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tv   France 24  LINKTV  October 23, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> europe now presented by katherine nickelson on france 24 and france >> hello, you're watching live from paris here on france 24. i'm rochelle harrisson. good to have you with us. here are the headlines. want turkish leaderer dough again speaks out about the killing of khashoggi, demanding punishment for those who played a role. the u.s. is ready to build up its nuclear stockpile. that from donald trump in a threat to russia and china. as he mulls pulling out of the cold war era nuclear treaty.
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and an assault on our country. president trump slams a migrant caravan heading from central america to the united states as he talks tough on immigration during a midterm rally in texas. also coming up this hour, after a string of high-profile dropouts from saudi arabia's flagship investment conference, we'll tell you who is still going to the event in our business update. that and more here on life in paris. - live from paris. >> good to have you with us. he promised to reveal the naked truth. the turkish president has spoken out about the killing of saudi journalist jamal khashoggi, telling him that the killing was a assassination planned in
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advance. he's demanding saudi arabia provide answers but didn't go as far as directly blaming the country'ss leadership.p. ankara says it has strong evidence "the washington post" journalist was murdered at the saudi consulate in istanbul on the second of october. >> the information and the evidence that we have collected so far indicates that jamal could showingy was -- could brutally khashoggi was murdered. we expect all those to be brought to justice and punished accordingly. there are strong indications the incident was not an accident that broke out unexpectedly but rather the result of a planned operation. >> more on this we go to jasper france 24 correspondent in ankara. what were the main takeways from
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that speech by the turkish president? he promised to reveal the naked truth. did he? >> no, he didn't. but he did say some things. i think you can bring down what he said into four points. firstly that the murder was planned. it w was planned from when khkhashoggi firsrst entereded t istanbul consulalate four days before he enterered it t the se time and kililled. the president idid the saudi governmement says he died in th fist fightht. but ththe evidedence points to being killed in something that was s anned. secondly, he called it a savage murder, tt he didn't say whyhy t was vavage. how heas killeled. er dough again repeatedly -- erdogen said we have the evidence but didn't sasay what wawas. we didn'gett any furtheretail
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about what the press has been rereportin for thehe last two weeks.s. there was no mentionon of tore susure. eree was no mention of mud on the w walls. no mention of his body being set up. thirdly,y, he said the killers were 15-man team that f flue fr saudi arabia to -- flue -- flew from saudi arabia to istanbul. ththis team included s security force m members. saudi intelligence e members. and a a forensic scicientist. usus, hee saiaid, the 15 were joined by three consulatete sta whwho collaboborated in the mur he said this kes thee 18 people ththat the saudi arabia governmt has put under arrest. fourthly, he e criticized saudi arabia for taking so longg to allow investigators to enter the consulate. i think it was a about eight da. and alsoo denyiying that khasho
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had died in the consulate for so long. >> turkey says it has strong evidence, but they didn't produce any of it during that speech earlier today. what's next? ere to from here? >> i think t this m means we're going to have to wait for the turkisis prosecucutors' report all the detetails to come out a for them to say exactly what thisis evidence is. this was repeatetedly referrrre. he did say the police were still investigating and we still don't know where had a showingy's body s been buried -- khashoggigi's bobody is. theyey are confident they wiwil find t the body. thee latest saudi version is thy gave khashoggi's body to, quote,
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a locacal collaborator. in hisis speech erdogen said wh is this local collaborator? one thing's for sure, if f a turning did dispose of thatat body, he will be an accomplice to the crime and will he get into trouble. > thank you very much. france 24's correspondentant in ankara. staying with the story and joined on set by robert parsons france 24's chief foreign editor. rob, everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting to discover what exactly erdogen would say, what he would reveal during that speech. it seems he didn't reveal the naked truth. >> you're right. he promised the naked truth but didn't lay bare the naked truth. the bottom line. the question is, why was that? one can only surmise that he's been under immense pressure not
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to reveal the truth. probably first of all from the united states, which needs saudi arabia as a crucial ally in its strategy alliance against iran -- strategic alliance against iran. november 5, the united states will be putting sanctions on iranian oil. a lot of oil will stop pumping on to the international markets. the united states is relying on saudi arabia to pump the difference. if saudi arabia is in turmoil, it might not be able to do that or willing to do that. the united states has a lot at stake here and wants to make sure that things keep running smoothly. the pressure on erdogen would have been enormous. most of all what he has managed to do is demonstrate he has got cards still to play. i don't think anybody doubts that. he is the key to it. he remains the key to all this. he hasn't played his cards. and what everybody suspects that he can if he wants to.
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that he feels he absolutely needs to. he remains in extremely strong position. one thing i thought was interesting that he said was that he believes in the sincerity of king salman. he drew a sharp distinction between the ruling saudi king and those beneath him. first and foremost, of course, the crown prince, the m.b.s. as he's known. that i think is a crucial point. t's one, i think, it's a position of difference that president erdogen will seek to exploit. we -- he would be very happy to see the crown prince brought down a peg or two or sidelined. whether that's possible. whether it will happen is another matter. it certainly seems to be the direction i would surmise that -- in which the president is moving. >> both friends and foes of saudi arabia have rejected its
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explanation of events since the crisis broke a few weeks ago. who are riyadh's allies right now? >> few and far between. it's interesting that russia has kept pretty much silent on this. the russians simply said they had noted what the saudis said. they clearly noted that the saudis have changed their position over the last couple of weeks. but more support, more actively supportive we're seeing saudi arabia's regional allies. its allies in particular in the r against the houthis in bahrain. ait, and and egypt which expressed its respect for the law and desire to see justice delivered. not many people around the world at this moment would be in much sympathy with that position, but locally there's no doubt that those regional allies are staying onboard with saudi arabia at the moment. >> thank you very much for that.
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robert parsons there, france 24's chief foreign editor. after weeks of conflicting accounts, riyadh now admits khashog gy. was killed but a rogue operation. ankara has promise add full investigation with the president saying key questions remain unanswered. the shocking case has dominated global headlines for weeks with each new detail that comes to light. turkish authorities say they'll hold nothing back. cole looks back at the events since the second of october. >> on october 2, jamal khashoggi was last seen entering the saudi consulate in istanbul. his fiance awaiting outside alerted authorities when he didn't return. tv footage showed a car convoy arrived in the consulate before the journalist. two hours after he entered the building, the convoy drove to the consulate general's residence some 200 meters away. five days later, turkish
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authorities told reuters they identify add saudi team that arrived in istanbul on the night before he disappeared. the first official reaction, u.s. president donald trump said he's waiting for more information, but that he wouldn't like to scrap the weapons deals he has sealed with the saudis. >> i don't like stopping massive amounts of money that's being poured into our country. >> that same day of october 11, "the washington post" revealed the turks had key evidence. officials in istanbul s said th found recordings proving khashoggi had been killed.. the next day, saudi authorities rejected what they called baseless accusations. but under pressure, they eventually granted access to the consulate and on october 15, forensic experts searched the building at last. >> the investigation is looking into many things such as toxic materials found in the consulate and those materials being painted over. >> that day after a call with
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king salman, president trump said that perhaps khashoggi watts killed but the murder may have been carried out by rogue operatives >> the king firmly denied any knowledge of it. he didn't really know, maybe -- don't want to get into his mind, but it sounded to me like maybe these could have been rogue killers. who knows? >> the next day u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo arrived in riyadh for a crucial meeting with the crown prince before heading for a defining visit to ankara. in istanbul, investigators searched the consul's residence for the first time. the turkish press revealed gruesome details from the audio recording, and reported the consul general's voice was identified on the tape. authoritities then began searchg this forest where they say his remains may have been taken. they also questioned 15 turkish employees of the saudi consulate. hours later the announcement
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came from r riyadh vivia state memedia, admitting that jamal khashoggi had died in the consulate but claiming he was killed in a fist fight with people he met there and that a number of saudis were being held as suspects. on october 20, the saudi foreign minister gave an interview to fox news acknowledging that khashoggi was murdered, the killing was s done by inindivid who acted outside the crown prince's authority. >> moving on to other world news now. donald trump says the u.s. is ready to bolster its nuclear arsenal. it comes after the u.s. leader said the country do walk away from a cold war era nuclear treaty. accusing moscow of violating the agreement. the russians warned that as you us pullout could cripple global security. trump's comments now sparking fears of a nuclear arms race. > we will build it up.
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russia has not adhered to the agreement. it should haveve been done year ago. until people come to their senses we have more money than anybody else by far, we'll build it up. >> while the u.s. leader is once again talking tough on immigration, this time at a midterm rally in texas. accusing democrats of, quote, encouraging millions of illegal aliens to break our laws and overwhelm our nation. with election day just around the corner, trump is hoping to drive republican turnout by highlighting his hard line immigration policies. targeting a migrant caravan heading from central america to the southern u.s. border. the president slamming the caravan as an assault on our country. >> just the thing he needed. toto rile up his b base. donald trump has jumped on the caravavan bandwagon. referring to a migrant caravan
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making its way to the u.s. border, trump has again placed immigration at the certainty of his rallies. just before the midterm. >> you know how the caravan started? does everybody know what this means? i think the democrats had something to do with it. and now they are saying i think we made a big mistake. >> the u.s. president also made largely unsupported claims on twitter. the middle easterners and criminalals were part of the grp of central amemerican migrants. most are from honduras, el salvador, and guatemala. the president said he would be cutting the funding of those nations, a move that can be made with the ok from congress. for years caravans like this one have inchinged their way from central america to the u.s. border. young men, women, children fleaing violence and hardship. joining together for both protection 40's long journey and to call attention to their plight this. one is the largest to date.
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7,000. many are aware that their trey vails are being used for political ends. >> trump isn't scared of the caravan. trum is using the caravan to win congress torques win the senate. >> anti-immigration rhetoric was a central part of trump's strategy in the presidential elections. revving up his base for the mid terms, the issue of immigration has again become a political chip. >> you're watching live from paris here on fox 24. a reminder of our headlines. we want answers turkish leader speaks out about the killing of saudi journalist khashoggi demanding punishment for those who played a role. and the u.s. is ready to build up its nuclear stockpile. that from donald trump in a threat to russia and china as he mulls pulling out of the cold ar-era nuclear treaty.
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time for a look at the business news. you are starting with -- you have been looking at the investment conference that began today in saudi arabia. the list of attendees is much shorter than planned. >> the future investment initiative conference is meant to attract investors and policymakers to discuss saudi arabia's plan to diversify its economy. since the death of jamal khashoggi, with some of the biggest names set to attend have dropped out like the i.m.f. christine lagarde and the u.s. treasury secretary. the business figures who pulled out are big names. the bosses of french energy giants e.d.f., j.p. morgan, and black rock, and the c.e.o. of uber. some of these companies will be represented by lower level staff. the list for those who confirmed they are going is shorter. pakistan's prime minister. also the french oil company
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total. they recently signed a $9 billion contract saudi aramco. the saudi minister admitted times were tough. >> we're going through a crisis of sorts resulting from the very regrettable and abhorrent incidents that took place in turkey. nobody in the kingdom can justify it or explain it. from the leadership on down, we're very upset. >> many american companies have chosen to stay away from the saudi conference. there are still major economic ties between washington and riyadh. namely in the trade of oil and weapons. emeril maxwell has more. >> saudi arabia has promised to retalant sanctions leveled against it. a threat that donald trump seems to have taken to heart.
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at the world's largest oil exporter, riyadh could send prices soaring if it decides to cut production. the saudi kingdom actually has less clout in the u.s. economy than the past. in 2003, it was a country's largest supplier of president trump. -- of petroleum. it made up less than 12% of imports last year as tracking and renewables increased -- fracking and renewables increased in n the united state with the vast oil fieields to protect andon going war in jemen, they are the largest arms importer in terms of value and more than half of the i am ports come from the u.s. last year trump signed $110 billion defense of riyadh and u.s. manufactuturers who s stan benefit have r reportedly expressed concerns about the impact of the freeze. the u.s. economy as a whole, sales may got just 0.13% of its worldwide exports. that doesn't mean sanctions wouldn't hurt. saudi government money flows
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into many american companies, including silicon valley start-ups, wells u.s. universities and think tanks. riyadh is looking for more foreign investment. to diversify its economy away from oil and address a high unemployment rate. >> it's an ugly day in the market. the trading floor is worried over saudi arabia and the italian budget rattling investors. we have falls across the major european markets after similar falls in asia earlier. a big selloff there in the markets to the italian ftse made a half%. one year of tradey just $1.15 and 88 pence sterling. >> returning next to b.m.w. which is recalling more than a million diesel cars. >> it's over a problem with the exhaust system that could potentially cause a fire. the german carmaker says it will contact its sellers who will talk to people who may have
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bought the affected cars. vehicles will then be checked and repaired if they are found to be faulty. they have already recalled almost half a million cars over this issue back in august. >> bad news as well for the french carmaker. >> they have seen their revenues drop by 6% between july and september. the slowdown exacerbated by currency fluctuations of meerging markets and the cost of company leaving the iranian markets. sales plunchinged in turkey but grew by 9% in europe. the company shares are down around % in paris. >> finally, japan is to stop providing development aid to china for next year. >> that's right. turkey was talking about this development assistance in 1979. and since contributed more than 2 billion euroloans. abe is expected to announce
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haufment china actually overtook japan as the word's second largest economy in 2010. many people are wondering why they are continuing with development aid. >>dy not know that. learn something new every day. thank you for that. time now for the press review with a c closer look at the nternational papers. good to see you d.t. it's still all about the assassination of saudi journalist jamal can shogey in istanbul -- khashoggi. they are facing a conundrum to deal with the fallout. >> you have international anger building over the saudis' handling of crisis. as for the spanish daily, it's not so easy for spain. spain is the seventh largest
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exporter to saudi arabia with trade deals valued at 17 billion euros. the spanish leader says the paper says is in a complicated equal lib brieam. the criticism he'll cut for not ending the arms exports is a lesser evil compared to the eventual rupture of such lucrative contracts with the monarchy. where do you draw the moral line? he's not the only one. pakistan's prime minister has given one of his first interviews to the foreign press, this time to british daily the independent. he's heading to riyadh for that business forum that's been boycotted by a lot of international attendees. he can in this interview he tells the independent that pakistan is simply desperate for money. if they don't get it from their ally, saudi arabia, they'll have to turn to the i.m.f. and that comes with heavy strings attach. he does admit what happened in turkey has shocked all of us. >> moving on to another story
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that's also full of intrigue. that is the kid mapping of africa's youngest billionaire in tanzania. >> a his name is muhammad doogi, 43-year-old billionaire seized earlier this month from a hotel gym in the capital of tanzania. last week he was returned home safely after a police hunt and a series of arrests were made. he attributed divine intervention for his release. that's what they say, without offering more details on the situation. the british daily, the times, says it could be indicative of something more sinister, he did serve as an m.p. briefly. his celebrity is really derived from his family's self-made wealth, philanthropy, and stake in a football club. this makes him a threat to the ruling president who is known for making his opponents' rivals, and critics disappear. add to that rumors that military trained south africans were
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allegedly involved in the kid mapping that the hotels' c.c.t. footage strangely produced no incriminating images. all of this taking place in a safe neighborhood. you have all the indgreed ynts for an intriguing plot. >> here in france, aids to president macron have revealed that being the leader of this country is starting to take a toll on him. >> even for macron. can you believe it? he's only 40 but his inner circle says his first 18 months has exused him. he lost weight. he looks exhausted. and haloed cheek, quoting. slumping popularity. macron reportedly sleeps just three to four hours a night. to the to mention late nights, hectic travel. all starting to show on his face. he's already made 66 foreign trips and three times as many trips in france in just a year and a half. he can cannot look forward to aging even more. we all know it toll took on
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president barack obama. >> no one said the job of president was easy. in the u.s., a display of the controversial new see yum of the bible has been found to be fake. >> the museum of the bible, it's a half a billion dollar museum erected by evangelical bill yar steve green not far from the white house. he's well-known for his ultraconservative views on contraception. at this museum five of the most valuable exhibits purporting to be dead sea scrolls have actually turned out to be fake and the daily mail says 90% of the museum's dead sea scroll collection might be fake. if you're going to spend half a billion dollars on a museum, you might want to check the awe ten tissity. >> 90% is enormous. finally a. hitchhiker in ustralia -- finally, a hitchhiker in australia had the ultimate ride. >> scott hill debran, was hoping to get a ride from brisbane
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airport to the popular coastal resort for those who don't know it. he happened to come across "author" actor chris helmsworth and a buddy. he said he didn't know who they were. he saw they were
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campbell: it's the world's biggest island and potentially its biggest problem. man: ifif you were toto melt the w whole greenland i ice shet here, we''re talkinababout aroud 7 meters sea level ris campbell: global warming isn't a theory here. it's life. second man: this is ground zero for climate change, yeah. [man singing in greenlandic] campbell: we're on a journey through an ancient land giving a glimpse of our future. some fefear the anange, ansosome ca't wait. [giggling] woman: it would be nicer to be warr.


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