tv France 24 LINKTV April 2, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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what -- to swap is a live from paris will news and analysis from francnce twenty four i'm nt going these. are the main world news headlines. algeria's ailing president abdel aziz beautifully cut has resigned. rarely seen in public since the stroke in twewenty thirteen his departure follows weeks of demonstrations. of the declared he be seeking a fifth term as president. in the april elections. i think this resignatation folls a cold early in n the day from e army chief of staff. the tennis channel guidede solid cools the beautifulully could to be classifieied as inept to gov. the call for him to stand down
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immediately. based on the large demonstration of students in algiers making that same cold. this is not become a huge mass of people celebrating the departure of a man whose name the become. for them apply. to the problems . thank you very much for being with us abdel aziz beautifully because resigned as president of algeria. the ailing eighty three year old a bit on the precious in street protests began in february against his decision to stand for a fifth mandate. this tuesday the final straw seems to have been a declaration on algerian television for the president to go that came from algeria's army chief of staff. of tenants -- general commit guide saleh is the same office he declared a week ago that the
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eighty two year old was unfit to rule. the market in l. g. is there's been a large demonstration calling for the end of the th becauseeule left f first in nineteen ninetety nine but if te coupon for elections. in c contested circumstances decoration fabriric that he was seseeking a fifth mondaday spard demonstrations that is still takingng place these now because as you can see. by these live in he's's not comg in from algae is. these demonstrations to become the mass celebration of the fact that abdel aziz who took k the p has decided. to stand down well it was yesterday that he declared that he be standing now by april the twenty eighth of the weapon inside of j jerry was it w would happen sooner rather than later. just twenty fofour hours later than that it seems that -- to think it hasn't gone well the cd that he finally resignened after twenty years as president of algeria he's been seldom seen in public since. having a stroke in.
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twenty thirteen the scenes we just let you. see these things coming about years we have our correspondents are awaiting a set in. a a studio outut used to talk at the situation she is a lot mia as usual i mean it's g getting o you.. i'm tell us more about how this nenews that was broken and i jey how w did other peopople get to. well the news was brokenn onn nearly an hour ago and you know i wououldn't say people werere surprised but althoughh we were expected and the a aouncementf the resesignation anytime now. i we werer definitelyy taken abk by t the raw e emotion of this l past six weeee this i is what te people have been protesting about the best s six weeks and w we've got. you k know the the main demand f the protesters has been -- has been given or answerered - -- bt still you know the ininitial response was one o of you for yh one of the no extreme or joint happppen is a sense of triumph e sense o of victory - -- but y yo also people also a aware that ts is only the beginning thiss is nonot even nearr thehe end of te revolution this is the beginning
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of the reaeal struggle which iso get r rid of the regime around e presidenent did not only. you know him as as a pererson becausee we all know that and he was in the one calalling the sho and because he's b been too sick ananyway to do so i was broughto us he'e's been very ill he is vy ill. is there any sympathy f for booe to think of a man. in retrospect yes i use peoplee are angry with hihim yes peoplpe want him to go yes p people you knknow how about that upup withs twenty y year rule that. you don't usese a really emotitl others are really nice people and i think that although he's donene a lot of harm to the coununtry -- a lot of goooodn a lot of harm you know it dependns on on which side of the s spectm we talk to but i thihink thatt e peopople are sympathetic in the sense that. they know that he was in the one calling the shots thehey know tt hehe prorobably wasn't even thee that youou k know decided to rur a fifth tererm --- and so lots f peopople beieing usesed as the beginning of the revololution ty
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they were saying that -- look he is a victim likee us he does not know whahat's happening around f course these are all theories butt what's whahat's suree is ta jury is no better t than to you know -- then to o be -- you kno. revengeful orr thann to hatete a sick p person a and a an elderlk persrson regarardless o of whatd for the countryy star think there's somee sympathy a m morer less towards with another man. now meet at the protesters believe t this would happen that was a cool full would actually come true. get in itit was the you knowar far f fetched. demand just t because i'm doing know how how much of a stronghold this regime hahas on ththe country since nineteteen y two since the independedence. and so i thihink people got to e streetss --- you know one to change but really youou know not rereally expected it to be one this fast letet's not forget tht it's only been six weeks this is historic --- we youu know i love
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you pepeople a are takaking dowe of t the strongest regimes in ne world in s six weeks. peacefully so i think no we wereren't expecting it but a agn we believe in ourselves and you know at t the end of the d day n millllions of peoplee -- y you w unite togogether peacefully with nono you know w we build violene with no -- destruction t to the coununtry -- thihink it's just a matter of timee when their demandss are met. you said it six weeks t that --- shshook and chahanged to alalged itit is a remarkable street momovement which got great momentum and clearly has got the result the people wanted. i've also allow me we spoke to manyny people over ththe six wek period and one theme i is come back every time is that. how can? we guarantee how can you guarantee what happensns next ad how he g guarantee you'll ge sothining that you u will likee you'll be hahappy with. well i t tnk there is really no guarantee and t this is this is where the game is played now yes the e presidenent has t that do. what will h happen next i think
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nobody reallyy knows how we know that thermrmy has h has playedda pivotal role in inn with a steppingng down b because? of you know m me only hoursrs be the resisignation announcement f the of the army chief yeah gates allah has. literarally and gave him a warng said listen you need to step down you need. to meet the d demands of the people and then an hour laterer the resignatition wasas handeddd sesell the a army played. a very a very importantnt role n making s sure thahat the demandf the people are mad now t the question i is whatt will with te army plate in the nextt phase which is the mostst important thingg - -- i don't pretend to e ththe answer to thatat neither s anybodyy notot here rigig now i don't think a anybody is a thinking about that because as i said before we're still caughtt up in the euphoria o of the of e triumpmph. of blalacks a a i thinknk only e will tell ahat the next p pse willll bring butut wt we do know is that the armrmy stands withhe people and y you know what we he to happen is that the armrmy
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ovoverseas. or m make sur thatt the transitional governmnment is. is is putut in placace to reall. trtranslate t the demandsds of e people intoo a you knonow -- ant fair elections that would you know give give waway -- to new voices with lg people transitiononal governmentt to translate the minds of the people i've noted that you settttle on the importantnt wor. do you fear the possibility of something happening like say has hahappened in egypt wasas eventy a army man takiking control.. well yeah. there's been something that has been b brought up recently thate don'tanant anotheher view detail judy and loowhatat happened d in egypt. i ththink that we are drarawingn lessons fromm ourur you know otr countries mistatakes and thiss s certainly what w we've done in e past six w weeks we didn't. hahave another errrror spring between brarackets o or other le to calall it every winteter -- e werere too smart to dodgdge thad i thinknk ass we werere too smao dodge that we will a also be too smart to haveve a another --
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scenenario like egypt so i i dot think so but as i saiaid befefo- i'mm i'm not realllly going to e you a a prematurere at alysis i thin thatt the army knows betetr the army is like. inin a jury of thee army is wilg prettyty much bovoved inn the countryeople love the army people trust the armrmy a and a. if things go we it will play the role that it shouldd play whwhich is justst making sure te country safe because let's not forget i'll do it is. to polilitically g. dude you practicalllly sorry it's it's is it's placementnt is reallyy is u know --ensitive becauau you knknow we havave let m mabout my we have you know b but h high. placaces -- a and our b borderso we need to make sure thatt these pepeople or att infiltratorors r even terrorists do not take. advantage of the of ththe situatation and the political situatioion rj to infifiltrate d and and cost chaos and so the armymy has a veryy very impmport willll i hope i it sticks to tht i'm hoping focuses on that.
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all the while making suree that the people's demanands are as i said before mass. mass use thank youou very mucucr joining uss a journalist and activist that joining us from algae islam issues thank you very much indeed. in case you're just joining us abdel aziz beautifully to has resigned as president of algeri. let's begin robert pasta suchy front editor for more comments on this. rob in some ways i think when. the head of the army -- the army chief of staff asala gave his announcement earlier just a few hours ago. saying the pacifica must go immediately that was really the writing on the wall was let go you have no no question about it it's it it's's been clear that e the the the main power. at determining what happens to put the flicka is has been the army and general silo in particular there was a a rumor a couple weeks ago that he wawas goining to be forced t to step . other lots o of rumors flying around andnd saw inside a jury t the moment take your knowledge she is -- i'm not real perhaps
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points. to the power struggle it's been going on behind the scenes it was would be watching the demonstrators on the streets because our noble number of things are happening at the same time here we have the street -- with the with demonstrators in the two months that putting and at the same time we have the the institutions of power the system as they cause in algeria -- struggling to try and find a an adequate response to what's going on so that they can save that position. and it's interesting during during the initial days -- of the of the the the the demonstration of the the street movement that the system did not move with more resolution i'm not rather suggests i think as we've had wanted to of i guess suggesting that. the drug serious divisions within the system -- they haven't be we know is that they have been able to greet on a successor to beautifully cup until not and that's one of the reasons why it they putting forwards to go to to get to to run as president. for yet
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another term. because they couldn't simply couldn't agree on who should replace if somebody that they could all trust some day they can feel safe with somebody who wouldn't represent one group of five group what group of pirates as over another. so we can without that bottle going on behind the scenes and also we've got the army as well which is a correspondent was just suggesting now is a sort of power broker the you know the the the respected army that's been there since the independence struggle -- which is loved by the people at least for the moment because they're standing by can hi i'm making sure that -- the demonstrations can continue peacefully although the war some i went right to the beginning when general siler did seem to suggest that he was turning against the the street demonstrations but since that he said. the army -- i i mean the people have the same names. indeed give us some of the contacts about how beautifully coke can to be this kind of shadow of figure because people watching this might not appreciate that. effectively there's been this
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man who has not been seen in public releases twenty thirty many had a we have the story of deep in the back debilitating stroke yeah but somehow he's remained as president of algeri. what presidents in haymanot in person quite clearly because -- other people have been taking the decisions for him it's a great use this word the system which is what they always a person is is. it in algeria this group of vested interests which include the army the security services big business type tycoons -- the the the national liberation party at the fln -- and close relatives of the beautifully cut senior civil servants a group of people who have been in power effectively since the rev the revolution -- force the franchisee. to nineteen sixty two and these are the people who have effectively kept -- deathly calm for the reasons that i was suggesting a just a moment ago that they haven't been able to come to a satisfactory agreement
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about who the successor to beautifully. be i'm so the consequence of their own inability to develop a system for an effective method the succession -- policy in place -- they have come to face the situation that they're in now they are dead locks because they haven't put in. a process which can get them beyond this sort of crisis no no democratic country hold elections are problem but you know what when you have a system that she's more or less authoritarian. arranging for the succession is alalways much more difficult particularly when the various different power groups in competition and that's what seems to be the case of the moment in algeria we sing different partners. fighting for power i unable to agree on a on a successor which represents all their interests so the the role as you as you said and as as long as she she was saying the role that the army place and what happens nex. could very much be keyed as you say i'm not a broker the only.
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a fad dealing maybe that kind of thing i think that's the way the the the the demonstrators a saying the army at the moment or at least that's what they're hoping the army is going to be. i think the the the the the the the jury is already a what the hell he's going to do in the future it was nobody really knows except the the the senior generals themselves. about a maybe not all of them are either about which direction this is going to move in -- the big the big fear of course is that if the army decides. toto support the power struck te existiting power structures -- . the same time the demonstrations continue on the street the peaceful atmosphere that there has been in algeria since these demonstrations started in in mid february could start to crumble- that you could start to see clashes between the security services hi i'm the demonstrators on the streets we don't know that point yet but an awful lot will depend on how the army decides to move next. with quoting to the constitutio.
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the the speaker of the of the upper house the senate takes over as interim president elelectionons should be held inn ninety d days. but thehe fear on thee s streeti suspect will be that if elections are held in ninety days. they're going to lose sight because the people who coming to power through those elections most likely will be not not be the people who represent. the entrance of the street they'll be it p people who interestst mor. represent by and are the interests of the existing powers right because what's the right as you say there will be a massive frustration if it goes ahead and and it ends up with not weigh in the not so the point i think when the demonstrations will. become more persistent in the army will have to make a decision about whoho site it's n the street well the newly elected power structures because the the opposition as it stands in algeria is it opposition in the true sense or is it basically part wasn't. this is another problem with with with these elections -- i'm
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sure the opposition i.. series seeing an opportunity to seize power gamame notot cease e is the wrong word but getting ouought through the power through the ballot box. bubut as you susuggest you knowe the the e opposition in alalger- isis tainted by its asassociatin with powerer itselelf itt is bet least in large p part coopted by the power strtructures -- in algeria and t there is no great rerespect o othe partf t the demonstrators for the opposition the opopposition. these e have been yingng. to gainn accesss to the streetsn ingratiate themselveves in n a y if y you like with with withh te street but they'y're not therert by a a long way. the movement on the street is taking algeria in a completely differenent direction -- dataa monznza only now beginning to crystallize andnd we're only now beginning t to see leaders stars to emerge. for me it s seems far too early for thehem to be ready for an elelection i i nininy das so there are i think is what you
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could see the the collision point of interest. i'm pops the sort of f instabily thatat up u until thihis point y insurer voice de because in just ninety days t o only people whoo pipiece off f fate and ready ton any kind of election campaign would be part of the system as you call it. we have a pot of coffee because creek or part of the opposition which isn't that far divorce and that not you say completely separate those people on the streets. it's been cold for change -- young people it seems on the whole the bin khalifa changeup educated young people take to the streets asking for more. and algieri seems to be one of these countries that when you look at it look what they have in sins of energy resources. one wonders why are so many people have so little in a country like that well because we cut the country has been widely run -- both in terms of its political structures on its economic structures and policies -- for several decades not corruption is a huge issue algeria.
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over the last few days we've seen people being arrested on or detained on kerr corruption charges now this may put b. o. b. part of the the power struggle behind the scenes that i was talking about it a year on but there's no diet that said. the economy on a particular at the oil industry has been very badly run in recent years at least in algeria -- that's been compounded of course by the fight that the oil prices dropped in recent years as well before that the government was able to use. higher oil prices to to bring economic benefits to the algerian people i went beautifully could came to power. was. reelected in two thousand and fifteen despite the fact that he was incapacitated you know the he was able to go with his government was able to win. the support of the of the algerian people by putting through a roof reforms. that benefit a lot of people the situation six years later is considerably different a one of the frustrations that is driving the demonstrators on the streets the month is this sense. but the economy is it. it is being run for the benefit of too few people that it is
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being run by people who are corrupt. and that they're not seeing the benefits of the r riches that yu were talkiking about -- unemplployment i is massively ha in algeriaia a particularly high about 45% -- amongst the the youngg under thirties unless we're talking down by 50% of the population -- that's very very serious problem for any government did you eighteen a that many people you have to watch out. from parsons our chief foreign editor thank you sir as ever -- few in our system thank him this particular historic night went after his beautifully guy has resigned. as president of algae row houses thank you very much indeed let's go to our next guest a tall shsp it is a story. and all three judges and john talk university in baltimore thank you so very much for being with us -- the situation then abilities beautifully ca has resigned. give us your r reaction sir. great use of very unexpected into perspectitive both before e
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twenty second of febrbruary. and if necessary. and we're given wristbabands and inevitable in the last few days no giving general outside got u. decision -- kind of affirmation got us i got as a very close ally of of the goat historically but within the armed f forces so he iss kind of moves. over the l last week as the head of the a army to call for whichf you get a resigned. ready that inevitable and get a duty i ithe army came out strongly clearly sick like. as your previous guest i i thout really astutely noted -- - that the armrmy was weighining inn internal conflictsts. but whatt a great day well this is gonna kind of demonstration of an effort to exercise problem solving. you look so i made up use the mages guild. revolution which one victory in sixty two against france under the motto of one's old only one if you're. the people of this affirmation of a democratic republic. the people of always been dubious about were using this language of popular sovereignty
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of the peoplee beieing in the repository o of the new should. really affected so rubble the appearance.. are you surprised that says sala the left in a general who made the announcement early had to do so in such a public way given the proximity has to the president and his entourage. it is your previous guest i think the last year and a half or so. i i have seen a series of f movs were parts of the so called the power. with this system have b been speaking out publilicly like bis instance onene time yeah the hed of resignationon of what prime minister was announced on a private television show channel which would never happen if there was an agreement behind the scenes. of where to move should put pressure -- a and the rest of te people with the rest of the kind of stake holders had to move. to offer okay is personal is gonna stepped out. ending the debate so once these things get out in public it's a way to put pressure on other stakeholders in the so called power. to force them to move and
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so that's what i presume. guide seller was doing. how can i ask you what do you think will happen next because clearly the the people on the street wanted to change they got the change that they wished ful? will they get what they wish people next you think. well i hope so well what what that is is simply what i think a lot of recent discussion i mean recent are you the last two or three weeks -- is looking beyond what now would come to see me double. which would step down -- looking towards a shift a dramatic change in the constitution. but just discuss which is quite new but which we can sell for what we spoke for him it is announced it would there be a serious revision. it there would be a kind of nation wide consultation. the question i think is will that happen in his absence. and will that happen in a way that seems fair to people -- the people that were being summoned- were being announced as participants in that discussion got that met with much skepticism so we'll something
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happened. it allows for popular participation plus a lot of attention to the law. to the constitution. lead to the idea that this is a democracy. in formal towards that's possible to see it clearly has not been. so hopefully that will move forwrward i mean i think. the ararmed forces i'm'm a litti think pepeople are a l little me skticacal of the ofof the a armd foforces than your last you guessed it. push forrdrd i do thinink that there's aa lot of wararm feelins of what the arartist on historicically. there wass a real shaharp divivn between the presidencyy andnd te armed forceses butut died s solo played a rolen making sure ththat thehe presisident's youn. flflick u up. took back a lot of power the army had accumulated. in the nineteen nineties during the dark decade during the devastating civil war other islamist kind of forced into being. in the early nineties and it so that the the presidency has done something that there's a reason
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but it was still there. again i think there's gonna be suspicion about the military stepping in people were happy that the military is pushed out of the central role that had the nineties. in the early two thousands of what we like your other guess it's sort of like we have to wait to see this is very unexpected. all this happened. we hope everyone hope for something it needed to change. so far it's been amazing demonstration of unity but in particular unity in the name of democracy. in the right of the people to have the final say. enter the claim of peacefulness peacefulness pacifist movement he your mottoes during all the demonstrations. so. hope to keep moving forward that way it seems like it will -- and i think that people have a lot of expectations for something important to shift this is not gonna be enough although it's great news we took a step into. the tenant general argument guide saleh in some ways to some people looks like a president in waiting. do you fear that might happen that the military might somehow.
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slide itself into town. you know i think if that was. the fact that they had to step out and say something publicly in distance himself from. your machine but the the powers what in general suggested there is real tensions there so they were effective he was affected by the ways of the armed forces today the army stepped in. officially bowling for the president to step down. but that suggests there's a lot of money that is there's not a consensus within the welll for them to step in. this is why these delays keep popping i mean which we should not have run. he did is he is your previous guest noted. because they didn't have a clear way out. it would satisfy them so it seems unlikely that they would let that is the other stakeholders would simply let. a good solid step in. and i don't think that the people of that is in people at least on the streets. would accept that either. at this point there has not been the success.
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04/02/19 04/02/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! >>or too long, the people of ourur fellow w american citizensns, have famouthis faced a double standard when it comes to food assistance. amy: is president trump claims ravaged puerto rico has received too mu
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