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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  December 14, 2018 7:30am-8:01am PST

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♪ host: wewelcome to"glolobal 30" today we meet a young woman driving a chocolate revolution in indonesia. we head to yemen to witness how the war there is affecting children. and we fininout why unundocumend immigrants in the u.s. are being deported, even those with a job and a family. many people dream of seeking a better future in the u.s. most arrive legally, but about 11 million immigrants in the
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country are believed to be undocumented. they come from across the globe. in recent years, most have come from mexico, guatemala, el salvador, and honduras. they are fleeing gang crime, violence, and poverty. many are children, or mothers with their children. around 60% of undocumented immigrants have lived inin the country for more than a decade. a third have at least one child who is a u.s. citizen by birth, and they own their home. reporter: rose escobar was living a fulfilled life in texas. she'd met the love of her life at the age of 14. later they found jobs and had a family. but one day, everything changed. rose's husband jose, who's from el salvador, was torn away from her and their two children. rose:"ok, rose, i need you to be strong." and i said, ok.
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he goes,"they deported me last night. i didn't see it coming." reporter: jose was undocumented when he arrived in the u.s. as a young man. he never got into trouble with the authorities. when rose picks up her eight-year-old son walter from the school bus stop, he's proud to show her his work from class. rose: a-student. maybe pizza night? reporter: rose's neighbors are looking after her younger daughter, carmen. without their help, rose wouldn't be able to manage her job at a children's hospital. her husband jose is a carpenter, and thought their house would be a secure place for the family. but then young carmen saw her father taken away. at first she wasn't able to speak. now she's found her voice again. ♪
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rose: did you finish your work? you're smart like your daddy. reporter: rose wants her children to remember jose as ththeir father, and not t as soe who's been deported. rose: he had been crying because there were tears on the floor. and jose goes,"i'm'm sorry," ad i i said,"what are you s sorry for?," and he went like this. he was already chained. reporter: that was more than a year and a halalf ago. jose has been living in el salvador ever since. but he feels no connection with the country he left at the age of 15. rose stitill tries to keep himp to date on their family's day-to-day news. jose was already detained for being undocumented seven years ago, b but he lateter released. the family's lawyers had no luck obtaining u.s. citizenship for him.
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rose: it's different, because obama had a certain way of saying things that weren't hurtful. similar meaning, but not as hurtful. this president, the way he expresses hihimself, it's like we're not humans. we're just stuff that's here in the world for now. reporter: rose can't accept her husband's situation. she takes part in protests against presesident trump and s supporters.. bubut since rose went public wh her story, she's received a lot of hate mail. rose: it said,"dear miss escobar, how stupid are you to marry an illegal immigrant and allow him to put sperm in you so you can have his w wetback
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children. kill them and kill yourself. you're not american. you have nothing that's american in you." i couldn't read the rest. reporter: rose is trying to shield her children n from ths hatred. she wants them to live as normal a life as possible. to celebrate their birthdays, she buys them modest piñatas to save money for household bills. she wants to keep her family's dream alive. rose: we're here in the united states, the land of opportunity. people are coming here, for what, the american dream? that's all gone. lady liberty is probably just looking down, shaking her head. like, what happened to america? it's not the same. reporter: the whole family pray together every night for jose's return. walter: my mom really misses
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him, my sister misses him, i miss him. so, lord, i rereally hope andd cross my heart, please bring my dad home. in the mighty jesus' name we pray. we say amen. host: for 13 years, an ngo from washington, dc called the fund for peace has published an index rating countries for their social, political, and economic stability. things are particularly critical in south sudan, , somalia, and yemen, wherere for the pasast e years saudi arabia and iran have been waging a proxy war. the result, an entire generation is growing up in desperate poverty. nearly two million children in yemen are unable to attend school. 1.8 million are malnourished, and of those, 400,000 are acutely malnourished and in urgent need of medical care.
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reporter: these people are harvesting their lunchch leaveses from a locacal wild e and noththing else, bebecause e isn't anything else. b bread, ricice, npasta.a. the diabab family haveve to fenr themselvlves. ali:i: we haven't t had help m any orgaganition. i asked time andgagain if ey uld helplp theamilies suffering becausof t the war reportrter: the diababs are onf many famamilies who hahave fleo the remote hajjah region t esca thehe figing bebetwn the saudi-led coalitn and th houthi rebelels. this p part of hajjajah is notr fr thehe capal sananaaabout saudi air-strikes have destreded damagaged my roadads the area, makingng it difficulultr rerelief splieies toet thrhrou.
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this is why y families likikee didiabs are subsbsisting on le, in a desesperate attempt to fe unrnrnourish, anand ofn sickck. salama: whwhen my husband stil sosorts of things. rice, , fish, chicken, milk, juice,e, anything. the e main hospitatal in hajjahh stytreats manany malnourishshed chilildren, if thehey can get t. accocording lococal
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mariam: therere are a lot t ofbe patientsts who are sicick but sy ununable to reacach the hospi. therere is no orgaganization heg pepele get to the hospital, and ththat's w morore pele arere ing. rereporter: the e children whoe treated hehere have at l leasa chchance of survrviving. but fosome of e e starvingchce isis too littltle, too late. maririam: the numbmber of malnourish c children is h higr than in 2017. reporter: everery 10 minutes,a chilild dies in yeyemen of prpreventable cacauses. accocording to thehe u.n. childs fund unicef, almost two llllion chilildren are serioiously malnourisheded as a resultlt or in the countntry. a a ck of medical supplies is acacerbati whahat's ready y a malnohumanitarian csis.s.tlt or the ctorors cat treaeat everyone
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d have to set prioritities. ahmed al-amemery and his c chin expericed d thisirst-h-hanat ththrefugee camp in hajjah. ahahd: condititions here arere real bad.. our childrdren are alwayays geg sick. bubut when we tatake them to e doctorors, they turnrn them ay because theyey only treat t thet severe caseses. reporter: ahmed al-amery's son meets up with his friends. here in the mountains ofof hajj, football is onone of the boys' w joys. >> we hope that we can go ckck tochooool. right t now we only y play foot. when i i was in thirird gradey family stitill had a home. no w we're rugeeees.
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portererwith no end to t fiting in sight, childldren in yemen are suffering th devasting g consuencesesf war. host: there are more reserves of coal than of any other fossil fuel worldwide, several hundred years' worth. asian countries in particular rely on coal. so, too, the philippines, where the energygy market is l largy privatized. by late 2016cocoal madup almost 4 of its ergy oduction. and that's set to rise. new coal-fired power plants are in the pipeline. but some in the philippines hope to change that. reportrter: people in n the tof atimonan h head to chuhurch earn sunday mornings. it't's just 6:. they are united in their caththolic faith, , and in thr oppositition to a contntroverl construction project nearby. monsignor noel: it has been part
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of o our advocacy y to fight l plplants becausese it's harmfuo peopople, harmful l to the enenvironment. c coal is dirtyt. we jusust want to prprotecour people. this is in keeping with h the social t teachings of the churh that t teaches us toto care foe earth anand care for t those whe in the margins of society. repoporter: after mass, the congretition heato t the se of a planned coal-fired powerlalant cheheck iconstrtrucon has ready begun. they keep a deililed record off developments. father noel ysys contrtorsrs have already srtrted tclearrt. th woman frs the pnt willpoiso. momoignor noel: we areoioining the e global movemement to dit
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from fossil fuels. and that's a macro level approach. so, not t just the micicro, the town, we are p protecting ouour peoplele, we are joioining theh larger pictuture for the protecon of oucommmmon home. reporterer: the philipnenes hs rapid populalation growth. and the power grid is inrgrgent needed of dernizizatn. electricity is expensive, and the plants generate a lot of pollution. jo ann eala is head of sustainable energy finance at a bank and says there are major business opportunities in this sector. jo ann: turn you business green to gold. so you don't't just look g greo be happy, toto feel good a abt what you do, to do good for the environment. make money out of it. two thirds of the philippines'' energy consumption i is actualy coming from fossil fuels, so in our own little way as a bank here in the country, what we
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hope to do is to help shift the energy mix to cleaner energy. we help make sure that the projects are profitable and designed in a technically viable way by providing consultations. repoporter: this i is one of e projectsts her bank hahas fincd totohe tune of one million euros.usust a ye agogo, itas a stinking opepen rubbish dudumpe bibiggest landfifill site in m . nono the garbage has been coved d with eth a and is used to genenerate electrtricity. silv n navar is anan eineer and renewable-ener cononsuant. cocoecting the metha gasas a downother gases th's's bei produced by thdecocomping garbage siside. so we have me e than00 offsthese downother gases th's's bei
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dusisite.repopoer: a popower ant whwherit drives turbes. navarro o checks regularly how much electriricity the gas gegenerates. s says thgarbrbagshouldld yld gas for 30 more years. he pvivides adce o on engy projec andnd how to finance th toto cntries a acrosasia. lver: i am looking at this in a longer term m way, becausese aldependnds on how clelean our futureenenvironment wiwill be. not t only for oururselves, buto for r the future g generation,d mamaking good business alsoo creates a goodod environmentntr continuingng what gogood thinge are starngng to doow.. reporter: that landfdfill projt may be gooood for the enenviroe, but it's not so welcome for pepeople living g in the slm nenearby, who hahave lost theier source o of income. theyey used to picick throughe gaagage for ings they uldd sell for recycling, plastianand alinumum.
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now, c children lo f for those items while e they are stiti n gagarbage trucksks. the drdrivers stop f for a few minutes to let the kids climb aboardnd rummage around. brian is 13 and has s already bn collectingng garbage foror the yearars. he livives with his s mother d five brothers and sisters. t tells uhe k knows how to o rd and d write, and i is proud of . briaian: i work evevery day fm 7:00 in e momorng until 6:00 t the ening.. eaearn aut 200 pesos a d. reporter: that's e equivalent o about ththree euros. when he grows up he wants tow.
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in atimonan, the campaignersrere hong t they n stilill event the construction of the coal plant. there e is one more e permit e authoritieies have yet t to is. fafather noel anand his congregn arare determineded to do theirt for the environment. monsignor noel: we installed two sets of solar panels, one in the rectory and the other for the church. our main goal is to provide cheap electricity for the church, and at the same time this is a good way of showing to the whole world that we can make use of renewable energy source. and oncece we have shohown the viviability, we e can adualllly thswswitch from ththe dirty eney usourcece to the renewable one. reporter: by next year, the entire roof of the church complex is set to be covered in photovoltaic panels.
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in addition to their effffortso block fossilil fuels a and ince environmental awareness, the conggation are making aa posisitive contribibution of tr own,n, by switchining to solar. host: now it's time to see how other people live. this week's living roooom is n moldovova. >> welcocome, come inside. let me show you my home.
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that one's hand-knotted. i i made i the one on theefeft was boht. it was a a gif also made that tapesy. and i crocheted ththe cushion. i embroidedered the blananket. it's's a little exexhibition oy work.. schoolchchildren oftenen come o see all l the things i've e m. whenevever i have guguests, i e toet t the things ouout from al over the h hse. so i've now put them on dispspl. of course, that's far fr everhingng, bui haveven'put the rest of it out.
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i have this lying arnd everhere. thth is where i feed the s stoe atat heatshe h house i'm renovatiting the bathroom, thatat's why nothihing is s is ininhe summer, i sto thihing phere above t o oven.w. if i'd knownouou wercomingng i'd have tidd upup. my grandchildr l like hideeas ininhe summer, i sto thihing phere above t o oven.w. warm a a cozy. goodbye. come and visisit me the nextxte you're in the area. host: there are around 5.5 million small-scale cocoa
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farmers worldwide. their yield mainly goes to middlemen, who pass it on to exporters. the cocoa beans are then processed d in factories. then the large chocolate-makers step in, the first to really make a considerable profit. they sell the chocolate to retailers, who collect around 40% of the total revenue. cocoa farmers, on the other hand, earn the least. but in indonesia, that's set to change. reporter: suitcase, laptop, boarding pass -- familiar companions for sabrina mustopo, who is constantly on the move for her wowork. she e was born in n indonesia,t to sool in siningapore, dd studied atat a preigioious universityty in the s.s. but in 2 2013, she camame backe to start a cocoa company. daday she on her wafromom jakarta a to sumatra.. sabrina: i i've always f felt ti
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had an oppornity to come back to do something for the country, scitizezenship even thougugh id nevethe opportununity to.sian it's becauause i felt ththat te done in indonesia. a lot ofof potential, a a lotf neneed as well a at the same t. spoporter: toy y she'visitingea. some of the 200 farmers who supply her compapany with coca beans. she believeses that buildiding t is crucial whehen it comes too creating l lasting changnge. she's brouought some of the company's latest chocolate creations to share with taufik hidayat. they're also discussing ways to improve prododuction. here in the countryside, eve the simplelest of things c cae hard t to come by. electricitity only arrivived t year, and asas for internenet,. sabrbrina: the infrastructure s quite difficult, so it's not like you can just open your laptop and connect onto the inteternet and figigure out ale y you know,"my y cocopods are
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turning black. what is ppppening? and yoyou google thahat. obviouously the farmrmers, they don't t have that kind of capapacity. reporterer: that's why the entrtrepreneur and agriculturl consultant is not only buying beans from these farmers, she's alsoso training ththem. evenen though indodonesia is e third-d produced here.a producn mustopo believes that indonesia shouldn't t simply eorort all s cocoa beanans, but shoululd dep its own n domestic chohocolate indudustry. taufik hidayat says that, t the ginnnning,e was s mo than aa its own lile skeptical.ocolate tataufikwhen sabrina camhehere for thfirst timeme and oereded us better pric thahan whathe other traders were offering, along with technical training, we could not stop laughing a t this big-city girl. but then we realized that she really was serious.
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rfromom belgian chohocolatiersd then d developed herer own recs in her parents' garage. her company now has more than n0 employees. mustopo believes t that if indonesia a wants to ceaease bea heso-called d developing c coun, the government must invest mor heavy inin edution a ando a better jobob at fightingng corruptition. she says corruion n ishat hurts her cocompany most w whet cocomes to applylying for vars nececessary permitits. sabrina: we have to be realist as well inin ter of whwhere we play.long-standing problem.esiis git's's not going t to be eradid overernight. anand i think yoyou just have e practicacal about what you can d cannoto o as a company and where your values are, andnd be quie fifirm about thohose things. reportermustopo is off to herr next aoiointment she says she's on the roadoo muchhat t her r doububleas her office. but she has s no regrets a abt giving up heher former jobob a bubusiness consusultant.
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brina: i really benefited from t therere, the worldld-class thin. it's's a rare oppoportunity, i hope that ththrough that experiencece at least i i cano at little i can to contributeb. repoporter: sabrina a mustopo s she's s among indonenesia's privileged. but she sa t the coury h has many young people who wantoo chge t thing and t thashe is just one of them. host: who cares about the flower indust's destrucve impacts >> i d hostwho careabout glalal lgbt rights? >> i do. host: who cares about homeless people living on the streets of l.a.? >> i i do. hostst: who supports sustainabe >> i d do. host: : who cares ababout equay for womemen in africa?a? >> i do.
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we love hearing from you, though, so write to us at or check us out on facebook, dw global society. see you soon. take care. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute,
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12/14/18 12/14/18 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from the u.n. climate summit in katowice, poland, this is d democracy now! >> we are not prepared to die.


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