tv France 24 LINKTV January 18, 2019 3:30pm-4:00pm PST
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welcome back to the front twenty four news room is nine pm in paris in here all headlines this. alexander but not a taste on the formal investigations this often manual michael's ex security aide is accused of misusing diplomatic possible. the us congress is to investigate whether donald trump broke the law the president accused of instructing his low yet to lie about a construction project in russia. tensions highn the dlcc is e country's top pool for past the publishes conclusisions on alleged electoral fraud. this is the u. n. says thirty four people h have alalready bn kikilled since the results were announced
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last week . good evening it seems there is no less out full the french president in the so called benalla fast tonigigt it has emerged that emmanuel michael's former security eight alexander benalla has been placed. under formal investitigation of this development coming off the he was accused earlier on this week of misusing diplomatic possibles despite being fired from the presidential office. roughing up protest is lost july brian quinn i'm a sink when i have a bit more for us. alex on the banal is under arrest the former top security aide who was once a bodyguard for french president emmanuel mccall was taken into custody on thursday after a senate hearing the day before suggested he had falsified documents in order to obtain an official service passpor.
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according to my clothes cabinet director but takes told -- banal apparently using notes on the two about the only we should you could be a c. c. recast the chief of staff of the time if he was the one who sent the documents to the interior ministry. and he was not the author of the note don't sweep solo so fightsts has we suspect a falsification on the bond issue and not a we have a lotus notes. prosecutors it -- called ipv. wednesday morning french newspaper can also be revealed the existence of two official service passports and banal as name. along with his three diplomatic versions that makes five official travel documents for the security. eight dollar was fired in july after he was caught on tape beating protesters while wearing police gear. in previous testimony he claimed to have returned all of his official passports with records but some have apparently been use multiple times since then including aspen knowledge traveled the charred. and congo brazzaville to launch new business
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operations [inaudible] absolutely. we now know that mr benalla used his passports almost twenty times in between august first two thousand eighteen school and december thirty first we'll put you thousand and eighteen demean these reach. a local dentisist all. when all is also accused of holding onto an increase if i defense material the phone and to diplomatic passports were only returned on january eleventh voluntarily by banal as lawyers? if there has been a series of headaches for michael's administration forced to admit that the president and his former bodyguard had exchanged messages after he was fired. three small the world news now -- on the program did the us presesident instrucucts h hs lawywyer to lying to congres about proposals t to build a trumpp towerer inn moscow. dudust exposed allegation me by buzzfeed news this week which could lead president trump open to accusations of perjury and obstruction of
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justice. today congress confirm they'll investigate whether or not trump broke that little. michael cohen that's trump's ex lawyer had already pleaded guilty to congress about lying to moscow on the moscow projects and on twista a few hours ago trump responded by once again accusing is from a c coffeee don't of f lying. simply to reduce his sentence weston corning is the story. did donald trump instruct his former attorney michael cohen to lie to congress that is the bomb shell story buzzfeed news published late on thursday citing two law enforcement sources. the website reports that after the twenty sixteen presidential election michael cohen was told by donald trump to lie about the negotiations over the moscow project. a multi million dollar business venture which would have seen a trump tower built in the russian capita. specifically the president personally instructed him to lie by claiming that negotiations ended months earlier than theyey actually did in order to obscure trump's involvement. your move is widely seen as an attempt to limit the findings of the investigation into russian
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involvement in the campaign whichh is headed by special counsel robert muller. donald trump is often question michael collins credibility calling him a liar and a weak person. but in this case it is not a matter of cohen's word versus trumps word. buzzfeed says officials learned about the or views with multiple witnesses from the trump organizatation an internal company emails text messages have a cache of other documents. only vendor code of knowledge those instructions during his interviews with the special counsel's offic. buzzfeed news also reports that despite minimizing business dealings with russia trumping colin had more than ten face to face meetings during the prpridential campaigign. to geget the moscow projectt up and running trump also reportedly pressured going to organize a trip to russia to meet with vladimir putin in order to jumpstart the trump tower negotiations. after colin pleaded guilty to lying to congress in november trump defended his continued involvement in the moscow projects during the election. i was running my business while i was campaigning.
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there was a good chance that i would want. and which case i would have gotten back into the business and why should i lose lots of opportunities. ordering someone to commit perjury is a crime and an impeachable offense colin is set to testify publicly to congress next month. hello now let's talk to dick how do u. s. academic at stony brook university in the author of the shadow of america from kennedy to trump -- he joins us from new york this evening good evening to you thanks very much for talking to us. us us so suddenly this is the first time drums been accused of lying with this one carries possible perjury charges. just how serious you think this could be for the president. i think it could be extremely serious all the more so since we're havingg this on the backdrop of the struck down. which is the churning opinion including among a certain number of republicans. rather mild disdain ripley
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taurus. if you wish you could the comparison that everyone will want to draw is with nixon and watergate. and you remember that the person who. yes share of the recording in the white house was john dean who was the attorney. mister next contact lenses [inaudible] i'm. does this suggest then that robert mothers let ness is closing in a little on the us president. it suggests that but we don't know a great deal about molars -- inclusion what we do know are the conditions under which impeaeachment. cocould take place in thereo conditions off the first is the night month by the house of represent. the house of representatives i need. has turned the democratic since the last election and is certainly not very favorite. restaurant indeed they begun an investigation of this
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newest leak. secondly if the house. indicts the president. president. at this this the republicans have fifty three senators against. forty seven it takes two thirds vote of the s senaten order to convict so thiss popot there'ss no question this is where the juncture between the shut down on the one hand. and the events the new leaks on the other hand come together becauause the s sht down he's beginning to turn a certain number of republican senators against the oppressor. mention than other role of republicans but what about. democrats how significant is that role given that they do now i have control of the house of representatives. the democrats will be quite busily. investigating not only the president himself but the entirety of the administration the remarkable thing is the
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whole nation that you had from trump right at the end of your order analysis where he said. twtwo things and implicitly one was that he didn't expect to win. and that was why he was pursuing the trump tower if they are in moscow. expect to win and then secondly -- he was indeed he says he was very proud o of the fact tht he was the only engineering and taking carare of his business. now that is something which is it's not physically closer. finally the big picture does this make impeachment -- more likely. you notice that i'm hesitating. i think it certainly makes itit more likely and what'st issue the moment and what your public can listen. for was noted by the new york times. chief editorial writer david lee on our his column today where he suggested thahat ts looks p pusible.
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on the otherer hand he saido in the press world in the united states if there's a leak likike this it's immediately seized upon by others it's not as if this journalist for wired. simply was able to get those sorry mr buzz street excuse me listens journals for buzzfeed was g g to to get a private source. the other journalists at other news sources are also looking into this and as david letter suggests i think what we can do is that if we don't see a further follow up on this in the next two or three days with lots more. evidence then we can see as well maybe this probably is just a rumor that there's no evidence and that there's nothing behind it. and we'll have to wait for the democratic committees in the house to interrogate more people and then to decide what to do. when the molar reports finally comes out to make it public or not where is that
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go? data for she will have to leave it at a thank you very much for your time and for your analysis that's dick how that talking to us from stony brook university in new york city. three you are than to motivate since trump and kim jong un on to meet for a second summit -- by the end of february that's according to the white house recent information. and not long ago progress is being made with north korea the white house is saying they set a meeting at was productive held between kim jong young old out say. a north korean negotiator on donald trump today but they say that sanctions ought to remain in place. not today at trump met with- you'll as well as he also met with pompey -- this was in front of cameras to fully one awful private discussions together focusing on denuclearization as well. as sanctions at we don't have a more information that on when that summit will be held but when we do we'll bring it to you on the program starts wife. go to the democratic republic of congo out for
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you now well all eyes that are on the constitutional court as it considers an appeal against presidential election results which are being filed by the opposition candidates. must infer you live now in a surprise result the former oil execucutive lost out to feed it to she caddy. for you louu claims he won with over 6 60% of the vote hasas allegedd voter fraudud i ine election. is concerned to being given some credence by the african union which is cold for the results to be postponed citing a serious doubts in the electoral process. the mole is thomas nickel in kinshasa. this is a surprise announcement the african union called for the results of the presidential election to be postponed because of serious doubts. over the conduduct of the election. the government spokesman in kinshasa and they reactctedo this by saying. that no one should be allowed to tell the constitutional court what it's supposed to do and mister monday. also said that he agrees on
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the african union as s sendg a delegation to kinshasa but he says there is no way. that the electoral schedule is going to be changed and now the african union is putting a lot of pressure on the constitutional court there was already the catholic church. who said that? according to them feel xtc katie was not the real winner of the presidential election and then there was opposition leader martine fi you lou who fileded a fraud complaint at the constitutional court asking for a recount.. and t then thehere was t thk in several media outlets these media outlets said that they analyzed two separate collections of electoral data and this analysisis apparentlyy shows that my team value is indee. the real winner of this presidential election now the african union is sending a delegation. to kinshasa and these delegations mission is quite tricky -- there will have to make sure that the results reflect the
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people's choice butut at the same time they will have to avoid. the cancellation of the whole election because this would lead to joseph kabila staying in power. tell us they come up for is that in kinshasa. next presidential electionss in algeria ougught to o be d on the eighteenth o of april ththis year but it isn't yet clear whether or not president abdelaziz beautifully go will be standing. the eighty one year old is ready being seen n in public sisince he e suffered fromma stroke in twenty thirteen but his supporters of non the l less cold on him to stand in the election. any challenges need to regigister before ththe ful. five bo is to stay behind bars of the judges of the international criminal court accepted a last minute request by prosecutors to keep him in jail. following a seven year prison term the full my forum leader was acquitted on crimes against humanity charges on tuesday what you to return to the i think because then. but by three to two ruling the appeals judges today agreed with prosecutors that
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he presented a possible flight risk a might not return to the hague if he was later recalled. nexus bring you an update on the anti government protests in so you don now thohose purcrchased beganan last moh which was bought by the rising cost of bread but have now moved into a white a protest against president ahmad bashir. human rights groups saying at least forty people have been killed since the violence began and over a thousand people arrested.. well todayay police and protesters clalashed duringa funeral for a a demonstrator who was s shot dead. brian quinn has the story. hundreds of demonstrators in the sudanese capital khartoum marched on the presidential palace thursday before being turned back by riot police with tear gas. yes have been ongoing across the east african nation for nearly a month. it began on december nineteenth as a response to the government's decision to triple the price of bread has now become a call f for
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president omar al bashir to resign. el bashir came to power in an islamist backed nineteen eighty nine military coup the protests represent the most serious threat yet two is thirty years of iron fisted rule. after the arrest o of political o opposition leads the movemement has been spearheaded by one o of the country's main trade unions. i shot this with any at the many years the people of sudan arere known for being particularly determined and stubborn. and for playing the long game. they're not hard headed nor do they disappear easily they know what theyy wantt o do and are prepared to do it with patience and with wisdom. vehicle the sub. with the commission. december's price hikes came amid an ongoing economic crisis since oil rich south sudann broke away in twenty eleven a foreign currency shortage has led to soaring inflation and frequent shortages of food and medicine. al bashir has blamed the protests on unnamed conspirators and dismissed cacalls f for his resignatin ththe presesident has howevr
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acknowledge t the countntrys economic problems saying the slate of reforms is in the works. loyalists in the sudanese legislature are pushing for a constitutional amendment that would allow him to stand again for office in. twenty twenty officials say twenty four people have been killed amid a government crackdown. amnesty international puts the toll it over a thousand arrests. nine seventeen in paris if you're just joining us this alice remind you of our top stories. alexander banana placed under formal investigation this off to emmanuel microns executes the eight iss accused of misusing. diplomatic possibles. the us congress is to investigate whether donald trump broke the mold the president accused instructing his lawyer to lie about a construction projects. in russisia. get all the business news now for you on the program franklin is here with me in the stududio hi brbrian andi
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reckon sales than for the french at call make a run of the announced at today but that wouldld be of much comfort to its ceo. at college guide must because he's still in jail in tokyo on the being fresh allegations of put against joe for q quite awhile a trickle of allegations piling up you might say. going of course is former chairman also of japanese carmakers nissan and mitsubishihi they now sayayt their former chairman received some nine mimillion dollllars in impropeper pays from another ones based joint venture without their knowledge. since his november arrest in tokyo speculation has abounded that go on is the target of a power play by the japanese firms against their french partner or no. awhile it says it's probes have uncovered no wrong doing -- no is expected to replace cone in the coming days. owned by now has the detail- another allegation against carlos ghosn. this time improper p paymens amounting to nine million dodollars. former chairman of nissan and mitsubishi stands accused of receiving the
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money from a joint venture. between the two carmakers. i was. able to also following the arrest of former president mr going on november nineteenth last year after internal investigations were conducted. nissan's management disclose information that improper payments were made to mr stone and that is when we became aware for the first time [inaudible] he dismissed. the accusations are piling up against cone. the auto industry tyson was detained in november in tokyo on charges of under reporting is salary by forty four million dollars between two thousand and ten and two thousand sixteen he was re arrested twice again on additional allegations of financial misconduct. the mitsubishi nissan fight cone you remains reynolds chief executive. the three car companies a part of the alliance a glglobal com making grouping and guns detention without trial has raised suspicions of a power play on the japanese side. when it was repeatedly insisted it is found no
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evidence of wrongdoing? though now coming under pressure to move forward you to rule and i say this with the remiminder of the presumption of innocencee fr carlos ghosn because she didn't go with the permanent prevented from exercising his role. we would have to move to something else tenue station would. the french government owns a 5050% stake beau to conveneo appoint gun successor. in the coming days. the transfers owned by now we're next catholic says it's cutting 7% of i i full time workforce. electric carmaker seeking to cut costs in order to consistently turn a profit while ramping up production of its mass market model three sedan. in an email to employees ceo you onon musk defended thehe decision saying quote there isn't any other way. news comes as china's as more thann fourteeeethousand tesla modelel s. cars arere beingg recalled in the coununtry that to replace faulty airbags made by now defunct in japanese parts
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supplier takata. and it's the e. u. has published new guidelines for trade negotiations with the united states in that part of an effort to avoid a trade war with the trump administration. working towards a lasting deal was a critical element of the treated truces struck in july between washington and brussels after trump slapped tariffs on steel and aluminum from both europe and elsewhere. the use opening gambit is limited in scope focusing on cutting import duties for industrial goods like cars that particular concern to the largrge german auto industry washingtoton is already set out a much broader trade agenda including agricultural products which is a red line for europe. ease trade commissioner says it's better to start small. we are prepared to put our vehicle tariffs on the negotiating tables as part of a broader agreement if the u. s. agreed to work together to a zero tolerance for or industrial goods if they are sensitive. at individual products you like to pick up some shoulder because he just can find a solution.
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time for check in onon todas tradading action now wall street jumping on news that china has offered a proposal toto eliminate its trade imbalance with the us over the next six years that througugh increasing import. us manufacturing sector posted its strongest growth in ten months helping to lift shares the down as in p. both up over 1% the nasdaq up right around e eit tenths of a percent. more good news on the trade front help to boost european shares friday us treasury secretary stephen newton proposed lifting terrace on some or all chinese imports. at sent indexes sharply higher the frankfurt dax ending the day up over two and a half percent when in twenty one hundred closing upup just shy of 2% cac arod here in paris. not too far behind. thanks the annual world economic forum kicks off next week it is the economic event o of the yeaear but my key world leaders are sending gagave us their regrets. president donald trump has decided that not only hihimself but the wholele us delegation will stay away amid the u. s. government shut down. while america's far from the
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only major absence from the business summit which comes at a time of mounting economic uncertainty. cosigner reports. grappling with the longest shutdown of the u. s. federal government in history. president donald trump had already planned to skip next week's world economic forum in davos switzerland. now for the whihite house ss the us will be sending a delegation at all. out of consideration f for e eight hundred can workers not receiving pay and to ensure his team can assist as needed. president trump has canceled his delegation's trip to the world economic forum in davos. it's not the only world leader set to skip the annual powwow to deal with domestic issues. a manual micro who this week kicked off a national debate aimed at quelling frances yell of us protest movement will be staying home. thanks i will british prime minister theresa may spend reading from parliament's rejection of a proposed brexit deal. the house does not support this deal. a gloomy backdrop for a conference already marked by
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economic uncertainty th for maurice ever trade disputes to fears of a global slowdown. three c. everybody up sold by crisis managemen. where do we look still at some future? we want to be more opportunity oriented and not necessarily. talking about see present crisis -- by rich -- supported coolant or bold is salt. three thousand people are still expected to gather in davos next week. on the issues on the docket technologicacal innovation climate change. and growing trade frictions. let's take a look at some more of today's top business headlines european commission will reportedly blocked the p proposed mergr of siemens and alstom's railway businesses. sources close to the deal are reporting that seems as refusal to halt certain practices regarding high speed train technology has resulted in a veto based on anti trust grounds. the commission is expected to give its final decision
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on february sixth. the president of the new york federal reserve has warned that the partial u. s. government shutdown is affecting economic growth john williams as the month long closure of around a quarter of federal functions is leading to quote emerging head winds. and the quarterly growth forecast could be cut by half 21%. and the bank of italy has warneded that the country's economy may be in recession the bank on friday noted a significant slowdown in the euro zone's third largest economy during the last quarter of twenty eighteen and revised twenty nineteen forecast downward. italian economy had already shrunk by a tenth of a percent in the third quarter of twenty eighteen finally for business germany's largest annual food and agriculture trade fair open friday in berlin. major theme of this year's international green week is sustainability and food giant nestle is taking the opportunity to launch a new vegan burger they claim taste remarkably like real meat. the incredible burger is made from vegetable used to
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replicate the bloody texture of the beef burger. haunts comes on the heels of a major report releaeased thursdsday urging the worldo drastically reduce meat consumumption in order to improve health and stave off environmental d disaster. smaller start ups like bebeyond meat and impossible foods have been innovating new techniques in plant based me for several years but nestles entrance brings a much longer reach. i think the fact the nestle is the largest company in the world is getting in front of people that some of the smaller. companies never would have the opportunity.. to i think thahat's going to make it mainstream which is. any beacon street. is a sounds very tasty. cuban to try one why do i write thank you very much indeed franklin out with the business time for a short break i don't go away
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01/18/19 01/18/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! >> we are bringing our troops home. the caliphate has crumbled and isis has been defeated. amy: as vice president mike pence declares isis has been defeated, four americans are killed in an isis attack in syria. will this change the administration's plans for withdrawal? we will speak with democratic congressman ro khanna about syria,a, afghanistan and the
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