tv Democracy Now LINKTV December 5, 2018 8:00am-9:00am PST
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this is a special edition of the w. news live from berlin the united states bids farewell. to former president george h. w. bush. the forty first president died at the age of ninety four last friday. these are live pictures of the state funeral in washington and will provide complete coverage of the service. all my life thank you so much for your company everyone and welcome to our special report on this national day of mourning in the united states in honor.
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of former president george hw bush she died on friday at the age of ninety four these are live pictures of the funeral service at one okay theater members of the forty first presence family are due. to arrive shortly the motorcade has just arrived at the washington national cathedral the hearse made its way down pennsylvania avenue with crowds lining the streets. on the sidewalks are trying to catch a glimpse of the hearse will the casket of former president -- bush has been lying in state since monday in the rotunda of the capitol building. where -- mourners including president donald trump and the first lady malattia have been paying their respects. here in germany george bush senior will be remembered as a president. closely linked to the historic events that mark the end of the cold war and brought about german reunification. and of course as is customary out with the presidential what state
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funerals are a lot of pomp and circumstance and military honors will be paid will be staying in washington. bringing you live coverage of the for all sort of foot for funeral service excuse me is scheduled to get under way you're very shortly dignitaries and statesman from around the world. are attending the ceremony - i'm now joined here in the studio by our chief political correspondent when the crane and the following today's events from our washington bureau is stefan a siemens and demise reader is our washington based reporter. she is out and about near the washington national cathedral of where the your service will get under way monk momentarily. as americans get ready to a bit their last goodbyes to the forty first president let's go to my our first -- amaya can you tell us what you're saying for the past couple of hours the crowds behind me have been filling in on the sidewalks really a shoulder and she can foul here -- trying to catch a glimpse of
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the casket as it went by just a few minutes ago and the motorcade carrying all the dignitaries were standing. right in front of the entrance to the cathedral where they will be entering. the very somber respectful moved out here on the streets that people bidding farewell to a president who's really considered the the last of a generation he represented a different tim. in american politics very different from -- what we're seeing now of people talk a lot about -- what a unifying figure he was during his time in office how bipartisan he was and -- i also just what a good guy he seemed to be or a family man they seem -- to my let's so let's take a moment -- the members of the bush family have arrived and pallbearers are standing there are ready to wear carry the casket. inside the cathedral i think just a moment so from now all this just take a step back and take this and for a
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with faith in jesus christ. receive the body of our brother george for burial. let us pray with confidence to god the giver of life. that he will raise them to perfection in the company of saints. eleven your servant george sovereign lord chris. from all evil. and set him free from everybody. that he may rest with all your saints in the eternal habitations. where with the father and the holy spirit? you live and reign one god for ever and ever [inaudible] all. let us pray also for all who
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mourn. the day may cast their care on god. and know the consolation of his love. almighty god look with pity upon the sorrow of your servants for whom we pray. remember them gracious god in mercy. nourish them with patience. comfort them with a sense of your goodness. your countenance upon them. and give them peace. through jesus christ our lord [inaudible] and someone that has the
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pallbearers carry the caske. in -- to the year cathedral where their service will get under way up very shortly the year bush family members. are following as well former president bush's there as well -- linda most attending of course the service are already in the cathedral but many are describing the sta. as a store of course is very momentous for the bush family -- themselves that his son will be eulogizing him on what are some of the main takeaways of bush senior's life. well what we're seeing here is an official state funeral and it's a way of paying tribute to someone who has - with this kind of a format
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and protocol. and certainly service was the ethic of george hw bush's life and i think -- my it talked about the fact that he's seen as symbolizing a different time and certainly that ethic. was absolutely from the time that -- in essence -- it was started within his own family by his father who was also a senator in washington. also a life of service and to include is -- children with this i think and which in turn george h. w. bush also attempted to pass on to his own children and of course one of them became president. as well so service would be at high on the list of characteristics that i think we remember george hw. bush for certainly another one is his consummate mastery of an extremely turbulent time in history namely the end. of the cold war divisions and what he referred to as
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the beginning at the new world order in fact. it turns out it was the apex of the toward world i remember there were inside now. and we're gonna. listen to the hem of him has just stopped by . i saw a lot of dignitaries are from all over the world a plethora of dignitaries in of course the front row there all the former presidents and first. ladies also in attendance i don't know if we can -- go to rush to find and in washington -- stephan are you there.
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right seven okay we're we're we're seeing of course president at trump there with the first lady of president obama michelle obama interestingly a president trump a will not be speaking. after this a funeral and the it is no secret that the the relationship between the bushes and the trumps is a rocky. one yeah it certainly was -- but i have to say in all fairness it was never planned that -- president trump will be part of the eulogy -- which will be held in a few minutes here -- it was always the plant that his son george w.. bush will holder -- eulogy and then -- brenda and historian and journalist -- who will also speak so that was never the plan however and i have to say that the the bush family made lately and over the summer predominantly? an effort to bring so to speak and that's how it's portrayed here. and the public by the media and by all political sites that. we certainly made an effort to bring the trump.
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administration and donald trump and his wife in back into the fold or into the fold and something in which is described as being a truce between those two families as you both. if you know and as our viewers know that the bush family at jeb bush was a contender in the the brothe. of the youngest brother of george bush fretful -- price sixteen and then make it so attentions were there between the trumps right stuff on as you were explaining that very bruising a presidential. election indeed for jabber busher that he lost -- the bushes are now entering the year national -- cathedral of course a leading at the bush family is the former president. george w. bush -- with his wife for first lady former first lady. barbara bush on i also would like -- to ask you is stephanie if you may i mean -- we're seeing a coming together of leaders that i
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mean a plethora of world leaders will pay homages. lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are well well represented would you say that this moment -- is a moment that the country is coming together in ways it hasn't in recent times. absolutely -- daylight certainly this is a historic event and then linda -- already expended on this this is -- make no mistake that -- for generations of americans who will witness now that a president -- will bury his father who was also president so that -- i think maybe if that happens before then -- we have to go to a hundred years back here when -- john adams was president of that that and then some -- later who wasn't president then -- that burgess father so this is a historic event here and it brings america together in in the morning -- i have to say that -- up to this to this moment -- in the public space people were well aware and we're excited that you to watch
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whoever has faith in me shall have life. even though he died. and everyone who has a wife and has committed himself. to me and say. shall not die. forever. as for me i know that my redeemer lives. and at the last table stand upon the earth. after my waking he will raise me up. and in my body i shall see god. hi my cell cell see. and my eyes behold him. who is my friend? and not a stranger. none of us liveth to himsel. the number comes his own master when he died. or if we have a life we are alive in the lord. and if we die we die and the lord.
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let us pray -- god whose mercies cannot be numbered. accept our prayers on behalf of your servant george. and grant him an entrance into the land of light and joy. in the fellowship of your saints. through jesus christ our lord who lives and reigns with you and the holy spiri. one god now and forever [inaudible] all men .
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a reading from the prophet isaiah. arise shine. for your light has come. and the glory of the lord has risen upon you. for darkness shall cover the earth. and i think darkness the people's. but the lord will arise upon you. and his glory will appear over you. nations shall come to your light. and keys to the brightness of your don. lift up your eyes and look around. they all gather together. they come to you. your sons shall come from far away. and your daughters shall be carried on their nurse's arms.
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then you shall see and be radiant. your heart shall thrill and rejoice. because the abundance of the sea shall be brought to you. and the wealth of the nations shall come to you. violence shall no more be heard in your land. devastation or destruction within your borders. you shall call your walls salvation. and your gates praise. the sun shall no longer be your light by day. nor for brightness shall the moon get lied to you by night. but the lord will be your everlasting light. and your god will be your glory. your son shall no more go down. or your moon withdrawal itself. for the lord will be your everlasting light.
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the story was almost over. even before. it had fully begun. shortly after dawn on saturday september second. nineteen forty four lieutenant junior grade george herbert walker bush. joined by two crew mates. took off from the uss san jacinto. to attack a radio tower on chichi jima. as they approach the target. the air was heavy with flak. the plane was hit. smoke filled the cockpit. flames raced across the wings. my god lieutenant bush thought. this thing's gonna go down. yet he kept the plane and it's thirty five degree div. drop his bombs. and then roared off out to sea.
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telling his crewmates. to hit the silk. following protocol lieutenant bush turn the plane so they could bail out [inaudible] only then [inaudible] did bush. shoot from the cockpit. the win propelled him backward. and he gashed his head on the tail of the plane. as he flew through the sky. he plunged deep into the ocean. bob to the surface and flopped onto a tiny raft. his head is bleeding. his eyes burning. his mouth and throat raw from salt water. the future forty first president of the united states. was alone. sensing that his men had not made it. he was overcome. he felt the weight of responsibility. as a nearly physical burden.
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and he well. then and have four minute shot avenue. a submarine emerge to rescue the downed pilot. george herbert walker bush [inaudible] was safe [inaudible] the story. his story. and ours. would go on by god's grace. through the ensuing decades president bush would frequently asked. nearly daily. he asked himself. why me? why was i spared? and in a sense the rest of his life. was a perennial effort. to prove himself worthy. of his salvation. on that distant morning. to him. his life was no longer his own.
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they were always more missions to undertake. our lives to touch. and more love. to give. and what a headlong race he made of it all. he never slowed down. on the primary campaign trail in new hampshire once. he grabbed the hand of a department store mannequin asking for votes. when he realized his mistake he said? never know gotta ask. you could hear the voice again. to as dana carvey said the key to a bush forty one impersonation is mister rogers trying to be john wayne. george herbert walker bush. was america's last great soldier statesman.
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a twentieth century founding father. he govern with virtues that most closely resemble. those of washington and of atoms. of t. r. and f. t. r.. of truman. and of eisenhower. of men who believed in calls is larger than themselves. six foot two handsome dominant in person. president bush spoke with those big strong hands making this under score points. a master of what franklin roosevelt called the science of human relationships. i believe that too much was given. much is expected. and because life gave him so much. he gave back again and again and again. he stood in the breach in the cold war against a
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as vice president bush once visited a children's leukemia ward in krakow. thirty five years before he and barbara had lost a daughter robin to the disease. in krakow a small boy wanted to greet the american vice president. learning that the child was sick with the cancer that had taken robin. bush. began to cry. do is diary later that day. vice president. said this. my eyes flooded with tears. and behind me was a bank of television cameras. and i thought. i can't turn around. i can't dissolve because of personal tragedy. in the face of the nurses they give of themselves every day. so i stood there looking at
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this little guy. tears running down my cheek. hoping you wouldn't see. but if he did. hoping he could feel. that i love him [inaudible] that. is the real george h. w. bush. a loving man. with a big vibrant all enveloping. heart. and so we ask as we commend his soul to god. and as he did [inaudible] why him? why was he spare? the workings of providence or mysterious but this much is clear. the george herbert walker bush. who survived that fiery fall into the waters of the pacific three quarters of a century ago? made our lives and the lives
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then i saw a new heaven. and a new earth. for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. and the sea was no more. and i saw the holy city. the new jerusalem. coming down out of heaven from god. prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. and i heard a loud voice from the throne saying. see. the home of god is among mortals. he will dwell with them. they will be his people's. and god himself will be with them. he will wipe every tear from their eyes. death will be no more. morning and crying in pain will be no more. for the first things have passed away. then he said to me.
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it is done. i am the alpha and the omega [inaudible] the beginning. and the end. to the thirsty i will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life. those who conquer one hair at these things. and i will be their god. and they will be my childre. and the city has no need of sun. or moon to shine on it. for the glory of god. is it's light. in the land. is the lamb. the nations will walk by its light. and the kings. of the earth will bring their glory into it. its gates will never be shot by day. and there will be no night there. the word of the lord .
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quebec. to make enough money to get. back in the law school. it was a tough job but i was safe and secure. had the added benefit. of my mother's home cooking. every night. on september second. nineteen forty four as we just heard so eloquently. from john. twenty year old lieutenant george bush. was preparing to attack. japanese war installations. in the pacific. he was part of a courageous generation of young americans. to lead the charge against overwhelming odds. in the historic and bloody battle for supremacy in the pacific. against the colossal. military might imperial japan. that's what george bush did. the summer he turned. twenty many men of different talents and skills.
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have served as president. and many more will do so with the decades on full. bringing new strength and glory each of these united states of america. an fifty or a hundred years from now. as historians review the accomplishments. and the context. of all who have served as president [inaudible] i believe. it will be said that in the life of this country. the united states. which is. in my judgment. the greatest democratic republic. that god has ever placed on the face of this earth. i believe it will be said that no occupant of the oval office. with more courageous. more principled. and more honorable. george herbert walker bush. george bush was a man. of high accomplishment the also had a delightful sense of humor. and was a lot of fun.
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at his first nato meeting in brussels. as the new american president. he said all he actually [inaudible] that day. george was taking copious notes. as the heads of government spoke. we were all limited in time [inaudible] the general. it's very flattering to have the press states. take notes as you speak. but even someone as modest as me. right. threw in a few more adjectives here and there to extend the pleasure of the experience. after president nietzsche. prime minister thatcher and chancellor kohl at school. it was for the turn. of the prime minister. of iceland. who as president bush continue to write [inaudible] what on?
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and on and on hello. anything only when the secretary general of nato firmly to create a coffee. george put down his pen. walked over to me and said brian. i've just learned the fundamental principle of international affairs. as a what's that george he said. the smaller the country the longer the speech. in the second year of the bush presidency. responding to implacable pressures from the reagan. and bush administrations. the soviet union imploded. this was in my judgment the most epochal event. political of the twentieth century. an ominous situation it could become extremely menace to world security. was instead definitely
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challenged by the leadership of president bush. in the broad and powerful currents of freedom. fighting the russian people with the opportunity to build. an amber ionic democracy countries. that have a rule by sergeant tyrants for over a thousand years. and then. as the berlin wall collapsed soon thereafter. calls for freedom. cascade across central and eastern europe. leaving dictators and donna. in the trash can of history. no challenge. no challenge. assume greater importance for western solidarity. than the unification of germany. within an unswerving nato. role for years in western europe and unrelenting hostility by the military establishment in the soviet union. and the warsaw pact. rendered this initiative. among the most complex and
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sensitive ever undertaken. one serious misstep. and this entire process with income perhaps irretrievably [inaudible] there's obviously. no more knowledgeable or company judge what really happened. this moves vital juncture of the twentieth century. than chancellor helmut kohl [inaudible] of germany. in a speech to a parliamentary commission. of the bone to stay [inaudible] chancellor kohl [inaudible] said categorically [inaudible] this historic initiative of german reunification could never. ever. have succeeded. without the brilliant leadership. of president bush. much has been written about the first call. for simply put the coalition of twenty nine disparate nations. assembled under the ages of the united nations.
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including for the first tim. many influential arab countries. and led by the united state. will rank with most spectacular and successful international initiatives ever undertaken in modern history. designed to punish an aggressor defend the cause of freedom. and ensure order in the region. but it seemed too much of the officer. for far [inaudible] too this. was president bush's initiative. from beginning to end. president bush was also responsible. for the north american free trade agreement. recently modernized and improved by new administrations. which created the largest and richest free trade area in the history of the world. while also. signing into law. erica's with disabilities act. which transformed the lives of millions and millions of americans [inaudible]
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forever. president bush's decision to go forward with strong environmental legislation. including the clean air act that resulted in the acid rain accord with canada. is a splendid gift to future generations of americans and canadians to savor. in the air they breathe in the water they drink. and the forests they enjoy. and the lakes. rivers and streams. hr. there's a word for this. it's called leadership [inaudible] leadership. let me tell you. that when george bush was president of the united states of america. every single head of government in the world. knew that they were dealing with the gentleman. a genuine leader. one who was distinguished. resolute [inaudible] and brave. i don't keep a diary but
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occasionally i write private notes. after important personal or professional events. one occurred at walker's point in kennebunkport maine. on september second. two thousand and one meal and i have been spending our traditional. labor day weekend with george and barbara. towards the end he and i had a long private conversation [inaudible] my notes. capture the moment. i told your show i thought his mood had shifted. over the last eight years. from a series of frustrations moments of despondency in. nineteen ninety three to the high enthusiasm. the life filled. the houston launch of the presidential library. george w. action. as governor in november of that year. to the delight following. jeb selection in.
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nineteen ninety eight followed by their great pride and pleasure. with george w. selection for the presidency. and perhaps most importantl. to the serenity. we found today. in both barber and george. they are truly at peace with themselves. join us in one day and the children have achieved. out of five by the goodness that god. has bestowed upon them all. in january. with the thrill and promise. each passing day [inaudible] that that [inaudible] george. years in the sizes i spoke said. you know brian. you've got this bag just right. and the roller coaster of emotions. we've experienced since.
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