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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 9, 2019 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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yeah butut it is welcome t to le frfrom paris world news a and analysisis from frorom my cat i mocky thesere the headlines. israel dececides early exit pols say the benny gantz may have pulled off. a surprise he centrist blue white alliances p predictable seats. benjamin netanyahu's party. city prime minister is claiming a c clear election victory for t right wing bloc led by his party the kut basically both men. let me make. one algieri hasas an interim president it's the man that the demonstrators. hahave long been shot inin thaty don't want t they see the kind f been silenhahas essentntially. extension of the food to flee the class.
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the when is warning the violence against civiliaians in libybya d be d defined as war crimes we sw back to that is urging calm. the rebels locally for half thte fifighting their w way to tripot least. forty seven kill collateral damage. ththe civil conflict the p powe. thank you veryy much for being with us you join usus some of focusing on the breaking ews the events u unfolding in isrsrael n election. it's in the throeoes of being resosolved andnd thatt couould n upset on the cards. bubut against is looooking likie ving thehe most number of seats various polls predicting his blue my line is set to be the biggest party. but the likud party leader benjamin netanyayahu is seekinga fifthh term as prime minister he has had the at publi backing us president donald trump and that's considered to be a positive thing. an israeli circles as it stands righght now both men are actuauy
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sayi that ththey have. won i suppose it depends how y u do the couounting. more important in israeli politics how you make e deals afterwards that's your captain or is s trying to set up t the l aviv headquartrters of the likud party catherine tell us about the mood thahat tell u us what people are saying. well t the music iss raw t the o yoyou they'd beenn hoping for ag paparty here tonight but it said well they're all some. celebrations going on it itt dos feel a little bit f forced their small groupss of people johnn saying. b. b. i is the king of israel bt some of the smiles are a bit at drool when it haha to be said n. members of the likud campaign say as s say that despite the is veryry tight exit polls -- which could spell bad n news benjamin netanyahu it's not confirm that they'd likike to point outut t e exit pollsls havave been n wronn the papasta thatt they stillll believe they ha the numbebers to startt. forming a governmenent say despe
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exit polls giving -- - that bending down cisco nation the alliance for the blue and whitee to lions- i lied in the numberr of s seats andnd despite those t polllls -- some ofof them pointg to w white house f for falll rit policies would be naturalal partners foror benjamin netanya. he s says he is going to starart tryiyi t to form a coalition thk the israeli people. for that faithh and sayss that the right wing not have a cleaear victory sayingng. get anywhere in for a long night here it's very tight indeed these resultsts --- a and i coud just be an upset on the cards him. nordstro coming back to o a very shortly for more sta across all developmpments for us it is a nl biter ayou sayy so catherine norris t trend that. at t the likud party heaeadquars wewere hoping very shohortly too to the othther side of tel avivo the apple w white lines at party headquartersrs beforee we e joia reporter that's briring it. on i international affairs commentator to preserve it here
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on t the setet of this -- what u how we expectct this one toto g? cleaning we senseded i think whn you u and i were talking earlier this l little difference e betwn netanyahu and cocounts. i'i'm not s so appears to be how it's puttingng out w what's remarkable about theelectionon is actctually netananyahu did nt haveve any ideological oppositin and asou know it's it't's been sasaid repeatedd time again. this is an electction they came down to the persrsonalities of e candididates themselves he was n electionon that realllly lap l d substance by w way of debebate t polilicies. and belelieve mee- isrsraeli society today ask a any israelis upup this is hardly a l lack off prpressing sococial issues to tk about -- frorom it you u know poverty issues f from infrasastructure education to healthth w what dominateded this campaign on both sidesoth of the blocks facacing t the two mn blblocs facacing off each other whetherr wre talkiking - -- benjamamin netanyahuhether we're talking bennyny ganz ithey both were almostt obled oblbligated but they werere alsoo inclineneo put the emphasisis in a verery d focuss on securityty. security security securitity n w
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obviously security is always been the pararamount issue in israel it's to say the least an understatement to sa it's a complex geopolitical regegion.. right they do you know that thatat's a no brainer but the degree to which m marcecurityy trumped all in thehe selection d thatat benny gantztz although portrarayed as inn a sense. the t the centrisist block his s blue and whihite a lines being centrist. in inn the absence of a a netanu typeigigure. he w would'vee been considereded benny gantz reaeally notot just right b but almost farar to thte riright on a lotot of the his is and the way he e expressed an inteterest to give you one inindicatorr. you know thehey're alslso -- arb parties o obvioususly in israely get a handful of seaea in n the elections in this s parliament s well -- benny gantz is alliance the so called moderate the centntrist block didn't even he and his partnerer in this alliae did not even think thehey ruled out t the possibility of a askig any of those ararab partities. o potentially joinn thehe coalitin
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if and when the occasision came for them to foform so. it's not really shows ideologicalllly. how close he was in manyy respts to o benjamin netanyahu and indndeed? it's t the israeli e election because e palestiniaians were looking very closely to e what hahappens because with h that we making that statetement a few ds agoo about he intendnded. to a annex city where it's thehe settttlement the second lap it's divisive polititics and it's a brand to politics a and has wor. mamarvelouslsly from - -- benjan netanyahu in the past will all remember onn the afternonoon of election day b back in two thouousand fifteen whe you talk about talk about the so called. hohordes off arab voters are beg bused to o the polls -- by thes- it by these ngogo groupss these left wing not -- non an ngo groups -- it was a warning and appaparently workeked it was a t minunute scare tactic that broht ose right wingers out off their easy chairirs maybe who weren'tt going to vovote b because t they figurered he was a shoo in n an. he got elelected and he we saw. echoes of that same strategegy again not least of which obviously with his comments about t the annexation - -- posy annexing -- pulse wayays of the west banank all of that o once n
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to m mobilize that f far right d that r right wing electotorate t the last minute w whether he bas off afterwards that'ss another question.. but t it's w worked in the actu- hue and c cry of the campaign in the throes of the endgame of the campaign douglas t thank you t t would annexationn has s some rey seriously nasty on the terms of that b but that's that's not jut to all of that too m much. right noww the we will analyze what it t means what it c could. for the palestinianan p populatn as well becausese klay than watchihingery closely what hahappenss. in the selection juster margie - benjnjamin netanyahu andnd up ay catsts both claiming victotory n the election in israel a double seven n studio we have anotherer guest is with this young ps fromom aales will l come to a ment sir. to get your points of v view at first l let's go to ninety m masy who is at the headquarters of the a blue and white alliance of basically benny gantz his partyty and n nt ll us whahat the mood is that. what are people saying around
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you? wellll. whwhen those exit polls are now the ten p pm local time this ro? says thahat was celelebrations g on for a good. forty minutes the stage behind me is noww set up f any g gs to comee and speakak ot relatively shortly and he e is y knowow prettyy presumably now find a a way to build what it'so lookoking like this to be a very fragile coalitionon if you canat them until. thee exit polls a as you knknow tonight telling us didierent things some holes -- saying and that there's's a dead h heat ben likud on body counts as i bloww mymy policyy that coalitions g g them sixty sixty each side i i reallyly. unprecedenented in israeli histy you need sixty one seats that's how w close they are. to get a governing majority. subban benjamin netatanyahu and that accounts we working the phones tonight tryrying to appel totoome of thohose are smaller parties to geget them on boardro get them over theine. atat towowards a majorityy now o might pedicabs be tryingo rereach out to o you tonight wee expectct him to o have the suppt of the labor policy. and of marriage thatt the two partiess of the left we don't know precisely how what is that
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i've done the w way hearing of marissa's thehe slightly. that's what i thought. not very well it's alslso about. useful as if any gagaps thereres that also kalani n now that's aa centntri policy they well with nice now. to see who in the previous coalition but could they split now and join benny gananz. maybe looook any also t them les see at the our policicies now ththat's a bigig one as the arab parties t themselves i into t t smalall partities at in this election. at a meeting t that we thoughghf thatat but would be diminisished actuallyly they could be very portant herere the projection it here is that he's one of thosose our policiciess one about. at sixteen and while it t is unlikely that our policiess woud agree to go into a formal coalition without a d down to fe any gaps itself is s also ruled that out. what we may see -- ist our policies and agreeing to follllw any guguns by any chance in some kind of minority government want
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this to o be a hung parlrliament here in israel that means. our policies and supports legislation does put through the knesseset -- by b bending down o would simply bee in a coalitioii would d also. be extraordinary giving our powers our o our policicies huge amount of f influence in israeli politics have a somomething that that long agagain so. it's's a complicated picture toninight lots of small policies to keepp our eye on but we'll b. watctching very closely i listening i in on racing a as wl somebody got to speak about states just t behind me. not f for now thank y you very h indeed witith spectacacles backo nadidia and catherine throughout this program that't's it's realy take the temperature what's being set. upup with the likud and i in a e so headquartrters thatt israel weatherews is it seems like
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it's a dead heat full. bothth candididates a a claiming victctory netanyahu sayayse's oe of the right wing alliaiance but it s seems thatt -- dance may he won the most n number of seseats wewere waiting to seee how they. is we'rere gonna shake down wita propoportional representntatione art of the e de verery much camm what happens nextt as s we geter next guest to analalyze the situation jumpedd after this professor of millie's contempt history it seems process thank you veryy much for beingg with . thank you -- what is yoyour ininitial reaction to what youoe been hearing?? wewell no surprprise havee a nes that -- thiss moment of the nigt to nobody would knows a truce. of w what would be the next knesseset it's a parliamamentary elelections and the is a questin of diseasese part two of that party a arriving first. to is not thehe main isissue i s at does been said repepeatedly it's about coalition. but again you know -- i is a controll freak the tease ruling israel's seems so thehe for the past decade that namame - --
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netanynyahu y you can seaeat int of your liquid militants are not given the lowow twenties it quos of he could because he knew.. that there w was a posossibilitf bad news w when's the f first.. and she goes would b be -- did very moments at t the a alld toto enter and have been a a wil brbriefed by- big b blows a a b. because t that's a a n nicknamea supporters are giving him weeze. respect and the affectition so n the other side to you know. move some kind of the twenty century union - -- over draw a reaction -- ins the blue and white and u until thehe and youe it for the other side of t that what is a twit quauarters up to hundred meters away from each other but they are liviving inn different planets you know. and i wasas talking to political siside row i'm sure i'm sure i'd
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show you i i'll take your popoit cocompletely yes because we're talking aboutut reach country wh a limited populatioion that the same time some kind o of laboratory for what he'ss democracy in the twewenty firsrt century. and insults nathaniel was certainlyy a groroundbreaker n t full o of positive reason a andi will stresss one point. one even talk about corruptption -- finae and all that sure you can talk about anything you wish the novels of nosese sociall netwows in allll social sonanata is coololed peacenik sl networks you know -- n nintendo decideded to make his whole campaign so and at the same time
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he has five mimillion f followen these different accounts annoyed because i justt finished a book about him and i'm of coursee you knknow all the o oldies accountd i got. wawas this whole you know - -- y of message and some kind of bot- and dance will j just you know running behind andnd trying to stay alive in the race to you know social network -- have this tendency. to to to burn down to content as a message in favor of the media. and this companany was all about and ththe is t the very fact tht two nights nobody's clearly we know he's a good newews because when yourr f fighter like netanu sayiyi i'm the one i'm the one that was. one the fact that you cannot claiaim victory is thatat clears good news certainly b but ninety six his first election.
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until the middle of the nighght peres saidid won't and even n te new york timimes. are the it's at the line onn the dedefeat off netanyahu. injury morning he he saidnehe oe prime mininister. so is thisis man is not only fighting a teaser last second of the last m minute of the last hr of the last day of the campaign to d date he was chattining on facebook quiuizzes fence. because he knows that in use rose e electoral roll doesn't -- for r beat any kind of cacampaig on social network even on t the election day. and you made it very. clclearuring his t time as a pre ministers of nobody wouldld -- d pass the legislation -- you shouldn't rules abobout h how -o use social networks in the political arerena. this iss a message from the thread to the rest of the democratic world this is what.
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an electoral campapaign could become. if social networks would provide fafascinatining stuff shop herer you from sales per m middle east and simply histotory professor. as w we heard so much morore bes the coming to read you booooks thanank you for coming in to chk yourur analysis with u us. on that that texas very neatly on to discuss the more she's about this israeaeli actions oky thank you veryry much for jojoig us. doug bring you back in to reflect a little jumumpy i was sasaying that i'm i'm i'm kind f parallels. spectacular perils with donald trump if f you can always graph dedemonte one anothther righthtk not just i was seriouslyly. i don't know who stole the p ply book theolitical p playbook from whom but you know especially you could say -- benjamin n netanyau to facebook with donald trump is to twitter both very savvy use -- arare using its populace pulpits so to speak really to get right ovever the h heads ofe so called media estabablishmentt ththe journaliststs t that theyh are very very much prone to bashing endlessly denigratiting journaliststs we we found the shopping i was sayingg yeah.. our our own j journalists on the ground to journanalists arere -e
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hasn't used the term the samee e dedemand donald trump has b been enemies of the peoplee essentially -- he's always been that and yeah i was gone after journals brain blamess a libibel elisist.. media including cohohort co hoos with --- jewisish leftistst andd liberals for basasically allll f his -- legal and judiciaial what what was the cororruption cases against him but bond just bashining jouournalists i mean e otheher pages y you member in tn thee recent --- out election campaign that the muslim caravan in the u.. s. donald trump all f a sudden the scene- magical muslimim caravan you know -- coming horordes off m muslims cg towardss the west bordeder was n in a c clear and p present dango us n national security we d't really hear about it all afterer the elelection or very very lite sensor to fade away or very nearly but the a arab bashing -- bashing of all opponents thehese are all tactics thahat bototh of these menen they're kindreded spirits d donald trump and theye both fans of each other and very hard allies donalald trump gavea lot of gifts to a net and you know in this campaign we could
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talk abobout that. i ess some michaell the amican difference in thehe israeli elecection i think somef the sosome have called it thatat indeed douglas thank you will discuss discussing more about netanyahu articles benenny gantz as we go through this -- livive from paris program too l low. firsrs time doug thank you. joining us noww f from a busines angle as ever kate moody how are you i'm well mamark where you gt to tell us what we're lolookingt the rolee the israelili economyn thisis year's e elections.. because e of course issues of securi and c corruption arere tp priorities for voters b but the economy is s playing a role as wellll here mark. the e cost of livingng in isrars relatively high at alththough brght econonomic data are strong inequality is rampant. as you can see here over the past decade or so under benjamin netanynyahu -- the economy's haa rocky stretch but recovered fairly well growing about three point 3% last year. forecast for t the coming yearss for the rest of the global economy are slightly weaker -- among the most successful industries is the high tech start up secector which is boom. bluestar israel technologyndex
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is up 20% this yearar that's aa stronger pace eveven thatt america's tech companies. overall the sector employs about 10% of israel's work force. gap between rich and poor and the highest poverty rate among oecd developed nations. about a quarter of the population living below or near the povertyy line. the statistics are significantly higher among israel's for ultra orthodox and arab populations. almost half of palestinian citizens of israelin poverty. the european union and china have agreed to strengthen thatt their tradining relationship describing it as a brerethrough. the joint statatement issued in brussels comes as both cut both sidess front after months of
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intensnse negotiations beijing signaled it was willing to open up its economy to companieies fm europe. european firms will alsoso n no longnger be f forced to share tr technological knonow how t to ga foothold in china. a long time dimond fro the block i alslso will come t to fx explicitly with. that this would be no forced cocounselor of technologies as a price for investing. as we work inn the global levevl we also o want. to m move from all together for that -- corporations who makes sense for both sides the pledges from beijing comome j just weeke french president said there needed to be a coordinated european approach in dedealingg with china. and while both sides acknowlwlee they are in competetition they want to work in a multilateral environment the two sides reaffirmed a joioint commitmene. to cooperate on n wto revolveveo
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ensure its continued to eleleve. and allow it to addressss global trade challelenges. the declaratioion in brusls commenents bototh the e. u. and china are engaged i in trade negotiations with the united statates. while wawashington and beijingne reportedly close to string a dedeal thehe e. u. has once agan come intnto the crosshairs of te u. president. on mononday he threatenedd to sp tariffs on eleven billion dollars of european expororts to the uniteded statess. the renewed threat of terrororit plus a gloomy outlook from the way down global trade thisund he tuesday abbas has talked about 2%. well drinks and carbon plane parts manufacturers dropped across europe it acts on nearly 1% at the close wall street also closed lower the dow jones chatting about a hundred and eighty points by the closing bell. investors fairly pessimistic about the trade outlook. as well as earning season which kicks off later this week with major banks set to report their
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first quarter profits. of coursee we'll have that and all t the rest of f the businins throughout the week mark as i would expectt katate t thank yoy much thehe great c. k. that with all t the businesess myself look theree what's happepening is rod costa matchch andnd lots of peoe ththat were waititing to seee. where it goes stocks andnd shars michaeael i topically thehe big issues a at stake in this roundd thank y you for reflecting? the situtuation we continue our special looook the israelili elections james green joins us for well he's alonene mediawatch takenn what's happening but also lookok at somomething. online yes israel wise approachh too o close to call as the old hand e expression woods how thas true thougugh and it is and thas the headline on the headlines on most o of the israeli news websites that are covering. this at election evening -- you can see it there on haaretz dot com accounts is now you t tighto cure pasta premiershship for either just quickk quickck throh some of f the journalists and others tweeting about this. on a social on on twitter obviously enough the hopes of netanyahu's opponents now hinge on channel twelve which gave guns a four seat advantage sixty
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sixty tie in the blocks. in the examples which i'm levin and thirteen netanyahu is the next prime minister so basically three channels examples across the threeee channel twelve gives ones that result gave walk it'ts one five vicictor. on eleven thirteen s says its mission who controls the jack that's the queuestion -- you gol ust us with on to give the bestst we c can we're we're just telling you don't trust the others absolute euphoria here blue white headquarters only channel twelve results posted though so you for yeah based on what channel you're looking out race because if you feel the channel. you be somewhat less. as a vested interested to wowork sosome donon't maybe t they mige in a c certain way in any in n y case dance and yeah you're nonot dadate they were p proclaing victory the israeaeli public has had their say they know whatat's coming. but as i as i i'm chill out for for here all of our parents says they know it's premature and they know that the examples can polls can turn around. and i think they're cashing in
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basically by the comp meanwhile binyamin netanyahu to exactly the same thing -- and basically he said we want to a definite victory well actually depending on what. you have a pencil you counted the ratios i thank the cititiesf israelel for refererred for ther trust and i will ststart by simy a rice -- - that the govovernmet with our natural part three partners tonight he might be getttting ahead of h himself but there. i johnhn linden all o of us who think he you dirirector of i'll connect d dot c. lines from t te pieces an organization of a hundreredifferent t -- that yep. remember he e says the exit pols only rececord v votes countntedp until eight pm. in twentnty fifteen run 3 30% ol voters cast their ballots in the last two hours that's nearly eleven knesset seats. that's a good insight isn't there you go i m mean thahat's e lyndon stop basically circles back to the headlines we don't know last wednesday. and now a couple more -- points off and his affection at social media was been use considerably by candidates such as netanyahu on election date now we all know that you're not really meant to be going on tv or be interviewe. by the networks on election d dy sosocial m media hasas allowed
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candidateses to sort o of get yu knowow to kindnd of run get a ad ththose laws but it isis tesng e limimits off those laws governig electition or you did see. menn netanyahu at the beach for example it is a public h holiday in israel and there he is with microphone and hans knknowing vy well that he is. up to six millioion people following hihim on various socil media platformrms so you know is it's it's certainly a w way of getting around t those ls which acactually don't allow for campaigning. eyes at a you know as the election nears and final twenty four hours -- it so he basically telling people get off the beac. you shouldn't be doing this on channel you've gone to the polls which was done in a jovial talking away but it's also point you know he he means us. and at meanwhile if this was a an interesting one and i mean that that the port monte fell off his motorbike but i i man fell off his motorbike. and and this was on on on a and also with the group -- for and who was there o on the scecene y atat mr counts and he he tendedo the and thahat thahat that gentn ququestion who had sustaineded e injujuries. ununtil that the medical servics came along which led to so heheadlinenes such as this whici suppose you can't complain about
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on election day what was it again -- as peers have gone e up but itit was a hold on i need to geget this rightht yeah. it said -- it said -- scrolling up scrolling up scoring onset of annual actually won election day that's on likeke that. headline sportrts becausese this news celebrities in it and thank you could i should be taking his campaign as well becaususe i should havseen it using his military tining says former soldiers now. that's right he happenened upon this was the first week wee get went over attttended to the guyy for the medical peoe comoming on so it wawas quite genereral week thing and it it leads. toto a real x. in the rightht tg it's completely he certainly did you count it couounts argue without. in any case another big item that was building -- today was hidden security cameras -- not these these were found on certain at right wing campaigners supporters allegedly of the likud party w who were hanging around polling stations inin certain our neighghborhoodw it. the kyrie here at least to that what it's not even a theory of right wing source told haaretz newspaper that the move was aimed to preserve the purity of
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the election and to ensure. that the arab party rom ballade won't pass electorall fragile to falsifications so essentially likud campaignersrs. were e equipped with these cames becausee there there wasas a lak of trust in terms of the pro but see a all of i i of ice was coug votes in fact. in a in those campaign. centers there youou go there the camerass a lototf peoplee talkig top isis illegalal it's good... but it doesn't stop people doiog and the numbeber of the issues about social netwking on the internet and thehe fact that anybybody can afffford a camamee role in these phones and we cann dodo about that is pusushing the boundaries of everything it seseems these days.. james thank you might thank you very much to mediawatch bubusinesses so wewe'll happenig right allies i in the isisraeli electitions netananyahu againste both say they'y've won stay with
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04/09/19 04/09/19 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democrcracy now! >> today the united states is continuing to build its maximum pressure campaign against their rainy and regime. -- iranian regime. in accordance with section 219 of the iigrationon and nationality act.t. amy: in an unprecedented move, the trump administration has formally


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