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tv   DW News  LINKTV  April 4, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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♪ brent: this is dw news live from berlin. the irish border, brexit and the berlin wall, the german -- the german chancellor physical -- german chancellor visits ireland . angela merkel excited her own personal history behind the iron curtain and she told the prime minister she understands the importance of maintaining peace at the border especially with brexit looming. also coming up, germany's foreign minister feels the heat at nato's 70th anniversary
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meeting.g. he comeses under fire frfrom the u.s. secretary of state for not spending enough money on defense. having violent videos, -- banning violent videos, australia passes a law that could punish sunshine media companies if videos -- punish social media companies if videos showing violence are streamed. for years cubans could only play in the united states if they defected, but that is about to be history. we will tell you why. ♪ i'm brent goff. to our viewers on pbs in the united states and around the world, welcome. as the second deadline for brexit approaches, angela merkel says she would work until the last hour to prevent a
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disorderly withdrawal by britain from the european union. a crash out of the e.u. would include a hard border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland. today angela merkel met with the irish prime minister in dublin to see how they could prevent that. merkel grew up behind the iron curtain. she said that makes her someone who understands the importance of keeping walls that have fallen down forever. reporter: a warm welcome at that house for angela merkel. dublin says she has been a strong and unwavering ally of ireland throughout the brexit process. they held roundtable talks on what could happen if britain leaves the e.u. withthout a dea. the focus was on the border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland. angela merkel drew on her past
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existence -- past experience with borders. >> i personally come from a cocountry that w was separated firewall for many years. for 34 years i lived behind the iron curtain. i know what it means when walls fall and when borders disappear. and so i am aware of the need to do all we can to uphold the peaceful coexistence here for which so many lives were sacrificed. reporter: the irish border separates northern ireland become a part of the u.k., from the republic of ireland which will remain a member of the you after brexit. there is no physical border now. the absence of a hard border is a central part of the 1998 good friday peace agreement between
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the republic and the u.k. which ended decades of violence. the prime minister laid out ireland's priorities. >> we have to prepare ourselves for all outcomes. with that in mind we discussed planning at the european and domestic level for no deal including how we could work together to meet our twin objectives of protecting the good friday agreement on which peace in ireland is based and protecting the integrity of the european central market. reporter: this follows a debate with 15 people from both sides of the border about the impact a new deal scenario would have on their livives -- no o deal sceno would have on their lives. they look at more d developments ahead of a special european council summit next week. brent: our chief political editor michaela kufner is in
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dublin. those were some very strong and emotional words from markle it -- angela merkel in support. what else did she say? michaela: she was clear it was not just symbolism, although it was, coming at this time to ireland, and with the irish prime minister, looking across the border into the north and wondering whether numbers would have the final say in this, whether the economists would find a way ahead. one thing also clear from this side, irish prime minister roth cap -- varadkar said he thinks it would be a joint response ability between ireland and the other e.u. member states so -- [indiscernible] but also no words coming from him he would make absolutely
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sure there is no sign of a real hard brexit because he says they still do much with london. the german chancellor, speaking to those who were affected both north and south of the border and gave their statements to say they felt the german chancellor [indiscernible] understood the personal circumstances. brent: do you think the fact of the german chancellor is in ireland now, d does that prove e suspicion the european union is now worried the irish border will be its problem after brexit? do you think the irish were pleased with what angela merkel had to say? michaela: they were pleased to get t that kind of backing. angela merkel has been restrained in making public comments, but she did say this was a matter of peace, war and
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peace, very strong wording from her, calling everyone to pick up their peace -- piece and the responsibility. all parties involved in this have understood this was a question of war and peace and specifically looking towards london and britain, then she mentioned everybody, ireland and the other e.u. member states except britain. that says a lot about her quiet criticism but no doubt [indiscernible] certainly the irish prime minister and the frencnch president, emmanuel macron, who has come out a couple of times againstt an extension of the deadline without a real path ahead. johannes: the german chancellor
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-- brent: the german chancellor and french president not on the same page with brexit. michaela kufner, thank you. now to london and the brexit talks across the political divide. they continue. the u.k. government is meeting with labor, the main opposition party for a second day as they try to find a way out of the deadlock. the meeting lasted 4.5 hours and was described as productive. labor party will have further discussions with the party but this has angered hard-line brexit tears. -- break the tears -- theresa may thinks there will be closer ties with the european union, something they do not want. joining me now is our reporter on the story. how is the angela merkel visit to ireland being received in
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london? reporter: it wasn't perceived at all. everybody is busy with political infighting and finding compromise between jeremy corbyn and theresa may, but it is priority for the u.k. to avoid a hard border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland. this visit from angela merkel to ireland was about symbolism, standing together while on government -- while may has to fight alone. brent: what about party talks? any progress? what about this piece of legislation trying to force the prime minister to get an extension? has it gone all the way through parliament? reporter: the talks between jeremy corbyn and theresa may, no b breakthrough.
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the talks will continue. they weree detaileled and technical. there is some commonon ground between the two leaders. both wanant to stop the free movement of people and want that the u.u.k. leaves with a deal at some point, but they are on polar opposites of the political spectrumum, and we are seeing te base and some empties rebelling against -- some mp's rebelling against the new a alliance of jeremy corbyn and theresa may. there is little hope for compromise on this. parliament also passed this piece of legislation where theresa may has to ask the e.u. for an extension. it is up to her length, b but my has s to go to brussels now, a messenger of parliamement and nt negotiator anymore. we will see what comes out. brent: we will see if she has
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anything to bring to the summit. thank you. here are some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. a preliminary report into last month ethiopian airlines crash found the group -- the crew performed all steps but were not able to control the outcome -- the aircraft. they said a short -- pepeople should assure the problems witith the 737 are fixd before the grounding of the planes and. -- planes ends. the head of the libyan national army, khalifa hifter, ordered people to advance on tripoli. dozens have fought for contrtrol of this s country since the overthrow of qaddafi in 2011.
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clashes have broken out between migrants and police in a camp outside of northern greece. hundreds gathered in the hopes of crossing the border of now -- of north macedonia and traveling into europe. some threw stones at the police, who responded with stun grenades and tear gas. teachers across france have taken part to protest against the government's planned education reforms. emmanuel macron says he wants to reduce inequality and ensure students are better performed for the job market -- prepared for the job market, but teachers say they would have to work harder and do it with fewer resources. as nato marks its 70th anniversary this week, the alliance is focused on the threat from russia. they said yes to measures countering russia in the black sea region including increased naval cooperation with georgia and ukraine but the appearance
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masks disagreement on other issues. case in point, germany. reporter: family reueunions cane fraught, and this was no exception. in washington with ministers from member states gathered around, germany was the reticence relative. heiko maas was in the hot seat as the u.s. pressed germany to spend more on defense.. >> now is not the time for tired excuses. each nation has a duty to make the case to our people. we have duty to make the case to our citizens. reporter: germany is far from meeting the 2% of gdp on defense. they aim for military spending of 1.5% gdp in 2024. >> germany is always the focus here because the biggest sums are in play there.
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it is undederstandable but thiss not an impossible question to resolve. reporter: the nato secretary general tried to calm tensions by praising specific c german contributions. >> germany as the lead nation of commerce and has been for many years. germany leads one of the most robust groups [indiscernible] reporter: but that is unlikely to settle the money question which has a way of making family squabbles drag on and on. brent: you are watching dw news. coming up, rockers young and old should head to the metropolitan museum in new york to see the instruments that their music heroes played to create eternal hits. we will have a preview of the exhibition "play it loud." australia has passed landmark legislation that could punish
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social media companies and their bosses for posting videos of real extreme violencnce on their platforms. this comes in response for last month's mass shootings at two mosques in new zealand. gunmnman live streamed the attacks. the footage was widely shared before it could be removed area they white supremacist will face 50 murder charges. -- removed. a white supremacist will face 50 murder charges. this is a world first for legislating online platforms. >> the internet is not an ungoverned space and we must asked -- we must act to make sure people cannot leverage online platforms for spreading violent and fanatical propaganda. these platforms should not be weaponize for evil. brent: i am joined by our reporter. tell us more about this new law.
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they are saying it is landmark legislation. >> it is targeting big social media companies like youtube and facebook but could affect smaller companies, news websites or job sites or dating sites. basically anywhere where users can upload or stream their own content. if you look at the details of the bill, it makes it a crime for a content hosting service not to remove abhorrent, violent material expeditiously. they define this as acts of terrorism, murder, attempted murder, rape, kidnapping. the material can be audiovisual or both and must be recorded by the perpetrator or an accomplice, and individuals who fail to remove the material can be imprisoned for three years, the company can be fined $10 million australian or 10% of
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their turnover. brent: you said expeditiously. removing that expeditiously, it is open to interpretation. there are questions. reporter: with speed and efficiency but how fast is fast enough? the australian attorney general says he doesn't have the answer to that question. he says it will be a case to case basis decided by a jury. but he says in the case of christchurch, that video was up on facebook for an hour, more than an hour before facebook took it down. that is too long. just a note, the other rhythms facebook used to find this violent material, they are not smart enough, so the company relies on human users to flag
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inappropriate material. the other question the bill doesn't answer is who are we supposed to punish? are we talking about putting mark zuckerberg in risen or someone from middle management and the content moderating department? that also is unclear. brent: there is a lot of uncertainty, but the law was passed very quickly. reporter: it went from conception to law in five days. the opposition labor party are behind the bill, but they have called it russia and flaunt -- called it rushed and flawed. if they win the election in may next month, they will review it. there is a political aspect to this case as well.
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then we have tech companies. they are upset they were not brought in for consulting. we have the ceo of the australian tech giant atla sian. he said no one wants this on the internet but the legislation is flawed and will cost jobs and damage our tech industry. brent: it sounds like the attorney general is counting on people to sue in court's to decide what -- and courts to decide what the legislation does. thank you. cuban baseball players who dreamed to play in the american leader -- major leagues had one pass, defecting and leaving cuba forever. but the days of risking everywhere -- everything now are over. the cuban baseball federation announced its first list of
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players authorized to sign contracts with major league baseball. reporter: it is a historic agreement that a home -- that is a home run for both sides. the cuban baseball league struggled to turn a profit and only pays a basic wage of $50 u.s. a month. yasiel puig defected and signed a contract worth millions in the u.s. now to -- states in -- teams in the states will pay a release fee area top-tier talent has been shortlisted for teams in the u.s. >> the world will see this agagreement is a reality. there are 34 players. cuba is a baseball quarry. those who don't see themselves on the list, do not despair. we will have more in the future. this is an agreement that should last forever. reporter: locals are pleased and are looking forward to seeing more of their heroes on the biggest stage.
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> it is a g great step. ththere is a ton of talent here and we can do well and do things for this country. there is no way to go by the regular route. it is great for cuban baseball to rise as it deserves to with the best. reporter: there are strings attached to the list. both baseball federations are working together to showcase cuban talent in the u.s., strengthening relations between the two countries in the process. brent: from american baseball to german soccer, the bundesliga fans will be looking forward to the biggest match this saturday. bayern munich posts dortmund -- hosts dortmund in the classic. all eyes will be -- all eyes will be on buyer'-- bayern munich's star striker. we spoke with the poland international in the one-on-one
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interview in what could be a huge title decider. reporter: he moves with control and precision of an eagle. >> [indiscernible] that is the goal he was looking for. reporter: he rarely misses. that is why he is known as the goal machine. no non-german player has stored more goals in the history of the bundesliga in the polish international. he sat down with us to tell us his magic touch in front of the net is down to genetics. >> [indiscernible] of course you have to work not only on one things. you have now in the modern football, if you seek the striker, it is not strong striker, not only fast, not technique. you need everything because you have to know how to play behind. your teammates, the front of
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your teammates. you need the left foot, right foot, head, everything. reporter: he is not shy losing -- using his left or right foot against his former club paris he scored 14 goals and an unforgettable hat trick in last season. bayern munich are two points behind dortmund, so you would think whoever wins saturday would be confident about a bundesliga title. not if you are him. >> the winner can d do the first step, the big step, but o one step will not be enough. we have a lot of games until the end of the season. reporter: uncertainty in the title race, but there is a level of certainty when it comes to 11 dusky. he can't help himself. it is in his dna to score goals. brent: in his dna.
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to english football where manchester city player raheem sterling bought 550 tickets for children from his former school so they can watch his side's semifinal this weekend. he went to school near london's woodley stadium where saturday's match with brighton takes place. this comes as manchester city bid for an unprecedented quadruple of trophies this season. diehard music fans will tell you they are as fascinated about the music instruments played as the hits they love to hear. at the metropolitan museum in new york, an exhibit featuring the iconic tools of rock 'n roll is set to open, from the telecaster strummed by muddy waters to john lennon's 12 string rickenbacker, the display is a treasure trove for music lovers. take a listen.
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reporter: it was the start of a revolution. ♪ [cheering] reporter: and now the art spaces of the met museum in new york are being felt -- filled by the icons of rock 'n roll. "play it loud" is taking on the genre that changed music forever. >> this is one o of the most important artistic movements of our lifetitime. it is now 70 plus years old and there are a lot of living legends who can participate, who could lend their objects and expertise to the show. reporter: and they did. the collection boasts 130 pieces on loan from some of rock 'n roll's biggest names.
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the beatles' ringo starr, eddie van halen, and keith richards of rolling stones fame to name a few. it is organized thematically and looks at how musicians embraced emerging technologies. "play it loud" can be heard and seen. the eagles legend here. ♪ [applause] >> hanging on the wall here at the metropolitan museum of art is the highest accolade, the highest honor i i could get. the first and third biggest selling album in the history of recorded visit, those were wonderful things. to be at the met i think is steps above that. it means so much to me. reporterer: the life of a rock'n roll star can be rough and many of the instruments are not in the best shape. rock 'n roll and the destruction
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of the insurance themselves part of the -- instruments themselves part of the performance, like this one. brent: top stories we are following, chancellolor angela rkel has met witith the irish prime minister leo varadkar. if britain crashes out, border checks at the irish border could become a reality. merkel will fight until the last hour to prevent that. after a short break, i will be back to take you through the day. stick around for that. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ ♪
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. hello laurin taterer numbed ande abable to use welcomee to live m paris wilill keys andnd analysis frfrom f france m my cap i'm nog these are the headlines. a letter askining foror an exten to articicle fifty is apparently being drafted cross party talks set to continue after. productive technical d discussis this this s the meanwhile theres some a betterr breakak thehe neo you says the brits c coming to europe deal or n no deal. will have free access on a ninety day stay. call us gun is back in custody to flow ininda strtreak sector was re arrested in tokyo twenty four hours ago. the prosecution says it's a new case andnd guns arrest is necessary to prevent destrtructn of evidencnce.


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