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tv   France 24  LINKTV  January 14, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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emily to swap into live from paris world news and analysis from from my cat i'm marco and these are the main world news headlines. resumes last ditch bid to get rebel tory mps back on the side. uk prime minister urges them not to let down the country over brexit meanwhile cold in prediksi huge defeats the may. the parliamentary vote on her breaks it. which of these most wanted man is back behind bars left wing terrorist his id but do you see. that on the run for four decades he denies full murders but admits being a member of the group. to carry them out.
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micron's letter tthe ench people comes in four wide criticism was meant to launch the great national debate the brain child of the president's a chance. to ask the public given that say to address the demands of the yellow vest movement. is nine weeks of demonstrations and violence. rocked france . thank you very much for being with us. theresa may is making a last ditch bid to make her rebel and peas get behind that brags that deal. she was delivered another blow this monday as a conservative with gas johnson resigned his job was trying to get those rebels back in line. uk prime minister's day began in storage breaks it territory stoke on trent in the english midlands stock was one of the strongest boats to leave the eq back in twenty sixteen in the
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referendum. debates me going on in the commons when mrs may later urged her growing number of opponents not to let britain down. over her briggs deal. latest jeremy corbyn who is pro brexit although my make tomorrow state and will be only three days to come up with. right that solution. is it in just the right [inaudible] state. minister. with time running out theresa may made a last ditch effort monday to convince you okay lawmakers to back her breaks it deal. one day before the meeting for a vote in the house of commons on the draft agreement she's hammered out with brussels over eighteen long months may asked mps who might oppose it. to reconsider. if they steal a second look no it is not perfect and yes it is a compromise. but when the history books are written. people will look at the decision off this house
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tomorrow. and did we do live on the country's votes to leave the european union. a key sticking point for many lawmakers remains the so called irish backstop the contingency plan in the sence of a proper trade deal that would keep you k. member northern ireland under european trade rules. in order to avoid a physical border with neighboring e. u. member the republic of ireland. in december as she postponed parliament's vote in the face of certain defeat may promised to rest new assurances from the e. u. on the backstop which many brexit supporters see as an unacceptable abdication of u. k. sovereignty. on monday brussels meant may i hand. european commission president john called younger sent a letter affirming that the u. doesn't want to see the backstop used. but that if it is it will be only temporary. from labor's jeremy corbyn those reassurances are meaningless. it is in disarray it's great yeah is a prime minister's deal is rejected tomorrow
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it's time for a general election [inaudible] you. despite the prime minister's push her deal still looks likely to be defeated. if it is still have only until january twenty first to submit a plan b. she faces mounting calls to request to delay for the march twenty ninth breaks a deadline. but theresa may insist the uk will leave the key you on time. we will be on the brakes it watch continuously between now and tomorrow is loads and most likely be on let's stop the analysis jacob from kit kat is. senior fellow at the peterson institute for international economics he joins us live green to use - how serious a setback would it be for the british economy to have a new deal breaks it your views? well i mean i had my view is that if you did he an actual no deal breaks it moves so to be a heart attack for the british economy i will dig. dig widespre --
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chaos -- add borders -- and other transit points the uk pound would decline very significantly probably overshoot -- so that it may very well -- declined to parity with the dollar -- before rebounding so and no deal scenario would be very very -- cb are indeed. can you see why the brakes city is c. leaving the e. u. s. that holy grail. what i mean i i knew that the current situation in the u. k. finds itself in inside the you will win opt outs for a lot of? issues within the e. u. as the best possible situation to be in for a country like the u. k.. in tea aren't you --breaks for the alternative of brexit they can do so for several reasons in my opinion.
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it is perfectly fine to do so -- are logically coherent and used to do so -- on the basis of a nationalist argument that basically you want at retain complete sovereignty -- it is also possible to do s- but on a on a platform was. economic partners but does in destinations further far in the global economy. but you cannot do the latte. and the same time say that yo would be better off than you currently are. and you can certainly not advocate for us sovereignty is -- breaks it and say that you will get an economic bono's. so the real problem for me is that the basic argument that is percent info breaks it is one that is not logically coherent. and indeed truthful. and it's worth reminding people that this current do which use -- say is possibly the best
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that it could be a many people share your point of view at this current deal was. negotiated by margaret thatcher and john major conservatives back in the day and of course theresa may now with our own -- different agenda i'm just wondering if many many working people in the u. k. got behind this idea of breaks it and still. have that point to do this the right thing to do do you feel that working people per se as such in general will get a tough to deal. if and when the e. u. rather the u. k. lease see you. well i don't think there's any doubt in my opinion that the would -- because what you would get and what you do somebody's that have already gotten in the u. k. is significantly lower levels of business investment -- and that also maye -- is going to fewer jobs and certainty lower wage -- increases than you would otheise havead -- i also think that -- especially if you have a no deal breaks it you're going
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to have as i said earlier and significant decline in the value of the pound. that brings witht a higher levels of inflation and therefore no more real wages something that shod be of particular concern. for the average working person in britain so in my that many of the peoples of that voted for breaks it. up will get -- economic hardship as a result of it. i just wonder what people where you are saying about this whole situation because everyone has an opinion on this i even those who. don't stando be affected by dole what the people you socialize with work with think about this whole break that idea. well certainly i live in working in washington dc in the united states. and here are they've you is one frankly of incomprehension -- obviously there are many re who would see the breaks of gold in parallel
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wave d. election of donald trump -- here in the united states and as such as a sort of populist reaction to globalization and concerns about immigration -- and a number of other staff other sets of issues income inequality and the like bought in the big picture sense -- very few people -- it was do you okay -- seems bent on diminishing itself not just as an economyut certainly ao as a potential political ally and military ally to the united states. because there isn't going to be much of a so called special relationshipeft between the uk. and the united states once the uk has left the you. check a front kick ago thank you very much indeed for joining us from the peterson institute for international economics thank you sir for your views. the current brexit situation and will be
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following this course every step of the way between now the debate continues in the analysis to come the vote expected. right about twenty four hours time will bring you the analysis and the result soon as it happens along with every department along the way [inaudible] now. one of italy's most wanted fugitives is tonight back behind bars generate battisti spent almost four decades on the run. he was sentenced to life for the killing of four people in the late nineteen seventies but he's the admit to being part. of the terror group that claimed the killings but he denied the crimes. but he's he was tracked down and arrested in south america. with the genes that i want to show that it's a day we've been waiting for for the thirty seven years. great skill was needed by th italian investigative and police forces. bit of luck never hurts and the cooperation of friendly nations thirty plays in eac. just a few mckenna has been not following this force in broke. an overwhelming --
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reaction across the political spectrum in favor of his extradition -- saying that he's finally is there is a bit more of a new ones debate beneath the surface amongst italians themselves some -- support for him from the left but still quite unusual i would say at this point -- overruled and many people share the view of the justice minister all phones or going to fit it through today said that -- attendance had been mortified that these men had never actually served his time and had been protected by various governments around the world. and finally i believe that the funding believe that it's time for him to to finally face justice. to see mckenna that rorting from rome. france is bracing for the start of its great national debate the brain child of present emmanuel macron it's a chance to ask the public to address the demands of the yellow vest movement is nine weeks of demonstrations and violence. have rocked france but
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microns letter to the french people his way of launching this national conversation has come in for some criticism from anti government protesters. and political bottles of like. newspapers in hand these yellow vest protestors reacted skeptically to president emmanuel macron open letter to the french people. as he launches a national debate over his government's policies. the food was your window dressing as macrumors done up till now he's making promises. they don't hold up i think it was done with the european elections in my phone is a little. amongst the issues raised in the french president's letter where to find the money to back to finance public services. some here already have the answer -- sixty these what we know that their businesses and people with big salaries for not contributing the way they should. that to me seems to be the priorities of refused to re examine tax reforms last october after scrapping a wealth tax and lowering the rates on capital gains he
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was accused by opponents of being a president of the rich. though immigration has not been central to the lms movements micron did address the issue in his life. to with him asking what the annual target should be sets once francis fulfilled its asylum applications. when it comes to migration we caught reject people who are facing problems if they're political refugees were country to provide asylum it's true? perhaps so there's a given time and we need a quote -- because unfortunately we con take in all of humanity's misery. elsewhere some protesters wholeheartedly acknowledge microns let's -- and pledged to pick up their own pens in response. yes he made the effort this small effort of writing the letter which you should have done a long time ago. i'm going to respond to this letter point by point and send it to the elysee palace easy. and micro made clear there was no question of him resigning saying the debates was not there an election no a referendum. the great national debate of course we'll keep across every development on that one for you with a whole lot programming.
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a course -- specially a debate chip which is seven talked about that this evening. next -- city matt in poland has died at the time of its. died of his wounds a day after being stabbed by a former convict to rush the stage during one of poland's biggest annual charity events. it happening to dance the port city that was the birthplace of the solidarity movement thahelped bring down communism in the nineteen eighties. a city in mourning. residents of gdansk pay tribute to that map powerful accommodates a popular liberal figure i'm critic of the populist right wing governments he had been man of the polish city for two decades of the recently being reelecd. good old national flag has flownoff mall since putin's health minister confirmed his staff on monday off to noon. the news has left the country in a state of shock with many speculating that he was targeted for his political views [inaudible]
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i'm sure. we don't know what's going to happen now because the selection of hatred in people. people's opinions differ so ch of it in a situation like this which is a real tragedy. which it'll be silenced and reflect is that everything. that's happened. usual. tributes also flooded in from polish politicians including easing council president donald tusk who attended the vigil in adults on monday evening. a dam as it was of the charity events on sunday when a monster on the stage and stop the mat repeatedly in front of hundreds of people. a twenty seven year old man with a criminal history has been arrested. one on stage he reportedly claims he had been wrongly jailed and tortured by the civic platform. which supported and some of its free election. police are now looking into how the suspect was abl to breach the offense security. poland has confirmed that the day of national mourning will be held for a time of its funeral.
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excuse me not the usual affect a cake that he has on me. outside the business can be joins us the u. s. and took at loggerheads again on the economic size -- well front and center. this is all linked to donald trump's at tweeted threat mark to devastate turkey's economy if they target kurdish fighters in syria wantus troops withdraw. these tensions so the turkish lira dropped slightly on monday still far from the plunge that was seen back in august. when washington ankara threatened sanctions and tariffs over the detention of an american pastor? so just have exposed is turkey's economy. turkey is not a top us trading partner it stands in sixty fifth place. in twenty eighteen the u. s. imported more from turkey that it exported for the first time since. two thousand six that turkish trade surplus with the world's biggest economy was one of the few sources of good news for the middle
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eastern country. the impact of donald trump's latest threat could hit turkey hard. even clementine's dysfunction we could in the threat of economic sanctions in particular trade sanctions can aect the financial mkets. turkey is a country that needs to borrow in foreign currency to a faltering economy currency crisis for the turkey zero will affect its ability to remember. looks like at this double books in. as it is the economy is in shambles in twenty eighteen the lira lost more than 20% against the dollar. overall inflation stood at over 20%. official rates for twenty eighteen have yet to be published with the world bank estimates turkeys year on year growth to stand at three point 5%. and expects a bleaker forecast for next year at one point 6% in twenty seventeen that rate stood a close to seven point 5%. meanwhile economic ties with the us nose dived in twenty
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eighteen as well in august in retaliation for the ongoing incarceration of us pastor andrew brunson. sanctions slapped at the time against two top turkish government officials were canceled when he was released. other sanctions however still stands with you as consumers paying double tariffs on imports of turkish aluminum. and steel. let's check in on today's trading action now broadly lower across the board this week trade data from china sparked fears of a global economic slowdown. stocks no longer pull down by the banking sector montepaschi siena in particular -- it shares were suspended as they dropped eight and a half percent technology shares were down trade as well currency markets and in particular the pound sterling will be tuning in its tomorrow's brags that vote in the u. k.. wall street in the red as well as earnings kit season kicks off their corporate profits rose rapidly for most of twenty eighteen and investors will be looking to see if the fourth quarter figures wrap up the year on
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a similar high note. citigroup shares up 4% as its revenue staff salaries. moving on some days other business headlines now. carlos ghosn's wife has written to human rights watch asking them to shine a light on what she described as her husband's harsh treatment in a japanese jai. carol gone alleged her husband is being denied his medication and being held in the unheated cell. disgraced order titan has been under arrest for nearly two months when allegations of financial misconduct as head of the renault nissan for making allnce. the pacific gas and electric companies planning to file for bankruptcy in the u. s.. utility group says it has struggled to cope with the unexpected cost of lawsuits linked to last year's deadly wildfire in california. is facing more than seven billion dollars in claims foits rolen starti that plays. its shares of crash 250% on monday they'velready wiped out 80% of their value in the past three months.
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and paul comes trial continues in california us authorities accuse the software maker of ant competitive practices to ensure that its chip were needed and used in most smartphones. welcome that it denied the charges against it. on monday top apple executive took to the stand saying the tech giant wanted to use parts by both qualcomm and rival intel its latest models. welcome would not supply them under those conditions. airports in miami and houston have been forced to close security check points as the u. s. government shutdown drags on employees of the transport security administration or tsa are among those who've been working without pay since december twenty second. spokesman miami said tsa workers were well the normal rate. travelers across the country are being urged to leave more time to clear security has fewer workers could mean longer lines at the impact of this government shut down mark really hard to underestimate. impacting so many sectors across the united states and of course a lot of people
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who are still not getting paid. and data not set to drag on kate thank you very much and he committed over business. on the other side of our studio charlie james wrapped up ready to go with me to watch good evening. now then -- the french never did need any. encouragement to talk but that becomes you is coming from the the site. i'm people reacting to present americans letter launching this great national debate and some have been quite sort of disparaging of what is written up in the right so just as its mix the reaction to mixed inside the los movement itself. online on social media also a mixed bag -- some are welcoming the letters and saying optimistic things that this could lead to change -- others believe it's a smokescreen and have nicknamed the grand divide the grand loblaw -- which some of the political parties -- tunes in means that are being shared that kind of tap into at the various arguments against this
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national debate first here - you're the president's next to a recycling bin -- that says -- reception of the grievances of the french people also -- the belief that you know this is just kind of for show it's not actually gonna go anywhere it is however recycling bins so. potentially could turn into something else it's not a trash and maybe that's a nice optimistic side. possibly comment. another one here -- illustrating the idea that many of us yours have that this is a sort of trap to to get them off the street -- just move them into the town halls instead you have prime minister edna philippe and the president i enticing a yellow vest wearing mouse in a jar there -- and finally there's a lot of people who just found the letter quite long. and boring this here you have a father reading to his kid it says -- though at least microns letter was good for putting the kids to sleep.
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view of the images that are being shared -- around there and another part of this national debate that i found interesting what were these grievance notebooks -- many viewers may be wondering are these what are they all about well they are in fact. no books that are being put out at the town halls and as you can see here are filling up with the complaints and concerns of a french people so you have. town halls from across france tweeting them out letting people know that they're there and that they can come -- you can also do this online you don't have to do it -- and in person -- and at the lycee tweeted a video earlier today o macro and receiving the first -- kind of batch of these grievance says here he is sitting with mayors and they're bringing -- not only physical notebooks but u. s. b. keys that have the digital versions it should there we go you can see that the u. s. b. key -- full of of digital
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grievances as well so. in the idea i gue is that my cronies gonna go through these and look at them so -- a reaction in les moaned newspaper today saying that you needed to whether or not the succeeds really depends on how much michael takes those grievances and does. turn them into action does something with that -- and also how many people take part in this and there's a poll that was put out. at that -- was taken last that about half and half people -- saying that they will or probably will participate -- and a little over half saying that they're not interested so -- even wther to take part in this national debate indeed so microns offered it and then there's a take up and then he has to deliver so once again he saw on the back foot in some way shape or form charlie. thank you next subject canadians be very helpful -- by handing so american workers affected by the us government shut down -- pieces the centipede system
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that's right so certain jobs even if there is a national shut down their deems necessary and you have to go to work even if you're not getting paid air traffic controllers are in that group -- so some canadian counterparts deced to lend a helping hand -- to to the americans and have been sending pizzas -- ordering them from across the border and sending them all over america -- it so here have pictures this one is from new jersey from newark airport. at this one here is from minnesota another group in ohio more in massachusetts so the president of the canadian air traffic control association said that. more than three hundred pizzas had been delivered by a sunday afternoon -- and the american the feeling of ready -- i need to go to work mak sure that you people can still get on planes and lan-
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and here's one prime example of this -- this is from a group in. maine air traffic controllers posting these ctures. expressing their thanks -- and then als you can see the comment at the bottom where the canadian air traffic control association says our pleasure a small gesture to show we stand alongside of you hash tag six guys hashtag solidarity. it's nice to see and hear of some solidarity a bright spot in the shutdown however in these tweets and photos being sent out you also see a lot of air traffic controllers think it's time to end the shutdown so i'm sure they would rather be able to buy their own. pizzas on but a nice cross the borders and show of show of support charlie thank you very much indeed telling me to educate the business thank you again and thanks to you for what you stay with will come here live. from paris
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01/14/19 01/14/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! >> today we have taken action to pardon groveland four. while this cannot right the wrongs done to the many years ago, i hope that it will bring peace to their families and their communities. i am confident the people of florida would not want this injustice to happen again. amy: florida has pardoned four young african-american men in groveland who were falsely accused 70 years ago of raping a


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