesting not only the deetruction buttfederal cuts to cultural and educational funds in brazil. they say that contributed to the scope f the f fire. the museum is the responsibillty of the federal goveenment. inna not been paid in full since
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full since 2014.ot been paid in say they are3ities on what sparked the fire. on onday, they pledged over 23 exterior of the museum. >> a remmnder f whattis making newss a reshuffle of the french government has been announced. the move mmde necessary after the minister of the environment and sports resigned. people havv been e evacuatatingr homes in japan after a powerful typhoon has made landfall. it is also causee the highest tide levelssseen since 1961. u.s. president donald trrmp warned syrian president not to recklesslyyattack the rebellheld idlib province.
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ii is time now to take a look at the business news. i am joined by stephen carroll. -pyou are starting with breaking pewssfrom argentina. place between the imf chief and% thh country's fiiaace minister. they are gging to be discussing their rrquest to speed up payments for the billion dollar bailout. the imf says when azeeis has the full support and ttey are working on -- ayy when osiris has full support -- the peso stance 50% against the dollar.. we have not seen much movement yet as u.s. markets et underway. we may see the peso trengthened against the dollar. along the measures announced, a controversial tax on exports
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that could hurt farmers. the president admitted himself that it is a bad tax.. those whogoinn to ask have more to contribute. i'm referrrng to those who export and argentina. in -- in argentina.% tax that goesad against what we want to promote, which are more exports. i have to ask you to understand that his is n emergency. we nned your support. >> here is what is happening on the markees. europe starting the day up share. when on. a jumppr in shares for the french telecom group. results showwng a rop in subscribers. their share price is getting a we'll check in with the currency
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markets. euro worth one dolllr and $.15. trade wars purrency markets as well. pe will take a spin through business headlines. the french bank says it could win a deel wwth american authorities. that is over allegations of violating sanctions.3 discussion over ceetain transactioos ade with countries under american embbrgoes. the dutch bank ing paid 175 million euros to settle a money-laundering case in the netherlands. prosscutors say it failed to checks on clients. they claim that led to hundreds of millions of euros being launnered through accounts
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between 2010 and 2016. is steppinger tsb down after a series -- tsb has experienced numerous technical problems since the resignation. it has been welcomed by the chair offthe parriamennary treasury. the to ethiopia where technology industry is hoping for boosts after economic rrform. the country already plays hhst inthe cutting-edge firms artificial intelligence. p> and failed to e here at the united nations -- i am thrillee to be here at the united nations. cceated by awas firm in hong kong, part of her software is ethiopian. developed by team of engineers in the country's capital.
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>> we re in the leading age of ai. that this is tte reality. years,,it hasee grown from a team of four to dozens of programmers working from clients -- working with they recently launched a school and university stuuents the foundatiins of coding and entrepreneurship. they will have to overcome barriers likk limited internet access and offer morore support% young developers. >> he wanns to expand it. there is no incentive for software developers.
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leadership. country's thh prime minister used to old the science aan technology portfolio. in ower since march, he promisee maaor reform to boost the technology ssctor. >> ssaabucks has opened a cafe in mexico city staffed by workers who are at least 55 years old. isspart of a nationaa program in mexico aimed at getting older people into the workforce. shifts are limited to six and a half hours.% starbucks i've -- starbucks -- they are targettng 120 workers. they have over 7000 employees in mexico. see peopleo say cannoo wait being 55 years old as being old. thanks for that.
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time now for our press revieww it is time to take a look at what is making headlines around the globe. we are going to start with reactions to brazil's national museum going up in flames. >> millions of priceless treasures have perished. comparable to a national suicide. the newsppper says a country dies when its own history is destroyed. pe have seen some spectacular images likk the one you see the paper has put together 10 oo the valuabbe treasures that have been lost including a prehistoric dinosaur assembled in bbazil. we have mummies of pre-columbian people. in museum housed the largest collection of egyptian culture in latin america. thealss have the stall of
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oldest human gone. they also focus onnthe causes of the blaze. manyyblaming the country's3 gone up in flames. the website explains that austerity has restricted hospitals and univerrities and much of the public sector and brazil. -- in brazil. obviously did not get the rennvation it needdd for one of the presidential candidates, she has likened it to a lobotomy of3 >> in france, there is a call to step up the fight against climate change. >> it is making the front page. over 200 personalities have -- have penned a column.
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it issa question of srvival they want. at the pace wet are going, here will be nothing left of oor in decades. there is still tiie to do something about it, but we havv to act now. thee urge strong political decisions that could be unpopular, but are crucial to protecting the environment. it is -- it is all part of oor lifestyle. on the topic of the llfestyle, the guardian is talking bout a worrying trend in the u.k. around 2 million people took part in a hard age test -- a heart age test. researchers found thaa four out of five dults have hearts damaged beyond the actual age of the person. researchers blame lack of activity, obesity, smoking. all of these factors. those taking part in the survey, one thirr of them have hearrs
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phe peeple themselves. from the fight against belgium's warmto -- belgium's war with the french lynwood. p> belgium has declared war on the french language. it is not an easy language to leern. you haveeall the rules. you have all the exceptions too the ruues. are neiggbor to the northeast wants to do away with some of the ruless in particular, the past3 iffyou say for instance, i have eaten and apple, it is conjugated the same way irrespective f the gender of the object. if you say the apple that i have eaten, it has to be conjugated it can be tricky. it can be tiresome. belggum wants to do awwy with
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the rules and others. it reflects a debate around simplifyinggthe french language ttat is often accused of being elittst and reinforcing sociocultural inequality. >> the new yorker estival has pulled a special guest afttr a twitter bacc lash. >> former donald trump eight steve then and -- former donald trump aid steve bannon was supposed to be interviewed bb david rrmnick. then came the bbck lash by the --ff team who accused remnick whoncluded jim carrry threatened to boycott the festival. been in has called -- steve bannon has called remnick gutlesss forhool has come under fire
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matthew carney: we'veve come to one of thehe world's least hospitable places in the depepths of f winter. this is the time to find the practitioners of an ancient disappearing tradition, the last eagle hunteters of momongolia. to get to the authentic eagle hunters, we have to endure some extreme conditions,
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