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tv   France 24  LINKTV  March 27, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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twenty four and france twenty four dot com. it's nine pm here in paris that you're watching live from parirs you're the headlines this evening. trees may says she will stand down if she gets her withdrawal agreement approved. involved with british prime minister made the announcement to conservative and peas. if the deal gets box she won't leave the country to the next stage. of negotiations more not. coming up in the next half hour. now in algeria the head of a coalition partner in algeria's government is the latest high profile figure to call for president beautifully get to stand down. on it yeah yeah follows the army chief guide saleh who made a similar statement on tuesday we'l'll talk to our correspondet
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in algeria. and the specter of cholera in mozambique five cases of the disease had been confirmed around the body damage port city of this after. a cyclone cost hundreds of deaths in the region in mid march. thanks for watching from three four we start in london where does emerge the trees to make is prepared to resign if she secures supportrt. for her beleaguered break this deal this according to a statement made to conservative backbenchers she has announced that she will not lead to the next stage in britain because the asians should mps finally back. with trolled agreement setting the stage for her departure from downing street within a matter of months all of this. as members of the house of commons are voting on alternatives to treat me as break the deal this wednesday evening. among the options to be debated
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by mps are remaining in the e. u. single market and custotoms union putting brags it to a second refererendum. and counseling is by revoking article fiftyty all of those are of couourse non pointing at debe and votes at meanwhihile as speaker of the house of commons john burke out again warns the british government that it could not bring forward any breaks a deal to parliament. provokes unless it was substantially different. to previous dealsls considered now we're joioined a f from thehe uy win grants professor of international relations at warrick. university thank you very much for talking to us. on france twenty four first of all i want to make of trees amaze announcements at but she won't lead to the next stage of negotiations if she gets. backing or deal. well we have yet another conservative prime minister of pollen mrs thatcher and the sons john major and then david cameron whose political career is being sacrificed as a result of britain's relations with the european union she sought to take this. dramatic step she's on it with great regret i think but she hopes that that will win enough-
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of her concert in please over to back a deal because then they would hope that she will be succeeded. as prime minister vaile hardline brexit tia. and i don't want to make then of the fact that -- but what we've seen today at jacob rees mogg said ian duncan smith boris johnson hard break the tears at indicating sympathy for may's deal after months of criticizing it. how can this about turn be explained? well there has been some significant movements and it's clear because one of the reasons they have moved is because that. concerned that in fact they might end up with a soft brexit window breaks at school. and then acoustical thihis additional in send involve having a new prime minister who may be. well be a hardline breaks here but it has to be said that all the members of the r. g. have not come over as the bike of the deputy leader is my discussion of speech this evening. sign that he will not t block te deal not already ten the service employees have said publicly that they went back the deal in
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that may be more it who will emerge and say that as well. now i from the outside looking in the uk parliament looks set. i suppose we extremely frenetic over the last twelve but some are saying today that is is thanks to the parliamentary process at heart breaks the terrors. of now accepted defeat forty make about. well i think that certainly is something in the light you realizize that there is but it's it's basically a remain or into parliament and they realize that things are developing in such a way. that they might not get will they won't they won't make in their prices all they may well end up with a very soft breaks it which might attract. quite considerable support in these in to get the votes which are taking place this evening. and what of doctored medical meaningful vote then the speaker of the house said. as more less said that but come on top and so how can you tell us he was a census was of how the government could get around us if there is to be. a third meaningful vote for those one following yeah all the ins and outs. that certainly is the serious complication on these ruled out
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the possibility what is called a painting motion which might be one way of trying to get around it i mean. i think one thing the government is considering isn't they could present withdrawal will bill and the first close that woodrow bill will be changed to say this represents a meaningful votes of the reform vote will take place. by having the the first vote only withdraw bill not might be one mechanism again rather i mean i'm sure. the government has enough ingenuity enough advice to find some way of getting around this but it certainly is -- of central complication it means the speakers even more unpopular with conservative mps in the has been already. all right and if you were a betting man how would you see this going forward just to sort of give us your sense of of what how the mists mike here here. i think it's still two point to get through this -- deal in the house of commons i mean we don't know what positions i'm a credit union. is they've had a reason to die and they broke up without any agreement this seems to be some divisions within the democrat units they may well be that what will end up with this is a
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softer brexit than is actually proposed. in the woodrow deal we may end up which goes would require for the pair to negotiation. with the situation importantly stays within the customs union and possibly the single market as well. all right prince when brown thank you very much up for those insights from coventry. not three departures have been announced at this evening from the french cabinets a government spokesman abortion on evil is set to step down in order to prepare it local elections in twenty twenty cleave -- is thought to have his sights on paris city hall. digital affairs minister muneer maju b. is also to leave the government with if you two standing in twenty twenty local elections. and maybe the most high profile departure is european affairs minister not tell you it was -- who is to lead the ruling l. r. e. m. party into? contentious upcoming european elections no cabinet reshuffle is set to follow those departures we of course will be following that story closely. on francnce. twenty four mozambique next fourth parties have confirmed at least five cases of cholera in
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the port city of beira. this after deadly cyclone hit the region the disease is now a major concern as survivors shelter. in crowded camps schools and chchurches. mamaking matters worse all parts have struggled to provide clean water and sanitation. afterr the disastrouous c cycloe indict rips through m mozambique zimbabwe and malawi. in mid march leaving within seven hundred dead and hundreds of thousands. displaced article kay has more. as most in scrabble with the aftermath of a devastating cyclone. a race against the clock to prevent a second disaster. head of water borne diseases. several cases off cholera have already been confirmed in the city of barra. this resident of the moon how the neighborhood is worried about the fate of his brother. we went to see if. he has cholera. he vomited for the first time no because of a how's the situation inside the hospital are there many people like your brother. many people cmos mbx director of
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health has warned it is highly likely the disease will spread beyond the currently confirmed cases. reported as an epidemic situation. see when you have one case you have to expand. to locations in the community the full. lucas had made the communities what happens communities helped organize them. how to treat the will to an? abc to prevent this. cholera is an acute diarrheal diseasase that spreads in waterr food sources that have been contaminated by the feces of an infected person. he can develop quickly in places where people do not have access to clean drinking water. and consequently turned to contaminated water sources to survive. the disease can kill within hours if left untreated. later this week the world health organization will dispatch nine hundred thousand doses of cholera vaccines to the affected areas. to miley now were six
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people have been killed in attacks on villages of the dole gone ethnic community in the center of the country that's according to local officials and youu went source. the attacks followed a deadly raid on saturday in the village of august to go. home to the fulani hurting communityy knonow some h hundred sixty people reporortedly died n battle sold. a militia from the d dogon ethnc group is suspected to have carried out saturday's raid you when's's mission in mali has appealed for an end to the spiral of violence affecting. the region earlier we spspoke to fly home gee look at of the african desk at the f. r. a. d. h. that's a federal internationanal federation of huhuman rights. explained what's behind this wave of violence. the first -- responsible of the situation it's a jet is group that -- has attacked since the two thousand and fifteen disease area and i talalk specicially -e state representative. and has -- responses t this is a man in the army - have tax so --
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villages and some -- civilians accusing to be parts of the judges groups. and afterwards as the in their communitarian clashes began and the seas now -- quite -- out of control room -- also is this -- situations it's coming from the fact sites -- the the the money and state -- eases -- more or less -- covering -- the the grammy show that they are committed to a massive crimes -- in total impunity because for the money and states and especially the money in the army and also to the ground -- most of the food and the community he's part of supporting -- the judges group and terrorists so's a is is so old school and he has a potential or real terrorists that's why. also not just the gun maybe shock committed a massive crimes but also our investigation --
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the last years in november -- shows that the money in the army cute -- almost a hundred people and exit shoots under twenty people. i told you right next for support for ailing president of these pacific aids quickly if operation after students lawyers and teachers. call for him to go now the ruling party's coalition allies turned against pacifica tuesday soul and major turning points when the head of the algerian armed forces. cold for the president's to be declared unfit for office all this following weeks of massive and peaceful. protests we're joined now -- by france we force correspondence at nonsense kansi months after. can you give us the latest at today in algeria. well what happened today is -- there are a lot of the action -- you should be offered simple gave the reports of the army of the application of article one hundred and two of the constitution both by day.
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yeah well come and he no so if the general of the army corps the thirty dollars the p. to minister of national defense chief of staff of the national people's army. to the application of the article one hundred and two of the constitution of providing the legal framework. to overcome the political creed is fading dollar country today wrote in a statement. are you today okay. about identity very close to the government to support the application one hundred and two and even after the land you know some professors of the governing body of the accident happened now beats which day of march. the fifth twenty seventh of march their support to the upright position of cape cod after the application of article one hundred and two so we're seeing you know that the head of the coalition party we sing unions.
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this'll following at judges and lawyers and students yesterday that the chief of staff of the army but one of the ruling party this is set. at the faa lan party the that that that they have a good to feed his party. give us that can you give us more clarity on that because we had reports today that they were sort of rice -- you know i suppose that dropping to to feca but that's not the case right to it's just former members. former members of the appellant. not at the land itself because we are still waiting -- for the chief of apple and reaction these are. only some protectors of the governing body of the catholic school and now -- the proposition of gay hello. and they are both we announced our support to the initiative at the beginning of the constitutional legitimacy. that will allow us to preserve our country from the dangers. so for the moment it's not the apple in itself even if we are
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still waiting for any reaction but the there are some protectors in fact the part of the political body. who and now they're being joined a popular movement and the proof okay? thank you today. can you give us a general sense months half of water the protest movement if there is a way of getting a testing their their opinion about all of this. how they feel about to this latest wave all of i? i suppose calls for a good if you can to go. what are the the streets are actually -- it taking the they don't know what to taking character the words do you have actually welcome. the position of skate color because it it belongs. to you know he was a part of the non sexually but be warned that treats. and they said the global in the streets of fifty believed tires
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and to leave our chief so they don't have any -- they are not they are ambitious actually in the streets but they don't know what to think. the moment [inaudible] okay. we have also from the vatican. council. he meets in an emergency session date according to reports a stroke your laundry apartment tunnel. they are. institutions of thirty the army's records in order to activate article one hundred and two all right well step certainly i'd been taken there it seems towards -- at abilities but the fee because departure however it will go a going forward will have to wait and see thank you for those updates out from a jury of months have light cassie. now a spanish court investigating a break in and hostage situation on the korean embassssy in madrid last month s named ten people it believes carried out the attack. at the old allegedly belong to a shadow we militant group that wants to topple north korea's leader kim jong un sure he said.
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has the story. last month the group of people in full traded north korea's embassy in madrid. they confronted the embassies employees still computers and documents. on tuesday a spanish court trolleys the names of ten suspects alleged activists mexican us and south korean citizens belonging to a group that wants to topple the north korean regime. the group called jewel lima civil defense seem to confirm its involvement with this statement. the regime's embassies and offices are hubs of illicit narcotics and arms trafficking. as for the furtherance of propaganda of a totalitarian regime that systematically commits crimes against humanity. the group says it transferred the information it stole to the fbi. the us state department said u. s. agencies were not involved in the attack. we we we the united states would always call for thehe protection of embassies belongingng -- to
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diplomomatic missions can you sy that the united states government at least. i had nothing to do with this. the i. six government had nothing to do with thank you. the question of foreign involvement is central there is speculation the dissidents group may be linked to foreign spy agencies. the chill lima civil defense group emerged two years ago after kim jong earns half brother was assassinated it's posted a video of kim jong nam son. saying it had brought him to a secure location. last month the group said it had formed a government in exixile. thailand remains in the throes of political confusion as parties wrangle over who won the most seats in sunday's parliamentary poll it's the first time thailand. as a national election since the twenty fourteeeen crew on wednesdayy seven so called pro democracy political party forord a coalition to ththwart. the pro military faction from fofoing t the government's notot each side is claimingg victory n
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the elections which have been marred by a allegatioions of irregularities us the ballot box a law like near and carol church of the latest. a pro democracy front to counter the giunta. thailand's main opposition party put tide joined forces with six other parties on wednesday. in a bid to take the majority of seseats in t the lower house. the political parties listed at the end of the statements would like to attest that we have gathered more than two engine fifty seats in the lower house. we have signed a memorandum of understanding to stop the johnson from hanging on to power [inaudible] corporate problem. the opposition hopes to form a coalition government following sunday's parliamentary poll the country's first since the twenty fourteen to according to preliminary results the military backed belong pressure rocked party or p. p. r. p.. won the popular vote with nearly four hundred thousand more votes than
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its rival -- a tie. leadingg the p. p. r. p. to clam victory and to the right to govern. the roman diarrhrhea and wee are confidident that our party wille ablele to form a new governmt. with parties that share our ideology. we have to wait and see how many seats will have all together. you're logged on even with the majority in the lower house the opposition alliance would still be hard pressed to elect a prime minister. according to o parlmentary rules written by the ruling giunta the prime minister needs the votes of at least half of all seats in both houses to be elected. but the upper house is appointed by the military. meaning the coup leader and currents p. p. r. p. prime minister privates china china. may likely stay in p power. time for business advocate moody in my case now boeing is facing something of a public relations disaster. at one of its pop with one of the most popular plans to spend more than about well it is been going on for a few weeks now
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especially since that crash -- the fatal crash of an ethiopian airlines plane just a few weeks ago not a playmaker has unveiled an updated software fix for the seven thirty seven max planes which been grounded around the world. since being involved in two deadly crashes. and some two hundred pilots technicians and regulators are attending the meeting at company headquarters near seattle. the aviation giant has been under pressure to make changes to its anti stole flight control feature. allied pilots association says it's pleased with the progress so far but one that the certification progress you process should not be rushed or fast tracked. federal aviation administration has not yet approved those changes were cleared the planes to fly in the united states. meanwhile the faa and the us transportation department are appearing before lawmakers in washington dc. explain how the seven thirty seven max was certified. if a is expected to significantly changee its approach to industry oveversight somemetime in ththe nextxt few . the aviation giant meanwhile is going all out to respond to
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safety concerns and rebuild public trust in its brands. we're e working with. pilots. and industry officials we have two hundred of them tododay in a rental facility. and will be spending time with them today to explain. the updatates that were makakino the seven three seven max. to get their input. and to earn their their trust. the market the tuning into the latest briggs developments in london. repair for another marathon session of voting and results in parliament account has there has been less volatile than you might expect in the past week or so. trying to down earlier in the session at regaining some ground as the proposals were clarified a bit more than as theresa may announced he would stepp down if heher deal was. last night's holding steadilily above a dollar thirty two and about one your seventeen sterling is still roughly 12% below the levels of recorded before the referendum back in
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june. twenty sixteen earlier i asked ranko berridge head of market analysis at monex europe well the best case scenanario for markets might be. the best cancer this evening would be a clear move towards either maze deal -- orr some tye of a rapid resolution of engine to bring some type of withdrawal agreement through parliament fully ratified with you in the immediate future. barring that it's looking like more side ways price action based on delayed further took a vote so on so forth however i think it is worth noting that on the whole. developments in parliament. with parliament looking to take control of the whole process ironically actually increase the chances of maize deal actually passing in the near term future because of course it puts pressure on maze on euro skeptics. to fall in line behind her deal or risk a delayed why software exit outcome. investors have spent about two and a half years now assuming that the worst case scenario or no deal break that up would be
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avoided at all costs. this close to the wire how can we still be so relatively optimistic about the future. so then we got three assumptions that played with sterling at the moment -- we have firstly the fact that this bit of headline fatigue -- there's just not a whole lot of signal in the noise of the brakes a headline says getting a diminishing impact in the sterling price -- secondly there is the assumption that parliament will rolll out and no jailbreaks and that's assumption is gonna be priced instantly since december november but still he's running about seven percentage points since then so. that's roughly what that no deal parliament stock is worth basically on still and and finally i think -- is really just a little bit of apathy in general in g. ten fx markets we're not seeing a whole lot of volatility in the g. ten and so the ghostly packs a slightly longer leach. as you said there the pound perhaps surprisingly resistant to the recent ups and downs but what should we be expecting on
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the currency markets for the next twenty four hours or so. so i think if we see may steal - moved to third meaningful voyag- hohopefully an actual meaningful but this time it looks like it's going to pass we would expect sterling upside -- in the order of 325% after looks like on this whole mess is finally going to be. at least semi result -- so that's the upside and the downside if there is -- you know sometimes an absolute calamity a risk all of extending down into should be replaced by a tree eurosceptic -- with tales of a general election and a lack of clarity about -- with all that you will move the deadline for breaks at forward then we would see downside as i mentioned before -- the first stop if that assumption there no deal breaks as unlikely as if a challenge the first office dealing with so be about a 7% loss -- if an ordeal brings it began to become a real possibility again. think about spspeaking to us earlier. as you can o on the rest of the day's trining action nonow not o much movement on the major eueuropean indices.
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although shares of commemerce bankrupt 5% reported strtrong annual earnings wall street closed lower we saw a lot of focus on us treasury yields of benchmark ten mark tech bebenchmark ten year rate rather hitting its lowest level since late. twenty seventeen boeing shares rose just over 1% after announcing that software fix. after completingg a three month long order it an external committee reviewing governance at nissan has decided there are enough facts to suspect lawbreaking by former chairman carlos ghosn. hostinger has more. former chairman carlos ghosn held too much power with the root cause of finanancial misconduct at nissan. that's the conclusion of an external committee. who did not say cool you it is clear the nissan's governancee needs to improve? in certain areas i think that's it was u unable to prevent the miscononduct that's all i can about itit with the us. the three monthlong audit also found there were enough facts to suspect the former chairman violated laws.
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and use company funds for personal use. gone is currently out of a tokyo prison on bail facing up to ten years of jail time for under reportrting pay in j japan. denies wrongdoing a and says the arrest last n november was partf a plot. to block his plalan to better integrate the three firms behind the renault nissan mitsubishi alliance. the sounds review committee took a different line. recommending some major changes to the company. for one abolishing the chairman post entirely. secondly having an outside figure chair the board of directors. it also propose that e executive positions at nissan not be held by people filling similar roles at renault or mitsubishi. the three companies re launch their partnership earlier this month. consider turning the page on the carlos ghosn era. but according to wednesday report in the financial times. renault seeking to re launch merger talks with nissan. require another automaker in the process possibly fiat chrysler.
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original proponent of that plan [inaudible] carlos ghosn. i can skate for all the busines. a q quick break now would b be h with the rest of the news us off last night
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