tv France 24 LINKTV February 1, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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next week . good evening the united states to pull o out of a nuclear missile treaty withh russssia that dates back to the cold war the secretary of state mike pompeii said the u. s. would suspend compliance. with the intermediate range nuclear forces. to and then witithdraw completely in six months time the i. n. f. as is nine banned the development of short and intermediate range missiles from washington is accused moscow violating the papacks with impmpunityy. all thehe response tonight from the russian fororeign ministry as being at the u. s. is quite.
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with touring to o gas out of its international. obligations simon harding has the report [inaudible] the the trump administration has delivered on yet another threat this time washing morning it will be leaving the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty for the nineteen eighty seven the landmark agreements. signed between the us and former soviet union marks what is generally considered as the end of t the cold wa. the treaty eliminated all nuclear and conventionall missiles ranging f fm five hundred and fifty to five thousand five hundred kilometers. u. s. secretary of state's mike pompeii okay said that moscow had for years fail to comply with the agreements. the united states will therefore suspend its obligations under the i. n. f. treaty effective february second. we'll provide russia and the other treaty partities with formal notice that the united states is withdrawing from the n. f. treaty. effective in six months pursuant to article fifteen of the tree.
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russia has jeopardized the united states security interest and we can no longer be restrictcted by te treaty wall russia shamelessly violates. russia has denied that they have violated the treaty for president donald trump has said that multiple times he would quit if russia did not transparently dispose of any i. n. s. missiles. hohowever washihington hasae clear they are willing to work on y you bilateral arms agreements. the united states stands ready to engage with russia on arms control negotiations that advance us and allied and partner security and verifiable and enforceable. must also include all the partners. they must all responsibly cocomply with their obligations. the us is decision will come immediately into effect on february second the kremlin had initially been given sixty days to come into compliance with the imf treaty. washington's decision has now sparked fears of a new
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arms race. let's talk a little more than about this story with the former french ambassador to russia. john to gett nasasty good evening at two you. must be talking to us and we just had very clearly that in that report the united states that says russia being violates saying -- this treaty and building up its missile but it's very difficult to assess such -- in such a declaration becaususe is there a secret service problem. and the russians opened five reaching the that we could visit this -- that these -- cruise missiles -- i think. most of western countries. refused -- the russians are accusing the americans of fusing of platform of anti missile as ag system. to to send crews [inaudible] so view you have different
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accusation which is once thing is sure. what's at stake is europe security. now there are some people tonight a warning that this deal may. in fact be a domino e effect and bring down up all the nuclear treaties and we had a sexy another arms race. is not something that you think it's plausible. well at least you find it in the russian press they say. the americans denounced the nineteen seventy two three t. on onto my side of the i meanan the onto my missile system. and now that denouncing these -- treaty on all right in that region and damage read that dick. they couldn't. they could not. a problem they would did not prolong the us dot new stockton. treaty which was signed by - imaginative and and
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president obama. the united states that is offering something of an olive branch tonight though isn't it saying we'll give you s.. start flying and if you do we what pull out of this deal do you think we're going to see a big change from russia then in the next six months. i'm not sure because they had six sixty days -- to in the in t the russian press you find the word destroyed the system but i'm not sure the two met them was to destroy the system was. to open the system -- to weston -- experts but to what was known to achieve in sixty days couldn't be achieving sinks well it's in six montnths i thihink the amers dishonored two long time ag. to get out of this treaty i did they acts now do you think the united states -- i'm not sure europe security is the the main of probation and and goal i think the
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question is china because china is notot. linked it's not bound by this treaty and i think the americans want a free hand. in front of china regarding these into maturity range with suppliess and just brieiefly -- before we let y you go at tl us what you make of the response that we've had from russia today the united states is using this as a pretext to simply guess sounds of its international at legal obligations. yes i think the fred of of further moves regarding new starter. and they are convinced that the americans want a free hand everywhere now. a very much for your analysis and for your time that's john a glance the that the former french ambassador to russia talking to us here. on the program. next then at the international criminal court has ordered the release of laurel back by the express that to the ivory coast w ws acquitted of war crimes charges.
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by the court on january the fifteenth this year as the prosecutors abide by his lawyers say he may be rereleased witithin hours toninight b b it isn't yet clear why how god. is he'll be able to go back to thehe ivovory coast. bye bye s suppose been gathering up outside the hague today let's take a listen to what some of them had to say when his release was announced [inaudible] i'm not . we will be with. bye bye spend the suns lost seven years in custody of the hahague he was accccusef involvlvement in postst elen violence in twentnty ten to
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twenty eleven in the ivory coast. when some thrhree thoususand people were k killed r rose twenty four seven shanti ace been taking a look back that up by posters co correct? up until when he was charge. the only it's been seven years in prison from the home by faith. but the struggles off the formerer ivory coast presidt spawn a the decades. university professor turned activist relation became african leaderr. that was back in nineteen eighty two t the bank before the opposition party the fb. before he was exiled in france this was his first credible political platform. if he i was later authorized to run in the election he didn't win but secured a seat in parliament. in two thousand but they was proclaimed presidents after violently disputeted polls. cases based arrival on a some water on from this moments i believe that the transitional governments will n no longer has a purp. from this moment. i am the head of states.
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the ideass of b bank phase presidency one month i control the seat in front new measures concerning ivoirian nationality fueled anger. leading to an attempted coup against him in twtwo thousad anand two we are not facinga mutiny. an attempted coup. to tatal. to the civil conflict that ensued divided the west african country into. amid the decades long chaos voting was pushed off at least six times. and came two thousanand and ten when a against warlords once at a won the election. which was rececognized internationally as a free in fact. however backed by the constitutional court. they cried found leading to busts of violencece between the t two camps. leaving some three thousand people dead. and up to one million fleeing the fighting. in twenty eleven for water forces finally swept down from the north and took
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control of the country. except the capital of the john. and within a month after an arrest warrant was issued by the icc. african leader was arrested. in twenty sixteen the landmark trial of ththe hold back the infant for crimes. against humanity. next beef from cows illegally slow sit in poland has been imported to france the government has confifird today potus tv revealed that the sick cows would being killed. and then meets that exploded across the european union nearly a hundred kilograms of the beef was sent to france but it's s not yet clear whether any of it. iseing consumed it is though not just a concern for from the for many countries across the european union abbas's correspondent dave keating reports on how the e. u. has responded today. well again this is showing just how difficult it is to trace meets in the e. u.. there are there's lots of paperwork in n place for w n
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something like this happens for any potential retailers- receivers in use states to be able to five if they have this affected meat or not but it's still a very tricky thing we learned that in the horse meat scandal. and of course were learning it again now -- you know the e. u.'s role in all of this is to coordidine and assess the safety so they send out t these. rapid -- messages to all you states giving them the latest information they coordinate all the information from the different governments and if that safety assessment role- which they will be for filling when they go to polaland on m monday they're going to go to thee specicic plans but they're also going to go to other plans. and they're gonna look at whether or not this practice is more widespread the journalist who -- film to this undercover footage says that this practice is widespread in poland snow the polish government says no this is a one off there's no reason to be concerned about other polish beef.
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but it't'the e. u.'s job here to assess whether that claim is credible and whether this really was j jt a a one off. david keating out for us that. nenext military intervention in venezuela is nonot imminence that's what president trump's national security adviser told us radio today. john bololton thohough sayig that all options do remain on the table. becomes other western countries take a more muscular approach to the crisis european governments are expected to recognize wong why does that adjustment lead a venezuela. is that he is next monday thought of course off the greateter himself declared that he was the president last week it has been moving sense to try to force nicolas maduro from office. limit ideas today i spoke to the last american idol actually considering intervening. i'm just to keep it waving possibibility in front of my characters are concentrates mind sh i don't think it is going to happen now i think
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it c could lead to real quik my that't's the last number countriess who are you callining i'm too mature ou. the coach thahat they wouldd not welcocome. condition to mention i it oe of t the countriries that ni dodon't think so because its a useful tool. attitude to keep maturing casting about what might happen. well there are other ways the one that that the united states is trying to squeeze the regime in venezuela oils one of them they sananction ththe oil industry that. now what effffect does not actually going to have in times of harming the regime is it more likely that that will be filed -- among ordinary people in this. sh two point yes and it caused his possible that's what they they do that as well as recaps style. some at least of a half a million barrels a day that may. have. expose you to the united states recently. but that's not easy. it's a very heavy crude most
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of the things right now explore. each muscle refineries and stay in india or china. otother countrieies that is. ii kind of f find restrict w glass. sh so let's possible that that we have to sell some elsewhere. it won't b be stressful i don't know what sort of coururse the americans are threatening and has dealings with friends right. restrictioions. i i know that there are some dealals [inaudiblble] that does [inaudible] internrnational trade.. act off because that they are free. mentions. sanctions sh so. that they are. the calculation of the opposition run by doubling time. which is is that. this is going to be resolved very quickly so. it's going to happen as much
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in taxes and much attach i think is a very optimistic view. is the one thousand i ask you i just prefer that abobt the diplomomacy of all of ts wewe've seen of cocourse one greater being supportrted vy heheavily. by the united s states as wl as to a lesser extent by year of meanwhile we have nicolas maduro being backed by russia. and china is this is a bizarre kind of cold war sass out while rule these countries so invested in venezuela today. well yes i guess is a proxy struggle between -- confusing congress there's also a third group. she is the blonde to act as intermediaries or taste of negotiations on this. significant allowances mexicana because the european union is also talking about a contact group of european and latin american countries which will try.
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to about the conditions in venice bands for free elections which is -- aren't quite out. so the the the internationa. musical state is the it is very complex [inaudible] there are. it is serious interests tha. play here. i think that the americans are using this and t this ws quite does that popped into trying to re conquer last night. interesting view best. jeez do tend to be very polarized about what's going on next the united states the taliban have agreed to a draw framework for a deal which could pave the way for talks with the kabul government. of the seventeen years the trump administration is keen to withdraw from afghanistan and end america's longest war. dunkley though would oppose complete afghanistan might look like but there are many women who fear that the taliban will regain control of parts of the country. in minutes faith there's
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always music in the background. under taliban rule this would not be authorized she wouldn't even be allowed to work. so now like many other women and kaboom she's worried about anyny negotiations wih the talibanan. socialism of technical among i think freedom for post taliban women is a big achievement and if we go backwards once again. there will be a very heavy price. for the taliban implemented a strict interpretation of the shariah law in afghanistan for five years. before being toppled by the us in two thousand and one it still controls fast parts of the country. but now that the trump administration is desperate to withdraw its troops. it has agreed to a draft framework for a deal with the insurgents which could pave the way for peace talk. between the taliban and the afghan government that was left. over. feminist activists say they believe the country has changed and that afghan women will not allow their rights to be taken away
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without a fight -- commmmitted b because of sua lot of of what i w want exct a piece that asks me to go back and sit at home. i will raise my voice and never be ready to accept my freedom restricts m me. makes me wear a burqa and puts me in a cage i won't accept the peace that bring stability but puts me in jail. i'm with that band will sho. you and figures show more and more women have been accessing eduducation work d positions of power. under the post taliban government. but despite the progress and millions spent by western aid programs in some rural areas literacy rates are less than 2%. and rights are often more constrained by conservative tradition [inaudible] yeah. when us in business news now on the program you corona joins me here? on the set high you can i know the very stuff his off than with the e world's biggest freree trading so is just been created is called the e. u. japan economic partnership -- tell us a little about us and try the new free trade
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area covers about that of the balls economy. the e. x. was about fifty eight billion euros in goods and another twenty eight billion euros inside assistance upon a free yet. but up until now e european exporters have to pay high tariffs up 240% on cheese and 24% of pasta for exampl. as a friday most of those barriers and gone on tariris on japanese cars coming into the european union will also be lifted selena sites reports. it's the world's largest bilateral trade agreements covering nearly a third of global gdp and over six million people. on the four yeyears of negotiations the freree trae deal between the europeann union and japan has comee into effect. sweeping away almost always have respect brussels estimates that the deal will add to thirty three billion euros to e. u. g. d. p. by. twenty thirty five while the japanese government's envisages roughly a forty
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two billion euro based. topics calls the cheese the packs will largely benefits japanese carmakers and e. u. famas. yuji teas on japanese vehicles will be phased out over seven years. while japanese time wrestle under cultural products from europe including dairy and processed food humping scraps. once fully implemented the deal will see japanese gt's for me from 97% of goods imported from the queue. european exporters are expected to save around one billion euros injuries he's a yeah. customers in tokyo -- or the reaping the benefits. with the 15% g. t. o. m. e. u. one scraps prices in japan have fallen by 10% or more on friday. i think i'll try more european products from now on i'm lookiking for to cheapeper prices betterr quality and more choice. the agreements will also protect geographical specialities such a champagne and maybe beef. and libereralize trade in
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services paris climate deal commititments also looked io the deal the signet european council president jungle jim could describe the pact also message the world about the future of open and fetch frayed. what's that rebuke the protectionist i'm the chief of the world's biggest economy the united states. serena sykes ripples in tha. britain can also benefit from this new f. t. a. based upon at least fifty seven days until at least the european union. international trade secretary liam fox stressed at that it would be much better for the e. u. antique uk to have a deal before brexit than to seek ann extension to article. fifty he said that a new deal exit with impacts. but the white the wild. i would much rather see a deal. because we will automatically get me automatically get the ruling over -- of those agreements that since everybody's interests and our trarading partners e very clear.
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and i hope that they make the voice very clear to the european union -- that it's n not this is not just a a domestic dispute between britain -- and the e. u. it has ramifications in the wider global economy. next the united states so robust job growth in january the strongest in eleven months. the latest monthly and on an employment report out on friday showed the economy added three hundred and four thousand jobs. the recent thirty five day partial government shutdown seems to have had no impact on job growth but it did push up the unemployment rates 24% the highest level. in seven months. now the strong jobs report provided a listing us stock markets but it was short lived. major wall street indexes and viet lou -- in the off the name with losses in retail this led by amazon outweighing gains in energy and bangs as you can see that out as just. below that's not mine and nasdaq down further now the e. commerce giant on
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thursday posted record sales and profits at during the christmas holiday season but its sales forecast for the first quarter of this year. fell short of expectations it it's down. over a 5% now losing more than. four does your bank has posted its first annual profit in for yes germany's largest land that. i'm connected with three hundred and forty one million euros. for twenty eighteen well that's a welcome change from years of losses it missed analyst forecasts by 20%. or performance at its investment banking unit led to a larger than expected loss in the fourth quarter. among says it's stepping up cost cutting measures to increase profitability. a rather peculiar housing project in turkey the bulge other abbas of real estate development. has hundreds of identical casal like buildings that look fit to house disney princesses today that empty
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that us that the developer has been facing bankruptcy. but on friday creditors voted to continue funding it's until its completion it's far from the only propopty developmentnt onn e brink as a result of techies recession the tragus. excellent. nestled a amid tururkish moununins row upon row of pointed turrets almost like a fairy tale.. they look like model houses but the bush out by bass is seven hundred and thirty two homes had been under threat of never being completed. until creditors voted to continue funding the start groups trouble project and move the senate because mendel such this you were planning on a partial opening. people could start moving into about a third of the complex this year to begin their new lives. when it finally opens will be able to call it a dream land a dream town lebanese in educational again under? bush all about bass is far from the only such project facing financial woes. turkeys high inflation and in august currency crisis have seen the letter released nearly a third of
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its value against the dollar lastear. leaving hundreds of fans nationwide seeking bankruptcy protection. under one point 1% contraction in the it's a left questions over the stability of both the turkish housing and construction sectors. and when it comes to bush on a bass skittish nerves with foreign policicy is the project was aimed at you do. we do not support the decisionon that hass been taking now. that the company running the bridge of the bus project. continue the project. as it has gone back on many calls us so now. we don't have any trust in them and if you thought he had on dejaba buses home should sell for between four to five hundred thousand dollars a piece. leading to ten and a half million lodgings that have gone up across turkey over the last sixteen years. with only eight million having been approved for us. i'm fine eight apple says it's taking longeger than expected to fix a bug on its group facetime service. on friday the iphone maker apologized for the embarrassing security flow
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which allows users listening to the people that call in before t they answer the ph. the company says it has touched the problem on its service and will roll o outn update and next week to bring the status back onlin. the bug was the discomfited by a teenager a friend to a group called. he was really shocked and i don't understand why so i look at my phone to see -- that -- he never clicked except and he told me that he never quit except yet we can both hear each other as clear as day i think he would be pretty awesome from apple. and of course like a reward would be pretty cool but i mean. even at thank you would be. read it is an embarrassing glitch for apple but it is also quite scary if you think the hououses sududdeny other. and not a good pr store store if apple sauce made a you can thank you very much you could wear with the businessss and thankss to y. avavoiding time f for short break on the program
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02/01/19 02/01/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from the sundadance film festival in park city, utah, this is democracy now! >> i was really inspired to write "clemency" the morning after troy davis was executed. so many of us were sad, frustrated, angry. i thought, if we are all dealing with these emotions, what must it be like for the people who left to kill him? what i is it like for your livelihood to be tied taking human life? ams
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