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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 5, 2019 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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welcomee to liveve from parisism chcharlie james ten pm heree ine frenench capital and we begin wh mountingng and libya that a civl war could break out eastern commandede. to h have tara bring his troops clcloser to tripipold thei battle for control of the city's's former airprport. after you take because falll algerians continued to protest hu crowds celebrate the president't's resignation whilee also demanding a an overhaul. the entire political system. and breaead bread that talkss stalled bweween treeses the main opposition labourr party this is the primime minister a also trio
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convince thehe. u. to delay their divorce t ten june thirti. a mimilitary buiuildup in libya continuing to o escalate t tonit eastern forces led by leaving s targets said earlier that they see is to thth formerr tripoli internationonal airport just s southf the capital. forces loyal to o libya's tripoi government say thehey havee retn it now the capital isome to libya's internationally recocognized government. whichh controlols the nation'sst whwhile his tires libyan nationl ar's supports a rival governmentnt in the e east. u. n. security councilcheduled an e emergency clolosed door meg fridayay afternoon to o discusse unfofolding developmpments.
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youu and secretary general anantonio guterres also met wit half tar friday to try and aa bird a renewed civil war. libyan national army has alreaey king controlol of thee town of gerry and sououth of tripoli. and it claims to have captured two others nearby as well surely someone explains how western forceses i in the capital are preparing. a misleading sense of calm permeates the libyan capital of trtripoli. as the risk k of a major militay showdown on the city's s outskis loomss. after a short exchange of fire pro govovernment militmen from so we a h have pushehed back fos loyal to strong mentalllly for have tar. to be in prime minister fires else rosh condemned hahave towards escalatition. orordering his troops to quote preparee to face all threats. but it the political --- two forces were deployoyed in ththe entitire western region. and soso we and around.
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and t there was a groroup of infiltrators from thee hundred and seveventy tallien who attttd so we are. which led to o around a hundred and fortrty five prisoners wellll -- there's morore to it. there werere around sixtyty weas confiscatedd as well i thihink t that that item was with us. this comes after half stars fighters clash with pro government t troops befefore capturing dorion. a townwn about one hunundred kilomemeters south of the libyan capital. on thursday the warlordrd had ordered h his eastern military forcrces to advance e on tririp. there will be other clubs that will be opened within the next hours for t t advance on tripoli from multiplee sites a and plac. large forces have now bebeen set sounds only approroximately two light infantry and heavy infantry nikki at the announcement coincided with you and secretary general antonio guterres visit to o tripoli. the secretaryry general alslso t with hololly for have tar in benghazizi on frididay -- terras
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on a regional towards seeking to help avoid a cfrfrontation between the rival libyan camps whicich have beeeen in conflict since thehe overthrow of muammar gaddafi eight years ago. the secretary generalal plalanso help prepare you when brokekered nationalonferencnce latater this month. in a b bid to charart a r road o elections and stabilize thehe ol producining countrtry. nenext to algeriria the era of president abdelaziz booooty fle- may be over but the protestss ae not for the seventh fririday ina row hundreds of thousands of algerians marched. this time also celebrarating thr success but nowow they've turned theieir focus to boutiques becae enentourage they want the t top figures overseeing the transition to hand power to a new generation of leaders. catherine clifford takes us to the capital. it's bececome a symbolic meetitg popoint for the pro democracy movement. once again crowds mass outside the grand post officice in algi.
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president abdelaz bouteflika may have resigned. but their fight isn't over. they want to see all hisis loyalists follow suit. your going to leleave. wewe've had enoughh of you. enough lead. and you wilbe judged you will be judged. where is the p people's money? you won't get away with it. we asking once agagain that thee corrupts public figuress be judged. as well as the others. the presence of communalal people's assssemblies and provinci leaders. a magical so must be the sole. it's not legitimate. is the seventhonsecutitive friday thehe algerians have takn to the streets. this time no just one face on the signs. three the now focusing on the three bees prime mininister noureddine bed we constitutional council president tayyip belli he's's. an offer house o of parliament president abdelkader ben saleh.
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protesters are calling for a new transitional institutions to be set up to implement reforms and organize free electitions.. it looks like brags it is headading for a a nother delay t least t if primeme ministeter ta may y gets what shee wants. she's written t to european council presidentnt donald to screw questing a second short extensionn her new divorced deadline june thirtieth may says that time wld be useded f for cross p party negotiationons to break the political impasse in london. europepean union leadersrs say y want to see a viable plan before givingng the u u. k. more time. and britainin's oppppositionn lr laborr party said onn friday tht talks on a last ditctch briringt deal have made no progress. which means we don't have. to we ve eed the talksks with the government yet there's beeen no obvious movee o on the side a governmentnt as yet we continunn ththose t talks oppositionn is. that there has t to be a market
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relalationship with europe the s to be e a customs unionn. now the last time the u. k. asasked for a delay the e. u.u. rejecteded a june thirtiethh deadline. and dodonald to ski is s said to prefefer a longer term delay sin harding explains w why the timig is so o tricky. once again the ball is in the european union's courts to resume seconond request for an extension h has comes parliliamt is unablee to decide on n the future for brexitt. the e. u. member statates delayg brexexit until the thirtieth of june c contains one major complicatition. thee u. k. would havee too participate in evil elections in may a appoint germany e emphasid britain would be forced to de. when was this is vishh dish from our point of view it is impoportant that the prime minister not only applies for an extension?? it alslso recognizeses that it's such an extension. until june thirtieth she has in mind. clinton's must for pat to take part in the european elections.
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will provide christian was. meanwhilee francis said d that cannot be anoth extensision without a clear direction the abc has grown increasingly frustrated with you u k. politicians is an ability. to agree on a deal. the european council took a clear decision on the twenty first of march. another extension requires the u. k. to put forward a plan with clear and credible political backing. in the absence of such a plan we would need to acknowledge that the u. . k. chose t to leave th. u. in a disorderly mama. the netherlrlands also said the onus is on london. that from a lotot in the netherlands our aim is thiss if we c can help prevent anoththerl praxis. call with us is surelyy what we prer invalid l lance's have to come from london from m downing strereet in westminsnster. the lower chamber. memeanwhilile president of ththe european council donaldd tusk hs suggested a m more l lenient approach giving brbrea it's aa flexibible extension coal flex tension. given t the u. k. a twewelve moh
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window to come up wiwith the de. will proposals w will bee discud by t the eururopean council on wednesday. joining us to discuss thehe latt daday on the b briggs it roller coaster iss tom brooks deaean of the durham law school thanks so much for being with uss let's start with thehe n negotiatitios happening between the conservatives a and labour part. may has reluctantly turned to labor a after f failing three ts to get her own deal passed. what are they ststalling ovever? well i think at the moment with their stallingng on is -- numbmr of of differerent -- problems to meet one of ththem is thahat the conservative party doesn't wana- to movove at all the prime minister's bn unwilling to change.. or withdrawal agreeeement she's been unwillingngo change that to make any changnges to the political declararation seems to only b be offering somome extrad of reassurancess to o the labor party where is. a lever says look this deaisis isis our failed three timeses. o get a majajority v votes and its
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titime for the prime ministerr o is not politically carry the country or parliamament.. to mae some cononcessions released kind of consider changing so red lines at the moment this seemems to be no m movement t ther. and tom howow is the british public r reactingg to o this idf pushing back the date to june or even later -- and therefore taking part in european elections. what's it's remixed mean those thee 48% of the e time o of the referendume wanted to remain are jubilant about thihis say ty don'n't want to leavee the euron ununion -- and see this see the problems of the talks is.. confirngng their view that'd be very difficult to break anyway and that the benefits are much greater stayingng in that then t to and this seems to confirm ththat. but for those who were the 52% if voteded in favor of leaving this is this is really - -- been very frustrating for them a and it's been partiticularly calalamitous i t think very didifficult foror the prime minister's pararty the concecers
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a realally. odd torn apart by this they're in a f full blown civivil war - evevery d day -- - on our televn screens are fighting over this at the moment it seems to be getting worse. so france s spain and belgium he for aew deal for exit nexte reay week i if there are no significt new proposals comoming o out ofe u. k. beforere t then. why do you think that donald to skski though seems to prefer a year long delay? what's interesting seeing european countries preparing muchch betterr for new dealsls d then briritain has been the prie minister said no deal was better than aad deall but never really had anythingg substantive a are prepared. for a new deal optioin and and and m much of a proroblm right nowow is i i wasas empty threatss.. i thihink we just got the idea s probably some i mean i h haven't spoke with hihim about thiss bui suspectt the thihinking i is beg tough but fair so. being tough you know -- you know we're presenting europe's ininterests -- knots -- concedig
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groundnd it isn't t necessary -o brititain at the same timee -- f britain has. has problems as it tries to negotiate leaviving that the e e finger is. squarerely pointed at britain nt atat the it was r remarkable a w years s ago when yoyou think abt the euroro crisis. and the criticism that the new leadership had. over attending at that time how much things have changed sinince that time. riright now i i think t the isss really -- onene certatainly ther war if nothing else -- against the u. k. and i think he's keen on that t that -- that thahat contininues up p prolonging it l be -- i think i in the interest probably both s sides since britain can't t figure out whatt wants.. from from a brexixit and and i think will cause even morore polititical problblems were up a prime minister doesn't have any better alternative. and f finally quickckly timime u
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wewere a betting man would you t your money on june thirtieth as the date that i had that thisis divorce e is goioing to happen. hi my thouought is that t they'e no divorce this year -- i i wouldn't doubt t that it'll it'l happen it seems. that -- brexexit in u. k. . thee peopople have been looking at wt it means and how will be deliverered the l less they likt both in n terms of those in parliament and tse. in in the in the public so o i think that that it t that it wot happen was he something longer but how much longer i i won't say. number sixteen of the durham law school thanks so much for joining u us here on ance. twenty four you'u're welcomeme. us presidentnt donald d trump in a visit to o southernrn califora he's there to toward the us mexico border he's getting a first hand look at some refurbished fencing. continues to push for billions to build his wall. trump has retreated from a threat to close the border over whatat he says is an out of control influx of migrant. drugs into the united states. he now says he would rather impose 25%.
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on auto imports from m mexico if the nation doesn't fixing our problem. our correspondent. that is in calexico california for trump's visit he gave us more details the rest of the prproducts we cacan. he frirightened argue this weeko close at thisis border before backing off on thursdayy on the pressure of his own side -- dhea closing up the board w would hae tremendous and to o use a word r trump is funun of tremendous consequences on both the economy of the us and mexico one point six billion dollars worth of goods across the boaoard on a dadaily basis and half a million peopople. across the border dailily including in the c cy of calexico people comee to work in the fields o or evenen t to worn the city of calexicoo w were tod as many as one hundred f for peopople work for the city. and l leave on the mexican sidef the border it's not e exactly wl it's more stilll p place a sidey side with - enough space f see throughgh but not enougugh r peoplele to go through --
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inteterestingly enoughh this wal was not built -- because of donald trump he was conceived back in two thoususand and n nie under the obamama administrtratn but youou didn't have the fundig until - -- mr trump was electedo this wall was built -- finish to bebe built in -- last fall union and full of t the two thousand d two thousand eighteen there's even a place that's been well it's saying itit's officially te first p part. ofof this -- the thiss waldeden- trump is hohoping that he will stop people to o go t through ad for ththat partiticular part ofe wall it see to have worked included the c. b. ps told us that -- crossing around that area a d dreased by as much as 64% in the past year. the ununited states also a annod friday that it t will impose sasanctions on thirty four v ves owned or operated by venenezuels state r run oil firm there's s a new blow agagainst nicolas mamaduro's goverernment additionally the u. s. wilill sanction t to companies that transporort venezuelan crude to cuba. white hououse said v vice preret
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mike pence wilill address the un security council next week about nezuela. that fifteteen membeber body res deadlocked over how to deal with ththe country's politicical and humanitarian crisisis.. frfrench president emmanuel macn hass appointeded a p panel of es to investitigate francnce's roln the rwandan genocide. the order cocomes just ahehead f sunday's commemorations of the massacres which took place twenty five yearars ago. france supported the hutu led government att the time and rwanda has long accused the nation off being complicit in te mass killilings. to arge thehe french g government denenies the commission will study france's role before and during the genocide in which more than eight hundred thousand people died. mainly ethnic tutsis is expected to produce inclusions witithin o years but some survivors are skeptical of the study. news o of most of my the list we have often bei disappopointed.
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in betrayeyed the gocide itstsef was the result of a t trial so s i am doubtful but o of course i will keeeep in mind it's we will keep an eye on itit. not jusust -- specificallyy me t wewe will keep an eye on proceedings.. esitito i have the feelingng tht frfrance was involved with t the genocide. i have the feeling that it was veryry involved. so what's t the point i in me hh schoolol these archiveves will l us -- is actualally on the popo. and pressss three for will have speciall coverage o of the tweny fifth commemoratitions of t the rwrwandan g genocidee you can wh that on sunday starting atat eleven a am paris time. right nowow it's timee for busis and that means cool stinger is joining me here o on sat hehello there. we're starting t this evening wh some tension between t the us ad frfrance overr taxes absoluteley france's finance minister bring on the merits of the country will go ahead with plansns to tx digital giants like apple and
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facebook. that announcementt came just one day after u. s. sececretary of state mike pompeii -- warn that france one france the lady could hurt american companies. responding to that criticism frfriday lememaire saidd that ax bill is already on its waway througugh parliamament. if enacted i it would impose a % tax onn firms to make over tweny five million euros in n france each year. as w well aseven hunundred and fifty million euros a a globall. the woworld bank has a new presidentt in keepin with tradadition it's an american. david malpass a senior u. s. treasury official nominated by donald trump had been the lone cacandidate for the job.. he was u unanimously approveved friday b by the bank's board of directors. the e world bank k is evividenty following an n unwritteten rulet dates to its founding at t the d of w world war. two one that alo ensures european leaeadership at the top o of the international monetary fund. i'm a cop turning n now to thee day's trading action gains on wall street at the close the dow up about a 51%. investors responding to a solid rebound in u. s. employment growth according to this month job report. unemployment rate holding steady
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at three point 8% even as wage growth fell -- we'rere seeing gw is the currencies as well -- european markets give me your p. market similar it't's similar story to what's happening on wallstreet -- as we're seeing some gains if it's about what the six tenths of 1%1% the taxig gains as well in n in frankfort- and u. e. and u. s. markets ass receiving currency markets were saying there's littlee confusion at the pound following as we're seeing a lot of uncertainty around brexit speaking of confusion. brexit -- showing the pound down about three tenths of 1% today doubts lingering over when exactly the u. k.'s gonna leave the european if at all. nextxt up more and more business are preparing for the prospects ofof just ththat in no deal bret and d that includes the euro tunnel. at the time of the crosses the english channel and funnels through about seven thohousand trucks per day. finallyyn placee to help news customs r requirements in case f an no deal brexit. the comompany team the company managing the title sayays it's finanally ready to make the transisition..
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whenen ever that date may y be?? t the momenent we're buildlding tools to twelve the april. that's friday next week. don't knonow. yet whether that's goingg to hahappen we know there's a summt on t the ten whene expect to find outut something off to that maybe even on n the eleventh. but it doesn't matttter we're ready at t the actual notice to put all of this intnto a liveve action. argentina is i in the midst of a recessssion unless you' president reasesemochrie struckk a deal with the imf to boosost e ececonomy. but that it also c came with h a requirirement to o cut statete spendiding a and raisese utility pricices. ununpopular measures that have sparkeked regular protests and d mamany to question the imf's prpresence in southh america's third largest economy. car must and has more. thousands of marchers took to the streets of buono cyrus on thursday protesting high unemployment and goverernment austerity measureres. a year of economic turmoil pushed president mauricio mochrie to secure a record fifty
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six billion dollar bailoutut frm the i mf last fall. as part of the deal the gogovernment promised to tighghn ececonomic policy cutting spendg and raising utilities president. but some analysts say the plan combined with sky high interest rates will perpetuate the recessionn. the annuall i inflation rate climbebed rapidly from 25% in april off last year to over 50% this february. heating individual spending power hard. around one third of the population i is living below th popoverty line the highestst ran eighght years and homelessness s on the r rise. as it is i know that we'v've ben living on the streets for threee yearss. my husband worked as a builder anand we rented our home. and then from one moment to o te nextxt the job and nothihing. we cououldn't pay so we were victimims ovevernight is economi don't. soup kitchens like this one have seen a steep rise in traffic.
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a year ago it's on average of one hundred people per day. but in recent months a as many s seven hundred across the threshold daily in search of theieir next meal. things aren't likelely to improe in the short term. the economy is expected to keep shrinking over ththe coming yea. and finalally foror me turkish airlines h has begun whahat it s the great move. the relocation of supplies from it stumbles out a turk international to the city's brand new airpoport on the shors of the black seaea.. new airporort is not without cocontroversy down more than fiy workers died while building it that's a court the government's own figures. it's also o costs a staggering eight billion dollars still the momove is welelcome news for the country's president richard type everyone. said the airport will be the world's biggest when it's fully complete in a decade when i make it one of many major constructionon projes w were seeing in turkeyey and it is the most rally. well we'll see with these huge airport projectcts they rarely have b been on time or thatt cot as well soso timee will tell but that cool singnger thanknks so h
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r running g the numbers for usu. and next for how it the top storieies are being t talked abt onlinene and on social media you know lee is here with four media watch hello -- and we're g gonna start with one of ourr top ststories here as well algeria d ongoing protes there yeses chcharlie despipite the defeat handnding in his resignation shs date evening. and d they lookk very much likee peoplele aren't ready to stand dodown t take a look at these to tweeeets it's thehe seventh strt friday of protest says this to to use that as she gets ready to hit the streets idea today. this is a striking image of traffic j jams i in and arounune capitatal algieiers today -- i duringng a takining to the stres agaiain with various. visions the political transition but there's one over arching theme today in today's protest at the removal of the cyclical loyalists and it summarized in this. posted three b. plus g. s. out three be of course referring to the senate leader of the act
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have been set up a constitutional council head. at tire that ballets and prime minister nouri dean. they do eachch yes referring to the head of the army yeah. gates saleh it't's a sentitiment that will say i could buy a what's hands cartoonist he see if ty told of it far from over. and you see the people successfully pulling down a very difficulult from powewer the nen this we live -- we live on fourteen i guess it t happens si coming h have -- and and you s e that protests are continuing a d it has to be said the c charlie theyey've beenen remararkably pl a very child friendly as you can see the littlee toddler outut in e e streets s today and d some people e brought boos a jojournalist and as a huge pie of clothes because all you have to feed the protest is make sure everyone hydrated. but of course there was one incident targeting women's rights activists and a u. . k. babased algerian man -- posted a video of himself a few days ago threatening activists with acid attacks at friday's. rallies and he's apparently
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apologized since june to the online. slash all colleagues from the front to the full service desk and have actually spoken to one activists. yeah he has received threats and sisince the video was that k. dd you can read more about it on our website anand but it's a bit more positive news verse that and she's beeeen hearing as no democracy without women's. rights him again. rioo. i and speaking of women's rights as your second story brought a saudi arabia a also coming under firere for arresting activists. inindeed at the hasash tag stand withth saudi here is is ununfortunately somomeone back. on line small come back today onlinene at london based saudi
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rightsts group says that at leat nine people including. a pregnant woman and two us citizens have been arrested at the nine one known to be front line actctivists thehe se -- but theyey were supporrsrs o of a different group of female activists who looked previously arrested at the campaigning against saudi arabia's male guguardianans ships sysystem ane wewe have. to do use that quite literally sounding the alarm saying i man lg's translates activity and the love of my life was arrested today. alongg with other activists and intellectualals another e either sasaying detaining more activist is just. atrocious. and finanally we'rere gonna go o the e unit s states whehere a fx news joualalist is s catching a bit of heat for his choicee of clothing indeed chaharlie at lawrwrence jr iss thatt that isa contributor for fox news. and he was reporting from the us mexico border wearing this but it proof vest and it's attracted a lot of criticism from journalist fellow janice tavy have one example dude.
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why you wearing a bullet proof vest you are not in a war zone here i am reporting from the border recently without a vest but with a fabulous codeses of half break? and slightly mostly restrain coming from a cvs reported he said she's done a lot of stories from the border she grew up near the border she's never want to put it pretty fast. at safety is key for any journalist but so is true perspective and she's posted pictures of herself -- out
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04/05/19 04/05/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! >> we have boeing arare sorry fr the lives lostst in the recent 7 max accident. amy: after months of dismissing the concerns of flyers, boeing has for the first time admitted wrongdoing in the ethiopian airlines flight that crashed last month, killing 157 people. this after the first wrongful death case was filed


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