tv France 24 LINKTV April 4, 2019 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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hello laurin taterer numbed ande abable to use welcomee to live m paris wilill keys andnd analysis frfrom f france m my cap i'm nog these are the headlines. a letter askining foror an exten to articicle fifty is apparently being drafted cross party talks set to continue after. productive technical d discussis this this s the meanwhile theres some a betterr breakak thehe neo you says the brits c coming to europe deal or n no deal. will have free access on a ninety day stay. call us gun is back in custody to flow ininda strtreak sector was re arrested in tokyo twenty four hours ago. the prosecution says it's a new case andnd guns arrest is necessary to prevent destrtructn of evidencnce.
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ththis call in thehe wle of fata disgrace. the lady of the rebels are taken the city a hundred kilometers in the cacapital the m move comes s the you and antonio guterres is that to negotiate. a power sharing deall. the disk unity government leader fires aside out she thank you very much for beieing with us is thursday april the f full thing you breaks a a day is just eight daysys from now. here the developments of the day ireland'd's prime m minister freshman's meeting with the french president emmanuel macron hass been to building for a sisimila conversatation with ana merkel the german chancellor. the drug use conference at live a rack to cool the patients into the deal can be found to lead to a proper breaks it. we said that if witrawal agreements. should come forwarard with a clr
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plan for the way forward b by nt week. i would leleave the europeaean n onon the twelfth o of april of t to deaeal. this is not uncommon that none of us wawant to sesee. this ctitinues to play ads in londndon. we neeeed to be patience and understandnding of the prpredict thatat they'rere in. meanwhile in london a a letter s reportededly being d drafted at wn r an extenensionf articlcle fifty beyond. aprill the twelfth talks between governments d does a theresa may anand shadow ministers of jeremy corbyn h have been described ass productive. and that set to continue intnto frfriday. ththe brexit delayay little is w unlikely to complete allllhe ststage in the house of lords remains stages will take pce on monday this according. to sources in the laborr party but it. is a correspondent in london. what we think is that the prime minister is very minded she and her advivice is? to really verey much -- continunue these talks
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with the l labor party tryingg o find a a way f forward -- it's l not excluded that shee would try to bringng back for a fourthh te ofof all ski having been defeat. three timemes. the withdrawal agrgreement of te one that was agreed betweween te unitited kingdom. government and of the twenty seveven all the e. u. member ates thahat couldtill happen nextxt weeeek of course the dea. is huge t the clock is ticking e default -- on ththe new deadline of for brerexit countnt on is te twelelh of april and w we know that o on the tenthth of f apris thisismergency councilil. use summitt so we'll tes may go back simimply in t talks - -- sn tatalks or will she have a commn plan with t the oppositionn thas the big question of cocourse we wait to fifindutut. have y you our cororrespondentsa london of coururse t the story t continues to brg e every development as itt happens the eururopean parliliament meananwhile this proof as approd a law allllowing britain's to he visa frereeravel to the e e. u.
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even if there isn't no deal brbreaks it. means preretty holidayay m makel be able t to travelel for up to ninenety dayays in n any o one d eighty day periodd implementatin will depend onn briin grantingg ththe citizenshe samee rights in return. london is s saidhat i it will do so. herere from san cananceling the sykes wiwith this. british holidaymakers c can breathe a sigh of relief the euroropean parliament's approval on thursday crossiningreaks visa free traravel even in the case f a no jailbreak sayay.. it means british citizenens will be able to travel to ththe e. u. without visa for up to ninety days in any a hundred and eighty day periods. british travelers will s still have to pay seven year r rose every freree yes the travels a . countries. the visa waiverr is conditional on the uk giving the same pririe the e.. u. cicitizens in reretun which london hasas said itit wi. the ongoing brexit saga has made many brits think twice about
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booking holidays in europe. both london and brussels have tried to assure t that post bret travel will run as smoothly as possible. eveven in a no deaeal scecenarie european commission has said flights between the e eq and the u. k. will not be grounds aids. what's new possible checks and customs controls will be introduced at the u. k. crushess south of the block withohout a dedeal making delays almost inevitable. and the uncertainty leaves many of the queststions on own sense. such a a which possisible claim bricks whihich queue up pen andd whether they would sti be covered by european health insurance. carlos ghosn is once aga in custody in tokyo japanese police sources say the request of the formrmer right on this andnd shs moved to prevent destruction of evidence in a fresh case. because going denieies wrongdoig and fraud and hadn't earnings scandal concerning some eighty two million dollarsrs his s sevn hundndred fifty ththousand d doa year pension has been blocked by her no..
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the co founder lawyer told the firsrst i have to base a l litte earlier that the arrest in japan is basically police harassment. unfortunatelely he is s now bacn the police custstody. fofor what could b be up to twey threree days. and havave to these twenty three days of bodies custody where he willll have almost n no rice of defense at school. he might be placing pre t trial dedetention so it might last for another -- one we d't knonow what we knknow and i completely agagree with what wawas just sa. is thahat this is a measure off retaliation from the e prosecutn this is the sign of t the prosecioion's arrrrested andd se our clieients. the persrsecution whoho is very probably actcting inn complplicy with thehe support of somee the sense people e inside inside. jessicaa often o out of the lawr actingng foror the gong family l herere at sanan francisco judyye as be lolooking at at the case. barely a month out of prison call us gain is back behind bar.
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thursdayay morning at around six am local time japanese prosecutors and todayay's take u apartments and arrted him for a fourth time for new charges of financial misconduduct. covering the entrance from prying eyes prosecutors transport to get into that offices before heading to checek your detentionon center.. where hehe previously been held for a a for a hundred days in a statatement reasons for my chief denounced his arrest as outrageous an arbitrary. it is part of another attempt by some individuals at nissan to silence me by misleading the prosecutors. why arrest me except to try to brk me i will not b be broken? the e latest charges incncluding aggravated breach off trust.. going allllegedly a authorize transferers of nixon funds to a dealer in amman for his personal use. money accordiding to japanese media thatent towards financing his son start ups and the purchase of a luxury yachts. secu to say t the paymentnts wee made from twenty fifteen to
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twenty eighteen and thahat the will to giant lostt about four million euros as a r result. king's lawyeyer has accused the prosecution of trying to o silee his clientnts. the auau tycoon had tweweeted on wewednesday that he would hold a press conference on the eleventh of aprilil. you give off. supportersrs there. i don't't understanand why t thy detained him if anything they chchose to tormrmentim t through foremost hosta justice that trying to gain an upper hand. france's finance minister stressed that the sixty five year old should benefit f from e presumptption of innocence. matttt has also called for a pre into the way frencnch comic alln who was managed on to govern. and the more the kind of fat in ththe f. from some gototebate comingng up in just a couple o f hours time. rebels mararching on libya's capitall f forces l led by a hef i have to have come to the e ton some one hunundred kililometers soututh of triripoli. repoports said the town of got a young was taken with that muchh fighting in tripoli the unity government of fires aside i jus.
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confirm that -- there is a general military alert. at the same time the sector jumble of the u. n. isn't a bit to help negotiate a power sharing deal inn a another developmpment armed groups. in thehe west of the city of his roroute to stardomm in toward stririctly reporortedly in a bio reinforce the capital against edging c closer to tripoli. onon thursdaday forces loyal to wawarlord highghly for halalf ty captured golly in a town about a hundred kilometers south of the libyan c capital. after clashing witith pro government troops onedednesday. bob was a baby tripoli i address you and bravave fininances but s time to launch m missiles has arrived -- full with this you always do anand with the grace f god see you in t tripoli in peacace. hold those who desire e it [inaudible] this item.
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early -- video released by hal the self styled libyanational army knonown as the l l. n. a.. showed a convoy of armored vehicles and pickup trucks mounted with heavy gunsns on the and statatements thehe group cld they wanted to purge the west of the country of terrorists and missionaries. fire i is so large the head of e u. m. but government for his part called the movove by benghi strongng man a q quote escalati. adding that they have issued instructions and declared a general alert to pull minutes seven security forces. the announcemement coincidided h a visit by ththe un secretary general to tripoli we searchch r the strains. anantonio gututerres is on a reregional toll seeking to hehep avoid a cononfrontation between the rival cacamps. in conflict since the overthrow ma gaddafi eigight years ago. good serervice plans to help propelel you invoke at national coconference later this month. in a a bid to check out the roadmap to elections and ststabilize the oil producingng country. volatility seems to o be the wod to describe libya -- ever since the overthro of that qaddafi perhaps even thehe full of the situation is a seriously l look-
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while threatenining at neo trip let's speak you mililes editor f arab digests more on this you thanks for joining us. tell us about this advanced by half does forces. well it could be the end game for r libya it's possible h he . takeke over t the whole countryd become the new leader but theyy seems m more likely that there's going to be a fight - -- w which it's's very difficicult to pred- i can win -- probably it will be at a at a stalemate. he had g gone -- for into your e tries to bomb constructively and if he goes. through with it -- but there's a lot about nine ten that's quite because of a loof people think that some of the big m militiasn in tripopoli willow flat but i'm
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not they will. quickly support him -- jp about the te. it's a very uncertain i'm stabl- situation. q. whether these fighters from misrata fit in. well ty have vowed to defend. play again -- from the eight should he go through with his threat and continunued his good bombs towardss. tripoli and he's already pretty closose accordiding to news reps 's about a hundreded kilometers away -- made. the payments. i'll tell you and ms roross i il add that the forces of mr alals- are and they y have four agagait islamicc state. and they will fight against him
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aa gooood restt. ofof thehe u. n. have in these t current circumstances he's that entropy negotiating some kind of power sharing deal. yeah well i i thinknk all of ths makess him look a bit. i'll trade he he h he is looking about obsolete because hee has o be there on a peace mission. and obviouslyly after all is not listening to him andnd called fr a jury of bobombs agagainst so calleded terrorists -- g good parerents lolooks -- he i mean e he but h hefully at t the momen. you mustst believe that bubut ie wewe'll speak again soooon becae and alice's and clarificatition cleaearly needed. on the situation in they get that set him miles from. the f. publication arab digest to ediditor of i've done just
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based in charactcter thank y you very mucuch indeed for joining s herere on france. twenty f four next us wmwmaker have rululed against preresint donanald trump on the issuee of agaiain in the us house of rerepresentatives approved a resolution on thursday to end us support for the saudi arabibia d coalition. inin the war in yemen terms polilicies want to conontinue support for thehe saudis. as a resolution had already passed the senate the vote inin the dememocracc led h house sine the measure to o the white house whicich said last month t thatrp would.d. issue a veto. it would bee the seconond o of s presidencycy. president from this this a threatened to impose call import tariffss on mexico if it dodoest do more to stop the floww of unundocumemented migrants. and drug g smuggling at the us bordrder. trump's t tire t thread appear o move away fromm the previouously threatenened immininent closisie border in order to punish mexic. trump didn't give a deadline for when tariffs might be imposed. in casase of m mexico fed to say his demamands for stopping i il. immigrants. we were given.
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a one year warningng. anand if the drurugs donon't ste largely stop. we're gonna put tariffs. o one mexico and products in particular cars the whole ball game is cars. wiwilliam repeplied the mexicann the sexuxually for north amemera sasaid agreements betweenen us canada and mexico o on casa offensnse. and under threat to mexixico's ambassador cos setet the mexico wants to c cooperate witith t t. on immigration issueues meanwhie the mexicann economimist assesse trump should keep tradede a migratation i issues. seseparate. our dieiets a killingng more pee each year from totobacco this analysis in n the lancet medical journal found that inin twenty seventeen eleleven million deaes willing to or diets. high in n sugar salt in proroced meat damamaging hearts causing cacancer. what we eat is passising many of us i into an early graveve thahs the conclusion from the most comprehensive global study ever
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conducted on the health effects of dieiets? on healthy eating accounted for nearly eleven million deaths will 22% among adults in two thousand seven scene according to the lancet medical journal. that makes a bonsai it's a big a killer that's ababout codee whih is associated with eigight milln dedeaths. at freree millions too much salt shorts and the higighest numberf lives but researchers say the bigger problem is thehe food we dodon't eatat raw for thehe jund we do eat.. three milillion dies related deaths w were caused b y too few whole grains multi million were linked with two littlele fruits. low levels of noteeds vegetables amiga f free i'm fibs will also responsible. potsf tax and strokokes arere te main dieiets relatated causes of death followed by counsel and type two diabetes. out of the a hundred and ninety five countries studied at those with the mainly mediterranean diets were among the h healthie. israel came out on top with the lowest rates of diets related
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deaths followed by france spain and japan the as a whole most of us all fall from achieving the optimal diets. wiwith most lacking in knots and seeds. ththe study conclududed that's eating a a drinkingg that's a could prevent one the in five provincial deaths. showing we've really all what we eat. you are what you eat. why sayin and that was t the wie words to usus - -- to take a bok that report byby sleepy sax. not a business can we joioin jut to release some of the report into last month's deadly ethiopian airlines crash is racing still more queuestions about the b boeg s seven three seven max. had left. becaususe initial findings seemo find n no instance of pilot errr in thahat crashsh couourse putue spspot like e still more on the plplane itself. nono boeing has put out a statemen sayining it remains coconfidentt in the q quote fundamental safafety of at s sen thirty sevenen max fleleet. it saiaid the coming changes to its software and in particulular
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the contntroversiaial automatedi stall feature wouldld make the aircraft among t the safest plas ever to fly that's a directct ququote from the statement. boeinghahares r rose n nearl 3%n thursday -- despite the rather assesessment from ethiopia's's government transport minisister calllling on bowing to recess te quote khan controllability of the fleet which has been grounded around the world since the fatatal crash. let's check in on the day's tradingction now wall street was mostly higher on the closing bell as investors wait for news from the latest round of trade talks between the us and china. the dow jones being boosted there in part by boeing shares the nasdaq just closing under the thought line there. it was a fairly mododerate c cle to the major european indices choose of commerzbank rising on reports that unicredit could be planning a rival bid. against deutsche bank lots of news in ththe lending sector th. forereign investmenent in fronts on the rise in twenty eieighteen more thahan o one thousand three hundred new prorojects w were announced a 2% i irease f from e
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prevevious year get a lease been looking at the numbers. choose froth at the monterey the french g governmenent has been g in a bid to attract more foreign investeded. in twentnty eighteen the numberf new foreigngn investment in frot went up jujust 2% combat to thee year befefore.. that the slolow dowown from thao twentyty seventeen i impressive% corey. putsts into the global economic context front still sees the latest numbers as the wind. the e fact that you had a ststut of the e economy you gotots a massivive constrained on t the overall. and a trade a agreements. unrcut also n never f fget that that -- china some of the major country r rede the invesesting mean thathese these prefers actually remarkable. the number of jobs created thanks to the new project has however going down by ten point 5% despite one fifth of investmement directed to the
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manufacturing industry. the us and germany are still france's's top invested represesenting e eighteen and 1f foreign investment respepective. thisis year the u.. k. hahas alo made it to the top three brexit uncertainty pusushing invnvestms across the channel. i think t there is witith no questionss of brexitt defecect x it's combined with the different reforms o of the government's as repeatedly cutting on momore. often t the investorsrs and typically one u. k. you wanna head you bet. you willlle the keyey look at hw yoyou intoo continue to business and accecess to this amazing your in twentnty eighteen and yu came dressed as launched a hundred nineteen projects in france.. that 33% more than the previous year. some t three thousand british fs employ a hundred and seventy thousand people in front of a number of michael's government. is o on the rise. auauralian lawmakers have approved legislation that t coud see s social media executives thrown in prison if theirir platforms allow violent content. in particular the bill isis aimd
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at preventnting real lifife vioe from being l live s streamed. as was the case duringg the new zealand mosque shootings. critics warn that such a strict restrictions could ultimately lead to media censorship.. but the government insisted online platformsms must begin takiking more respoponsibility r content. we legislatiting againstst thehe weapaponization of social m med. we introducing a tough regime against the misuse and a abuse f onliline platforms. to the w wrong thing t they shod absolutelye penaltlties beenn under the floor. they will buyy. jailime or r a heavy fine mark ththings reallll starting to tun against sosocial mededia. kate thahank you v vy much and e came all thehe businesess. someme of the media watch a anda james on the other sidef us do you could eatining to you -- you can look reactioions to the re arrested from. carlosos ghosn. indeed and the help i imany reactions but a lot of it focusingng o on quite good wille
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importrtant schooools of carlos gains -- entry into twittert beuse a lot of people wder whether thihis pre empted d the arrest whether or not she provoked provoked it. and what he tweeted was i'm getting ready to tell the truth about what's happening press conference on thursday april the eleventh. now within hours at his home was raided by more than a dozen -- offices andnd as he was rearresd for the fourth time now and i will question the lot of people are asking is to decide she violates his bail terms because he's out. on bail at the moment after being held for three months he paid nine million dollars in by also runs the risk of losing that if he violates thehe agreemement. and but what we were told the time was that he was s supposedo have no a access to the internet and only. allowed to use a computer that is his l lawr's office a and not connected t to the web so it wod appear. that this flies in the faface hm tweetiting or even him asking somebody street on his behalf it is his official accountt.
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and indeed have vioiolation dot however his lawyers say no nothing totoward h has happenedt the officials of a note saying by the way what they believed to be the case -- now interestingly the roles of reporting on reactions to this of course at the low is a saying this was an act of aggression and attempt to muzzle calls guide. i he himself is cool that outrageous at but even stronger winds have come from a former prosecutor in japan he was talking to the asia timeses. at nobu ago hara said they using gangsta tactics they are even worse than the mafia because they have the power of the state behind them honestly i am ashamedd. now he will -- details about how exactly this raid happened in the arrest that too what. what played outut i whehen this arrest happened and the new york times has a good accountnt of i? looking particular out the
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treatment of mrs garden carol guy and he was not accccused of any crime y yet they took her phones havave hall sports. a diary and letteters that she'd writteten to hihim while he wasn jailil a womanan from ththe prosecutor's office even went into t the bhrhroom with her -- well she showered stood outside and handed her a towelel as she ca o out quite whaha t they thot shshe was going to be hiding i'e done that. and but it does start to look a little bit like intimidadation. what was his guidance that is they didn't push me around but they wanted to humiliate me d my husband? and she thought she was t treatd like a a terrorist. wiwill move on thehe latest bres deadline is fastst approaching - i click part ofof the uk coastle as we used it t seems to o maken appeal to eueuropean leaders. if a picture says a thousand wowords of landis. sos being. broken.. at s sent on to o the other as n the white cliffs of dover they are indeedd was an iconicic s si own n the case line of the u. k. facing o of course. ththe channel and from. sos only european flagg -- it ws projojected that bonnie the campaign group l led by donkeyse also tweeteted messages to
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ungrammatitical o onto manuaual michael neededed in french and germrman as well. and what that most people is an extension. and then to confirm that there will be a confirmation republic vote to ensure that whatever happens with brexit it is what the people of the u. k. won't we will wait and s see whetherer te leaders want to listen to that a tool not. a different image here in paris this is by the s. street office combat. it would appear to be pro brexit because to reason may appears to be running often have -- down heavy handed the european stock to emmanuel macro at me while in the u. k. it never rains but it pours because the commonsns acactually got shut downn becaue of t the flood of rain water coming in through the roof. lots of people wondering if this is all getting a bit biblical -- biblical flood comingg to washes away offff this empty at this womann sayays floyd spepence coleleman's fine and pestilenceo fully soon as saying the lordd. and my favorite one thehe topics this f from thehe commons press office we would likee to clarify
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this was not to o see which mak. allow me the the thehe house off commons as a leakyky roof it's it's still and all thehe money they spent on a rerecently tensf very v very -- builild okay i kw you got another story which is is a big one harry and megan have broken in instagram rankled indeed a weldeechoed m may last because they opened the instagram account on cheese state this week i'm within six hours had over million follower. at that less than half the time the last record holder tech as a k. pop star under the name kind daniel. at they using it to highlight will that favorite causes but slightly embarrassingly for then there is the fly in the ointment in the shape of this gentleman he is kevin keeley from wedding in sussex. it was the original owner off the name act sussex royal he says nobody spoke to him about the fact that inststagram was reclaiming the name in order too gigive it to you hurry a and me. at he's cooleled h himself suffx will becausese he livess in susx he's a fine of reading football club they are known as the royals. interestingly hee maintains the twitter handle at sussesex royal he's trereated todayay t this ie
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origininal we talk about susupporting reading at sea he'a little bitit miffed becausese ne asked him if it was okay and he's sayining if they want to do the sasame tngng wit his twitte. account with a at leastt off can fast be polite with its hazards you know i'm sure prince how it would be polite about
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04/04/19 04/04/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this isis democracy y w! >> they are modest people. won this, so be modest. from nowow on, we work to ensure everybody willll get upset from now on. we will work to overcome every shortcoming. amy: turkish voters deal a major defeat to president recep tayyip erdogan as
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