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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 4, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> france 24, every art form. >> you are watching france 24. it is time for 60 minutes live around the world. theresa may meets jeremy corbyn for talks intnto breaking a dedeadck on brexit.t. lawmakers vote by a majority of 12 back another brexit delay. ghohosn arrested again on charges of corruption.
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he calls the move outrageous and arbitrary. p preliminary black box report from the ethiopian crash last did allllows flight crewew prprocureses correctly butut cod not cocontrol the jet. government, the french seeking to curb the executive retitirement p packages knowowns golden handshakes. the islaland that gave the komoo dragon their names may be shut down by indonesia to fix problems created by y tourism ad smsmuggling. theresa may is sitting d down wh
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jeremy corbyn for crisis talks on brexit. ththere are eight days to go unl the new deadlinene for the u.k.o leave the eu. wewednesday,y, mps voted by a majority of one to back ananothr toxit delay that would need bebe approved by the 27 eu members. phililip, thisis votee is takikg place inin the house o of lords. itas approveved by one votee yesterday. two-weekkusuallyy a process. >> whihittled down to justst ou. hours. that fororces theresa may t to e backck to the house of commomons next week to propose a delay, which willll be voted on by mpsn the housuse of commons and that will be e taken toto thehe eu st
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nextxt week duee to start on wednesday, an emergency discussion on brexit. , on the basasis of what theresa may obtains, then agree or not agreee to giveve brititain a longer delayay in te brexit process. under normal cirircumstancnces, britain is due to crash out next friday because therere is no agreement on theheresa may's withdrawal agreement.. unless they come up withth a pln e extension, itlong looks likeke britain could crash out t next week eveven though ty voteted against crashing o out. the problem is therere is goingo be a row breaking o out aut how long the extension is s supposed toe. theresaa may wted it t to be unll the 2 22nd of may, thehe dy before the statart of the europn elections. if it t goes over that, britainn
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willll have to vote in the europepean elections and that wl be a bad sign f for all the vots who voted d to leaeave the e eu. the eu m may say we e are not gg to delayay until the 22nd of ma, we want a longer delay so you can come up with new elections a brand-new votee or brexit proposal. a lot has to happen inin the net few days. to your hand over guesest, there w was an opinioil pupublished by britain thinknks. 83% % of british people e are fp with brexixit. 64% thinink it is having g an et on thehe mental health. 70% % are more confused d the me they hear about itit. go to oururbefore we guest, tell us abouout theresa y and jeremymy corbyn and ththeir prprice -- and their crisis tal. > thehey met to discscuss br.
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offff with is c cheesed the group that voted againsnst r deal thrhree timeses, not onlnlm but thee hard-liline right wing party has refuseded to accept hr deal. she said i need to get the deal through to get us out of the eu by the 2 22nd of may. she is moving towards t the labr party and jeremymy corbyn to see , to seell come on board ifif she can bypass it that way. moree of theeatiting party whwho want a hard brexit. how can you fororce ties with te labour partyty who wantsts a cus union whenen we want a clean break?k? two ministers havave resigned or this. there could be more, up to 15. talks with jeremy corbrbyn took plplace yestererday.
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we arere still not out of the woods. genie: thank youou. robert, w welcome on the set. you have w written a a book in franance thahat can be translatd intoto "to bee, or not to be, european." >> sincece three centuriries, te are cycleses of stop and go o cg from britatain facacing europe. of europe,e building the history, the stotory of , based d onntegraration balance of p power, britainn was engaged in this system. out,,mes t they get sometimes they c combaback. t thing since same
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thee storyry of euroropean imimmigration. britain signgns a treaty w withx .ther members a few momont later, the same parliamentter asks forccept an apppplication entetering the eec. know,ever happens, i don't whatever happens, the stotop and go will never finishsh. thihiswhat is behind backck-and-forth? is it because mosost of the u.k. is an island?? quite literarally? within theed is also island. ireland is an island. they are in the eu. english problem?
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>> it t is more history thanan geographyy. the englisish arere much more ld empire,e,istory o of imperial succecess story, is --ide view, t the world europe i is -- for fallout. all of thesese dreams of global britain, the big speech of theresa may in 2017, sort of nostalgia. -- may be much more e for the enisish. frencnchmen, people of the continenent, think b british d s not feel europope.
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many think they are a parart. bruges i in 1988. i am european, britain is european, britain g gives much o you from t the magna carta to te glororious churchill whoho savee world d and save europe. it is a question ofof identity, whwhen britain is in,n, it is awkward. when britain is out, it iss awkwkward. they are afraid to bee marginalalized by the fact of being out. geninie: g given how much h youe studied the history of the u.k.,
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how do you see this crisis ending? a a few days s ago, i was thinkiking a new deal was soon d now you have thereresa may and jejeremy corbyn discussing. success,iscussision is a we will stay in the customs union. they want britn n to be free o f negotiatg g with thehe u.s., australia, new zealand. it will onlyly be possible if it stays in the customs union. brain willll stay in the custots union. they wilill not have anythingngo say. brititain is out. the compromisise is didifficult. or --l
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it is extremelyly deep, the british crisisis. since the civil war, it seems so be britainin was a success stor. suddddenly, it is not anymore. european union iss united fixing ththe brexit m matter. the uniteded kingdom is not. genie:e: it will be interestingo see how this plays out. thank you u for comiming into sk withth us. thank you for yourur time. ghosn has whwhere carlos been arrested. he has denied any financial
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misconduct. the rearrest came less than a month after he was released on bail after spending over 100 days in jail. custody,ice prosecutors paid a visit to carlos ghosn apartment. theyrrested him for a fourth time. then taken away by prosecutors. had beenar-old released from prison on bail less than n a month ago. ghosn released a statement, saying it is part of an attempt by individuals at nissan to silence me by misleading prosecutors. why arrest me except to try to break k me. i will not be broken.
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prosecutors thought theyy could gather e enough evidence r ananother prosecution,, they shd hahave slapped on addiditional charges. i don't ununderstand why they detained him. they are trying to gain an upper hand. nissan so they would not comment, but they found evidence of unethical conduct. this time, he has been arrested were foe payments personal use by his former chairman. the latest arrest comes a day after r carlos ghosnsn announcee would tetell his s side of the y apriril 11.. when because he is not allowed to use the internet or if the latest arrest will kekeep him f from speakingng ou. genie: the b black box datata fm the e ethiopiann jetet airline t
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crash last month says pilots performed all procedures remmmmendeby b boeing b but stil cocould not control the jet. the crcrash killed all 157 on board. it wasas the s second crash witn five months following a lion air crash in indonesia. crash,s after a f fatal ththe transport miminister has d pilots did all they could to -- to preventry tragedy. procedures s were performed thahat were submittedy the manufacturer but it was not ab t to control the aircraft. aircraft nose-e-down conditionos
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are noticed. it is s recommended that -- flit bytntl ability be reviewed thee manacturer.r. > results are set to o increa jetsiny of boeing, whose have been grounded worldwide after crashes in ethiopia and indonesia. unveiled a, boeing software f fix. anand anti-stall system is believed to have ford the nosese-down in some cases. the fix nee to be s submitted and approved by airline regulators. the e faa has announcnced attac- settask force for the 737, for a comprehensive review of the aircraft safafety. forore: president lou to fleeee
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likaka hasnt boutef stepped down a and urged his compatriots to o stay united. an ally is likely to take over >> the president did not just resign, the people pushed him out. >> i hopope bouteflflika's have an n effectll fromom the ground up. corruption is everywhehere. >> it is time to get to work
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with more than words and slogans.s. genie: the island that gave komodo dragons their n name maye shut down by indonesia to fix prproblems o of mass tourism ane smuggling of the world's biggest lizard. arth.t is paradise on famed for its biododiversity and famous k komodo dragagons. komodo attracts thousands each year, a trend about to change.. the islanand will be closeded te public. a deceit -- a decision taken by indonenesian authorities to prott the lizards. the komodo dragons have been targeteted by wildlife
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traffickcking. ngas caught t asgam ththey were selling bababy drags overer the intnternet. they were e so s selling other animals. these animalals were about to be sold. some of these abroad. dragon, whoe komodoo are a protected specieses and require e special attentioion. they were selling the dragons for a thousand euros aece. authorities hope to protect the species despite being the biggest lizard in the world. it remaiains vulnerable. only 5 5000 are left on the island, which gaveve them thther nameme. at thelet's look headlines. theresa may meets jeremy corbyn for cross party talks aimed at breaking a deadlock on brexit.
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ghosn arrested on charges of financial corruption. he was taken into c custody on suspicion of illegally diverting $5 million. he c called the move outrageous and arbibitrary. black box report from the ethiopian crash last month showed the flight crew performed all procedures correctly but coululd not contll the jet. at the topl lk businessss news. let's s go to the top story off carlos ghosn. hiss facing a push from former french employer to limit his retirirement comomnsation. ceo he resigned as renault's in late januarary. after a boarard meeting wednesd, renault says an investigation
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has raised questions over his expenses, some of which were allegedly used to buy a yacht for him and his family. new informatiofrom the investigation will beassed on to the judicial authorities. renault is canceling compensasation as partrt of a noncompete clause. genie: that comomes out of thee spotlightt has been cast o on a systemem of generous executitive retiremement pay w we have i in france.. retirementhosn's plan is not the onlyy one under the gu airbus' seo is seset to retire wiwith 40 million euroros. catherine bennett reports.
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> the french vevernment i is caugught in an awkward position. while the administrati has debt has been enacting budget cuts, top officials are walking away with hundreds of thousands of euros. controversial payments are frequently criticized. why does the practice continue? companies use it as a way of drawing in the besest business leadaders. up until n now, it has beeeen uo the companies to implementnt the reretiremement schemes. the french government is planning a refeform. it would put in place a cap on payouts. 30% of income or a universal fixed amount. the cacase of two ceos has pushd the e issue back into the spspotlight.. cacarlos ghosn w was arrested fr misconduct. he resigned in january.
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renault announced he was nono hiser entitled to retirement plan. to receive 36 set point 8 million euros s when he leaves the company next week. european inindexes a are mixed. and followingtyty germany factory orders weighing on stocks. the ftse 100 is down 4/10 of a percent. up undeder .25 dacs sent -- upp under .25%.%. is biddining to take commercommercee bank --- zbank. should the plan fail, unicredit
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wouldd be waititing in the wini. tesla delivered fewer cars than expect did i in thehe first thre months o of the year. 63,000 vehicles made it to customers, down from the previoious quarter. it is blamed o on shipping ruggles. threats from donald trump to close the u.s. . mexico bordr has bususinesses worried. >> shipppping firms have faceced major delays alolong the bordern recent days as washington hass assigneded new agents to b borr crossingngs, steppppinup inspections and checks. the president's rhetoric and amongs create uncertainty businesses that depend on
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cross-border traffic. any closure wowould have an impt on commerce. otherhaps a avocados or frfresh prododuce coming from mo wowould not be avavailable for a short period ofof time. there e would be mananufacturing fafacilities in n the united s s short wouldld be idled in n a period of time. a lot of electronics, components come a across the border. to pakistst, where the economic crisis weighs onon its populalation. consumer price inflation sparking protests. >> thehey are seeking their 13th bailt. defeficit.mounting > inflation has reached its highest level since 2013.
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>> there were greaeat expectatations, , great hopes te govevernment wouldld do somethi, bubut they follow olold routinid robbed u us. crush petrol l prices will us further.. it raises the prices of milk,k, daily itemsms, all of the thinga cocommon man and his children u. >> inflatition has more than doubled year on year, rising in march up from 3.68% in 2018. on monday, the government hikedd fuel prices by almost 6.5%. it h has been getting ridd of fl susubsidies to reduce government spending.. ththat threatens to worsen inflation. will dependwow on, it
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onon to what extent the governmt -- if they are going to the full exextent, they neeeed to -- inflation will gogo into double digits. has paredtrtral bank back its gd growth percentages. compapany has turned tohe internrnational mononetary fund, hoping to secure its 13th ilout packagage since the l late 1980's. financen wall street, men may hahave to invest in n aw uniform. patagonia tells wall street to take a hike. >> they are known for environmental consciousness. their vests have becomeme populr among finance workers t they are pracactically part of a uniform. patagonia is trying to limimit s
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branding exposure when i it coms to that demographic. the company isis refocusing its corporate sales program where companies can buy g gear with is own logo. theyey are working on
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- [male narrator] coming up on reel south. on the brink of extinction, red wolves get a new start in the wild spacaces of eastern n north carolina. - [male] since colonization of this country, we've handpicked, we've said, we don't want this, we don't want that. what we're trying to do with the animals like the red wolf is to fix it, what we brbroke. - [male narrator] but many landowners aren't happy about the e predators' protected status. - - [male] i can't see why any society would not want to protect what is meant to be here. - [male narrator] next in red wolf revival on reel south. - [female narrator] this program is made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by the following. (bluesy guitar rock)


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