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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  March 15, 2019 7:30am-8:01am PDT

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♪ ever heard of mexico's national drink, pulque? we visit farmers whose production methods are attracting the tourists. in india, we meet people who were relocated to new homes followowing a slum d demolition drive. did life get better oror wors? and across the globe, young people are s skippg schohool o campaign for their future.
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babies, chchildren, and d young people tododay have a gogood ce ofof living intoto the next cec. but what w will life be e likn the year 210100? avererage temperaturures will b5 to 2 d degrees celsisius highern they were before the industrial revolution, possibly more. that will cause extreme drought. 30% of the earth's surface will probably be desert. many areas on what are now coastlines will be under water. sea-levels will have risen by half a meter, and that's a conservative estimate. so where will people live? one forecast antnticipates two billion people will become climate refugees. the sobering outlook is driving young people to take to the streets, demanding efforts be stepped up to secure their future. reporter: thousands of schll chilildrenallieded othe streres
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of b berlin, calliling for a qk phphase-out of c coal. among them, 15-year-old liss steieinmet > good mornining, everybodyd. >> good morning. reportrter: it's a t typical mog at lininus's high scschool n göttingen, a four-hourririve frfrom blin. t recent he's be skipping classes on fridadays, followig the example of greta thunbg.g. the e swedh schohoolrl becamam world-famous last year for going on strike to protest against climate change. linus: she's showing that we can stand up for what we believe in, and that we can try to influence how adulults make polilicy, ande a chchange in sociciety. reporter: this friday, linus is in blin n instd of a at hool. he wrorote his speecech the nt befofore, d is n nowoing too print it out at a copyhohop.
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18-year-old ragna diedederichss graduating f from high schchools year. ragna: the previous geneneratis didn't't do enough, , or nothit alall. that's a a huge problem, and is one they have toto answer for. covestory about t the young activists anand their movevem. what motivateses them, and h ho they envisagage their fututure? uli: i b believe there i is a l transformatition underway.y. here, , discuss notions like ssss is mo a l lot n, unlili five or six x ars ago. think it has bece sexyxy it's'shat people want. reporter: anand even the politicianans seem to bebe takin intererest. a minist h has inved t the teenagers for a quick chat. lis hahas be held d upso the others havave gone aheadad. linus:s: try to workrk on te minister and tug ahihis hehetstrings a littl
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thth is a big issue r usus. so we needo o use emotionsnso hopelllly st him i io action. repoporterhigh h hes, indeed. the kids also get to addssss wordrds to the goverernment's l commission.. linunus: we're yououng, and wee neglecting our duties thehe moment by noatattendg schoho classes. wee demanding thatdudults lfill l eir moral dutiesy aranteei us a vile futur klaus: this s is a first,, 14-y-year-olds takaking theirn politicacal initiative insteadf just follong o older people.e. they'rtataking a proroactive ad importrtant stance in n a polil protest movement, in t ocesess,reaking g thrules byby not t being at schooool. >> act now. t t tomorr or r toda but n now reporter: : then a surprprie appearce.. german minister for economic affairpeteter aleier, , ear to
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take t to the protesesters' st. >> minister, go back to your ofce a and g to woworkn what needs to b be done. reporter: alaltmeier seemsms uny with his assoctetes from the ministry, anand at pains t to bl smiles for the crowd and t meraras. hwould d twt shortltl afterwards a about his so-o-cad memeeting with p protesters, complete with photos of hielelf anand thcrowd,d, iluding a a smiling girl. a photo op? linus: p peter altmeier, that s nasty. we didn't want him to come, dd he k knew at. we don't want to be instmementaliz. reportrter: some schchools haven tuturnina blinind e to stutunt absences. but wi t they coinueue to so if t the ralli c continutoto gr? kls: if f th now stata being
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penalizezed, with ololder peop teining themt's s not , willll they f find the strerength to y onon? whether th all become greta thbergs s d have thehe smina and guts t to stick to t theirs will be huhugely importatan. nus: we're righto o stri. the adultlts coinue t ts way, there'll b be no chance e of rereaching the g goals of the s climate e summit. repoerer: teeners s protting outside the e chancellor's's of, calling for r a radical anad genuine e energy revololution , and not several decades from no a neration tt politicsnd society has underestimated? linus: clearly, our generati isis far more popolitical thanan adulults believe. there's an incredible amount of acaction, and d a lot of it tt isn't being seen.. repoporter: linus s and his ll activist group have e worked ot that therere are 833 friridays o until e e expectedomompletn of germanany's al phaha-out in
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202038. in their eyeyes, that's fafaro many. so they'll be repeating g ther demands atat future prprotests. host: : for these yoyoung activ, susustainabilityty is key. theyey want polititicians to tk of thehe future, andnd begin prioritizing climate protection now. in many cities worldwide, though, that's a pipe-dream. in some, there's no proper urban planning at all. theirarapidly pandnding populations urgently need living space. in india, authorities regularly demolish illegegal settlemene, and shift t inhabitants s to w developmenents. but t that doesn't't mean an improvemement in theirir qualif life. reporter: kamal bhosalale lost r 24-y-year-old daughter las octobeber. the young wowoman coractcted tuberculosis a year after the family were moved to mahul, once a small fishing village east of mumbai.
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kamal: when we came here from kurla, my daughter was fine. she worked at a pharmacy. she had no health issues back then. reporter: the bhosales are one of thousanands of famililies t have beeeen relocated d to thea under a slslum demolitioion drin the inindian megacitity. hundreds of them have either lost a family member or have seen them battle chronic health issues since theheelocation.n. kamal: we e started expeperieni all kindnds of problems after e were brought here. it's difficult to get food, the area is filthy, the air and water are unclean. therare chememal factories all around us.s. reporterer: the new reresidenl estate is in thehe middle of a heavily industrialized landscape.
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ththe residents s call it toxic hell, flanked on all sides b y oil rerefineries and c chemical factorieies. the air here is full of smoke and fumes, and foul-smelling emissions. leaks and accidents in the factories are common. it's an environment hostile to habitatition that peopople are g forcrced to live i in. the bubuildings in t the settlt wewere constructcted just a fefw years ago, but they were built cheaply and are already falling apart. chemical runoff from the factories has poisoned the water the residedents drink. footagage from 2017 7 shows the demolition of over 1 1000 homesn the e slums of mumumbai that t mamany residentsts on the roao mahul. most arrived here that year, lookinfoforward toto life in modern apartments away fm m the illel settlelements they o one lived in, and awaware ofhe high levelel of toxicityty n
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mahul's air and water. resints s feel they'veve been forgotten, and that no one is interested in their problems. they've asked authorities what stepeps are being g taken to rey the problems but have yet to receive an answer. rashmi: i have been shifted here since the last two years. and i am suffering from skin infection problems. it startrted as when i came he. it started after two to three months. at firirst, it startrted with k patchy spots on my feet and on the leg, and it started getting itchiness in it at the nighttttime, probay.y. then i visited my doctor and i got a confirmation from there, this is due to water infection. reporter: ever sincece their arrival, a almost every y famy here has s suffered fromom some combinination of respipiratory issues, skskin rashes, stomach infectctions, or heaeart probl. and d deterioratining health it the only problem facing the residentnts of mahul.. there's a lack o of proper infrastrtructure and transport facilities. that's notot uncommon inin mums
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so-calleled rehabilitatation cololonies, and mamakes travella nightmare, especially during an emergency. the xt traintation i sevel kilomers away. kamal: wn my dauter's condion worsed that ght, at aund 1:30.m., we ok her downairs. had to it for two hours til weweinally fndnd a ti. but stead ofaking us stight to e hospit, he to us all er the pce. there e absoluly no cilitiesere. if aoman h h to give birth, she uld meme with the same fa as my daughter. porter: e e longnd expxpsive commute s foforc many famies now livi in mahuto take thr childr out of hools. other redents whused to rk as day lorers oromestic helps in mumi are no employed e distans are ju too gre thout so kind ofeliable tranort.
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rekha: o childrenow haveo travel 1or 13 kimeters t geto schoo used toe able treach our workplplaces in fiveve to 10 minutes, n now it takes s us o hours. within onene year of comoming , wewe've lost whahat it means t e as a familily. reporter: over the past year, ththe new residedents have prord repeatedlyly about the t terre conditioions in the sesettlem. but no one is listening, or trying to help solve the many problems, they say. bilal: the idea of rehabilitation, as understood in mahaharashtra statate, is simpo shift a fafamily from onone plao anothehe but the d definitioiof rerehabilitationon actually inis the righto l livelihood, t to education, and to healthy living. inin this case, , people have n momoved to a p place that haso educucational facicilities r hospititals. and cruciay,y, the peoplplhave lostheir l lelihoods.
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r reali, , theyave simply beenen bught here and dueded. host: how do we create sustainable living spaces fofr people, , animals, and p plan? that's a h huge global c challe right now. d d many pple e are eppingng u toto face it, tuturning their s fofor change intnto reality. in our global ideas series, et s some thesese dicated individuduals. today, we're off to mexico. our reporter malte rohwer-kahlmann travelled to the small village of el almacén in the south of the country. one particular crop is still farmed there using traditional methods, and that's drawing the tourists. reporter: every morning, alejandra rodriguez bautista follows in her ancestors' footsteps. she goes to the agave plants behind her house.
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the juice they yield can be turned into pulque, a mexican drink that has been made in the country for centuries. it's also her primary source of income. alejandra: here, i'm rescuing the traditions my parents passed on to us. they only sold their pulque in the local area. but i hope to bring it to the cities, too. people have heard of pulque, but they don't really know much about it. and if i tell them about its benefits, i'll be able to sell more. reporter: like alejandra, most of the nearly 200 residents of el almacén earn a living makikg pulqlque. it's hard work, for not much money. many dream of one day having a better life in the big cities of
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mexico or in the u.s. most o of the villllage's young people have already left. alejandra's three children no longer live here, either. she herself had moved to mexico city, but had to return to look after her parents and continue their tradition of pulque production. because of emigration, many farms in the region are suffering from neglect. el almacén is located at an elevation of over 2500 meters. whwhen it rains, waterer runs o the valley. as a result, soil erosion has become an increasingly grave problem in recent years. bibianana: it makes it really hd to grow maize, wheat, and beans. and those crops are cecentral o ththe diet of momost people h. if we lose the soil, it will be really difficult to regenerate
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it. reporter: it's a vicious circle. as the erosion grows worse, even more young people leave. that's why bibiana bautista gaytán set up the mujeres milenarias group. they're combatting erosion by planting something that flourishes here, agave. planted in rows, the agave roots form a network that helps keep water and nutrients in the soil. the hope is that fertile farmland will persuade the village's young people to come back. alejanandra: we want to motivae the young people to take care of our homelandnd and our soil. and above all, we want to give them an incentive to stay here. we don't want them to leave. reporter: her group has also
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been getting support from mexico city. emiliano itturiaga is a born and bred city-dweller. his life is a world away from el almacén. but he saw a lot of mexico's rural areas as a child on family vacations, and wants to raise awarenesesof the proroblems facg people there. in 2017 he founded a startup called rutopia, which organizes sustainable trips to the rural outback. but many other ecotourism operators, he says, are not as sustainable as they like to claim. emiliano: ecotourism in mexico has to change, because right now most of it is stilill based onn extractive system. and this means that people are using the natutural and culturl capital of communities and of regions without giving back to the system. reporter: his company offers an alternative. the trips it organizes aim to treat the rural population as equal partneners. most of the proceeds stay in
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those communities. the money is reinvested on the ground, for example, in environmental protection projects like the one run by the mujeres milenarias. the fair tourism system also takes group bookings. these visitors are off to el almacén today. they're accocompanied by a numr of rutopia staff, who serve as intermediaries between the tourists and local residents. after a seven-hour drive, they finally arrive in el almacén. emiliano: the communication is not as fluid at the beginning. and this is becacause there'sa huge cultural gap, sometimes there's even big language barriers. if there's a true sense of being welcome to a community, then that gap goes, fades away quickly.
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reporter: in el almacén, that cultural gap is also closed by sharing a bowl of pulque, the beverage made from fermented agave. its production has a proud tradition in mexico going back more than 1000 years. it has a refreshing, slightly sour taste. its viscous consistency also takes some getting used to. in mexico, agave plants are also known as maguey. they take five, ten, or more years to grow to maturity. the puelqueros then hold a ceremony in which they ask god for permission to open the plant. every day for an entire year, this maguey will now yield several liters of aguamiel. this honey-water is then fermented for several days to produce its characteristic flavor. the result is pulque, also known as the aztec drink of the gods. as the sun sets, the visitors join the locals around a campfire.
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conversation flows, and grows more relaxed. the reticence of the morning starts to melt away. the next morning, alejandra offers a short class in the mixteco language. the tourists are an asset for el almacén, she says, and not just in the finanancial sense. the villagers are too poor to travel elsewhere. but they're happy to meet young visitors from across mexico. luis: this trip has made me ask myself a lot of new questions. when i talk to the people here, they show me an area that is completely unknown if you come fromom the city. gabriela: i loved it, getting to know this other side of my
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country's culture. it's been a life-changing experience. reporter: the visitors will spend another two days here. but before they leave, the villagers invite them to come back in a few months. the timing is no coincidence. that's when locals will be hosting a big pulque festival, here in el almacén. host: in late 2014, pictures like these alarmed the world. the ebola virus was spreading in africa. and it was the worst outbreak ever. most people who contracted the deadly virus died. a total of 11,000 people lost their lives. it started in guinea, spreading rapidly to liberia and sierra leone. cases were also recorded in senegal, mali, and nigeria. the world health organization only declared the epidemic over in march of 2016. but now ebola is back, in the democratic republic of congo.
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it's killed more than 500 people there since last summer. reporter: josephine ekoli has every reason to smile. the fact t that she's hoholdia healthy y daughter in n her ars a minor miracle. jophphine wain t the lt stagages of pregnancy when she ugught the ebola virus. josephine: i thank god for giving m me a fe birirthnd helping me svivive. but t m especially thankful that my daughter r was borneaealth. reporterer: little sylylvana ie firsrst domenteded ce of a healthy baby born to a a mothe who d ebolola ring theheurrent ououtbreak. the two o were lucky e enough e ken into a well-equipped trtreatmencentnter, re in n th east cgolese cy of ben faustin kalivanda also survived. but his wife and five-year-old daughter were both killed by the virus, like hundreds of others. everery month, faustin has to ce here f for follow- appppointmen.
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he receives both medical and psychological care. faustin: i i would likto thank all the doctors at the ebola treatment t center, and d allf ththose who keepep everything c, as well l as the psychologistsho helplp us undersrstand the dise and hehelp us findur way backk into daiaily life. reporterer: survivors are ststruggling to cope. they're often abandoned by friends anand acaintances who are afraid thehey could stl bee contagious.. as far as experts can tell, it's extremely rare for ebobola survivors to traransmit the vir. but t most people in easastern o dodon't know thahat, and adopa ststance of betttter safe thanan sorry. for r decades, thihis region s suffered under a brutal conflict raging between rebels and government soldiers. this m made controlling the disease e extremely difficicu. in addition, most congolese ha ttlele fai in ththei gogornment, whh poses aa seserious stacle to ucucation campaigns. ebola is yet another burden in
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what is one of the continent's most dangerous regions. in neieighboring sououth sudan,r isis growing that t the diseasae could soon cross the border, possibly by way of infected refugees. with the support of the world health organization, its mininistry of f health has laud a vaccinination campaign. the ebola vaccine has not yet been officially apapproved, bt it's thehe best hope o of preveg the virus's spread. the serum is only effective if continuously cooled, which makes it even more difficult to distribute in conflict zones. the country plans to vaccinate health workers first. doctors and nurses are most at risk. olushayo: we also support a lot of work around community awareneness, and getting the community,y, ltiting them knkw what this is allll about, what they n need to do to protect themselveses, and in case they
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thinink that anybody in their community has the disease, what they need to do. repoerer: in t easastern part of the democratic rublilic congo, fighthting the sprereaf ththvirus is not the only ttttle. the onongoing conflilict, poor infrastrtructure, and d traditl beliefs s are making i it even harder foror medical perersonno do their jobs. cotless s children have been oraned by the disee.e. succccs stories like that of josesephine and sysylvana arew and fafar between. host: next week, we head to indonesia to meet a lawyer-turned-socialal entrepreneur. helianti hilman is a very busy woman. her mission is to inspire young people to learn more about traditional indonesian cuisine, and encourage them to choose a career in farming, a sector that's gradually dying out. so how are things going so far? all that and more, next week. until ththen, send us s your vs and cocomments. wewe love hearining from yo.
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you can email us, and don't forget we're also on facebook, dw global society. bye for now. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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03/15/19 03/15/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! it is clearn say is this is one of new zealand's darkest days. clearly, what has happened here is an e extraordinary a and ununprecedented act of violence. amy: 49 people have died in new zealand so far after a white right-wing extremist from australia attacked two mosques


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