tv France 24 LINKTV December 5, 2018 5:30am-6:01am PST
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and to key republican senators say everything by the head of the cia has only strengthened their belief that saudi arabia's crown prince directed the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi ending support. what is more important? your health or your job? factory workers are willing to risk cancer from pollution. and a handwritten letter from albert einstein sold for close to $3 million at auction. expressing doubts about god coming up. ♪
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will start in france were the yellow vest protesters are determined to hit the streets again this saturday. it is not enough to meet their demand. the government to back track a 500 million euroro relief packa. itit marks the first time ththe president has caved in in the face of public anger. has spiraled into a bigger movement against emmanuel l macn himself that hasas been dubbed e president of the rich. >> on social media, the calls for another demonstration this saturday are multiplying. after last saturday's violent clashes, suspending an energy tax hike, the participants are
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wondering, should they take their vests off or continue. -- for many,bvious the answer is obvious. >> the government will be closely watching how many protesters travel to the capital saturday. they ask for the more moderate activists to stay out of paris. disassociate with extremists and not protest in paris. >> the city has asked for previously planned gatherings to be postponed. and a holiday adopt a pet drive. the organizers of the climate march have decided to maintain their rally. heard duringvoices the climate conference, the
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interior minister has called on the police to refine their tactics and keep violence from occurring. new w methods need to be put in place. peace talks and at four years of war in yemen are due to be held in sweden. the humanitarian crisis has fallen apart and never even got off the ground. circumstances have changed dramatically raising hope for a long-sought political reconciliation. it is now due to sit back with representatives of the hutu rebels. sides. the two the murder of jamal khashoggi,
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outrage has galvanized support for ending the war. a group of senators. and key republican lawmakers say they are convinced saudi crown --nce momma did solomon mohammad bin salman ordered it. >> they heard the details from the secretary of defense. in the't good enough leaders of the u.s. senate. gina haskell, they are all the same.
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military support is for the saudi involvement. it's something very rare indeed. not just in yemen but as a punishment for the killing of jamal khashoggi. as there has been a new twist in the trunk russia investigation. robert mueller says the former national security advisor michael flynn should not be sent to prison for lying to the fbi. flynn gave assistance in the meddling. the trump administration has repeatedly called that probe a witchhunt. substantial assistance.
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19 entities, firsthand information, and help collecting the dots. as they investigate investigateg with u.s. elections. the government lawyers said the will be to plead guilty forthcoming. and flynn was a national security advisor for just 24 days. a light sentence of possibly no jail time and no fine. they wrote the former army general should've known better.
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it comes a similar team is preparing briefs for other people. they will explain how paul manafort reached a plea deal. it should finally provide written answers to mueller's questions. the special prosecutor could come early next year. george herbert walker bush will be honored at a funeral service in washington. they say their final goodbyes. , steeringof americans
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the nation through turbulent times including the end of the cold war. it is crunch time for theresa may. the prime minister has opened a five-day debate ahead of the final vote next tuesday. sorry, we're going to go to london. another rough day for the prime minister there in parliament. the second day of the brexit debate. >> theresa may will lose this vote. day, two found she was in contempt of parliament and opposed the
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government to publish the legal received onabinet the compromise deal negotiated with the eu. governmentforced the , this was a request within the publication that has just been acknowledged. excuse to vote against theresa may's brexit deal. the could be locked within the customs union throughout the future negotiations. this because of the insurance they say no to theresa side, the the other
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you have suppoport for that referendum that's growing. and you have s support for the norway style, that softer form of exit. >> the second part of the brave the debate is underway. handwritten letter has been auctioned off for almost $2.9 million. in the letter sent to 1939 to philosopher eric it can, einstein doubts the existence of god. was the record. looking at today's top stories. and to key republican senators says the cia has strengthened
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their belief that saudi arabia's crown prince directed the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi. you have been looking at the global market selloff. , the optimismes quickly gave way to confusion and skepticism that any concrete solution would be found. trump responded shortly after saying that there would be a real deal or no deal at all. the confusing back-and-forth capital one financial markets. heavy losses and afternoon trading.
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>> what we're here to do is to present our investment. we madade a big step forward. andre in quite advanced strengthen the american automotive industry. says they're willing to risk how much it is polluting. the total pollution, but locals say losing their jobs is worse than potentially getting cancer. >> the town of toronto is home to the steelworks which is
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notorious for spewing out unsafe levels of toxins. asked 10,000t employees if the factory should be shut down instead and 94% chose their jobs over their health. >> their 15% higher here than elsewhere. >> there are not many job opportunities here. it is up to the government to be thinking about this. >> one in every six households depends on the existence but it poses serious health risks.
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cancer is 55% higher than the national average. installed.was the levels of pollution are so high, the children are not allowed to play out. boosting productivity and curbing pollution. the governrnment has announced a plan to clean up pollution in the town without detailing when it will be launched. >> dropping exotic animal skins from future collections. >> chanelle is the first luxury brand to make this kind of a pledge. made from materials like crocodile, python, or stingray were a huge cash cow. but it is getting difficult to source it ethically. animal rights groups feeling the
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move as an example other luxury brands should follow. >> now time for the press review. >> with me on the set to take a look today. if will start with international reaction to the french government decision to suspend the fuel tax hikes. attempt to a piece the anger of the yellow vest movement, it won't be enough. macron kazen, but the yellowjacket protesters vow to stay on and are planning more protests later in the week. slamming the government for not attacking the real issues at the heart of this, they need better and more forsions
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all french workers. crumbs are not enough, the paper says. roosters portrayed as a who has his head cut off, presumably by yellow vest movement. >> politico says the fridge leadership has played his hand in the yellow vest movement has called his bluff. the street power is back on in france. this is the first time the government is willing to bend. now a writer says that they don't condone the movement but this is the president
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why he's good at lecturing us about how we should cut back on the ways we pollute the environment. macron has the stinky odor of globalism and arousing the fury of the protesters. >> u.s. president donald trump seems to be confused. >> the u.s. president took the presidentf the u.s. took credit for inspiring the french president to do so. all of this clearly untrue and a very bizarre series of events.
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his own climate policy doesn't really path the smell test. see them pumping carbon dioxide, a colorless and odorless gas. up is worth it. >> donald trump has called himself tariff man. gift seemed like a internet users, sending all of us into much-needed comic relief. he is a fake north korean twitter account.
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one user notes there is already a cartoon cu that to accompany tariff man. his heat fighting job losses and raising prices, a man of steal terrace. >> he presented his argument at a town board meeting this week with nearly an century old local law there. is about missile throwing. he really wants to throw snowballs at his younger brother. they voted in favor of his motion.
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>> christmas is almost upon us. april has asked brits to have the worst christmas jokes. census figures in itself -- santa's favorite singer is elfis presley. what do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? >> a stick. >> who is rudolph's favorite singer? beyonsleigh. >> it makes us laugh. 16 from watching and don't forget that you can get a closer look. the next french connection is coming up. in the next half-hour, who are
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brandon: my e experience is so difffferent than a mainlanand chinese, it wouldn't be authentic for me to try to cook food for mainland china because that's not me, and that's not my audience. my audience is san francisco,o, and these cross-cultural exexchanges a are the basis for how food evolves. i feel like whatat we'rere seeig in this next wave of this generation of american cooks is this newfound confidence in valuing our traditions and its impact t on the foood culture in americaca.
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