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tv   France 24  LINKTV  March 13, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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opportunities. yes point of order mister henry bad thank you very much mister speaker notwithstanding what the promises just told the house. the time has come for two things to take place the first is for the government. to respect the democratic construction of the house. since the prime minister says we have to be in favor of something and i agree with. is for the government to facilitate. the house of commons having the chance to vote on a series of indicative. yeah so o that we cacan attempto see. whether we can find a way forward and i very much welcomee if i i may say service to speak.
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what you said a a ment ago about your willilingness? to ensure tt ththe house of commons get the opportunity to dedebate that whh it wishes to the bat. there we have it said british lawmakers have voted against it leaving the european union without a deal. in sixteen days time and that i- when britain is due to leave the e. u. at three hundred and twenty one in favor of taking a note deal off the table two hundred and seventy eight against let's get some reaction from our correspondent? at westminster amenities pavia benedict as expected at the house has rejected leaving without a deal that doesn't necessarily mean it's still gonna happen does it. no that's right b because of the loss of it that was on the government mototion so you're right the house of commons has approved -- that -- no deal breaks that motion by two the two hundred seventy eight
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that's a majority. forty three bucks in the wording of that -- government emotion it actually says the default should that not be. a deal struck between the united kingdom and the e. u. -- that twenty ninth of march is the date on which the united kingdom would crash out what was interesting was the amendment before the spelman -- agreement a amendment i should - wherere in fact that was? not moved by -- caroline's bowman herself full of from the conservatives or windy jack drove me of the other person who had -- put that forward from the labor party so you had a cross party collaboration the amount was just a majority for the what wa. crucial in that was the fact that. the twenty ninth of march was taken out of that completely so it meant no deal ever the problem. in a sense at the moment or the question mark is that that.
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caroline spelman jack dromi amendments that was in the end moved by yvette cooper. of the labor policy on means that thatt is not legally bindi. so we're in a situation where one commons has expressed what it doesn't want. unser m mps twice t tonight in e lost hoffer now. have said that they do not want a no deal they do not want the united kingdom crashing out. on the twenty ninth of march without a deal but there is a statement that statement in those remarks by the prime minister. she is a busy taking that into account -- and she is saying that what she would prefer a is actually having a short technical. extension of sorts technical delay be on the twenty ninth of march because she does not want a long extension. so that's a very big warning to to break the tears vote from ideal on the big.
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thinking apparently around westminster is that the prime minister is in active nenetiations. almost as we speak except she's in thehe house of commons -- but s she has been and is goingo continue t to be with t the democratic unionist party on who she realized to push legislation through because she's going to try and present. a meaningful vote a third time when would she do that would it be before the next year's summit on the twenty first and twenty second of march. or would it be. off to that summit so on the twenty there are some still a lot of confusion and you've got. leaders like jacob rees mogg of the e european research group immediately going -- to on television i'm saying look this is not what the people bush's people voted for on this is just. i quote him amir motion not legally binding. and it takes thank you very much and dates benedict have yet
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outside westminster where it is all happening. as soft furious it tonight three votes in parliament and mps invited against a leaving the e. without to deal in sixteen days time. add thehe prime minister sasays- that is pointing towards a delay of brexit -- i've joined on the line now by quentinn peel. at chatham house thanks for being with us the first twenty four tonight now i'm. hello this happened in the last. hour and would you agree that the prime minister's strategy seems to be now. threatening. i never the european union if you dive back my deal and she might even bring that deal back to the floor for a third time. yes i think she's going to try anan doo that but i think well today was really shown as she is rapidly losingg control. of the wholele process i t tnk o
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nights roads actually showed that the parliament is taking over. because motion was radically amended and then passed by a very clear majority so she did not get what she wanted she just wanted to say. when road crash out so much the twenty ninth parliament and said we will never crash i worked wiwith them to do as manyny sta? yeyes benhamouu actions necessay to make that will eventually go to pass that i into little inse. repellent. resolutition to pass tomorrow management request. twenty seven the other twenty seven members of the e. u. to give them an extension so brutal that slipped a happen. at what about those comments them by jacob rees mogg just a few moments ago and he he said that this motion that is just invited on isn't in fact legally binding it does not override at
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statute law virginal in other words. that article fifty being trtriggered what what. what's your view on that. he's quite read these totally predictable he's s been saying that for months of goals. yes but none the less sir -- and ththe parliament will not accept a situation with no deal but i think the goverernment wa. in thehe village where theyy wod trtry to vote for the government because they couldn'tt do it so he turned to read against. the government's amended resosolution.. and i think we're going to seee morere resignations i actually think what toto resume hihis governrnment. stretching quite seriously. there are several possible scenarioios o on the becacause t want to talk about what the you might do now that what the thinking might be in brussels i
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mean do you think they're looking on all of this and thinking that you know. maybe just walking away is the best option right now maybe just let britain guy without a deal why. would they grounds -- a never ending delay well i mean what do you think thehe response is goingng to be from m brussel. wewell i think that it is perfectlyy clear thehe brusssse. and by brussels we need.wenty sevey y year member states don't rent a no dedeal crash out. would be disastrous for britain itit might be really bad so o i leararned i it would mean a hore it would come baback and that. would be very damaging to the economy of many member this to happen having said that. let me clear but i if the britih brand an extension to the pro says they're up to have a reaean for it and then she's well we still. don't have any clarity on so to
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resubmit claim to us suggests tomorrow a short extxtension. brussels is nice so what's the point o of a very sure of the extension nothingng will change. with the berlin for example i think that thinking quite seriously an extension of about let's sayy twenty one months to the end off next year -- perhaps. when you have a chance to see this one from doing the whole structure of good will in the end game including the possibility of a second referendum so what is the way out of this said that quite to pay a visit another referendum is it a general election is? it to raise a maze withdrawal agreement iss a crushingg out without a deal what what's gonna happen next you think. the question of have to do is significantly less likely as a result of tonighght's [inaudibl] only thing.
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surrender is not a real possibility but equally if the government into does one may see a general election. at this moment t the conservatis in spite of this array of running ten percentage points. ahead of the labor party to closee jeremy could the far left lane the lead that is not. in the widely relax so we don't know whahat the general election would produce and i can see people tearing their hair out to brussels in paris of damage. to europe and saying how much longnger will ever have to live with this --- anand electionons butut james cn is here e with uss in the studio james you've been taking a look at only reaction online today
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sir. horace show at westminster yeah and it's very difficult to sort of fall into the kind of rock ones had around everything's gone certainly for those. viewing viewing it at home or kicking and kicking out so i'll show you some tweets from. our own katharine nicholson who has been doing a lot of journalists are trying to do -- more successfully than me i think which is to explain about it what is going on and so. with the first the first vote they they they would ship was it as our promotion on on whetherer itit be e but with with was s se house h has come t to checkk tha of l leavingng you with a detaid majorityty for w what doeoes th. it doesnsn't c change t the lawo motionon it's not legisislation which currerently h has a few k. will l leave o on t the twewenth it d doesn't mean the existing dealers acceptance. so there there isn't a rise of ideal but a majority of u. k. and he's saying no to a no deal she said stick with the math should clear. and then we saw -- magical response was one of the most kind of ardent supporters of a hard break there's s sing withth the lococal stitill saysn leave a martian tonight whihicho
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all the e people o on twitteters eric f food o order kind of sayg lolook. it we know with emotion it'ss nt legislatioion you don'n't have o kind of you u know four votes ii sense that at least two were moviving a l little bitit furthy from the catastrtrophic peperspectivive of nono deal. others s saying hohold on a mine threree intonanation mps actuauy calllled was o okay hee t to gae with peoplple's jobss a and i'vo some people on impresseded by te sheer r magnitudude o of votote- deal which is kind of strange. are electable dozens of disgrace the could not because it is a lot of this a lot of the ready federal the federal with this exactly. i think i know do off the table plays into the hands of the e. u. the way mps vote needs publishing is been really damaging. to to british politics in the thirty british philosopher and well just the fact that so ongoing -- and but there are those making the point that no deal was a bargaining chip and to remove this is perhaps foolish in that regard -- congratulations part of it you just removed your local station box tops of some feeling really strategy was as s buffooninish n withth the multi wasas becausese leveragege.
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ththat's exactly yes yes t thene resusult is cocomprisess cathere nichcholson'ss a s soul mate s p aboutt it wantnted to delalay bk thisis removee the bacackstop -- extend you casee transnsition pe etcecetera --- lolot o of peoeople felt it t wa compromise in a good position becausee this s came outut witht tother t tonight that's right said that t that's r right.d h e urur calll is bonkers s accordrg to thiss headlinine and indeed s is -- europe and is referred to in telegraph he said at that unicorns really do have more chance of existing than this a and so there y you o that waslslso. and anynyway i think piers moron who i wouldldn't oftften thehe y calllls u under i think he he consults you're probably -- reflects a lot of people's thoughts i have no idea what's going on i killed people kind of feel a little bit confused by everything -- not show much time we have to show -- to do too we've livived again. hi this is michelle bernier who was treating yesterday evening as well pretty much saying.
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we're prepare were ramping up now for no deal why should the e. u. extend brags talks there completes his money so there's a very clear sort of firm positio- coming at a brussels that there you know the local stations are. over. speaking of brussels as head of european council donald tusk share this on instagram today. it was a little girl who sent this apparently someone told him it's been it's sending some sort of your book probably for school i live in britain i know we're leaving the you but i think we should be friends. please may i have a signed photo of you for my your book and she drew me unicorn which probe was probably in a bid to secure the so you get. that many ways to go [inaudible] nice. to lots of unicorns at related to break that yet another chasing around unicorns was that with the irish teacher had to say. france is a chasing it across the who to filter billing but are there speaking of him -- ours a promise for your record
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he was reassuring people earlier this evening because ireland of course is in the line would be. deep that very much affected by our deal breakers -- exports momore of course were wl aware of the last bush i thought that was it our friends are taking to twitter this evening. well it continues yes we've got another one tomorrow i know. i could show these cartoons tomorrow that. everyday really wouldn't they like there's nothing specific about today but this lots of ones of you know. at last the country's united is nobody knows what'll happen nex. brown's indecision on enviable task absolutely it'ss lots momoe knowledge -- come anynyway i i'm not s sure k we should d believee there a arw treeees may l lose theheir voicn e labor pararty sinince condololences as they lostst ths permanently in september. twenty fifteen the summer. all right james thank you very muchch in days commmment a loss would be a yeah just happens mara.
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tomorrow is a vote on extending oscar fifty says delaying brexit essentially asking the british government. to ofsc the european union to delay brexit i just want to have a just a very quick point about how little time there is. to justify breaks delay and to the other the member states. because they will be saying we need to we need a plan we need a justification for extending it and what german coleman said tonight was -- with getting basically consult what are the deal could take the place of trees maze deal. and these are the three options we talked about before one is a permanent customs union another was as a no way plus model. third option is a second referendum so those basically the three options but parliament has to find. a consensus on one of those three things with then -- what is it it's it's more is gonna be the fifteenth? yeah and on the twenty first of march is merciful fourteenth
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okay. so a week add parliament has a week to come up with a solution for something that couldn't be sold in three years of negotiations. a week. to find. announcer on one of those three other scenarios that can then be taken to the european council on march the twenty first and twenty second. and for them to then say okay this is good enough justification to extendnd out ad see -- theresa may still start getting better anytime soon. all the lozenges in the well don't knowow how that whatever almond day thank you bye him hunts. dates all right maybe on to other news now and at least eight children have been killed after building containingg that private school collapsed in the nigerian city of lake also dozens have been pulled from the rubble but many of mall office be trapped. the school was on the top floor of a three sykes has. a frantic search free piles of rubble a and twisted metetal.
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onlookers incncluding worried parerents crorowd rounds offffoe collapse of a buiuilding containing a primary school in the ninth year in city of late goals. and majesty teams on civilians six through the wreckage for survivors. she's abrupt as a young boy he is pulling down so lonely. but many more on still fit to be trends. the school was on the top floor of a free story building only course on england's. it is also believed to contain a number of appointments. building collapses on coleman in nigeria. the enforcement of regulations is lax and poor construction materials are often used. now as you california at more than seven hundred death row inmates have been granted a reprieve after the staci democratic governor.
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signed an executive order bringing in a moratorium on executions. years california us state of california is often portrayed as one of the most progressive in the united states. reputatition newly e elected gogovernor gavavin newsom has vd to bolster. but one major reality contradicts that image california is one of the thirty states that still enforces capital punishment. and with seven hundred and thirty seven inmates currently awaiting death. the golden state has the largest death row population in the united states. and this even though the last exit eighteen years ago. court ordered moratorium on executions has been in place since two thousand and six after a federal judge r ruled the statate's lethal injection protocol was unconstitutional. citing both financial and moral considerations governor newsome has said he will refuse to oversee the execution of any individual while he's in office lots of california has spent nearlyly five billion dollalarsn
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sustaining deathrow since. nineteen seventy eight critics of the practice also point to racial disparities. more than six in ten condemned inmates in california are minorities. andd many signal the risk of human error since nineteen seventy three five california inmates were sentenced to death were later exonerateted. governor gavin newsom does not have the power to altogether abolished the state's nineteen seventy eight death penalty legislation. the moratorium will only last for the duration of his time in office -- minute repeal of capital punishment would have to be put to popular vote. the california voters have recently rejected such attempts once in twenty twelve and again in. twenty sixteen still at newsome has said he wants to give californians another chance to vote on the matter. the next opportunity for which would be during the twenty twenty election. now five students hanands and administration have been killed in a school shooting in brazil authorities say who did
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teenagers opened fire at a school in a suburb of the city of sao paulo before they took their own lives. brazil has the largest number of annual homicides in the world the school shootings are rare. it'll just spotted you more distraught parents wait for news on the school gates. peoples were on a break when two gunmen wearing mollusks opened fire it's a school in brazil. they just came in shooting a bit and look at anyone they just started shooting at anyone who was close by. students said they heard gunshots so we open the kitchen door and started grabbing as many kids as we could. but at the end. the school in on near the capital so paulo has around a thousand students aged between eleven and fifteen he says two attackers force to be aged betwtween twenty andd twenty fie and since thehe building and started shohooting at around nie thirty am local time. they were armed with at least one pistol homemade bombs on
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across by. officers arrived at the scene eight minutes later. the government has already killed themselves. gun crime is common in brazil but school shootings all wrappe. in january the country's presidential delivered on one of his key campaign promises. after signing a decree making it easier for nor biting citizens to own a gun. islamic state fighters launch suicide a attacks wednesday a desperate bid to defend the last scrap of territory of the three thousand of their fellow jihadist surrendndered yesterday the e kurdish lead syrian democratatic f forces. say isis is in its finalal momes after three nights of thunderous shelling on its final pulled ou. in eastern syria near the border with iraq isis once ruled over millions of people in a swathe. ofof syriaia and iraq when as te stf forces what to liberate bug lose thousands of civilians of friends including many as cd's. in what the united nations has
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called a genocide the islamists murdered torortured and kidnappd an estimated nine thousandnd memberss of this minority group. more than three thousand remain unaccounted for as for the survivors a. as edie doctoring gynecologist has does it dedicated her life. to that treatment erin okay has more. the battle for the last sliver of land held by the islamic state group may soon come to an end. but the fight against the often unseen casualties of their reign of terror will likely last for years to come. at the forefront of that struggle forty one year old a dom son. a gynecologist originally from the northern iraqi city of the sheikah. hassan herself is also a survivor of the islamic state group's brutality against the city minority. she fled bushy go for dole who can. twenty fourteen when the extremist organization first unleashed its genocidal campaign against the group in northern iraq. as thousands of yazidis fled to dough hook a song put her
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medical background to use. she visited survivors for consultations com to therapy sessions. twenty nine yet your honor that in the meantime the women's of life is suffering from physical pain lack of slee. fear and anxiety and from severe depression about hide them. in and what the economic situation of the women's of hi thisis is veryry bad. but the social condition is eve. one at home. hasan attributes much of her patients openness with her to the fact that she too is you city. the islamic state group which considers the ethnic minority to be a quote apostate sacked. you'll use eighty men. trained it's boys as child soldiers and forced thousands of using the women and girls into sex slavery. hi tv show dave from early morning until the evening i am waiting and hoping for the most difficult to hear any news of my children. it's been five years since they've been taken away from me and my husband son and daughter
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my now. madonna songs as exposure to the trauma of her victims has taken a toll on her own mental health. and though she says she never imagined she would spend years helping you c cy women rerebuild their lives. now that she started she insists she's in it for the long haul. evolution is twice as deadly as previously believed to study in the european heart journal says that poll at qualityty is killig more people thahan cigarettess a ststaggering eight point eight millionn die eacac and every yer worldwide because of pollution. including tens of thousands hearing from six fumes industrial waste in smog that will closing early deaths. in europe eigig hundred t thousd people die each year because of dirty n.. twice a amany as previously thought. the e european socociety of cardiology compared pollution levels in sixteen countries. and its study found that francis but taking the affected. with sixty seven thousand deaths each year -- says that small pollution hosokawa's on only a problem for
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the respiratoryry system the can into the bloodstream. causing heart disease and strokes. super bowl x. excellent. articles when they're inhaled to think of how to treat the body straight away that now hold or even the walls young blood vessels causing inflammation enough a short information among other things used behind many cardio vascular excuse you. some experts argue that putian regulations in europe needs change. currently the european union says it levels shoululdn't go or twtwenty five micrograms per cuc meteter. while the world health organization putss acceptable amount a ten microgrgrams per cubic meter. you know mike to l. l. isis that the current limitss were set twenty years ago. they aren't adapted to the problems that we're facing toda. in france we are using european limits. there much higher than the world health organization of it's a whl levels that we should be using. this would save lives on his own
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vomit so these. because of the study say that having stricter limits on pollution could hall of the number of deaths caused by po
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amy: from pacifica this is democracy now! >> this case is about the widening corruption of elite colleges, to the study application of wealth combined with fraud. there can be no separate college omission system for the wealthy and they will not be a separate criminal justice system either -- and there will not be a separate criminal justice system either. amy:


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