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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 8, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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helloo and welcome to france twenty four under on a diss and we are live from paris deadlines is hourr. the main candidatetes in israels election make their last ditch appeals to voters benjamin netanyahu is looking to become the country's longest serving prime minister. and he's warned his party is at risk his main challenger meanwhile says israel is on the verge of f historic chahange.. on the eve of israel's's electin washington the class iran's powerful revevenue slash revolulutionary guardrd a terrot organization benjamin netanyahu welcome the n news and thanked s friend at donald trump. and they use foreign policy
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chief called on the w warring sides in libya to stop f fightig and start talking. thee comomments from federicica mogherinii come ass f forces lol to a colleague dr continue to advance on tririps . isisraelis will be heading to te polls on tuesday inn an elelectn which could loooosen benjamin nenetanyahu's thihirteen your gp on power.. in a last minutute to appeal to voters a prime minisister warned ththat his likud party was at rk whwhile his m main challengegerr army chief benny gantz said the country was on the verge. of historic change according to the latest opinion polls no party is likely to win an outright majority. for more on thistory we can b bring in your seat mezcal bar professssor of internationanal relations and cial scienceces at regent
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university. as well as associatate fell l of the middddle east andnd north aa program at chatham house cleaning thank youou very muchhr joining us on the program tonighght the two main parties using a very different strategies. on the eve of ththe vote. yeyes they do because he alwlwae does action off the election targets -- well when he's you know fear momongering that's boh in the like i'm going to lose. the electioion and a as a resulf his wowords he claimeded to havl these great achievevements. and the reality is this after ten years of a ten yard by y old view actually verery little that you'u've plans. can. all suitites is challengingg and these will. also plays ihere the pencil the consolation depends how many people actually rorolling full d
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how was i it no one w why doing compel complpletely cooooled. fr the smaller of the soo. it's a very complex system. what if theause is s still in voting system so you're going twtwenty four alwaysys being a l town aboutut the results and? what are the options before making your government? not departments thehe keeps getting sosort of f gifts or r y ships from washingtgton i if you will -- yoyou know we we had the u. s. shift its embassy to jerusalem we had the u. s. recognizing israel's sovereignty of washington is foremostodes from was. from india. we live in a a world of populism minute by he always says isis optional. he has b bn using thahat full fr more than twenty yeyears w what happened was this s change you when he was. one of the few -- being using pop music. actuallyly it was more difficult filling l life abobout getting e state when full full watctch you
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call from m all state from o otr places. i i guess yoyou could no dououbt that's r residents on n please giving. the t ten year olds i short the tvtv that means that the electin installed on these before that. is w was t site in the likee a messenger r was that was t the - office the recognizing the golan heigights stunning stationon ofe golan.. and so show ththat t the stuffff stuff on the lawn all of f this happening inn thehe space of a w days. andd which make you know make seseems very clearly. well once during thehe selection and i think this is. an intervention in domestic sales of another kind. that's true they the two men are veryry close now if netanyahu ds win. he runs the risk of being indicted how is that t factor nt
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really hamampered his chances te state's namame the world les me the econonomy is doing quite wel hello. it's not d doing that as wewelll knowledge about the relationn he does well for the very few inninings i i live now. and you'll be i can declare also announcicing i declare will annexing. areas see and then well thehese not comining and screaming and shouting that i've e moved to amend to any rememote p possibi- slave statate solution so in a y the space i is so smalll and wht these when youu manage to send them as we make the change. i think the almlmost addicted to you and maybe a changee styles change if it happens to all but we see that the last thing you know one of the coolest musisic
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please. what happens tomorrow w you'll e medical thahat thank y you veryh for joinining us on the prograrm tonighght? noww in the final houours of the iriran's revolutionaryry guardre brananded a terroririst organizs should b by the ununited statat. the yoyoung presidident actct ey netanyahu meanwhile celebrated the move and thanked his friend donald trurump. ramping up the pressusure on ir. in an unprecedented movee the us is raising the stakes to isolate anand stigmatize its enemy numb. one the first time that t the united states is dedesignated a part of another governmement asn f.f. t. outt.. we're doing i it because the iranian regime use of terroririm as a toll statecraft makeses it fundamentally different. from any other government. the decision will block any assets of the revolutionary guard may have any u. s. jurisdictionons and barar ameris from any transactions withth it. dodonald trump has s said t that anyone doing business with t the fifinancing the group will be treated as a supporter ofof terrorism. iran has warned it plans to retaliate.
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in a *--*- foror tat move top diplomat javad zarif as aj president rouhani to place us forces in the region on t to ros list of terrorist groups. zarif also took to twitter to criticize the us presidents. i know that misguided election eve gift to netanyahu another dangerous u. s. mis advenenturen the region. so maybebe the revolutionaryry d is a paramilitary group onlyy but the organization also plays. a big part in the country's finances. the us estimates the controls up 250% o of the iraninian economy. meanining thehe sanctions wouldr the e hubble iran's ability to o business the couountry's already feelining the pinch. separara financialal sananctions werere reimposed in twenty eighteen off the door trump's decicision t to pull the us on e iranan nuclear deal. and she e kind of order r will. the eu's foreign policy chief is callingg on the e warrantt siten talkingg.stop f fighting and s t the comments on fedederica
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mogherini come as eastern forces loyal to o khifa haftarr contine to disregard warnings from the international communityty advane on the libyann capital. d a strike on the oy function apple in tripoli this monday has forced it to close. libya has been in a continuous cycle of war fast sincece m more market o off peaceful back i in twenty eleven you could royce reports. libya's government troops prprepare for more battle after taking bacack control of tripols apples from m the libyan nationl army. authorities have shut down the facility following an asteroid. the e. u.'ss kolding on ellen nice contact police the half the hokies offffensive to avoidd plungigi the countntry. into civil war. after ministerial meeting the bloc's foreign policy chief expresessed her concern. i think there is no single libyan and that is -- in this moment happy about developments ofof the country and i think the political leadership and the minnesota leadership of libya. needs to take responsibility to
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deliver on a peaceful transitio. dodozens have died sinince lastt thursday i in clashes between troops on the hasta a former armymy general and q qaddafi's regime. and forces loyal to the government of finance as siraj. a two hour trees by the united nations on sunday wasas ignoredy bothth. the securirity council had coldn half this forcess to ststop ther advance. but proposals adopt a formal statatement were blocked by rus. moscow is a key supupporter of e mininistry general along with egypt and the united arabb emirates. the head of libya's eastern based parliament met with the secretary general of f e arab league i in cairo. vovoicing h his support for hals offensive. but the saudi i need our constitution guarantees and protecects the natioion's. fusions on its citizens lives freedoms and pririvate assets. ready hadd a libyayan national army's when insults tripopoli wh ongoal which is to o free the
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capitall from genenerationn is t a high tech and had that we could use. the un humanitarian coordinator in libya maria everyday right renewed calls for a temporary holding fighting to evacuate civilians on the wounded from the conflicts. sasaying that someme two thousad eight hundred pepeople have bebn displaced since the esestate. turkey's president was inn moscw ththis mononday rest typype beao one memeeting with vladimir putn to discuss syria as well as to deepen business ties between turkey and russisia. hadd once said the sale of russian misissiles to his county was considered a done deal. the turkisish presidentnt pushig back off of the e united s stats won the sale will put the countrtry's nato membership. at risk takersrs. okokay welell the modems are too loosee hahave alreadydy laid a road map foror v. s. four hundre agreemement the schools in the middle of it all t the steps hae been taken. everything has already been completed. hello she need whicich they're . anand after all that someone cos
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up with recommendations to abandon it.. someone doesn't accccept our vis the scene i if we have alreadady made an agreement. if we signgn all the documents e stilill. well of course we a all move e n without. is o our sovereieign right. given ththe call comes there's this iour decicision. no one can demanand u us to o an it t these tips -- - tradition d news. lower taxes and lowower them a foster that was one of f the man takeaways from the great debate launched by the french presiden. this in response to the yellow mass protests late last year. the findings were presented off to overwo million online contributions were received and ten thousand hours of town hall meetings weree held. presidentt emmanuel mackel willl nonow havave to respond to chans inin policy eararlier we spoke o political classss professor at symbol here in paris about what cameut of the e great grd debabate. poststed to your customers. onef
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the big q question was obviously the queuestion the fiscal jesse- when p people say fiscal j just- government and the prime you so it'll fee bone today made the interpretation that it means rereducing t the tax. but actually when people are seeing f fiscal jesse sits not only -- actuallyy reducing the tax it could be also one point that it off he didn't really know talk about. which is the distribution of prime of the notification this morning that the ririch should y more. mainly talk abobout reducing the tax but saying thahat if y you t less tax we have two catats ande have to cutting expenditures so i'm not fully sure that these going to four to cover. everything that the universe was was saying that's what one of the very interesting p points -- that was advocated this mornini. the prime mininister of talk abt making p public action closer to the citizensns close enough to e citizen meaeans possibly to get. public servivice off proximity public servicece into the who ae
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arii odds of frost but normally discuss lots so. how the contradadiction is going to be covered by t the prime minister that reducing --- thehe exexpenditures b but at the same time to develolop the publicc sector and the public services into who out of frost and there. yes would be would be interesting to see though the budget to question for that. now the u. k. couould be l leavg the e. yoyou at thehe end of ths week withoutut a deal in hand unleless the british primeme mininister s secures extensisios off.. to theresa may evenn says the country is prepared toto hold europepean elections in mamay bt would ideally like t to have a leftft the block. beforere the vote she is still trtrying to hammmmer o out a sty fothe opposisition labor party. tomorrrrow she w will visit the german chancellor in very late.. and then the french president powers to o justify asking for e lay ahead off you sumummit scheduled foror wednesday. which means we donon't have. europe plan on joining forces in
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off to eveva parliliamentary elections are held in may this monday it italy's deputyy prime minister matteo salvini gathered representatives from the alternative for germany. defends pararty and thehe date f the paparty over in n the lawn e grgroup say t they want to refom the e. u. without destroying it. your available under thehe slogn tools of common sense europe nationalist anti immigrant parties kicked off the campaign. they plan to join forces after the parliamentary elections scheduled for the twenty sixthh of may to try and create a new large a far right bloc. your voice in the o oval pace wn you when and how we wanto rereform the european u union we want to rereform t the european them.ament's without destroying i wantnt to bring radical change the emamail you can empower member states. select whihile in the meeting ws organized by mattiass h hello vi to thesese five rounds depeputy prime minister. said t the new g gro we try and bring wha security on the future of youth bacack to the center statage.
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ththe mobile h home beat cm vics objective of those gatathered he today iss to become the main group in n e next eururopean parliaments. we are w working towards a nuclr the injury. an ambitious goal but the rather lackluster start. and the leaders of germany's aft and two right w wing parties frm denmark and f finla the present at the meeting in milan. franance's marine e the babands. alalan stars like cuts in ski. i'm hungry sticks are openen.en momost of euroscepticicationalit paparties alreaeady belong to different grou. and despite the common stae against immigration and deep integration. they're divided o other key issues such as the economy. the participants at the meeting said the new group would be called the european alliance the people or nations and w would involve at least ten parties. salvini hopes thatt together far right parties will win enough seats to block a hold up parlmentnt. in the e european it's time now for the business
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news with catherine a ban anti catherinine.. today french lawmamakers debatea digital t tax thahat's absolutey riright to the front cover was o lead to the e weightht when it s to taxing distal giants. the ones has longeen pushshing for so called gas attacks t they dodon't to googlele amazonn fack and a apple the propoposed tax d digital advertising and the sale of p personal data. it would apply to companies ning more than s seven hundred andd fifty million euros annualy worldwide. and to those making more than twenty five million euros annually in from. france is hoping that otherer coununtries will soon f followed suit. despicable bothered you i h hope that by t twenty twenty we cann reach an agreement witithin the oecd on the taxation of large digital companieses. as s soon as we have this we wil draw o natioional taxax. tax but shld n not. social media giants are f feelig the heat elsewhere ass well tody the u. k. presented new online safety rules that would slip
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penalties on tetech firms that failed to protect the users from harmful c content. prime m minister t theresa may d the social media companies hasn't done enough to prototect uses unless she wanted them to have a legal duty of cats. the government also said that it would look into making social media executives personanally liablele fororny hararmful contt published on t that thought for. the israeli economy grew by o or 3% this yearar for the fifteteen year running. tomorrow isrsraelis go to the polllls an incumbent prime ministerer binyamin netetanyahul be judged on thee countntry econonomic performanance. tradade has e eanded durining hs mandatate within you exposose havanese crereated with a africd india the countries also invested heavivily in its tech sectoror. and his econonomic factotors lie this that could sway voters clemsonn and anthony flu shot delvee i into israel's booming ececonomy. start up nation israel s six thousand start ups are central to the country's's high tech sector.
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a sector that repepresents 10% f the country'ss gdp and nearlyy half of its exports.. and t there is s a can do approh wewe can do everyrything we cacn everything we can conquer everything that we want. cutting are on thee the gps out please develop israel was boughght out by googe truthfully any dollars. israel has even send d a probobo ththe moon scheduled t to land n thursdayay. the h hopeful disisease l led to protect israel's futurure we hae to d develop a scientific and technological capacity and know how that's a cononstant thoughts of our a adversaries. but it's for the best c. followed his it was a with technology and security closely linked four point 2% of the israeli gdp goes to research and development. twice e as mhh as in t the unitd states bubut not everyoyone is benefit. 18% of thehe population lives in poverty. mostly members of t the orthodox and arab israi communities and
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resosources aren't evenly didistributed.. ththe kiss of little comommunity it's systetematic d discriminatn governmement is allocating t toa villages and cities creaeated he gap.. in the service is the look in the educational services. meanwhile the bank of israel is concncerned about an economic slowdown. noting growing competion fromm abroad and a w widenining govert deficit. now let's have a look at thehe day'ss trading actioion madee european markets closed lower well while investors wait for results season to start in earnest before the end of the week. over in the us so stocks will make throughout the day's trading with the dow jones seen the biggesest losses ending down but almost a third o of a perce. the s. and p. five hundred pulled up again often initial dip following sevenen straight days of gains the nasdaq lifted it just before the close increasing by almomost a fifth f a percent. investorss are questioning the health of the germrman economy
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oftenn new numumbers points tows a potential recession. data out today issued that imports and exports felll in februaryry excxcludes would dowe point 3% monthth on month and dimpled stopped by onene point % far more than economists had expected. is the latatest i in a string od nenews for germanytudies publblished last week revealed that industrial production also dipped in n february and t thats manufacturingg orders were dodon to thehe lowestt since the financial crisis. the country iss struggling to deal with the glglobal trade on seseventy causus by brexitit ane tradee friction between the us and china. and lolondon h has introducedd f the world's a s strict his vehie emissions taxes charging older more polluluting because of that drive into the capsulele. drdrives of d diesel calls moren four years old and drives of petrol calls built before t two thousand six w we now have to py aa twelve pound fifty fee when entering central londonn. that's on top of the congestion charge of eleven pounds. fifty transport for london says
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of the charges will affect up to fortrty thousand calls. to texas so high that will probably have the eventual effect of a replicating older polluting calls from the capital. which is optional what city c cm intense.. hopefufully maybe make traffic a better inn the city thank youor hehelp thank youou very much for that catheherine catherine bennt there with a lookk. at the day's business news. time now for a media watch with emma james i am a high that now after over two million petitions were submitted and what ten thousand hours of town hold meetings were held we finally know what they the end of the grand.. an end i sort of giving us anneo idea o of what could comee in ts ofof pololicy from the the pres. yes absolutely a and this was an ambititious project b but a lotf people questioning how much difference it's actually going to make to politics. anand taxationn head in fronts w looking out be a calm day about us you know actual website. they talk about the fact that i guess they were more than almost
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two million. people online giving ideas about what they would like to see happen. ten thousand local meetings emmanuel macron took part in nininety two hours of discussion himself. andd saiaid this was a big p prt how whether viaia. a lolot of peopople thinking pes this tweet sums it up. unfortunately for the calm day bye bye website crushed at your own today at work in progress off t ts -- jojournalist and really i i think that probobab . a fairly good summation of where we are with regards to this debate i am one of my favorite things i think -- looking at this story and how it's playing outside o online and in the meda at the call to mister leen has - put together a piece showing up his level of cynicism skepticism about this whole project hey you got a manual micichael talking o his prime minister at office depot. asking out what can we do for these rednecks and atrophy to saying well they are talking about they want to rename or the
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apple does johnny on the day and joinin the other ty y haveooool side d died a couple o of yearso bubut was probablbly t the the t famous. french singer possibly for i am i think it might haveve tsay control thihis. silly they amano michaelel sayig you know comeme on let's see a t more serious about this i think feet goes on to list the things that people won't they want a higher minimum wage they want -- free petrol they'll say when the resisignation of emmanuel not crossising his coaching ends at this image them -- opening and hopeful joni -- which probably isn't going to happen i think it's fair to say about it it is summingg up i t think a very cynical feeling out that sent me on social media. and this tweet says everyone can give their opinion bust you notice every face in this crowd has been changed to the hospital emmanuel lack on the french president. and then some people saying. that the french president really has in some ways -- down the
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goodod work all of t this. a thining that was supposed to realal bring thehe voice of f te pepeople of frenchch people to e four get all the o opinions from ordinary folk bause it bebecame susuch a media event eveverythig was tetelevised emmanuel lockekd room was involveved in. and whatat the critics are sayig is that sisically. was the o objective truck to get ouounces or was it t to justt bn to be looking to be listening -- and a lot of people feeling that really that is the case because it doesn't seem to be an awful lot c concrete comining out of s jujust yet althougugh we all its earl s stage. anand one word of positivivity e her from a o one tracycy's a sa. that no president h has ever m e hishaft as weses is heatedd in thesee dateses stop youour complainining because he didid liteterally work u up a a sweate wass so imimpassionened when hes speaking that t tie we ququite n saw him witith t that. very m much drippingg with swean hiss shirt sleeves and otherers theyey're complainining about te fafact that this cost a a lot of money. in the grounds he was thingss nt ththat much but twelve million year as it is a lot of money -- this person pointing out that they spent twelve million here is just to discover that french
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pepeople want to pay fewewer ta. really a a good if youou do if u don't place is. so now i will ask k you to peope believe that this debate process will actually bring about change like policy chahanges. wellll there isn't a loss o of optimism out that right now ---i losssses att different polls beg undertaken the figaro which is of right leaning on a newspaper how this on its website do you think that your taxes are g goig to go down as a result all of the great debate. at twenty six thousand people voted 80% of them don't believe it's going to have that affected not really is theey objecective that seems to come out people want to pay fewer taxes. and france is it it's a cliche but front is the most heavily taxed of or the e. u. countries. and so it is a real issue for people and this is a really interesting piece in the new statesman i've written by porting book is a french journalist. at lee she doesn't live in france right now but she says that basically a model not call his response to this debate show he has learned nothing at
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the leisure and who took to they streets because of high taxation of petrol. in p particucular and i it was a feelining thatt the l little gus being h i in e pocket while thosose who are rich h wereettig away with everything. and s she says he's embracing public spendg cuts ratheher than thinking about reintroducing the wealalth tax which he did awayy with in twenty seventeen and s o people still feel that he is the prpresident of the r rich and he could. have made a realally big gestute that --- but yes hee basically s denying she sayays thahat the possibibility of genuine reform and now another thing thahat's t being talkedd about sat all that much is ththat machine asian w w are out in force again on saturday and let a phoness. chanting revolution they actually have their own bashin over the big debate they called it the true debate. nine hundred thousand people voted on that proposals interestingly the top thing that they came out with was that they want to have more of a say in the way the front is governed they want to have citizen referendums. at so yes they want lower taxes but they really want to say they want to have that own voice
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heard when it comes to ruling from snap whether that will happen it's a a toughie because the country has one sick over sixty male population of over sixty million people.. well and y your hit the united kikingdom to see how well referendums can end d up playing out
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04/08/19 04/08/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! the realt track of security needs we face and we have become obsessed with spending more and more on military weapons. in fact, have only a minor role to play in the national security of the country. amy: as president trump marks the 70th anniversary of nato with a push for numbers to
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increase military spending, we speak to joe cirincione, president of ploughshares fund,


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