tv France 24 LINKTV February 20, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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them and then you get the there's nothing in this back in the late. late show also falls and gets michael set to unveil a package of measures designed to crack down on anti semitic abuse and made an alarming rise in attacks on jews. presidident is set to make a speech to the annunual christita with jewish organizations. and in senegal president mackeyy stylyle overwhelmingly expectedo win the second set in this weekend'ss elections but have hs
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main rivals been unfairly disqualified from running. of the latest in a series of special reports. the french senate has accused the government of major floors in its handling of a scandal involving president macros former bodyguard. alexander been allowow who was placed in provisional detention yesterday was filmed roughing up protest is at last year's may day rallies. that ticket further scrutiny of his role and allegations he did miss used his position. today the senate concluded that at least thrhree aides to president michaelel deliberately misled to their investigation should he said one has more [inaudible] for after probing for seven months the so called banality case the senate's
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commission released its report. it says authorities m mis handld the afaffair. news of all we need. we gathered enough evidence to me showing the president's own security was affected by the fifteenth we detected errors anomalies. and flaws the facials wanted the cost that the the scandal broke count when it was revealed that an excellent and i love presidential aide. protesters in a made a demonstration the comommission focused on what happened after that incident. how those in charge and the presidential palace failed to sanction the nala? two double rooms onon peoples that did. sh because we discovered what i would call a chain of your responsibilities. use also measure the commission and i've said it over and overr believes thehe sanctions allegey taken after these incidents. were neither sufficient nor appropriate don't you know a fe. one of the flaws pointed out by the report the sensitive
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missions given to the former bodyguard. the commission says that several officials lied about bonilla's prerogatives during the investigation. of course that google mall as we have found out that although officials have testified otherwise. that's been a lot was tasked with reorganizing the president's security apparatus. these entirely on his own and reporting directly to the chief of staff's rule to be did you gerry told the cabbie. the commission says it's transferring all the data it has collected to legal authorities sing several officials should be prosecuted for lying under oath. hours later legal authorities opened an investigation on charges of obstructing justice. when a response said too that the government has strongly denies allegations of a cover u? you'll get enough of the details of the presidential palace will bring forward all the facts. to answer the allegations o of this
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report much you would you which is clearly filled with false claims that this. we have great respect for the separation of powers on the computer. and judicial authorities don't take orderers from m anyone who looks at all depressive. well president micro is set to announce new measures designed to figight anti semitism after spike in attacks on jews tonight he's attending a dinner at the cliff an organization which represents jewish groups in france. yesterday he told a symmetry in alsace with dozens of jewish graves had been vandalized and he promised that france would act. hospitals and punish will anti semitic and racist actss are already illegal in france. so what does the current law will say on a picture of iconic holocaust survivors semen vedi covered with a swastika. the but you didn't jennifer jews sprayed across the bagel shop window. and the numumber of gravess desecrated with* symbols at
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a jewish cemetery. anti semitic acts have multiplied in recent days month. the interior ministry has found that in twenty eieighteen the number of incidents of this nature increreased by 74%4% froe previous year. they involved bevel abuses threats and in some cases physical violence. acts punishable on the french criminal little. among the recent incidents among pointing prominent writer and i'm thinking crawled on the street during a yellow vt prprotest. insulting a personn in public is an offence that carries a fine u up to twelve thousand euros. if the abuse is racicist in nate the perpetrator could face up to one yearar in prison forty five thousand euros in fines. vandalizing grades is also a criminal act which could send the offender to prison for up to three yes. if it's considedered an attack n a particular religion and a fine of forty five ththousand euros could be added. painting swastikas -- other* symbols across public or private properties carries an
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even heavier punishment of up to five years in prison. most of these anti semitic attacks have been attributed to far right extremists but in recent years a new trend has emerged according to one expert- keep removal we're seeing new types of anti semitic acts that have arisen in part among people of muslim faitith. as a result of rising tensions between israel and palestinians was yeah. we've also noted another type of anti semitic sentiment. among a certain number of people from the far left. nurtured by anti capitalist anti israel and anti zionist speeche. president emmanuel macron may announce new measures to combat the rise in anti semitism in france. brexit turmoil continues to checkk on brititish politics noa group of independent mps inn parliament now stands at eleven office three conservatives quit that policy and a superstar williston and h heidi a allen. joining t the eight lawmakers wo quit the labor party this week
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while the x. labor then this left in protest at lee did jeremy corbin's failure. to stamp out antisemitism in his policy x. conservatives say that the prime minister theresa may has allowed the policy to be hijacked by hard brick city is. the conservatives will a always recognizes the party of economic competence. but when we allow to o cabinet ministers to say f. business. we have a prime minister bullied into submission. by the rg a and is now driving e country i'm parliament kickingng and screaming to the edge of a no deal abyss. i'm done. i want to be parart of something better. frustratated because benededict heavier has more on that now from london. monday a we witness seven labor and he's quitting that be many rumors for months for weeks for days it finally happened. on monday the seven what joined by one more late last night --
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so that's eight x. labor mps and then. also -- widely rumored on it happened today -- three conservative. and he's quitting pro remain -- they're unhappy with the handling of breaks it up by this prime minister also concerns about -- the way that -- poor people in society are treated so thanks. very much. is difficult to assess the impact if you will -- because these are very early days. there's no doubt as she has said that the prime minister theresa may -- that she is saddened by this actually that's in a statement from downing street that we got that comment from the prime minister. there was work to school prime minister's questions pm cues anybody want to check that is hashtag k kim hughehes on t twi. and during the whole of that those exchanges but neither jeremymy cooll been normal trean may w well all specicifically at and because both leadeders of te
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two mainstreamam parties. the governing c conservatives ae and the labor policy -- i have this problem and we don't know iff they're going to be m e defections is so when are on there is a lot of talk about. a possible ministerial. resignation -- in the comoming days on a big ve coming next week -- apps not the meaningful that mr brussels and goes yes again to meet mr younger to yes agagain trying to find some sort of concessions the issue that will please. the extreme right wing off upon seeingng possibly trying to get sosome labor mps on board so. huge instabilility huge v volaty huge divisions within the mainstream parties. difficult to tell impossible to tell right now how influential this will turn out to be. and is it have yeah that well meanwhile theresa may is in brussels once again trying to
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negotiate changes to the divorce deal she agreed with the european commission about which hahas been rejected by british d face. to o the commission presesident joko joan cut discussing alternative arrangements to the irish backstop which is so unpopular with briritish lawmakers. there is just over a month to go before britain leaves the european union well to resume is hailing progress in tonight's talks. with his own called jim cut let's go to brussels cabin is a is that yeah any breakthroughs as theresa may is claiming. well no directories obviously because the president of the european commission's octillion go save. even before t the meeting theree was a mee that t there would beo breaktkthroughs -- we know that thehere is a may ce stock to brussels in all the two osc fall as legegally binding assurances. as to what's the exit agreement concerns regarding the m. box of all islands and we know that the
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european union does not want to renegotiate. michelle value has side so - -- to steven bock lady -- and here in brussels -- we know that the e. u. u use vey skeptical about the chances of the how majestyty's g governmens too well to craft and to to get to majority i are the house of commons you know that to block the brexit agreement. so the you sigigned iss a very l very skeptical about the chahan. of the resume to obtain charity- on whichever direction and that would b be so they are very and skeptical about theheir reasons why she's coming to brusselsls n although to ask yet agagain old the same. questions that she's been asking ever since --- december now.. may be the bestt summary of the situation is docked all five after the comommons the chancesf the exchchequer said dot abubusd
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edie you would not accept to do replacee. the box o of violence with technology going to be to but it's that's there was a made made the mall go skating o on what's g going to be. within the negotiations after the brerexit salam not march twenty nine at the future negotiations f for the future relation between the uk and the u.. and that's where i met the she could find assurances all the house of commons a all right ken as a thank you very much [inaudible] you're welcome -- mais governments meanwhile has been criticized over decision to strip in nineteen year old to join the islamic state of her us citizenship ximena begum travel to syria for years ago as a school girl. and had threeee childrenn withhe g. had he e fights at two of the children died. she's now left with a a baby boy who's a few days old will bangladesh has dismissed claims that she would be eligiblee. to
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receive citizenship thatt your best a chest story like now if i had the services shanina begum the teenager who fled londonn to jojoin the islamic state group four years ago. won't be able to return home. a decision to strip her of her british citizenship came after begum gave birth to her third child this weekend. and called on authorities to show compassion. by allowing her to raise the baby in the u. k.. i think a lot of people should have like sympathy towards me for everything i've been through you know and i i i didn't i didn't know i was getting into and i laughed and i just. hoping that maybe. if it's sick of me and my child. eleven come back. yeah begum didn't show any remorse and her appeal didn't convince british authorities which consider her a security threats. the uk's home office which is forbidden from rendering people stateless. based its decision to remove pagans nationality on the
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nineteen year-old's bangladeshi heritage which could allow her to claim citizenship there. the move was hailed by conservative mps who had been calling on the governments to make an example of would be returning jihadisists is the rit decision bececse wee have to shw two things. one that we w want to have it is happens to stop to join our extreme islamists terrorist groups and secondly t that we el not tolelerate under any circumstances -- people joining those -- deathh colds and if they do thee will be consequences. begins lawyer said her family was disappointed by the decisio. and that it would consider all available legal avenues. it now has a month to filele an appeal. amnesty international has accused the venezuelan later nicolas maduro if using hunger punishment and faith to crack down on those who t took part ii proteststs against his governme. group says that dozens died
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during days of unrest last month almost all of them from gunshot wounds nine hundred people were detained. internationally recognized leader one why does is calling on the army to allow international humanitarian aid into the country. well my granddaughter -- but we're not stopping not going to stay out in the street. this twenty third of february yeah we're going to mobilize every. every door postt incentive gary clear message. but i would not. as we've done since the beginning in a peaceful. very firm manner. we going -- this twenty third of february man that humanitarian aid be allowed through to allow us to save lives in our country get better meet them what i do i decide what to be i'd be be i mean they want to buy a to send out now for the latest in. a series of reports ahead off this weekend's elections twowo f president mackey sououls biggest opponents are barred from running after they were
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convicted for the misuse of public funds. that support his claim it's a political what's our correspondents and is this report from decca. senegal's former president abdoulaye wide hoped his son would follow in his footsteps and with his son kareem bone from running he's about to stop the election. as a result. of the country's major political policies. candidate in the presidential race. the system if we believe the system is rigged. whatever happens on the evening of february twenty fourth mackey cell will proclaim himself elected in the first round. so we will not participate in this charade we want to show senegal and the whole world is that my console has decided to steal our consciences. the one in the process. highly fissile former mayor of
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dot com is another opposition figure bald from running. but he formed an alliance with another candidate his supporters of fully involved in the campaign but they can use the government of sidelining him. no democrat how democracy is no longer the democracy we used to show the world to do we have a leader things he can have all the powers. can do whatever he wants so long as his friends and h he's powern alallows him to ensure that he's reelected. without glory or any risk pool side ride a sappy. minister of communication rejects such charges. for the bus for the debate on get him wide and khalifa solace no longer political debate because the matter has been settled. by the justice system interesting and we haven't done anything eliminate anyone from running. said and that's the fight against impmpunity the fight agaiainst the justice and social inequalities. for candidates a e facing president mackey sal three of them have never run a
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presidential campaign. that is s his business dayss fre medical standarards but with usn the studio hi nicole we're gonna start with ruling out right here in front of the swiss bank ubs ordered to pay. millions in fines for tax evasion trailers for a total sum of four point five billion euro. now that includes a hundred million euros in damages for the french state. coururt here in paris finding a company complicit in what it called in your eyes from authoritieies betweenen two thod four in. twenty twelve cathererine cliffd has more. the record fine for friends as a paris court tells you be asked to pay up to three popoint seven billionn euros with tax for old. and a furthther eight hundred million in damages to the french state itself this figure wasas much less than the one point six billion euros is lawyers have demanded. this was banking giant was convicted of unlawfully soliciting french clients and helping them hide the assets from the tax man. french is thirty say that over an eight year period between two thousand and f four and two thousand twelve more than ten
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billion euros with top types of sites. ubs's french subsidiary was also fined fifteen million euros for complicity. ubs lawyers said they would not lodge an appeal. this is an incomprehensible decision we will appeal the or no faq i say. the bank denies the charges saying its operations complied with swiss lole. it says it didn't know that some french clients hadn't properly declared assets in switzerland. ubs says prosecutors have yet to produce proof such as client names or account numbers to back up the front claims the trial comes off the back of a seven year long investigation. launched when former employees step forward with allegations of unlawful conduct. ubs and french authorities have been in settlement talks twice but the proceedings fell through two years ago when both sides couldn't agree on the fine amounts. i level trade talks between the us and china are slated to pick up thursday in washington.
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countries are trying to wind down their trade war ahead of the march first deadline. us is threatening to further had tearars on to the chinese goods they can't reach a deal by then the same time president trump has suggested the deadline could be pushed back. washington has urged china t to ststop what it considersrs to be currencycy manipulation. prpractices as booze chinese exports and one's a beijing denied those allegations. well what i can tell you is that firstly china as a responsible and great nation. as we have said time and time again. i'm not engage in competitive devaluation of our cucurrency. secondly we would also not use the renminbi's exchange rate as a tool to deal with trade disputes. thirdly we also hope that the u. s. can respect market rules respect objective facts a and nt popoliticize the exchange rate issued of the control. now let's checkn on today's trtrading action some modest gas across europe attacks in the fifty one huhundred finished the day ahead.
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ofof us despite a drop in the share price of sainsburys uk regulators warn they could block the supermarket chahains planned merger with us that which is owned by walmart. next picture on wall street investors reactctg to the release of minutes from the federal reserve's meeting i in january. central bank said that u. s. growth will step down this year but market shaking off thosose concerns. moving on n now mining giant glencore is pledging to limit coal production rose largest coal exporter said it was putting a cap on its coal minin. it's not holding its activity in the sector but says it'll keep annual production around this year's levels. either way a big victory for investors calling on energy companies to tackle climate change. lang choruses it'll now focus on other commodities kian transition towards clean energy. russian president vladimir putin saysys thehe country needsds tos on raising l living standards. came in his state of the union address wednesday in moscow. putting use it to emphasize the need to tackle poverty which affects about 13% of russia'a's population. as a promising new policies tax breaks it's and housing
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subsididies for families. plus size a. from multinational population it is specifically the family units the raising of children procreation respect for older generations. that has been under means the powerful moral call. us. now here in france the country's housusing sector h has sounded e alarm on wednesday construction companieies and housingng on prs announceced that building permis for new residentiall developmems haveve dropped compared t to lat year. they say thatt new government policies are partly to blamee. claire rush rush he's me takes a closer look. if you were permit. last construction. fewer homemes on the market. according to french housing developers the number of residential building permits dropped over 7% in. twenty eighteen an even bigger concern nearly 30% of projects awarded permits never b began construction.
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real estate professionals housing nonprofits and local politicians warned o of an e eng housing shortage and they've called on the government to act. real goal. is what is a full season we need housing policies. that actively promote the construction of low income home. the government has decided that housing eighty something that can be slashed. its budget cuts have created problems swaps. they criticize reforms pushed by president emmanuel matt call in an effort to reduce public spending. since twenty eighteen housing subsidies for first time home buyers have been cut. just like spececial 0% interest rates offered outside of urban areas. this along with budget cuts for public housing construction have rattled the market. yeah affect a construction slows and confidence in the sector dropped. in conference drops from public housing policy. housing has become an especially prominent issue in france in
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recent months as michael towards the country over the next few weeks for his series of great debatetes and response to the yellow vest protest movement. finally yet another brexit related mass thanks to the u. k. split from the e. u. european medicines agency is planning to move from london to amsterdam. now it's also trying to get out of its lease in the posh canary wharf business district. on wednesday it lost a court battle to do so which means the agency is still on the hook for about five hundred and seventy five million euros. now are we are talking about a major international organization here we're talking about something like this but but really -- you know nobody wants to be that behind on their on their payments the landlord yeah that's quite a lot of outstanding rent isn't it is all right call thank you very much because i know that with the business with taking a short break i'm frustrated but don't go away. it when we come back out we hoping to hear from a president maccarone. i. he is having dinner tonight with representatives of the jewish organization faith and he will be announcing new measures designed.
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02/20/19 02/20/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is demomocracy now! >> despite the warnings of etethics lawyers and security experts, thehe trump administrationon has plowewed ad with this idea of sharing nuclear power technology with saudi arabia. and the reason they got so excited about this idea has a lot to do it to people close to the president who potentially had a financial interest in that idea. amy: house democrats are accusing several trump administration officials and
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