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tv   France 24  LINKTV  February 25, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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twenty four i'm fronts when people don't come. that y you want to o live in pas in front twenty four the headlines this hour. us vice president joioins lesson american leaders in but what's not to discuss the crisis in venezuela it follows a weekend of deadly violence along the country's borders with the army blocking the entry of essential humanitarian. eight syria's presidentasashar alal assad makes a rare tririp f ruled meeting w with iran's suprpreme leader in tehran w wre he expressed his gratitude for iran's role in keeping him in power. and it rocks is thirteen captured jihadists believed too be friends will be tried by iraqaqi pool. they were handed ovever by stf forces in syria closing in on
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the remnants of the islamic state group . first we'll with you 1100% that's the message from the us vice president mike pence to venezuela is a kwan why does. the two you are attending a summit of regional leaders in bogota following a weekend of deadly violence on venezuela's borders with brazil and colombi. at least three people were killed in the clashes and three hundred woundeded twin trips lol to the regime of nicolas maduro. blocks the delivery of food and medicine he's quite a speaking at a conference a short while ago. i said a predicate to the indulgence with these groups usurpation of power. would b be a threats to demomocy
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throughout the americas. comedic. only a month it's not a dilemma between democracy. what is it and give you a set of manners? tries to presented as a dynamic between peace and war. my dilemma there is no dilemma. peace must prevail. bailey said the protection of citizens must prevail [inaudible] bailey said. what i said to colin harding may director of the group lasted full and i'll ask him if there was a move towards minute tree action in venezuela? vice president pens.. ononly asked the date limaa grop of l latin american n countriess oppoposed to president m maduro. two introduce f further sanctios i mean. in the in the tank what the uss conference by.. freezing the assets of the venezuelan state oil company in
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that country's armed. deny easases to leadingg memberf the maturation o of the presides of all the leadingng memembers f the group latin american members of the group for columbia purcell real. made its in egypt prospect. why do you think over one why don't you sit there right next to mike pence to mean the optics asas they say i don't great all that when you go out? because maduro saying that the united states is trying t to enengineer a coup p in venezuel. well. yes quite sermon and not everybody thinks they cry dies during itself a favor by sixty two can sell so closely with the united states which isn't exactly the trump admininistratn which isn't often. in latin america in general. because hehe sees the us is his. strongest and most residents
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ally and he doesn't want to distance himself as a brereak fm them but it does not allowow for him. syria's president has met iran's susueme leader in tehran on a a rant foreign visit special on ourr side expressssed gratituder iran s supports duringg the conflict. i'd sort of come in anytime he was proud of tehran's role in the conflictt which has killed three e hundred and sixtytyhousd syriss and leftt millions of asidee has left syria in recent years to visit sees all the minute you back as in moscow it but does rarely. leave the country well l for moe that we can get it now to tehran visit say about our side and the situation in syria now. one eight shows dates -- he's going a little bit more confident that he feels safe to leave damascus travel abroad although you run it's not. thatat far from syria it's beena rarity is you m mention neeeeded oncece before in two thousand fifteen when you visited moscow.
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this is the first time these -- visitingng you want sinince ther started back in. twowo thousand elevenen is was a b brief visit unannounced which still indidicates that h he doesn't fa 100% savings still taking a lot of precautions he met with the runs up p presidentt has central honey. you alsoet witith you once t the pre bleleeder ayatollah khomemei at thehe meeting with ththe supe leader. cameras also show to boston so they might be thehe h head of te elites could scores. which is a branch of the revolutionary guard that many credit along with rusussia. in devising a military strategy that h helps in manynyays save e assad presidency by pushing back against. syrian opppposition forces m mr assad last thank general leader i in return suprereme le. a short aside thahat y you run - was planning to cooperate with
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syria he's back xperia at this hour. at what about going forward then raise a can syria count only runs on going support. why did this meeting shows that this meeting shows that syria and i iran are planning on counting on one another? inin thehe y years to come fromu ron standpoint they don't have a lot of allies in the region syria is one of them obviously they spent a lot of time and resources and money --- in helping bolsterer that mr asd duringng this war they plan on counting mr a assad as an a alln the growing tensioion with washington. d the g growing tension with -- there g gulf a arab allies in te region like saudidi arabia and keep in mind moving forward as sirius seemingly becomes more stable there's g going to be increasing talkbout what the next governmenent is gonna look like how they get a transition into the next government. these views it shows from you ron standpoinint they have
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confididence they bebeeve that e site is g going to be p part ofe fufuture of the next goverernmet ththey havave confidence that perhaps he can win reelection if he decides to o run in. two thousandndwenty one e and fm siri s standpoint is busy shows the ac e. ron as part of the solution moving forward and part of the negotiations they're gonna shaking out what the next governmentnt assyria. is gonna look like presence i entire on thank you very much. never it's still being counted in nigeria following saturday's presidential elections initial results showed the incumbent mahamadou bihari has a narrow lead over his challenger the former vice president and businessmen. to apple but cuff but the opposition is rejecting those results as incorrect and unacceptable seventy three million people were eligible to vote in the election which was delayed by a week which has been plagued by violence. as many as thirty nine people were killed over the weekend and over two hundred have died since campaigning began last october catherine to if it has more.
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the selection was generally peaceful according to the african union's observation mission. critical for institutional reform to o nigeria's electoral commission there was forwarded coding and interference by voters and the pipe the agents noting the counting process. this situation amounts to a violation of i. necks rules and regulations. create station. and i'm do influence on that is that materials havave been destroyed. including over four thousand smart card readers ballot boxes and voter registration. saying this led to delays in certain parts of the country. the situation room made up of seventy civil society groups had some nine thousand observers on the ground it reported several dozen election the deaths. and said over a quarter of polling stations are under policed it also described point to some security officials and compromised electoral commission
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staff. calling for a thorough investigation. police sent over a hundred people have been arrested across the country for electoral offenses including murder loop buying and family books matchin. in previous elections the death toll has been higher. bought in the past most on rests has occurred after results were announced. by a u. mission called on nigerians to keep the peace. and is it a speech ivr election results in senegal where the prime minister is claiming president mackey sally's headed towards a second term. muhammad dion says initial results just he 150% of the vote in sunday's election. but the official results will not be announced for several days and rival candidates all calling for a second round runoff. iraq's prime minister says that thirteen of foreign jihadists who were captured by stf forces and handed over to baghdad will be tried in iraqi colds. there's speculation that they all french c citizens from presidentticron has refusus to
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confirm the n nationality europn nations are facing a major dilemma over what to do with isis fighters captured in syria president micron has said he wants these foreign f fighters. tried locally some a ton elsewhere have been captured such as the fight against isis it comeses to a concnclusion wao talk more about that i'm joined by. fahrrad cost recover our he'ss a jihadist expert thank you very much for being with us some fronts twenty four tonight. at what is your viewew that shod sit as islamic state fighters be or suspected isis fighters be tried locally or should they be brought. home to be tried in the countries where they were born nanatiality.were when n they hod itit d depends you knonow if the in a country like iraq if they are arrested in your ofc. so the right to government can play in. the responsibility to quit judging that but if they are caught is for instatance in coud
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you stop [inaudible] syria. then days no state you know so they should. theoretically be judged in france but the problem is that nobody wants t to use jazz mattr franz nor geminini in or great brbritain or t the oth s so. eveveryone tries to get rid o of them and one way is to send them to iraq so that the iraqi government. we'd judge them and that's that seems to have happened today that means between thirteen or fourteen depending on the news. at least french jet is which sent to iraq so that they could be judged by them rather than. being sent to cross what will that will be very convenient so european countries would knit wit which as you say a very reluctant to take back the suspected jihadists do you think that there's been some sort of deal down behind the scenes where. franz on the country's is said to iraq click you you take them and you know what is. it.
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obviously that has been defeated because otherwise you know everybody knows that the iraqi judiciary system is not. not beyond reproach and it's not a democratic country in the same sense. as in europe so ready there's been a delay. yeah reach disagreement to send them to iraq so that they can be judged by them and then. a taken over that you know so that they would not be sent to france or germany or england or other european countries. from my viewpoint it's obvious that that you. and its critics say -- that is -- problematic because fronts of course european countries are opposed to the death penalty it's almost certain that if they are convicted in a row they will face the death penalty. yes but you know there's a kind of mutual understanding and they will not be. a sentence to death now.
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anand they w will be sentenced o longng prison terms helps you kw but the life in prprison. but not the deathth p penalty ad that's something you know i thininhat being. that i read up on iff thehey ar. that is sentenced to death penalty then and back cool but i think this one too has been that way and i i think any k kind of mutual like mine. and daily with the fight is one thing but you've also got a lot of and just how deep wives and of course they're completely innocent children caught up in all of this as well. do you think they're nice for them to be brought back to europe. i think children are totally innocent they hadn't done anything wrong. a they find them set up with that because they were born there you know so that's eighty in that case. seems to me. morally and legally [inaudible] acceptable is to send them back
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to the country of origin of the pattern so that these the french ones should be sent to france and the others. to the other european countries that seems to me -- to took the obvious in terms of i mean in beagle and in order. to faraj construct of our thank you very much [inaudible] you will. now there are just over thirty days ago before person leaves the european union and the opposition labor party has said that it will support a second referendum that is if it's old strategy plan for leaving the block is rejected by parliament. will make is all set to debate the next step for brexit on wednesday. meanwhile eve officials are stepping up the pressure on prime minister theresa may to consider delaying brerexit klamath's and has this report. when you're a rational solution the european council cheap in egypt on monday called for delalaying brexit it's for me is absolutely clear that? there's no majority in the house
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of commons. to approve a deal. and extension would be a russia- dissolution. but may said inking a deal by the deadline is still possible. i believe it is within our cross to leave with the deal on the twenty ninth of march and i think that's where all our energies should be focused. any delay is a delay it doesn't address the issue it doesn't resolve the issue. maze insistence mondaday on sticking to ththe deadline came just one day after she suggested delaying british parliament's vote on the e deal yet again. in a move that angered mps may said the just seventeenen days beforere the exit date. opponents accuse her of running down the clock in order to force parliament to choose between the dealer has already protected and leaving the e. u. with no deal at all. the members of may's own cabinet have thrown their weight behind delaying for exit. threatening in a column published sunday to side with rebels in the party and with the opposition if no deal is passedd
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within the week. furtrther deepening the ripped amamongst maze conservativives. donald trump has left washington for vietnam for second round of talks with the north korean leader kim jong it in the u. s. president says that he will be pushing for denuclearization on the korean peninsula. but critics say this summit is little more than a pr stunt for both leaders and is unlikely to achieve any results. north korea has halted nuclear tests in recent years but is s t taken concrete steps towowds. gegetting rid of its nuclear arsenal the two men met eight months ago in the historic talks in singapore when they signed a largely symbolic joint agreements. watch for p president d donald p the e summit w with kim jong mes going ahead under ideal conditions at the end of the last administration. there were rockets going up. there were missiles going up there were bombs going off. there were massive cannons being tested now there's no testingngs
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no rocockets there's no nuclear testing and and we get along well. very well though the president seems a major break three as long as there's no testing [inaudible] we're happy. since negotiations began the us has demanded complete verifiable and irreversible denuclearize ation before granting any concessions. jungang insists upon an end to us sanctions first and foremost. trump has recently suggested a possible softening of the stanc. though accorording to the u. s. director of national intelligence. the reality in north korea is far from the situation described by the president we currently assess that north korea will seek to retain its wmd capabilities. and is unlikely to completely give up its nuclear weapons and production capabilities. because its leaders ultimately view nuclear weapons as critical to regime survival the two leaders are set to meet in hanoi on wednesday and thursday to
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pick up where they left off in singapore. the june twelfth meeting ended with a vaguely worded statement to work towards the complete denuclearizazation of the korean peninsnsula. both sides are under pressure to walk away from this week's summit with more concrete results. us secretary of state might compare doesn't have high hopes he's already suggested anothther summit might be needed after hanoi. well as is a days away now committees hit with us and decades -- the body to france hundreds of jobs arere att risk is an amerin car factory is up planning to close one of its plants yeah the ford is site at blanc falling southwestern france. has been a long running pointntf contention on monday the american auto giant once again rejected a buyer's offer which could have saved about half of the more the more than eight hundred jobs which are not likely to be lost. the site which produces gearboxes for ford vehicles has been under t threat for yearsrs. the frenchch government had urgd for to accept a bid economy
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minister vernal america used ford of cowardice in refusing to negotiate. pulled. up to par for the attitude is not the one of a huge an honorable industrial group. we've already obtained monetary compensation from ford in the past. and will carry on fighting to obtain more ford will pay full of there's optimism that the world's two biggest economies will reach a trade deal after they pushed back a key deadline of march first. when they had threatened to raise tariffs teams of us and chinese negotiators completed a fourth round of discussions this weekend with a few details have been made public? donald trump's e expecting to mt with his chinese counterpart shooting pain in the coming months to finalize the terms of what is expected to be a break through. so what we know so far naomi lloyd reports. after months of negotiations an end to the trade war between the world's two larargest economies looks possible but i toldd you how -- how
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well we did w with our? trade talks in china. and it looks like -- ththey'll be comining back quicy again and we're g gonna have a another summit for gonna have a signing some of which is took my kids search by more than 5% on monday. the best one day gain in more than three years. after a weekend of negotiations when trump said substantial progress had been made. report suggests beijing will agree to o resume or increase purchases of us agricultural goods. but us negotiators say they're pushing fifty changes to the country's industrial strategy and in full civil protections for american technology. welcomee news for us businesses state owned enterprise reform industrial policy changes are not items that can be changed overnight or would be reasonable to expect to be resolved in ninety days. so by finding a way where the twtwo sides canan come to some d of agreement and then put these more challenging issues into a longer term negotiating framework.
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should have a very positive impact on the overall relationship. however there is skepticism from china hawks in washington. unsure whether trump will secure sufficient concrete concessions from beijing. president said the progress hadd been madee on thee issues o of intellllectual property tecech transfer ass agriculture curreny and more. but specific details remain unclear. as doess the possibilityty of hw to enforce whatever deal is finally broker. to those developments have been broadly welcomed by investors around the world big gains in asia earlier on have somewhat carried over. to wall street the dow jones is about a hundred fifty points at the nasdaq just over half a percentage point this hour. the rally was somewhat tempered by a sharp drop in oil prices which took 3% after president trump urged opec to increase its output. more muted close here in europe still about at the docks of about four tenths of one percentage point. can count third here in paris.
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the clock is also taking down to another crucial deadline march twenty ninth the day that the u. k. is set to leave the european union. it has yet to prove the terms of that exit raising increasing concerns of a no deal for exit. the aerospace trade body eighty s. has become the latest warning that the risks around that possibility that are already causing damage and could turn into a quote full blown economic crisis. the strong words of following a raft o of increasinglyly dire warningsgs from businesess grous about the ongoing uncertainty. banks havee been rushing to transfer licenses or even offices to europe to allow them to continue doing business post brexit. meanwhile the u. k. has agreed a long term deal with the us to cover derivatives trading after brexit. the agreement will limit the destruction on a five hundred trillion dollar industry most of which is traded in london and new york. you cases it will continue to abide by the terms of current rules established by the e. u. even after it leaves the block. banks corporations and
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investment funds use derivatives to trade in the futures of currencies and commodities. but a brbreak downn in that sysm could have a concretete impact n consumers according to the head of the bank of england. the derivatives can seem far removed from the everyday concerns of households a and businesses -- but they're essential -- derivatives allow our pension funds and insurance companies to manage interest rate and inflation rest. so that those safety nets can be there -- they have our banks and building societies managage interest rate risks on loans and mortgages lowering pouring costs -- for boris. moving on some of the day's other business heaeadlines sam. a closely watched survey of american economists suggest that a recession is looming. more than three quarters of those who spoke to the national association for business economics expect a downturn in the next three years. 42% of them predicted by the end of twenty twenty shares of general electric sort as m much as 15% s it announced plans to sell part
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of its life sciences business. danaher will take over ji ease of bio pharmaceuticals unit twenty one billion dollar cash deal. she has been trying to cut debt and reorganize its sprawling corporate structure. narrowing its focus to the aviation and power divisions. zhou has announced plans for an all electric car to hit the market before the end of this year. two eight model will also be sold in petrol and diesel versions but marks the french auto giant first. step toward its goal of fully electric fleets by. twenty twenty three electric car sales are growing rapidly around the world getting one point one million in. twenenty seventeenen the world's leading mobile tech trade show opens to the public with the new products including folding screens and five g. connectivity hitting the market. but it's the political backdrop on the future five g. networks it's cast a particularly longg shadowow. touching announcer explains. here at the mobile world
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congress in barcelona chinese tetelecoms giant while way occupies the biggest booth in the exposition hall. like industry rivals its flagship offering for twenty nineteen is the hunt said that folds out. and comes ready to connect to five g. network technology. it boasts impressive speed. you know the five g. with download the one giga byte. maury's. each of the three seconds. it also comes with an impressive price tag the meat axe will retail for about two thousand three hundred euros. and it's not unknown some songs latest offering also boasts a folding display and fivive g. connectivitytyt two thousand euros. the global cell phoho industry is pushing to boost cononsumer excitement amid slumpinin sales as customers wait longerr to replace their handsets in the saturated market. but that's not the only headwind facing hallway us o officials ae
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at t the confererence urging eueuropean netetrk and internet providers to shun the chinese giant. who they consider a security risk that could enable state espionage by beijing? hallway denies those accusations and has its sights set on europe as a key markets. we bring. the innovation the ten orangeses to our partner. will bring the benefits to a conscious. when i create jobs? we comply. well way sold two hundred and sixty million phones in twenty eighteen overtakaking apple to become the world's launching five g. networks. enter make model smart look very hot to his right as well time for an update maybe kay thahank you very much indndeed can we do that with t the business we gona take a virtual right then go i when using headlines coming up next
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02/25/19 02/25/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! >> e every day we are dealing wh a lot of conflicts and challenges in the planet. made a statement regarding the situation that we hope violence will end in that respect for human rights will be part of the solution. amy: as the united nations calls for a pea


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