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tv   France 24  LINKTV  December 7, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

3:30 pm
twenty twenty twenty dollar. welcome back about on twenty twenty users and i might have had a had. a sense that where. i'm going. to as as a leader of gypsies you part already. had. 52% of the vote. the federal. was with moderate right and a cell. management but but nevertheless [inaudible] rating is. we can't handle texas eighty nine house out he's also.
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going to be doing. three and a details offer low down. i think i think. yeah hi. nine nine woman had planned i met that has has shows shows these engineers ect hardbody fifty six zero zero and i have had on kantana want life to teachers are sent on a lot of people have been best. buddy she should be. coming. ten hands in twenty nineteen ninety one one more morsel easily we can. start -- size i although deputy director rectified by joe jonas youtube indiana league
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they because a good evening thank. you so much for joining us on the ground ready today -- ronald old was was closed. results on the at the end of this there's also we have we have yet right right as you. the role was very very old old. what is that dozens ourselves? your party price rise you. i thank you. for the most honorable not problem jenda as you see. very clear lessons and then finally hard to decide which there's a baby yeah. to tell tell national freeman. for eighteen years
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of course is going to come kerr maranello now would have have you with a conservative with wing wing. it was also. how how did you do that that is a good -- bb had we have utilized and just look around around one or not issues. ship sure sir john donne because she is. on the left side side already already for now. she's the left lessons and audio and remember. when you received your or a change in the? origination of french. and course fourth because this is gonna be about about a two years ago as a little. i think i think my feelings
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here feeling well i'm a i'm a believer -- ninety nine and then enter she she wanted way raymond had a date they know we know we're not you know you re treat she i mean she she's on a long long time and and and it seems. to me that i'm going to come connolly timeline wait wait and and is this. i'm sorry before -- trying trying come closer so can't chancellor we gonna gonna usually does that stand aside so i thank you very tomorrow also legal people ports. anything canadian grown or used used.
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okay must go. for service anything. restrictions on though [inaudible] we've taken [inaudible] there's a we've always also remove construction. and other other. harry harrison hiring referrals. protests this not matter. hi holly with risk. just way we off from. the date. for the note about where we some some money [inaudible] that's on friday friday.
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seems ready ready right rice love love. i also [inaudible] this message. loss loss so he's able to contest left -- eleven hundred thirty three three wounded and are already to the t to the totl of your your i'm not sold on the foot of wellesley jenny
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jenny seized. yes i was just as a meeting. restaurants are cross country outside of france. as outsider interests -- a complaining that -- and my my own. well that that says -- but initially janet that many many of them bring a bring up me and compositions a so so it's a general there there's there's this piece of and as i said. in my crown on there since our our they awhile but but mac mac. is is not in our and good many many policies. now now the people useful to to to the to the outsiders
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they generally out of this i mean -- from from the countryside small cities -- such such as motor -- and i remember other cities around round round round trip -- some some. some some of but generally speaking to come out cyrus is as a urban and rural -- the things things about him but in a place -- you know you're you're the governor's very very concerned about anything and start our does bring bring major and how can a little - intern transns. to create. but but but but they these are these are these are the l. l. s. at large largely arts are countries where -- they're not gonna have the skills and i'm gonna kill
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kill really -- take advantage of the fact that different from government. jobs -- so there's a big distance i think i think dream dreaming about having single people in the last stages. of missile sites around out that that was not tie -- yes yes and and large large responses is not an out and out of the he slid out of that no that was that was that was that amendment -- for political purposes well there's there's no snow her- delineation between green yellow yellow yellow yeah. our office management -- asking price right people
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have -- all right right or left a little listen to any of these -- and and i and i don't think. the move from politics this is a movement that very muc. comprise i see people never mastster sword and man ma'am i'll call -- only forty four cents and the french french -- allow literature odot. no no has many many many sat out like. a lot of lot of dubstep tensions to this is very very much about people who - what kind of sidelining they are they are all very much? well whack tax i think that and then i write some again against your axe -- i i we see it again against
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the the things that matter. done done it to liberalize life insurance to me -- tied me easier easier tire iron framework grocers -- on those seven seconds zz these arms are people want one protection they're going to cover they don't they don't want -- they they just like black mass. of opening a friend trying to meet or source of our market to this it was forty international markets -- that sounds something that really really all sides far left far right right and and any many people who kind of something that i actually. this is how to handle -- i had. one question for you why why do you think. has gone on for much of my education over is there seems -- because it has it in images in images on our hours of
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tears yeah people fighting fighting with police. in the middle middle -- in a part of many many people from -- outside. and is it is it i've visited them there or as soon as one of the the the tourist centers are not of the world these are things that does does observes some something about about us out of little rolls. susan part. that's how he backed out on an essential to access boise's a pleasure. ideational films i've tried presidential which i mean i instances after i'm done by. hi signs on n bonnie's with their hahands behind their heads. in the wilderness idioms regular ones let's
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terrorists on how did you want. by this on thursday performing. walking into a little schoo. june june that would that would be. for with their own context. i mean i don't know. but i thought i been in the mountains a side by side. see you. at twelve one am and on women women had to choose you want one hundred and fifty people and it got intense online [inaudible] and since [inaudible]
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yeah. but that doesn't [inaudible] down down [inaudible] instead [ [inaudible] protesters during. yeah yeah. civil society churchill's home event event how how nine irish christian muscle. country to go to her house outside but he died young which is impossible definitely not. a giant man citizens of yada yada five french french was worked out in march one nine nine six six and had it has says that. two one two months later. in nineteen ninety nine at six among.
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africans to look out. the season. yeah which we can't under the old charter civil war more. nine nine count catholic killed duringng the nineteen ninety yeah yeah. yeah. the he is. i can i can suggest. is. nine nine women's changes day plans. one of one was critically [inaudible] the prior. thanks goodness no matter [inaudible] instead of you [inaudible]
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for if you. please. be on the application. this would have. we talked about about. three and i that sounds like a prisoner was. an anonymous little who needs a stable political. you know. it's been twenty years sinc. cal cal community the churc. service or reservation shin and as a reminder. that it is.
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in the country free. i'm not i'm not for that is that is that is missing is with ryan quickly and even black vinyl code on your social. which is. three or four would we can't handle to access -- to sensitive the content and analyze a one centimeter that's easy seeing a bigig boost. in the how it how it is or sports pride private. agencies summer some of them have have at it. as much as 80% likely gesture [inaudible] and so. right now now around around. six hundred having having [inaudible] fifty eight alright. many of you will have an additional.
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in every every like like. the love of the rooms on the spot [inaudible] next next. three decades as original anywhere across security charge charger with fraud relate related violence and sanctions on iran. he also. has had me west western hand engine gingin shins. hi it's high time government with the u. s. yes and now i will do it. and t. over years years eight eighteen viruses or cyber attacks and how the us west west has any reason to national russia says he takes the line. and d just kinind o of lazy country to some. giant with.
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right right at that on some. of the users of its products and then. t. ammunition candlelight naina [inaudible] losing your her lan line. on another note. hey come because this is senior us you actually sold little criticism should marry. in a n nine o'clock. the e time china has had a combined.
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nine forty register security agencies to address terrorist response on the flat black in an in an attempt to avoid. town. too generation had a kind of locks. insisted to the to the private my bell telephone company and a nine nine to try and run the government. that's friends friends is. natalie thank has usually understanding cut cut. one two million. right right and drop drums rt thirty cents cents on top [inaudible] cool site. and and and that he'll be on comes in right by you as you as a result donald trump or church or times held. down not not in contention
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studies at a little stress related that. is. as a no nonsense [inaudible] the sh more. this is the worst [inaudible] no problem. hopefully we can we can. what expenses of [inaudible] the on that one one three million that are better for you was it wasn't wasn't right [inaudible] it's right he'll he'll rent brent crude. for prisoners actually sticks in changing.
3:52 pm
or one point are sent over and over and another another date friday. all jobs are going home winners and expected all me. down on a brief recess and with the with waiter he checked chairs or non month beginning is losers are staffed hours has the five five hundred eighty down down around around. thurs and then ask act down does does the three three star sent european into integrity covered covered it in thursday's losses on but as one hundred initiate [inaudible] carol. the sense of person frank frankford act and things a little losers and down down 210%. what was it now and i want?
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right goes down down his single lose little abuses went along with it on us. of racial lines [inaudible] click click. it is divided cities towns on vine going through or does he just to our hello i'm i'm not i'm down. to eleven returns money financial and she she since it does drugs with who sells sells on the black market you can get. find bank the gal gas with which he was he was injuries rated schools recollection and contributed to intuitively crisis. in send send them both both- internationally rececognized government and like my full effect like leave the bond on the car car you see. this now in our got got me
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in the blood blood. it's going to make a mainline gold gold dual dual school trip let's take a look i was informally three top top business. now tokio restaurant is our is our exit [inaudible] going on disney lately another another company to handle as*. i'm going to go to go to all the great great. station asian of sin by writing to understand on jack japanese. and it was like right now the next question was a a le a likeke. a duck junction friday right
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arm in arm [inaudible] fifteen million. our hearts on its name can be black platform becoming company over over [inaudible] and and by twenty twenty three like electric electronic [inaudible] twelve right hand man. every even even christmas trees trees united idc. test test time lines here here and all. christ rises from downtown need proper christian six detaining here years grow greek recession ginger over a large large number or saturdays business. management not not another cleveland wayne played two or three years mark market climbed one genes that.
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maybe like that whether or not. as usual crop you as you as you resume are are activated by around one twenty millio. he's in he's in rough roughly the same as last year here is to have the surgery to bone garner
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12/07/18 12/07/18 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! >> it is not just renewable energy, it is efficiency, and then it is also local foods and the next economy. i did not really like this economy too much. be next economy has to something thateaffirms our relationship to the earth and gives us a shot. amy: as u.n. climate talks in katowice, poland, move into their second week and the u.n. secretary general warns that
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climate change is a


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