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tv   France 24  LINKTV  September 14, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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by the will of his own than ever that reports in brooklyn resources [inaudible] for nine he's on the final day of local local. action some sometime from first. gigi day date in. president donald trump. gentleman of model strike right as sure sure if for any change in the second while while. things i sex is the us us.
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six hundred we all we all less less. in san francisco would be local -- clementine mission something i'm just not. on its online a changes in the management of the fight fight an exam. change and some some of the files also i find that it does provide a load of that from units in this little regional journalism and as well as what it. represents is instantly became the st street for the local level conference here this is a showcase good new. action old old old old product. she'll she'll take series
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regional shines like. six to straight away which means that i had i jim we might. that's an enormous portion. number of education. yeah. just just a little little not my daughter honors is like this evening. com contested collect collect sixty and sensible moms. that's my main man. on one when the home was gone from using it again like let that really we they learn a learning composting
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is i suddenly in their lunch [inaudible] of course. because he does not want hi. to call and make sure that. to do something. should show that the name a program for a few days as a game that. when i was i was on arsenal's in the ring the ring the bell building they are there we go on? some days handheld. million users a little trouble with him can jim channel nine a model town center [inaudible] right right little italy always well why why was
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closed for the further on this one is twenty told us. he's basically today's to charge on one charge of the combat. just the other guy. of a commissioners. to serve [inaudible] united states. a little more than i do do away with the old man a man of in the form of a migraine laney and oppressed residents act and he did he didn't exactly. tell self has a that's fine but what this is gives gives call madam out of the former campaign chairman a little bit seems him that challenge congress gave gave up that possible second i can remember. what has already been made
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in vain vain? in a previous trial laws on it's going to take place. you have capital i'm from paul mana mana for it's a it's a cooperation agreement now well no no no no. frank phrasing how all this. remove remove me how how. does full mana mana which will usually be alienating give you. will it will it i've done it has had on the u. s. u. s. friends his self self we frank frankly don't know this called. me but it only goes as far as the results of the man well that well then entails a little mad amount of will bloom was a same ramping thing he possible you know knows about about -- from his account. although interment also
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delusion whether we yes he is getting getting up. close to a white house. you know just just looking at his first first of all the of the instruction -- met lately -- you especially like more and more employee in the in the tense silence losing between israel tramp. kind of kind of going into next availability but don't don't. just awestruck judge justice while while he was ready ready. i get a case is also to a poem out of my notes and was eventually found councilman now now this deal deal we when i wasn't ways we see. the site faq how to do it in
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the end the end with you if you accidentally simply pay dividends at at at the so the white house in in its in a statement it is a resurrected todd bought. this concert going towards a light weight and the you know you're as president has has said so. in an office that he transferred still madam i don't even. for a four mont. channel seven during during the republican mentioned you had a had a front row seats every every it was has had within within a truck i'm campaign fellow don't believe that the whole madam out of willow's going to into it flip flip so. to say but he has now and he has no three billion dollars always that that it was it was because it.
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it was one of my size world will see scene since the ninety nine says he's from the prime ryan grigson exact now it has it has a sense of self sometime but you talk about. eight one thousand eight a large. three three precipitating the global. cry crisis. how did it happen? i mean the child i was in the u. s.. higher higher fuel you might say credit. this is so cool. it is already ready to implement saw rather rather.
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dry dry -- brokers and bankers this is also right market last nigh. chris trees response. from 200-011-2000 six six on more more more double double the recently sent. back together. and send without without souls off off off off without without vengeance or something. sign right there. the police returned thank thank on the other and the great existence economics major financial institutional.
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again again please ourselves by titles as seven seven up so. i think i grew up in a really really hate change when the engine failed. now you the situation was getting out of control in the panhandle pulling in the background since even larger government bailout. and the worst worst financial crisis was just getting started. now the numbers these mysteries election as as as as they they have a coil or russia russian law plotters. to switch off. attacking. the split split. for what he did and they had attended with weapons no strikes they'd hague and read with forty forty and
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i'd like also. maintain case. it is there for government any diligently national sci fi legend tend. to los friday daily three daily how can i guess i can i can and does does. the reported that. she worked well dialed pretended to try to have a woman in the netherlands to switzerland identified by lab. this with we had attended a jg m. died what want to touch on world locked out badakhshan generally not yet the initiation. we can visit is that a cell phone. ugh had nothing on tragedy
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for social close late show shelton dry drives with structural and engine people still single street street in. right right pleasantly smashed. to ground zero from simply. all this on a small. eleven eleven six exhorting winning churchill's in general holy holy men. it's been. one month since [inaudible] the city [inaudible] three a lot of one on one hundred i
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mean like ground zero zero you your your if i go back but i'm definitely [inaudible] six a because this is going. to it's an italian citizens arrest eighteen twenty twenty localization asian. connection we should return. but many many. yeah. it's a it's something the phone only it's a little of us. i hope i think there is noting. connect on these. five jenna
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general has has to be. structured with one of our main mainly. twenty twenty have it however. and right right -- ridge ridge totaled construction is yet again within within seven months. now cultural thank you very much indeed peacemaking trust trust us. you want to on your today i and if i decide to do that it's not so useful subclasses. i'd like to very very informative and i'm not. communities on on sexual. to
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really get to the church connection. well what i can make use use to reviewing. with what went on holiday the i'm not i'm not reflect light what i what i drank nineties and i wanna. and that's what i'm. going to miss is well well she's. well my only national share tears must not have opposes taken. it's in the middle of log launched on tour. doesn't -- but isn't it suits you national economies. it is.
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hard to do that old against canelo. over the last quarter century. so i want. a little longer. all all in bowling green community whine whine. because a good movement in many many things but on on do everything. yet of i'm very very. you know you know you know. for some time now a do. well in this initiative. i do. work very very well [inaudible] very [inaudible] little.
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all in the on the the the hershey cnn ibn khan bani he'd be relying on known government funding kill or hurt your going. okay. so much are sorry not with us professor. thank you very much indeed. thank you. for your efforts are sorry ibm is nestled when you recycle a ledge of injuries from start of course because this is this is not just. in iraq out right across from from. are you two wheels is that is that it all in fact fact the government and the other candidates at the present press.
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three hundred listen i can accept. it seems like this is susie as a as a high price incident in twenty twenty cd the same vasquez skeptical to say to say the least their interest in this life sized i don't. just just by his also on the on 90% any any today i cycle your done done this it is. one one six two one or sinusitis according according to a recent poll. this is a slightly. who knows why? jump jump. is president of it as an issue she caught hold of which was highlighted the plane playing against white white. male over what including
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because i lack of a commitment to teaching transport run around three billion leave minus minus i was as expected was. locked. in the day to day collapse of early medieval rather awesome sub listen listen online you think. i think. and when we talk about about fast times each week how did it happened and what what you learn learn from it the glass. and other brothers was hurting pretty [inaudible] the trick. licensing regression russian and fell out. today today regular. her changing with the big thing is particular dealers you this around the world world owned by an hour now
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exiting how would how would you invent things you were doing your tires on textbooks goes into the chilly seas. nonsense as ours on things and he's in a cell for the financial system in let's see to a to of his and land is sometimes i can rest rest rest tests to show insurance on when we buy spices. institutions of portal screen click i can't wait. does it'll it'll seven seventy five union available online actually she she does so when she sex after. yet devised by changing seasons but about the line using all sorts of instances
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with blah blah name name. on the line. according to your state's. judgments illegally accessing any money being spent on a long lost. nine banks please looking to the next frances performing the noise. of the fees for single entry room from the from the that that we have. it was to take take action ten chinese mass. six six five there is a much much much much more. there's a there's a lot of laps in our special edition of one process it. saturday i ninety four if i
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am here. time you can also. transfer to come. when i connect with three other banks? day to day [inaudible] timing. one of one of the richest men mad as he's. going. he may may decide in advance and entertainer to market even different friends we knew when we there's still when can cause considerable. on on oct twenty one will fall on tree trees as he has his attack how here here in a minute [inaudible]
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day date [inaudible] pressing [inaudible] his. getting an economic crisis but as well as well. shina secure. it's going to be what what what. today today we assign signing when sleazy reimbursements outcrop fraud by the harsh red and it has been a little of millions on dollars and and best. let's take a look now now this is a business we knowing. our precious rental. rates redeem team three
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three four five times twenty twenty fourteen technology [inaudible] transaction. one seven seven five five seven seven seven hi hi expected to dating saying he should. have limit limit. three three grove road. project rain rain and endin. double double digit inflation. let's check it out [inaudible] attention walls. and that is ready. to million dollar dollar sign shiners goods all major major indexes included right right after the news they
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were covered cover lightly. all all lately [inaudible] while ago. charles was for the broke they were they were. damn manage greenery cross border. flows. forman since july line item by. donald tell which way friends act out within within recent. what? is that restaurants and hotels. all told the sub. not quite. because according to this is this is a good because from. this device is responsible for the exact.
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please wait. place businesses. as always only had like really gross closes. he states texas is. i just i just as a remedy gee whiz i sign going god. will train train in. hello mobile while watching she feelings on what work but you can. find them. from this restaurant. six selection of he's able. a trend right in this entry. not found within his yes yeah we really were successful. because okay [inaudible]
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john john [inaudible] while. sounds like a very very loxñ÷y÷=÷osów >m
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